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@KamilTomšík How does that answer the question? It was a short explanation on inheritence
The title says "subclass" the text seems like it would be asking "when do i split a class into multiple classes
@Zirak it means - think twice - and if you're not sure, don't do it
@Zirak have a "liskov substitution principle" in mind too - your class has to be exchangable for any parent class
@KamilTomšík why would you extend a Rectangle , to get a Square ?
what exactly you could add to it ?
all the calculations stay the same
What would you do about a circle and an elipse?
Square is just a Rectangle which has same height and width
@ircmaxell that would depend on what sort of formulas you used for methods
@teresko hint: it's not possible to abstract a circle as a special-case elipse
you can calculate everything about circle with eclipse's formulas , but not other way around
but the APIs need to be different
ok , granted
The circle-ellipse problem in software development (sometimes known as the square-rectangle problem) illustrates a number of pitfalls which can arise when using subtype polymorphism in object modelling. The issues are most commonly encountered when using object-oriented programming. The problem concerns what subtyping or inheritance relationship should exist between classes which represent circles and ellipses (or, similarly, squares and rectangles). More generally, the problem illustrates the difficulties which can occur when a base class contains methods which mutate an object in a ma...
I find myself stuck on an annoying but probably trivial problem
I've created an object that contains a multidimensional array. I'd like to use the values of the array with a templating engine but my object's arrays are nested so deeply that I don't know how to access the values I need.
these are the keys I need:
store the data differently
fails to see the problem
but using loops has been frustrating
guys... I said it's a bad idea - inheritance is not a solution for this (either rectangle, or square)
I've been trying to think of how
what I'm running into
@KamilTomšík agree
that's a little annoying is
@KamilTomšík i leaned geometry before programming =P
several of my object's attributes are populated in a for loop
if rectangle were mutable, I would model this as a role. (dynamicly added mixin which would extend UI for new abilities) - because it's really just a state of rectangle - which can be generalized to role

if not, I would stick up with composition.
the for loop repeats four times
I have 13 attributes stored and I'm unable to retrieve more than four of them
@KamilTomšík , i would have class Quadrilateral , and then decorate it
@teresko which is not a solution - square is really special case of rectangle
and rectangle is case of quadrilateral
i know
hey anybody wanna help with a lil problem i have?
@KamilTomšík , so that i can add different API for same mathematical functions
@Neal we can't read minds
... no , thats not decorator
@ircmaxell haha i know. but you are doing something else.
there must be a name for the pattern
can you do two things at once?
@Neal I routinely do 5 or 6 at once
lol ok
@ircmaxell I do ;)
breath & think
@teresko pattern? :)
@ircmaxell so basically i have a script that tracks the last movement on the page (that is in js) but i hava php comet backend. so i want that if it is 6pm. if there is no mouse mouve ment in the next 15 minutes then goto logout, otherwise restart the timer on mouse move
$time_now = time();
        if ( $time_now > strtotime( $todays_date." 6:00PM" ) ) {  //auto logout script
            $timeout = 60*3; // 3 minutes
//            $timeout = 900; //15 minutes

            $seconds_past = $time_now - $_SESSION['RMS']['last_move'];
            $min_left = floor(($timeout - $seconds_past)/60);
            $sec_left = ((($timeout - $seconds_past)/60) - $min_left) * 60;
            echo '  comet.showLogout("'.$min_left.':'.$sec_left.'");'.PHP_EOL;

            if($seconds_past > $timeout){
@KamilTomšík what was the name for pattern when you wrapped same object to provide different APIs ?
o k . . .
there was one
@teresko add functionality? Or just change the API
really bad with names
@ircmaxell ok but it is just making it logout at 6pm if there was NO mouse move since 545, which i dont want
well, change 0600 to 06:15
@ircmaxell yes, but i still want to display the echo ' comet.showLogout("'.$min_left.':'.$sec_left.'");'.PHP_EOL; from 6-615
two beers or not two beers, that is the question
@teresko Three beers :)
ok. hurry back soon ^_^
@Robik :-p
three will be too much
Then 2,5 and one donut
<ot>Is here Any D/C++ programmer?</ot>
Because my room is empty :<
@teresko it's probably named "multiple public interfaces" and it's only in php/java/c#
@Godon @ircmaxell Are you there?
w00t! im % 5
@ircmaxell your back?
49 secs ago, by ircmaxell
@Robik well he did answer no :-p
(assumed he)
@Neal i am % 100
@Robik whoa ur a nice even number
Yup :D
lucky u
Lucky me
no meaning yes?
Whoa! Two lucky things in a row!
did the page just crash for anyone else?
What the hell is going one here?
@Robik wadya mean? :-p
@Neal no
I mean some fast moves in highlights
@Robik No what?
No crash
i need a lil more than 1000 for mod tooools
whatever those are
gtg, later
Later @KamilTomšík
@Neal i Need 19000 REp to trusted user
and i need abt 11000
i think mod things might be more useful tho
What's in the moderator tools?

