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@PeeHaa why else somebody would be here?
Ok, forget 15% coverage...
/me has improved that quite a bit
Number of tests :  273               263
Tests skipped   :   10 (  3.7%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  197 ( 72.2%) ( 74.9%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   66 ( 24.2%) ( 25.1%)
Time taken      :   55 seconds
@rdlowrey It doesn't work in my views? :(
@PeeHaa "Doesn't work" is not an error message
"Inject Charta\Templater into your controller and assign template variables:"
@tereško just tested it, my IP isn't static, it changes per reconnect
Oh, lol. Should probably change that verbage.
My outgoing IP that is.
@MadaraUchiha ? You have 1 outgoing and one incoming ip? ;)
@PeeHaa No, but I have the IP you see, and the IP my inner network sees
@ircmaxell nice! what are you using as a host version? I get more failures on 5.5 on osx...
@igorw 5.3.something on OSX
Number of tests :   57                48
Tests skipped   :    9 ( 15.8%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   48 ( 84.2%) (100.0%)
Time taken      :   12 seconds
that's for the operators tests :-D
Which brings the total up to:
Number of tests :  273               263
Tests skipped   :   10 (  3.7%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  185 ( 67.8%) ( 70.3%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   78 ( 28.6%) ( 29.7%)
Time taken      :   43 seconds
@igorw 32 bit compile? or 64 bit?
@ircmaxell 64bit
@GoogleGuy One of the problems with our styling in the docs is that not everything has the left-navigation menu.
@LeviMorrison hmm?
@igorw weird...
@ircmaxell will test against 5.4.10 as soon as it finishes compiling
I think I have a solution for it but I am curious to see what you think about it.
Killing the TOC makes it easier to deal with. Then you only have to worry about the left-hand side which can be dealt with a + selector.
I had noticed that after I made that comment.
@LeviMorrison No it doesn't. prototype.php.net/styles/doc.css?v=1356988630 remove line 439 and you don't have this problem.
@GoogleGuy For that page, but then pages with the left-menu fail.
Unless a local change of mine caused that.
@LeviMorrison The issue with the navigation menu is that it relies on an absolute position for all of the divs. That's just silly. Everything should be relatively positioned within the content div.
@LeviMorrison What IE minimum version is targeted?
@LeviMorrison I can create a separate branch with these styling changes to show you what I mean.
Oh, I know why I have a problem when there is a left menu: I made the documentation portion full-page width.
Which needs to happen.
Yes please...
There are simply some long names in the manual. It needs more room.
@PeeHaa I'm pushing for IE9.
We are dropping WinXP support in PHP 5.5, which theoretically means no more IE <=8
It's off to the right: imgur.com/t8unr
@JaredFarrish That's a different problem altogether.
> IE8 7.96% total share
Is it really??
@LeviMorrison I still think that the sidebar makes the page look off balanced and it's distracting
@Nile I want to remove the TOC but I can't do it at the moment.
@LeviMorrison The way the CSS tries to position the content is fundamentally flawed. The divs should have fixed width if needed, but they should not be considerate of the view-space.
@LeviMorrison ok
@ircmaxell same result on 5.4, compiling 5.3 now
@GoogleGuy I'm thinking about making the layout max-width 80em, removing the TOC, and adding margin/padding for the left-hand navigation with a + selector. Thoughts? Obviously we'd have to find a new home for the TOC.
Or at least parts of it. (language selector, report a bug, edit this page)
I can post a picture of what it looks like in a moment.
@LeviMorrison You're drawing yourself into a corner. Why do you care about max-width?
@GoogleGuy We don't want really, really long lines in the manual.
It hurts readability, which is the key thing in documentation.
Sure, but divs are block elements. A fixed width in the div means it will wrap inside the div.
Maybe 80em is too small, I'm not set on that value.
You should have no concern for the view space. Let that be elastic so that you don't have this problem where you can't align divs on the page.
Those styles should be computed.
What about a responsive layout that reflows at different dimensional markers?
@JaredFarrish I'm against that one, personally.
Too many form factors to consider.
Why's that.
What px to use as the phone dimension? The tablet? the PC? It's too difficult to know.
