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hey @AntonioCS
@AntonioCS as always, that depends on "how good" ^^ to understand the engine more or less it took at least half a year
it also would depend on your skills in general programming
I hear that Zend Engine 3 will be written in PHP.
@dev-null-dweller I do like that, but the use of array_sum() is definitely cheating.
The answer is "no". Next question.
NikiC Nice. I don't work that much with C so for me it might take a bit longer
Search term: Mazda CX-7.
1. mazda.cx/7
2. mazda.cx/cx-7
3. mazda.cx/mazda-cx7
@DaveRandom @DaveRandom @DaveRandom
@ircmaxell I did the change we talked about earlier. The opcodes are now oplines and access their ops directly. Looks a bit nice now
@webarto Are those responsive urls? :P
@NikiC They are webscale :P
@webarto so they use mongodb?
@NikiC + node.js and stuff :P
very web scale
@PeeHaa is webscale guru/master/hacker
Webscale would be m/ma/maz/mazd/mazda/c/cx/cx-7/mazda-cx-7/mazda.php
The .php is very important
I prefer the term webscale meister
otherwise how will Google know you are a fuckwit?
I always add .aspx just to screw people over
I'll add .ruby or .python, it's cooler nowadays.
x is for x-treme webscale because it runs on my microsoft webstack
You should only use .aspx if you write asp classic
I'm pretty sure @NikiC uses .h
@webarto 0. mazda.cx/
mazda.ca/MciWeb/… what is this .action webscale language?
-7 means omit results with 7 ;)
Too much?
:6929935 Not at troll. This is internet. And we are way much weirder than /b/...
Can you see chat history? Or is that room owner feature?
1 min ago, by DaveRandom
@webarto that's model/view/cuntroller
I see some power rangers dudes with funny hats...
@NikiC awesome
looks great to me!
@PeeHaa Damn you and your technological trickery
yay! it haz worked
But you cannot see the history page right?
I can see the history page, but I'm sure I've tried permalinking deleted messages before and they didn't get oneboxed...
@webarto Looks CGI to me.
holy shit! php's gonna have yield? :)
oh my, never thought that could actually happen :)
@LeviMorrison Thanks; I wonder why these official pages always end up with some weird combination, when they can just use PHP :P
coool :)
@KamilTomšík Yup, thank @NikiC for that
@KamilTomšík Yesterday's news. The question is, will PHPPHP have yield?
Dear 'mericans, how does USD value drop impacts you, if it does in any way?
@NikiC seriously? :) awesome, man! thank you :)
@webarto not much yet
/e modifier deprecated
whaaaaat? how are we supposed to implement templating in one-line without /e? :)
function callbacks with preg_replace_callback
@ircmaxell hash_pbkdf2() cool
@ircmaxell I lost about $200 monthly compared to 6 months ago. Do you perchance know, if it's going to be better anytime soon?
hm, wasn't there an RFC for partial function application at some point?
@ircmaxell just trolling :)
. @davegardnerisme - look! shiny and pointless cruft https://github.com/ircmaxell/PHPPHP
oh my, why are some people so... you know :)
Constructive and pleasant?
exactly :-D
But on the other hand, you get stuff like this: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4987727
> The last bounty didn't make it. So here is the next one. - stackoverflow.com/questions/13975919/…
and this:
@ircmaxell I haven't said this in a while, but you impress me sir.
so in the end, I'm happy
That unpleasant moment where you realise that you missed something on C4+1 and it's not yet on 4oD. Modern technology has brought the amazing situation whereby you get 2 opportunities to watch things, and then you get unlimited opportunities to watch them for a week afterward, and yet still I manage to tune in at the short period of time when it's not possible to watch it.
@igorw partial function application in PHP? I don't remember such an RFC
@NikiC I found it: wiki.php.net/rfc/currying
I've had extremely many cases lately where it would have been useful, but I had to use a closure instead.
but -1 from me :)
even if only implemented as a simple function, e.g. github.com/reactphp/curry/blob/master/src/React/Curry/…
which is essentially the same as curry_left in the RFC
@ircmaxell hacker news, ha? so you've probably made it to flipboard, gotta check :)
or similar at least
I read that RFC and took none of it in. I am going to bed.
After this
@igorw sounds like a monad
Night all
@ircmaxell maybe not, but still, impressive :)
@KamilTomšík It was #1 on HN for like an hour today
later @DaveRandom
@ircmaxell cool! congratz
@NikiC this is a case I had from today: gist.github.com/4416561
@igorw I don't think that the one with the curry is really easier to read or to understand
are you -1 in general or just the introduction of weird keywords?
