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well, I thought something like that - because it's the area, where RoR rules - for rapid prototyping
but when you want to do something differently, it sucks.
@edorian Silex uses Pimple: silex-project.org/doc/services.html
See, this is exactly what I dislike about it. They show you three lines of code and claim how easy it is to do shit when in reality you do need much more lines of code and there is a crapload of stuff and things going on hidden from your view.
@Gordon I don't care if fabpot names one of his arrays "service container" but it's just a array
(yeah i know it's not)
it is just an array (in object form)
I'm not saying you can write everything you need yourself in 1-2 days
Sure you can.
Writing code is easy
figuring out what to write is the hard part
It's just a very painless (and non hurtful to design) to get a router and a concept of "controllers" and some place to put your factories
(the place is not in the $app object)
@edorian you have a point.. very easy to set up basic
If you use all of its features it's getting really questionable
* a basic.... erm.. whatever. MVC framework.. DIY framework. whatever you're talking about #toolazytoreadup
Q: php5 mail() function sendmail error

sadmicrowaveI'm trying to use php's mail() function but keep getting an error. I've installed sendmail via sudo apt-get install sendmail, edited my /etc/php5/cli/php.ini file adding the following text to these lines: sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail -t sendmail_from = [email protected] I ...

now to find some middle ground here
Should you use the service container? Heck no, but you shouldn't build one yourself ether
So as far as I'm aware of the php eco system it's the best thing short of doing everything yourself
well, that's the ticket
figure out what's important to your project, do that yourself. Everything else, take the "good enough" solution
(Because it has no inherent design problem that makes it unusable in a sane way)
you have to do a lot of things yourself , because the code you can find on net contains 99.95% crap
it is better to create your own repository of "components" that you can reuse
@teresko I'm not saying "don't use components" btw. but there are structure decissions that frameworks force on you and those tend to hurt all the code you produce for a project
and maybe have some bookmarks with github pages from people who have clue
.. to find an example of a horribly coded component that i still would use...
@edorian gross overgeneralization, but sure
Zend_Cache & Zend_PDF
it's painful to look at, it makes me cry inside
ZF is a collection of libraries , and not a framework
yeah, i was talking about components
but a tiny wrapper class (esp for the cache) and I can live with it because i know i can throw it away easily
@ircmaxell gross overgeneralization is what I'm known for
if you write a wrapper for a cache you should not think about trowing away
I'm not arguing it's not true :-P
@teresko Why not? That's exactly what the wrapper lets you do
yeah , but if you have a wrapper for APC , it much better to just .. emm .. expose a common interface , and then later add a wrapper for Redis cache , or some other form of cache
which implements same interface
right, so if you write a quick wrapper for Zend_Cache, it becomes trivial to throw away ZendCache and replace it with something else better suited to the needs...
well , i guess thats a way to do this too
I think we're all talking about the same thing, just thinking different meanings
i'm just not so sure about the benefits of using Zend_Cache in first place
btw , is it just me or "scale" has become a dirty word ?
It made the switch from redis to memcache to memcached pretty easy (changing one string)
what does that mean?
every time i want to use this word , i cringe inwardly
@teresko It's massively overused by people that don't further explain what they mean or havn't understood it at all. Like MVC. --- So: agreed
How to i do whoami in php.. I'm to stupid to google that right now.. it seems
@teresko I use it fairly often, but I try to qualify it with the situation
@edorian one of the pcntl functions?
and the uid <=> name mapping?
.. yeah, got it. Thanks :)
somehow $user `whoami`;  looks nicer than $userinfo = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid())['user'];
best command in Win7 : DISM /online /cleanup-Image /spsuperseded
cleans up the winsxs
@teresko winsxs? WinSexts?
is afraid to try
at least little bit
windows side by side
posted on May 11, 2011

On the PHP On Windows section of the DZone.com site Giorgio Sironi has a new post looking at the process (and script he's created) to create a UML diagram with PHP from a project's current class structure. Sometimes you need to share a design with your colleagues. You can walk him through the code, and explain which classes and interfaces you created, but there are higher abstracted models

the MS's solution for DLL-hell
fair enough I guess
its the single largest folder in win vista/7 installation
Q: FILE_GET_CONTENTS not working file is there and permission are all fine

UnknownI am trying to read a file, from disk and i am getting the "failed to open stream: No such file or directory" File exists and directory has 0777 permissions... Please suggest. Code: $file_path = get_input('images_folder') . $object->orignal_pic_name; // Path is like:: /home/etc/php_apps...