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@Robik yes.
who cares about Rep ?
it's just something you can spend on questions
@teresko Me
then you are doing it wrong .. again
And again... better tell me what i am doing wrong not ;)
Well, Rep is not everything, privileges are :)
@ircmaxell are you back yet?
@ircmaxell do you have a macro thats responding no to everything?
He's not saying no :(
You try
naaah im good. i just need to fix my problem..
34 mins ago, by Neal
@ircmaxell so basically i have a script that tracks the last movement on the page (that is in js) but i hava php comet backend. so i want that if it is 6pm. if there is no mouse mouve ment in the next 15 minutes then goto logout, otherwise restart the timer on mouse move
hey everyone
shalom, hola, hello
quick question : should i get a beer or not ?
yes shalom
lookit up
i think he is from USA ... hmm no .. he isn't
posted on May 10, 2011

On the Zend Developer Zone today Cal Evans points out a podcast he thinks the software developers out there should give a listen to - SitePoint's latest "Six Pixels of Seperation" episode, How to Get Serious About Your Creativity. The interview with Steven was Episode #251 of Six Pixels, "How to Get Serious About Your Creativity". I really enjoyed the episode and since creativity is a big p

@teresko The answer is always "yes"
@teresko i am from the usa
shalom is hebrew
i know
ahhh haaa
im just referring to the fact that most Americans are oblivious to the existence of something called "rest of the world"
Like China
@teresko ahhh haaaa. where u from if not america?
@Neal , place called Latvia
@teresko sounds like fun
Is it possible to have negative rep? Like a new user posting a question which gets downvoted.
thats near poland right?
@Zirak i think the min is 1
yeah , almost next to
Latvia near Poland? O_o
@Robik where is it then?
I would bet it is in Czech Republic or Sloviaka
Whoops :(
I was thinking about city :>
well its hard to find me on the map
Damn, i should translate it first
someone should buy atlas for @Robik
It's sounds completly other than in my lang
@Robik ??
Well, i didn't know translation for Latvia
why do u need to translate it? its a country name.. no?
It is
Germany in german is called Deutschland , for example
I need to translate almost every post here :)
@Robik how do you do that?
@neal translate.google.com
@Robik what about for all the posts that you post yourself?
in latvian Russia is called "Krievija" .. spells like creaviya
@teresko Anyway you have higher GDP there :)
@teresko Polish name for Lativa is Łotwa, i couldn't guess
dunno .. sounds similar
Łotwa (łot. Latvija, Republika Łotewska – Latvijas Republika) – państwo w Europie Północnej, powstałe po [[I wojna światowa|I wojnie światowej
hehe i had to use google translate
lol what ?
Translations PL<->EN sucks
China <-> EN are even better(i guess)
@Robik , that coat of arms is wrong
w00t, im % 100!
I've over 1000!!!
@teresko Huh?
im actually % 800
@Neal I'm % 1000, beat that :0
wait, im also % 1100
@Teresko gimma correct and i will change
the coat of arms that showed up from Wiki-link was for en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daugavpils
@Robik beat u :-p
@Robik , it was a mistake in parser , not in the wiki article
the wikipedia parser is broken
@teresko yea
@ircmaxell Back?
@ircmaxell uhhh u okay?
@ircmaxell Is angry, everyone split up!
vpn just dropped out
3 days of data transfer lost
It was a giant file I guess
Crysis 3 ?
that mysql dump ?
yeah, mysql dump
okay, i split up, peace
posted on May 10, 2011

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest interview with a member of the PHP community today - Giorgio Sironi. Cal's "three questions" for Giorgio about his work in unit testing: Can you quickly define what "designing for testability" and how it's different from normal application design? Can you define the "take a shower" methodology as it relates to TDD? Can you talk

Hi guys, small question :D
if($var=i_will_return_false()) echo 'asd';
will 'asd' be outputed?
@Tom Why don't you test and see for yourself?
@Zirak i concur
I tested and it seems to be like that, but I don't know if I can generalize based on my test case
is the $var evaluated or the correct execution of the function that will assign a value to $var?
When you do $var = functionCall();, $var is equal to the returned value of functionCall.
yes, I actually know that much
but will "if" check for the value of $var?
when used like that...
In the case that it's false, $var will be false, so asd will not be outputted. Why would it not be checked? It's in the condition
write a unittest for that
It's like saying "will dance be executed if(false) dance();, because false may not be checked".
Well my doubt was if when I do if(<expression>) it will check the expression to be right
or just the variable that gets a value assigned by that expression
well thank you =)
No problem at all.
Hey guys, I'm needing to use a regex command to find all instances of a certain word in a long string and replace it with all stars e.g. - ( ass ) becomes ( *** )...I'm not good enough with regex syntax to figure this out yet though....
I need to check for white spaces on each side of the word where 'ass' is an element in an mysql returned array
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $qry_words ) ) {