In functional programming, a monad is a structure that represents computations. A type with a monad structure defines what it means to chain operations of that type together. This allows the programmer to build pipelines that process data in steps, in which each action is decorated with additional processing rules provided by the monad. As such, monads have been described as "programmable semicolons"; a semicolon is the operator used to chain together individual statements in many imperative programming languages, thus the expression implies that extra code will be executed between the stat...
you don't need weird keywords... A combination of lift and bind will handle the curry for you...
@NikiC I've also heard people argue that array_map is too hard to understand and we should use loops instead. I'm not convinced. :)
@igorw I think most places where you would need currying in PHP are covered by comprehensions
And I think comprehensions are more elegant and easier to read
E.g. something like return [foreach ($form as $elem) yield $this->expand($env, $elem)]; for your case
if only...
it shows more explicitly what you're iterating over and what is applied to what as which argument
ok, that's a better reason :)
I suppose it would indeed handle this case quite well, and that is the one I most often run into. but I still think currying can be useful in other cases, because comprehensions are bound to some form of iteration.
@ircmaxell I figured that we can't put all cool stuff in 5.5 ;)
and sometimes you want to simply pass a callback with pre-set arguments that is not related to iteration / mapping
@igorw Assuming that it would then happen rarely enough it would be okay to use a closure in this case :)
I mean, currying is awesome and stuff, I just don't think that it fits in PHP
maybe it's just me, and maybe I'm doing PHP the wrong way (tm). but I do run into it every so often. plus it's a relatively trivial addition.
@NikiC :-D
but I guess the demand is not very high... :)
In all seriousness @igorw, have you looked at monads and the like?
@ircmaxell I've looked at a few explanations but haven't fully grasped it. from my understanding it is a construct that is based on function composition and iteration; that's about as far as my knowledge goes.
Think of it like building a pipe
the monads are the fittings to connect different pieces together
so you'd have a lift function, which converts a function that accepts one input to one that accepts many, and a bind function which does the same for output
so then you write your function for one element, and pass it to $lifted = lift($callback); $lifted(array(1, 2, 3));
I need to find the tutorial on it... I may even be screwing the names up
wikipedia is incomprehensible, as usual with such topics. haskell code samples, math notation, category theory...
that's a decent video...
I saw a video from doug crockford where he compares monads to promises. I have a pretty good understanding of how promises work. and I saw a good video on channel9; at least the monoids parts I understood, as it basically means you have a set of functions whose types need to match up.
I think I've seen that one before and didn't understand it at all, time to try again.
yeah, from the little bit you talked about (and that RFC) it sounds almost exactly like Monads
(at least my understanding of them)
@ircmaxell wait, arent monads (in the terms of oop) just virus-like proxies with getActualValue()?
@ircmaxell in the sense that proxy always return the same kind proxy on the result? :)
@hakre, I've been lurking through your gist.github code =o) and I love this script gist.github.com/1102761 I do have a question though. On line 186 you have the following: ((string)(int)$key === $key) && $key = (int)$key; I've never seen or used multiple typecasts like that. Can you explain to me what is being done in the expression?
in a sense...
I guess
@ircmaxell forexample if I wanted to log every method call in the whole chain, I could do that this way and if I really wanted the actual value, I'd use unbind or whatever is that thing called :)
so I get it right, good - please dont scare me again :)
in a sense, jquery is monad too
@ircmaxell this is probably related, I find myself wishing for an identity function every now and then as well.
@ircmaxell ha... just thinking about that getting implemented as mirror :)
eih, not really...
it's more about transformation functions. That you build a callback chain to convert from one type to another through a process...
@cryptic ((string)(int)$key === $key) checks if $key is string type and if it changes after casting to int
If it does not change then $key = (int)$key; is executed
@ircmaxell hows that different?
@ircmaxell on top of that, from that video you've posted it looks like monad is just reduce and combine (in terms of scheme)
@dev-null-dweller so it's basically it's to prevent inadvertently casting say '123abc' to an integer?
A monad is so simple it's challenging to grasp it's power. So it gets overthought, reduced to simplistic equivalence, then lost in the argument.
Design patterns suffer from the same problem.
singleton monad
ok, I'm off. g'night!
1 hour later…
Hi there, i'd like to create some contact form without refreshing page. what action="" needed? on <form> tag
@JosuaMarcelChrisano hey
@JosuaMarcelChrisano ajax
what action needed?
to other php file?