/home/etc ?!?!?
what the fuck ?
typedef boolean enum {
@teresko shared hosting maybe?
@teresko uhhh, there's something wrong there
and yes: outch
@edorian unless you have a user with name "etc"
@ircmaxell are you able to help me with yesterdays Q yet?
Poor Edward Tchenekov
I made a php image proxy so I can do various cross-domain stuff with JavaScript, but the image isn't caching on the browser... how can I help it cache?
add expires headers
+ you could actually add another caching layer on the server
@Neal Fighting my own battles at the moment
post it here and perhaps someone else can help
@ircmaxell lol how do i search my chat history? its only showing me like the last 50 msgs
found it:
click the "room" button, and "full transcript" in the resulting menu
22 hours ago, by Neal
@ircmaxell so basically i have a script that tracks the last movement on the page (that is in js) but i hava php comet backend. so i want that if it is 6pm. if there is no mouse mouve ment in the next 15 minutes then goto logout, otherwise restart the timer on mouse move
22 hours ago, by Neal
$time_now = time();
        if ( $time_now > strtotime( $todays_date." 6:00PM" ) ) {  //auto logout script
            $timeout = 60*3; // 3 minutes
//            $timeout = 900; //15 minutes

            $seconds_past = $time_now - $_SESSION['RMS']['last_move'];
            $min_left = floor(($timeout - $seconds_past)/60);
            $sec_left = ((($timeout - $seconds_past)/60) - $min_left) * 60;
            echo '  comet.showLogout("'.$min_left.':'.$sec_left.'");'.PHP_EOL;

            if($seconds_past > $timeout){
thats the Q
you could wrap this in at least a function
@teresko ??
some thing that explains what that code must do
i told what it does
its on an inifite comet page
here is the whole code:
one sec
$index = 0;
    $todays_date = date("m/d/Y");