@LeviMorrison Let me show you where the problem is php.net/styles/doc.css?v=1356989120 line 293 requires an absolute position. Why?
You'd have to plan it out.
@LeviMorrison This is exactly why the page looks awkward and you can't control the content. Everything is absolutely positioned. That is bad. It needs to be relatively positioned so you don't get this problem where you are drawn into a corner.
@GoogleGuy Not sure on that one, but it is a relative absolute.
@igorw weird...
You don't have to go down that small.
@LeviMorrison A relative absolute?
@GoogleGuy absolute positioning is not absolute to the whole page.
It's between 740 and 1260 it will get awkward.
@ircmaxell can you pastebin an entire run? then I can diff and see what fails
@GoogleGuy - That's a technical term.
I can't remember the exacts but it is relative to the first parent with positioning other than static I think.
I agree it's not a lovely solution but it wasn't quite as bad as you thought.
@ircmaxell what the fuck! not only do they run faster on 5.3, I get higher amount of passing tests, the same numbers as you...
docs.css:303 defines the positioning it is relative to.
really? Nice!
so 5.3 it is!!!
@MadaraUchiha not your ip
the outgoing one
@tereško Yes, the outgoing one
I've checked with whatismyip
@GoogleGuy Also, there seem to be styles in theme.css that are docs related.
I think I found a fubar test case
whoops, nope
@ircmaxell this may be more helpful: gist.github.com/d7a1b3540b4877bac6ef
@LeviMorrison i.imgur.com/Js4he.png
This is what happens when I make that CSS a little more sane.
The only issue you have at that point is the navigation menu needs an overflow rule.
I'm going to push some general changes width changes in a moment.
It removes the TOC but only by display:none on it.
That's going to be a little more tricky, because in that particular case the lines won't wrap unless there is some whitespace (at least one).
We can add it back in if/when we figure out how.
Number of tests :  273               263
Tests skipped   :   10 (  3.7%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  180 ( 65.9%) ( 68.4%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   83 ( 30.4%) ( 31.6%)
Time taken      :   44 seconds
Please don't remove the TOC. I promise you I can fix the issue you're not liking.
I already figured it out. I'm trying to show you what I mean.
@GoogleGuy No, you can't. In my opinion the TOC isn't helpful at all. In any way. Should be killed by fire.
I'm fine with giving up that opinion.
what's weird there, is that some functions are missing (from the failed list)
But for now, we have bigger issues that are easily solved with it out of the picture.
The TOC would work a lot better if there was NOT a big gap between it and the center content block. That gives it wobbly lateral flow.
I assure you the TOC is not making any of the styling problems more difficult to solve.
for example
> +Testing user-defined function falling out of an If into another [vendor/php/php-src/tests/lang/017.phpt]
that should always be failing now...
@GoogleGuy Perhaps not, but I simply don't like it. I'm removing it. You can feel free to add it back in as long as my other width changes appear to work the same. And I didn't delete it, I just hid it with display none.
@igorw: can you pastebin the .out file for +Test + operator : 64bit long tests [vendor/php/php-src/tests/lang/operators/add_basiclong_64bit.phpt]
It's funky. Make it a pullout with a stubout if you have to keep it.
@ircmaxell sure, just a sec
@LeviMorrison What I showed you fixes your width problem without ever touching the width :)
But do what you will...
That picture you showed me didn't fix widths at all.
Maybe you showed me the wrong one?
Or I missed a link somewhere?
The text on the left was still flowing under the content block.
It fixes the fact that the existing style sheets rely on absolute positioning of the divs.
Which is inherently causing a problem with alignment that makes one believe at first sight that this can be solved with adjusting width.
The smarter fix is to remove the rules that fixate positioning and let those be computed by the UA. Thus they work under all conditions without being so rigid.
I'll show you a rough idea in a few moments. Sorry, I'm a bit tied up in another terminal.
@GoogleGuy I'm fine with that solution as long as the end result looks like what I'm about to push.
(With TOC added back in, although I still don't like the TOC).
@LeviMorrison Well, the current issue with the TOC that you're probably referring to is the fact that it forces you to assume enough room for the right-hand margin to be free.