@JosuaMarcelChrisano To the php file that you're submitting the information to as a fallback. But on the client side, everything should be taken care of with Ajax/Javascript.
can you give me the example? @Nile
@JosuaMarcelChrisano You can get tons of ajax tutorials online. However, basically what you want to do is something like this:
@Nile i've been search on google but i don't know the keyword
@JosuaMarcelChrisano try "ajax form"
<form method="post" action="submit.php" id="form">
	<!-- inputs and whatnot -->

<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById("form").onsubmit = function(event){

	//ajax processing here
Say, anyone familiar with php sourcecode here?
I'm looking for the order of object destruction. ref: stackoverflow.com/questions/14096588/…
I think @NikiC is... no?
regardless of my question - why should it matter that a PHP programmer wants more control over objects?
PHP is designed to "do everything for you". What if I don't want it to?
@bob-the-destroyer - You're looking for ircmaxwell or nikic, and I think they left about an hour ago.
@JaredFarrish @ircmaxell still looks to be in the room
Did you see the link to ircmaxwell and nikic's series starting with blog.ircmaxell.com/2012/03/…?
I don't see him in the list top, right.
@JaredFarrish He's there
Penultimate in the first row
Penultimate? What is that?
Oh yeah, it says he was just seen. Does that mean someone's in another room or something?
He's fourth from last on first row here.
@JaredFarrish Oh, different screen widths then.
@bob-the-destroyer Good luck with your search. I don't know why you care about object destruction order on objects that don't seem to be related, though.
@LeviMorrisonj - I think he's after some understanding of the way that the parser operates on a request. I have a way I understand it happens, but it's probably mostly wavy-handed generalities. He apparently needs to know. Nothing wrong with that, just that 98% of the PHP developers don't know squat about it. See: disconnect.
Interesting ^
@Levi Morrison: say 1 desctruct closes a door, but another opens a door. You want control over the order in which "destructors" are called to ensure the door is either closed or left open
But from the PHP manual and general concensus, destruct order is unreliable. i'm just curious why
Why would destruct open another door?
Also I'm just curious under what conditions one can or cannot rely on the built-in order.
Happy New Year's Eve!
Happy New Year's Eve!
Hi there
@Levi Morrison: db connections for example. Handles on a file/memory address or registry address, etc. I'm not talking about perfection of coding however, so keep that in mind. I'm just talking about order of __destruct calls.
But why would destruct open another handle?
Or another connection?
Could someone check this code please. I don't know if I've used pdo statement here or not: pastebin.com/xRb4LQEe
@Levi Morrison: just because it did
Sounds like poor construction to me.
1 problem at a time here
happy getting-closer-to-new-year
@Rocks: what's not working right?
I haven't checked the code, but can you describe what's going wrong?
well it works fine; I couldn't get this one working pastebin.com/YVyRjcG1,
but after awhile i changed it and works fine
i'm just worried that it's not a safe PDO
And Basic Memory Management. Note they stress how much control is required. PHP's goofy and backwards and hamfisted, sure I know, but it's been bullt over a number of years to handle the issues you're talking about about as a feature. It's why it's a scripting language.
@Jared Farrish: All I want to know is when and in what order __destruct is called. this can't possibly be an edge case.
Let's start at the beginning: how does PHP know to call __destruct to begin with?
Look at those references. It will give you the exact detail you're looking for.
But, as a concept, PHP parsing has a beginning, middle and end, as well as a pre and post process.
The PHP developers, who are generally bright and capable people, designed the code to observe the different execution states it's in at any given time.
When it comes to c or c++, i have no idea what I'm doing. So, I'd ask for a walkthrough to explain what's happening behind the scenes
To get the skinny on the "how do you know", talk to an engineer or reverse-engineer PHP source with something like ArgoUML to get an execution diagram.
All I'm asking for is an explaination for this PHP behavior.
I can't tell if you're extraordinarily persistent, or insulted at the way the commenters responded to your question. Both?
It'll be ok.
You'll find the right person with the right knowledge. PHP developers, by design, ignore the low level detail.
I appreciate you spending time on this question, Jared. Still not sure I can frame this question right. Not having much luck here.
I really do need a PHP dev to answer this
Yes I know, I was there... ;)
You need to conceptualize how a program like PHP works in practice. Pre, invoke, execute, output, cleanup.
That's not PHP's timing model, but that should give you the idea what you're after.
What happens, when, and why. It's an engineering question. "How does it work?"
But why is the output "test1\ntest2"?