    while(1) {
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" class="comet_script">'.PHP_EOL;
        if(!isset($_SESSION['login'])|| $_SESSION['login'] == false){ //logout if session is not set
//            echo '<script type="text/javascript" class="comet_script">'.PHP_EOL;
            echo '  window.parent.location = "../logout.php";'.PHP_EOL;
            echo '</script>'.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
        $time_now = time();
        if ( $time_now > strtotime( $todays_date." 6:00PM" ) ) {  //auto logout script
there ya go
its in an infinite frame
@teresko whats wrong with my code?
here is the pastebin: pastebin.com/EY7H4845
make all the comments you want
There has got to be a better way to do while(1)
@CharlieBrown thats how forever frame works... its forever
@CharlieBrown do {...} while(1 !== 2)
@Zirak lol thats basically the same thing
All hail RecursiveDOMIterator
@Neal orly? :P
My personal favorite: for( ; ; ) { while(true) { do {...} while(false); } }
oh yeah, that was is great too
hi evrywiny!
If your looking for inactivity, why not just reset the timer on mouse movement?
@CharlieBrown ... i do, but thats not the issue, i only want the 15 minute timer to start at 6pm
@Gordon yep
@edorian mine!
@CharlieBrown but its not starting at 6pm. it starts before bc at 6 pm (if i have not moved my mouse in the past 15 mins) it logs out
@Gordon Will be in production in 40 days
Holy crap, this is awesome (view with Webkit): jsfiddle.net/88Wsn
@edorian aah, the wiki doesnt say it, but you have to license that from me and it's 1c per each node iterated
whoa, they redid the php site
what about checking the diff between now and 6pm, then set a timer that starts the check after the diff expires?
@CharlieBrown thats what its doing... did you read the code?
@edorian curious what usecase you found for it though cuz i never found any that i couldnt also solve with xpath
yes, sorry i may not be explaining well
i was trying to think of ways to avoid the forever loop
@CharlieBrown ... i dont want to avaoid the forever loop, i need it for my comet implementation
@Neal could use register_tick_function;
@Gordon heh?
@Gordon remove all textnodes from a document
@edorian why would i want to do that?
@Neal to substitute the while loop
@Gordon again -- why would i want to do that?
@edorian you can query all textnodes with //text()
@Gordon Err. not all.. sorry.. All empty textnodes (only whitespace)
@Neal to get rid of the while loop.
@Gordon your not answering the why
@Gordon i need the while loop for comet
@Neal I am answering why, but you really want to know what for
@Gordon obviously not. i have no idea what u are talking abt lol
thats a difference :)
@Gordon so tell me
I have no idea. Ask Charles
@Gordon huh?
im very confused. can some rly help?
I would rarely recommend using an infinite loop, but if you must (or have to), the loop condition should check if it needs to stop, maybe a bit flag. You know your domain best, so if you need it, you need it.
@Gordon You're right, xpath is easier
@edorian try //text()[normalize-space(.) = ""]
@CharlieBrown .... it does not need to stop, its called an infinite frame for a reason
Comet is a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term, encompassing multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins. The Comet approach differs from the original model of the web, in which a browser requests a complete web page at a time. The use of Comet techniques in web development predates the use of the word Comet as a neologism f...
This is funny
@Zirak what is?
Them concentrating on something you didn't ask, and ignoring your replies.
@Zirak i know... its really annoying.... can you help me out here? (either with asking the Q or answering it?)
Sorry, nope. Trying to not lose a bet.
@Zirak bet?
about what?
@Neal I made a bet with a friend after he laughed at me, that I could make a decent blogging system in 3 weeks. That was two weeks ago.
@Zirak what does that have todo with my Q? lol
I have 1 week left, and only made the basic blog (post and read) functionality without redirects, and some basic user control...
You asked me "what bet"
Nobody cares about me QQ
@neal i don't know if this post is relevant to your question, but here it is ajaxian.com/archives/comet-with-php
@ultrajohn you realize that article is from 5 years ago
yep, hence my statement...
thats basically the article i used to start my implementation
hence the while(1){
I thought Comet was supposed to poll by using the response of one poll to trigger the next call?
@CharlieBrown lol then you dont know what comet is
@Neal from the Wikipedia entry you just sent me "The browser makes an Ajax-style request to the server, which is kept open until the server has new data to send to the browser, which is sent to the browser in a complete response. The browser initiates a new long polling request in order to obtain subsequent events."
@CharlieBrown read about inline frame or forever frame that is what im doing
yes, i read that
the one @Neal is using is the iframe infinite non-pooling approach i believe...
wouldn't that keep the server connection open, eating browser time?
so it is now working? i don't know comet actually, ehehe am just interested in this thing...
yeah, same question here...
the wiki artcle seems to suggest that
A: PHP - best way to initialize an object with a large number of parameters and default values

G molviWith php 5.3 check the documentation of func_num_args and func_get_args that way you can have a list of passed arg and then process them . func_num_args — Returns the number of arguments passed to the function func_get_args — Returns an array comprising a function's argument list

OMFG. That will be interesting answer-wise
@CharlieBrown it does not eat browser time
@ultrajohn yes, yes i am
@CharlieBrown i belive websites like facebook and gmail use a comet approach for alot of things
@Gordon , only if you could have private tags for users
( if you have read anything about information organization in user-driven sites )
this is one of the questions where you could mark a lot of people with
@teresko that's what I said
yeah ?
yeah. interesting was the euphemism for that
ehh .. at least one good thing done today - deleted 40GB of crap from my hdd , and did at least some reorganization in books folder
posted on May 11, 2011