@ircmaxell gist.github.com/44572d0ba8895c0bded6 I guess it's the warning in the beginning :)
@GoogleGuy As far as coding, yes. Maybe I haven't been clear though: I don't want the TOC in the docs at all. I don't want it to exists period. It isn't because it complicates changes to the current code; I don't like it at all. I am willing to overlook that because right now I don't have any proof or argument against it.
@LeviMorrison And here's my fix to that problem. Remove the TOC from the layout div entirely.
yes, but that's indicating a problem ;-)
@GoogleGuy My changes are pushed. I'll leave things alone for a while so you can do what you will with it.
The problem ya'll are having is having is that you don't have the design and layout worked out and you're arguing over what it should be. That's really hard to do.
@LeviMorrison May I suggest an alternative for that sidebar?
@Nile The one on the right?
@LeviMorrison Yeah
@LeviMorrison If you put it on the left instead under this and allow it to only be fixed when you scroll past it, it may look better
@LeviMorrison It's fine. I'm not going to add more commits for the sake of one feature. The only reason I see the TOC as a benefit is that it saves me from scrolling to the bottom of very long pages in the manual in order to quickly navigate to sections like examples, user notes, etc.. or to get back to the top.
If you really want it gone that bad I'm not going to fight about it.
@GoogleGuy Look what I just said up there
Of course, with your reasoning, it wouldn't work on pages like this
@Nile It's not a bad idea. The only problem there is it won't work in some browsers :)
That's not really a valid reason to keep a feature in a design...
@GoogleGuy Why? how would it be different than it's current situation?
@Nile It reduces some of the benefits when the navigation menu is a bit long, sure, but it makes alignment easier.
@GoogleGuy Of course, in response to this reason, you could make hot keys. Like pressing "d" on the keyboard would quickly scroll to the description
@GoogleGuy Are you sure? If you are I'll permanently remove the thing instead of simply hide it.
I need to help my wife with some things, I'll be back on later.
@LeviMorrison Go for it.
Ping me with anything you want my opinion on etc.
@GoogleGuy You could also make a third column in the layout JUST for that sidebar thing, so it doesn't look off balance or anything.
But I do like the idea of having an access key that scrolls you to the section you're looking for
@Nile Right, that's what I was suggesting to Levi earlier.
I'm not a fan of key-mapping navigation.
You have to find some easy way to inform the user of it or half of them will be none the wiser.
@GoogleGuy That's if you can't agree on anything, though. Adding a third column would be better then it is now, but if you put it under the right sidebar I think it'd be better
So? If they don't know, who does it hurt?
@JaredFarrish No one, but is also benefits no one.
@GoogleGuy And maybe a "How do I use the manual?" page wouldn't hurt. I was scared of the manual when I first started
Naming question: how would you call an interface that retrieves and updates data from some storage?
I think the whole design is to "spacey." I know a lot of people like that and like all the white, but I think it's too much, IMO.
Ya'll are making emotional decisions with what seems loo little prep. Design is hard enough.
This is pretty close to the same style layout ya'll are working on:
@PeeHaa I usually use Repository, sometimes Storage.
@igorw I was also thinking of just storage
Block that out into a grid, develop your components and assets, lay them out, organize your views, and execute.
@PeeHaa datamapper?*
Also a good candidate indeed
@PeeHaa receiver ??
erlang is the ultimate webscale, if google used it they would save environment
It's process. Because there isn't a strong concept already of what the views are and where things lie, nothing feels right to ya'll. And arguments about positioning and gutter widths occur. That's no fun.
> 1 milllion active Cowboy websocket connections on EC2 Takes 20GB of RAM 20kb per connection Latency was the same throughout scaling.
@Nile Meh. Not quite :)
@GoogleGuy - You there?
I wanted to show you something.
@LeviMorrison - ?
I'm here.
I was telling GoogleGuy that ya'll block-level design is really similar to developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/…
@ircmaxell basically an int cast ;)
@ircmaxell Btw, sorry for those copy and paste errors.