In terms of my SO question
Is it safe to assume that will always be the output?
If not, why not?
Why did it show test 1/test 2 every time? Maybe those objects are registered in memory in a stack and so FIFO.
If it were HEAP, it might be more "random". It all depends on how it's managed and what references are still allocated.
For argument's sake, what if I were to instantiate an object inside each of these two destructors?
In php, it's rarely necessary. but in any other oo language, it is
Then there would be a reference to those objects in memory.
I would think that PHP would manhandle them during the cleanup and exit.
but in which order?
You're not getting the memory from the machine, you're getting it from PHP. jIt wants to free it, it frees it.
@bob-the-destroyer I've used destructors in PHP like . . . three times
Inside, out? Why? If you read through the PHP docs and frameworks and libraries, you'll see things like "don't do this in a destructor". Mostly because PHP will discard it at it's leisure.
In C++ I seem to use them more.
Can I ask why you even care about this?
That log file you thought you were getting writing to the browser, gone. Discarded.
@bob-the-destroyer Odd.
@Levi: however, lack of user demand for a feature is an acceptable answer.
If use of __destruct as you say is just not that important for PHP userland
@bob-the-destroyer - How do you know? There's all kinds of discussion on new features.
Whatever you're envisioningj may be a proposal. It may be unfeasible. It may already be there.
Annotations were a recent infamous denied proposal. unless had a vibrant "discussion" on SO a few months ago.
I'm pretty sure there's an underlying order to it even if it reverts to using /dev/null.
Being facetious, but still, there's some underlying order about this that I'd like to know more about.
You're getting down into the malloc stuff. Yes, there is reason. It's probably not what you think.
@Jared: it's a PHP behavior that affects "userland" as PHP devs call it.
I think it would benefit users to understand or prepare for this built-in destruct behavior.
Alright. 15 years of development, millions of developers, yeah.
there's 12-13 comments on my SO post but no answers. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here.
You just don't know what you don't know.
Sorry man. You are right. I don't know how to frame this question right
I've been there. It's baffling. You're microfocusing.
There was a point a few years ago when I thought I really got it. I didn't, but I couldn't quite fit stuff into place...
It's like monads.
Ahh, they're so tricky.
Not really. But they're challenging to frame. Explain.
I can't explain.
First people overcomplicate them, "I don't understand". It appears as if there's more to them, because they're observing the effect of them.
Then, they get REAL close. And suddenly they're "just two functions with an assembly line".
I have an idea: in which order is this automatic function/statement called?
but that's as far as it gets
and this is why I give upo
You're doing this, what I'm describing. You just don't know where to focus.
You've really got to talk to the internals guys.
Don't wear em out.
posted on December 31, 2012 by Larry Garfield

And so 2012 draws to a close. The world didn't end, to the disappointment of many. In some ways it was an eventful year, in others rather ho-hum follow-ups to the excitement of 2011. In the Drupal world, though, 2012 will go down as the year Drupal finally began replacing NIH with PIE. Compare Drupal's 8.x branch a year ago with it today. A year ago, we had one class of 3rd party PHP code,

everyone got the NYE hat?
nye ?
@JosuaMarcelChrisano winterba.sh/leaderboard
@JosuaMarcelChrisano Ain’t that for tomorrow?
My timezone is +7 @kmkaplan
already new year's eve
@JosuaMarcelChrisano I read on meta that stack used UTC. Have you already got the new year’s Eve’s?
I mean the hat;
Oh man… And I thought new year’s Eve was the first day of the year when it actually is the last!
Please star me :-)
Man, I love it when people that can't string a sentence together are all "I MUST PROTECT MY CODE." No dude, you must learn how to communicate first, then you must re-ask your question. Wait, you mean you're also incapable of RTFMing? And you think that the code you write is worth protection? Oh do tell me more!
Can anyone give me a hint how do i make two columns fixed width and one column resizeable like mashable
@Sisir I'm not totally sure I get what your asking, but I think the answer might be: give the containing table a width of 100% and give two of the columns an absolute width and the leave the resizable column's width unspecified. If you are not using a table then the same principle should apply, you give the two static columns an absolute width and leave the final column dynamic, relative to the viewport width.
@Charles Morning sir, I see you are your usual cheery self this fine day. Cheer up, it might never happen.
@jhonraymos you can not close vote to answer ...
@NullPointer: he expects a New Year miracle
@NullPointer sorry the link was incorrect ..