DevShed has a recent post looking at a handy feature PHP includes to let you be a bit more flexible with your session handling - the custom handlers that can be used for fun things like MySQL session handling. Now the default PHP session management functions work just fine for most uses, and there is no reason to create a custom session handler if all you have is one server with a moderate

is there a way to ignore the bot ?
1. - wrong
2. - wrong
@teresko - you mean @Feeds? just add it to your ignore list
3. - correct but explained horribly
6, 7 - wrong
@KamilTomšík the main issue I have with those and why I removed them from my Twitter as well was that their stuff is often quite outdated. The one you linked is from 28 Oct 2008.
the whole article looks like: hey, we haven't written any article for some last time, hmmm, we do java, right? and php sucks, right? and php has similar syntax and has interfaces, so let's write some enlightening article about it. we know how to design software better than them.
the problem is - php is much more dynamic and a lot of things are not issue in php. (like accessors)
@Gordon yes, I found link on some other site in section "best articles" or so, and I knew it will be terrible but I couldn't resist
ok , im away to do some shoplifting
dont talk about anything interesting
Can anybody explain me why the topic "Hidden features of PHP" is closed while the same topic in C#, Java and others are not? (((
is there any possibility to open it again?
Can you explain to me why it matters?
let's go close them too :-P
@Zirak just because it's cool, and I don't think that if several people don't like it they can close it
yeah, let's close them
at least it would be fair )
posted on May 11, 2011

On PHPBuilder.com there's a new article showing you how to create a dynamic username validator with the combination of PHP, MySQL and jQuery to do some of the front end work. One of the easiest ways to streamline the registration process is by providing the user with real-time feedback regarding username availability. This is accomplished by monitoring the registration form's username field

First time seeing this, it doesn't really feel like a chat room. Feels like someone's Facebook page.
It is pretty snappy though.
duuno ... your IRC experience must be quite limited then
because it feels a lot like IRC to me
Yeah I usually use MIRC or chatzilla
my condolences
this is much more fancy
Can we run commands here?
i said that not because this is better , but because you have managed to use two of the worst IRC clients
have a suggestion or not?
@WesleyMurch , we can recommend stuff , but you will be disappointed with the answers
How helpful.
Give me a suggestion, since you seem to have such strong feelings about it. I will judge for myself if I want to use it.
Off the top of your head... anything
Very well, that's pretty much what I expected. GL
@WesleyMurch , eat vegetables
here .. a suggestion for you
please let me know how to main tain script for php
like this
instead of <?php ?>
You need to turn short tags on in your php.ini
don't do that though
@JigneshDev , dont use them
if there is even a change that you might loose control over hosting for that code of your , it might break because you used short_tags
short tags are great
dont , just dont
the short_tags should have been deprecated since 5.x
but the were not only because of internal politics
I think you can set them using ini_set, inside bootstrap process, so this debate is IMHO pointless :)
no, you cannot set it in ini_set
body there
@JigneshDev Nope
body there
@teresko I read that as were deprecated
I really don't see why people complain I get that it's a PITA to move code around
but if you control your servers who give a crap
"should have been"
learn to read
Yeah I saw
besides , using short_tags is a bad practice
Only because your code is not portable
.. wasn't that the underlaying reason for all "best practices" ?
and again if you're designing an application just for you and your servers it saves on typing "php echo" a ton of times
@austinbv It's less readable, is not xml compliant, is not portable, is not consistent, etc
not xml compliant?
1 year for now, I can envision you frustrated, telling your client "But it works on my machine!"
@ircmaxell ah, I see - only for php < 5.3
sorry then
@Zirak some people can see only as far as next friday
I see all the way to sunday thank you very much
As someone who had to refactor a giant tag soup 70% made out of short-hand php calls, I'll tell you this: Don't. The next person will find you. They will hunt you down.
And then they will eat you. That's why you shouldn't use the <? ?> tags.
And <?=
Why are cool 4 real :(
I need help in my structuring of my code / way to code it nice
I am working on this album viewer with next/ prev functions.. runs ajax call to a file and this returns stuff for showing the next photo
Now this file, is making a query to the database to get photo information
for the upcoming picture..
@Karem - and?
Now I have more "sections" that use this same album viewer. Private users albums, uses this, and then the club also uses this..
I made alot of if else back then, and worked fine
And then now I am going for making so it takes your next favorite marked picture
so you can view through your "favorite album"..
I made the query and everything, but i need help with all these if else and switch.. it looks ugly and confusing
are you asking or braging?
@ircmaxell unbeleivable :-D and you know what? it's not a long time when J2EE hostings had shared vm and any system.exit() shot down all hosted sites :-D
Ok forget everything I just want tip on how I can do my code better, let me pastebin and you will understand

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