It's all good
@JaredFarrish Isn't basically every manual though?
got it working now
@JaredFarrish Not sure what you are referring to with 'block-level design'
Ya'll don't have your design spec'd out. It's a grid with layouts for each view you have.
@GoogleGuy Also, tables in general are pretty poor on the prototype.
Almost every programming manual has the similar basic structure
How many view are there?
@JaredFarrish Keep in mind there also isn't anybody in charge of the project.
That makes it kind of hard.
@ircmaxell Yeah, seen your progress
And how many people that started on this six years ago are still around working on it?
It's a project without real scope or vision.
@Nile - They have different perceptual containment. They appear the same, but they're not.
I was thinking that was the case.
@JaredFarrish perceptual containment?
That's hard on ya'll.
@LeviMorrison The problem is these style sheets for the docs were generated with none of these alignment considerations in mind. ems vs. pixels vs. percentage vs. wtf. I'm sad just looking at this :(
Overlay them (in tabs) and toggle back and forth.
@GoogleGuy Most of the em you see in there are mine.
Before that it was a mix of px and %.
Overall I think it's better now but I didn't get through everything.
ems would be better if the entire style sheet is using ems.
I was working on it.
But you have the doc style sheets mixed in with the rest of the theme style sheet rules. That just makes a mess in inheritance.
Yeah, the mixing isn't my fault.
I modified things in place or added next to similar styles.
You're in the design without a set of directions. When you're building a physical view model, you should already have it more or less know what 90% of that is.
@LeviMorrison Well I'm not pointing fingers. I'm just stating the obvious. It's not as if you can simply test the php.net infrastructure in a controlled environment.
ems can work with certain concepts.
@tereško pong
In general do you think there is too much whitespace?
One thing I don't like about the current php.net is that it's too cramped.
@LeviMorrison I doooooo
But I think I may have added too much whitespace.
@LeviMorrison git checkout -b NEW_LOOK_2013 and profit
I saw PHPDocBook. Is that what ya'll are using?
does this make sense to any one or am i failing at properly asking question? stackoverflow.com/questions/14106465/…
Scheduled push to production for an optimistic preliminary date of Dec 2021.
That's an interesting observation, seeing as it's full-width liquid layout.
@KyleAdams substr is not really needed if you only need it to get the first character
@GoogleGuy Are you working on a layout patch at the moment? If not I found something from my last patch I need to fix.
I have an idea. Register phpv2.net and have two separate production branches going at once. We'll be like Perl 6
@GoogleGuy Except Perl6 is a different language altogether . . .
@LeviMorrison No, I won't push anything. Go for it.
@LeviMorrison Right I'm scared to touch either one (Perl 6 or NEW_LOOK_*_
@GoogleGuy I also wish that the usernotes was inside of a block that also contained the .layout-content and nothing else.
@PeeHaa ping
@LeviMorrison - Have you seen thesquaregrid.com?
@LeviMorrison it is
Number of tests :  273               263
Tests skipped   :   10 (  3.7%) --------
Tests warned    :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests failed    :  171 ( 62.6%) ( 65.0%)
Expected fail   :    0 (  0.0%) (  0.0%)
Tests passed    :   92 ( 33.7%) ( 35.0%)
Time taken      :   49 seconds
added support for func_get_args...
Oh hey, that's getting better, right?
pretty soon, we're going to need to add in support for error handling... Cause we have at least 15 to 20 tests that only fail because errors aren't being outputted correctly...
@GoogleGuy Definitely is not. Also contains the menu.
@JaredFarrish No, but there are so many grid frameworks out there.
@LeviMorrison hmm? The menu is a separate div.
@tereško How would you handle classes in the persistent layer (a.k.a. database) when supporting multiple database engines?
but I got break working... Sorta cleanly as well :-D
Sure, I've got them all bookmarked.
Currently I have for example two classes (pgsql and mysql) and in some occasions the queries are 100% usable for both
So basically I have just raped DRY
But I'm not sure there is a real solution I like
suggestions @tereško?
double ping because it's the end of the year :D
@PeeHaa since persistence structures are provided by a factory , i either inject them with a different PDO instance , or (if queries are different) load a different class
That's a really straight-forward one. Not golden ratio hulla bulla. It's just a few sketch sheets and some tips., plus the grid diagram.
it's kinda an application-wide decision
you basically choose one approach and stick with it
then again , my exposure to this issue has been quite limited
@LeviMorrison - There's also Pencil, which is freakin awesome and free.