Even though I agree it's a basic question - but when you start learning something you may miss some concepts
@jhonraymos: it's pretty similar to stackoverflow.com/questions/11877612/…
which is the basics of php or mysql...
@zerkms that question also requires close vote..
@zerkms agreed ... lol
@DaveRandom ah.. okey.. what i have tried is made two column fixed width. Then the third column width percentage.. didn't worked that way..
@jhonraymos: after you got an answer - of course it can be closed ))
99% of SO questions are typo-like, show-me-how-to-debug or I-haven't-read-manual(-yet)
so let's close all them
@Sisir Try not specifying a width for the final column.
@jhonraymos also dont spam php chat room by posting cv request for c question ..also my answer is not wrong /crappy one
@DaveRandom it takes the full width (btw: using div, not table)
php room is a well-known closevoters gang
@NullPointer it is not a span...LOL
@jhonraymos you need to check again ..:P
@zerkms yaa thats true....i posted the same question in c chat room one user asked me what is "CV-PLS"......lol...
@jhonraymos what is cv-pls (in my view it isnt close vote request it does have meaning )?
@NullPointer i think we haven't requested for your view....lol.....
idk how it is appropriate to come to chat room and start spamming and trying to do another(particular) user down ...
@NullPointer i am not trying to let any user down....i just posted for close vote...
Hi, any magento developer there
@zerkms So true.
@zerkms I think we met on some comment thread. But forgot which one.
@Sisir Try giving it display: inline-block (and not specifying the width - here is a hack to make it work everywhere)
^^ Apparently see that question as being worthy of a score of +6
@shiplu.mokadd.im perhaps. SO is not that big
@ircmaxell Is there any chance of making << 32 work on 32 bit platforms? It has no effect :-( and it's useful for normalising signed ints in a cross platform way. (for ex. if you unpacked 32bits with the most significant bit set from a string you can or them with something where the 32 least significant bits are clear and get the same result everywhere - unpack('l') produces stupid results)
This is outputting something like :- Y1ÊØ'.EÀã½Pt0±çÜSÚ¦¯zâóSV®ô0úÕ — The Real Coder 9 mins ago
Why do people choose nicks like that then effectively demonstrate that they are terrible and incapable of independent thought?
@NullPointer Its an answer!
@shiplu.mokadd.im dam i posted for answer its my mistake .. sorry ,its for question
@NullPointer I relented and answered it, it is a but some of the answers were so bad they are potentially damaging to the OP. I will CV in a little while after the OP has had a chance to read, it should be burninated but lets let the OP get some mileage from it first.
@cryptic The first (double) one is testing if the string representation of an integer of the variable is the same as the variable. Checking that a string is representing a valid integer (in form of a string). PHP's loose typing makes this necessary sometimes if you want to have it strict.
@DaveRandom agreed ,,,also looks like only your answer is meaning(good) full ..
@cryptic: I'm probably writing a new parser over new-year, let's see.
@hakre its already posted by ..Dave ...:P
@NullPointer I pressed the wrong button, it should have been the suggestion to review the delete ;)
It's close to 2013 and somebody is learning cake? — hakre 11 secs ago
^ kill with fire.
@hakre Thanks for correcting my dumbass mistake there :-)
yey ....
@DaveRandom Yes, but I need the upvotes today :/ - spend a bounty :)
@hakre 64k isnt enough ?... 3800 bounty is really brave .
@hakre Still wrong anyway, flags were in the wrong arg and needs PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY :S
@NullPointer I don't know how you take it with orgasms - just to make a simple analogy.
@DaveRandom Yes, true. I just was spotting that one and quickly edited.
/me seems to be unintentionally rep-whoring today
cu l8ters
stackoverflow.com/questions/14101130/… - also possibly flag for voting irregularities, that guy keeps asking terrible questions with loads of upvotes
@DaveRandom, thats seems like a legit question.
@cryptic I guess I'm a little biased because that guy is a repeat offender. Both with the voting irregularities (I've flagged him before and the flag was deemed helpful) and with the complete failure to apply a little brain power. To be fair I have told him what the answer is as well - note also that there are two possible answers because the questions is not descriptive/specific enough.
Personally I wish we had a flag for marking questions as hidden from search engines and search form. So every question that uses mysql_*() or bad security will not be at risk of being copied and pasted by a begginer
@cryptic The same desire has been expressed in here many times. It's annoying that closed questions are still crawlable, that would solve a lot of the problems. Unfortunately, as it is, the only way to achieve this is a soft delete, which means that users <10K can't see them - which usually includes the OP of the question :-(

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