I got this far then didn't know how I should escape to include the $row['word']
actually you could do it with strpos()
i don't see the point in employing regex for this
@teresko - because my main string might have ' ass ' in multiple locations
@teresko embarrass will match.
you cannot write a regex what will catch 'a.s.s.ho.le'
@Zirak correct, unless I use regex with \S on both sides of the search word
@sadmicrowave \S matches a non-whitespace character, \s does
@teresko - thats what my blacklist of badwords in mysql table is for
so you are willing to look for 10'000 badwords for every comment ?
@Zirak your right my bad
how about you just implement user-powered flagging
@teresko I don't know what that is
I'll go with teresko on that one. You're hopeless against the people wanting to cuss.
you are using a site which has it implemented
@sadmicrowave Make an option for users to report foul language
@Zirak then I would have to have a site monitor/moderator that checked periodically and penalised users for foul language or removed the post......
I would rather replace all foul language with ****, then I don't have to keep tabs on the site...just let it run
@sadmicrowave But you can't replace everything, because they have the time and need to find a hole in your system.
maybe this is his first day on internet
Off the top of my head you have ass, a.s.s, a.s.s., a$$, @$$, a s s...
@Zirak - your right, I can't replace everything, but since this is solely going to be used on my company's intranet I have moderate faith that users will not sit around all day and think of ways to circumvent the profanity filter....
@sadmicrowave Then why write one at all if you have moderate faith? It's not that hard to come up with such simple exploits
if it is intranet page , then require people to register with real names
that should cut down on profanities
@teresko - I have
well , then what is the problem ?
the problem is I don't want to sit at my desk all day for the rest of the existence of this site removing foul language or responding to flagged posts
people want to use rude language in the intranet , and they will continue to use it even if you begin to add filters
i dont see how this is even a "development problem"
I understand that, and I agree with you completely. But to sit by and do nothing is a terrible way to cut down on the amount of profanity used
the best filter for flames u can make is to split each flame to its chars and to check if those chars are next to each other - ignoring symbols. atleast in my opinion.
thats like saying....people are going to kill people....so why have rules in place to prevent it? people will just find ways around them....
There are rules, but you're not going to check every single way of killing people
can sm1 help me
A penalty system is enough. That's the previous suggestion, you rejected it.
@AshishGupta Read top right: Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just ask us. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@Zirak - I only rejected it because someone has to uphold the law in the case of a penal system (hehe I said penal...) that person is going to end up being me, unless there is someway I can automate the penalty process for flagged posts
@sadmicrowave , then create RULES for use of intranet page
this wont stop people from calling another "asshole"
i.e. if the comment gets flagged more than x times it gets automatically deleted and the user gets a notification about non-compliance and a record gets added in a non-compliance table for that user and their comment
So, you want laws, but is too lazy to make them work, and want to make a system that won't work?
so true
@Zirak why would what I mentioned not work?
we did
@sadmicrowave What's stopping a group of people who don't like someone from reporting his posts repeatedly?
multiple times
Humans are dickheads. You can't stop them with something less intelligent than a human (namely, computers.) You need other humans of equal or higher intelligence.
@sadmicrowave you are trying to mask the effect instead of solving the cause of the problem
@Zirak - true, also, it's not that I'm too lazy to uphold my own laws, its that I have an immense number of projects and once I'm done with this one I have to move to the next one
So you have a reason to be lazy. It still won't work
If it's something like a forum and for a company, ask for the company to appoint mods or admins.
@Zirak great suggestion, unfortunately thats not in the budget
@sadmicrowave , you cannot solve cultural problem , by writing a code for it
btw , especially for you:
Lewis Black - Bad Language
thanks for your help
bayesian spam filtering... in php... running on my server. Anyone had any experience with anything good?
Yii is not an MVC framework.
more of a POT framework: presenter, orm , template
@ircmaxell @Gordon @edorian guys speech about evolution in computing - IMHO interesting - http://media.cs.uiuc.edu/seminars/StateFarm-Kay-2009-10-22b.asx
it's 2h but starts from 1h...
@KamilTomšík maybe play it while i sleep? absorb code knowledge?
@KamilTomšík interesting, but working on something else atm
@SkippyChalmers you have to listen, it won't go to your head without effort
@KamilTomšík weren't there all these experiments in the 60s about that?
@ircmaxell save it for later, really worth of listening
@SkippyChalmers huh?
just wanted to share link, gtg, later :)
Later @KamilTomšík

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