@tereško Yeah mine too. I just fail to see a proper way to prevent duplication of code or some ugly hack
lemme brainstorm on it for a bit
maybe i can come up with something less hideous
@tereško Cool. Thanks
@LeviMorrison - The other day on SO this couldn't get across what his layout was supposed to look like, so I had him download it and he got this mockup to me a little while later, made all the difference.
TIL count() has $mode arg that can count the array recursively.
@PeeHaa ,when do you know which storage will be used ?
Part of the reason we have so much whitespace is that Description, Parameters, Return values, etc all have a non-white background.
This means to keep things even with padding and margin you have to add quite a bit if you change the background color inside of it.
@LeviMorrison did you change the design at all?
(just now)
Yeah, they're uncontained so the area white sprawls visually. The same with those gaps I mentioned earlier.
@Nile Well, it may have updated just now. Changed recently.
Why do you ask?
Event a light $ddd could bound that without being obtrusive.
@LeviMorrison So I could check it. I like it wider like this
Most people will, I think.
@tereško Right from the start
In theory at bootstrap time
@LeviMorrison The padding between the right and the left col should be the same as the left col to the left page border and the right col to the right page border
The right gutter is too narrow so it feel like it's off center.
But I like it wider.
Also, can you make the header wider? Move the logo over the the left more and move the links to the right more?
@Nile - This is a different style of layout: harvesthq.github.com/chosen
@JaredFarrish For what?
Their design is top notch.
That's an epic plugin
@LeviMorrison Maybe when you scroll past the left sidebar, its position fixes
You said all APIs and doc sites were the same layout.
@JaredFarrish Oh, no. Most programming manuals.
Chosen is Sweet.
Alright, if you say so.
Well I'm done for the day.
Need to do some shopping. Haven't purchased food in weeks.
Hey, happy new year Levi.
Happy new year all !!
Happy New Year everyone :)!
@PeeHaa , as i see it , the issue is that you have two groups of mappers. You could equip the factory with an array , that lists the has-different-queries classes, where you need to produce instance with a different class name. For the rest you just inject the selected PDO instance.
lol... New Year was 12 hours ago for me...
Happy new year for the people in the timezone
Got another test passing
@PeeHaa or inject the mappers either $pqsql or $mysql object connector
@ShaquinTrifonoff Happy new half day in the new year ;)
foreach into array
$a = array(0,1);
foreach($a as $b[0]) {
  echo $b[0]."\n";
You can't beat the fun ;) -. eval.in/5702
@cyril The connector is not the issues. It's the duplication of code
@tereško Actually that is somewhat less ugly indeed
maybe @ircmaxell or @hakre could come up with something better
i'm a bit intoxicated ATM
@tereško which code?
31 mins ago, by PeeHaa
@tereško How would you handle classes in the persistent layer (a.k.a. database) when supporting multiple database engines?
i am referring to this one
31 mins ago, by PeeHaa
Currently I have for example two classes (pgsql and mysql) and in some occasions the queries are 100% usable for both
Some cases, but not a lot, and not as the rule, so I wouldn't focus on that duplication
bridge pattern
@ircmaxell So you are saying: screw you duplication and go on with my life?
because it's only a duplication of values, not of logic or of functionality
@ircmaxell Still: if a query needs to be changed...
You may just be right though. :)
I added a TODO section
Implement error handling is SO important it's on there twice :-D
I just pushed a commit to prototype.php.net that fixes some excessive whitespace.
@Nile ^ That should make you happy.
@ircmaxell you got some good progress there
@ircmaxell Do you have any particular reason to create PHPPHP?
@LeviMorrison, IIRC the justification was in the readme.
Oh, you expanded that section of the readme.
Last time I checked it all that was there was essentially "Why not?"
shoot, we can't literally hit 100% of the language section, since we can't set short_tags for the parser (tokenizer)...

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