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i live in a country about 700KM away from india
sri lanka and india are our only neighbours
most of the skilled expat workers are indians
@NikiC Isn't it quite a thin wrapper, isn't that why? Also, unless you are doing something non-TCP use streams.
it seems, they have a culture of making their children into engineers, but it's slowly changing to programming
Even then, really I have to be doing something that requires a SOCK_RAW to use php_sockets
@DaveRandom It is a thin wrapper, but I really think that even a thin wrapper can make the API a bit nicer than in C ;)
Indians are okay, they can be pretty smart ... it's just somehow difficult to work with them for some reason.
Culture related perhaps.
they can be, but i haven't met one that was. Maybe one.
Hi all
they ... have an allergy to CHANGE
it's a cultural thing
A: Sort random field items via jQuery

JackI'm not sure whether this is 100% kosher, but you could apply Fisher-Yates here, without dependency on jQuery. fisherYates(document.getElementsByClassName('slide')[0]); // Fisher-Yates, modified to shuffle DOM container's children instead of an array. function fisherYates (node) { var childre...

Q: Test PHP Script Online

BabaLast Month codepad.viper-7.com was down and a lot of stackoverflow answers with code pasted there became broken include some of mine. When it was back all scripts where lost. Am looking for a free anonymous alternative to codepad.viper-7.com where i can test php scripts with minimal restriction ...

closed as not constructive by ajreal, tereško, RaYell, AlphaMale, François Wahl 1 hour ago
As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or specific expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, see the FAQ for guidance.
I can you tell me that question does not show research effort ??
Is my answer an utter abomination of fisher-yates? =/ not sure.
@Baba sounds like a shopping question
@DaveRandom And if I got that right, socket is also one of those exts that will go all error-throwy on you even in cases where "errors" are totally expected.
@MikeB what is a shopping question
@NikiC recv() is a stupid API because you can just strlen() if you really want the length of the data, getpeername() is definitely just plain stupid but I can't see any other way to make select() work.
@MikeB i have over 100 questions with links broken .. why is wrong in looking for alternative ?
Basically, given this set of criteria which product available off the shelf will suit my needs
@NikiC Can't remember tbh, it's a while since I wrote anything in it. Very possibly though, I know I have had a displeasing amount of @s in socket code before
@Baba Don't use a codepad?
@DaveRandom It could have the decency of returning the modified arrays, rather than accepting them by-ref and modifying them in-place ^^
@MikeB its not just my needs am sure over 2,000 answers would have such broken links
Hrm, I need to buy a fast SSD
Aren't all SSD's fast?
@MikeB i hate codepad
scratch that
I need to build a strong computer...
@Baba they really screwed up
rendering 1080p video (17+ minutes) takes too long on a laptop
@MikeB do you know they run PHP 5.2.5 ??? codepad.org/uZ1EVXne
anything takes long on a laptop, but it does provide toasty warm legs.
@Baba It's never effected me
I have a real dev environment for all that.. i don't see the need to spoon-feed answers like that into an online codepad
people will just copy/paste after seeing it works without any real understanding
So no, I've never used a codepad in an answer.. only in comments
That's why we say link-heavy answers are bad ... not saying that yours are, but if someone is affected by your link being down, that says something right?
@NikiC Yeh I guess, but non-PHP people would bitch about that, anyone who has ever used the real select() would be :-( - also if you are trying to maintain a single flat list of the socket arrays and the reason this is annoying you is because you have to copy it every time, you are probably Doing It Wrong ;-)
@MikeB ... i rather use eval.in
If you can't get your point across in an answer WITHOUT the use of a 3rd party codepad then I'd consider downvoting it because it's just a link at that point
What are you actually doing?
If anything your question belongs on Meta.. and it would be laughed out of the room because you relied on a 3rd party for the bulk of your answers
@DaveRandom maintaining a single flat list of socket arrays was exactly my plan ^^
How else would one use it?
but we see lot's of questions with jsfiddles and sqlfiddles, what if we loose them :O
the answer probably has the answer, the jsfiddles are just demos i guess
@NikiC Couldn't agree more -- all the by refs are stupid
<3 :D
haha it'll be fun alright
@NikiC You should be keeping track of the states of each peer more intelligently, I only ever pass a socket into $r when I am expecting data from it (from an application layer point of view), and I very rarely pass anything into $w unless buggering about with async connects, although I guess I generally do pass everything into $e every time, which is possibly a bad habit I've developed from using Windows, since MS report TCP RSTs via $e from some bizarre reason.
But either way, my Peer objects are used to determine which arrays they need to go into every time, rather than maintaining a huge flat list.
@ircmaxell AWESOME!
I've mostly settled my differences with the sockets extension but things seem to get really wonky right now when I host a non-blocking ssl tcp server on and simultaneously use non-blocking socket streams to retrieve multiple resources in parallel as a client on the same machine
Why would you do that anyway?
@DaveRandom just testing :)
Why ask why, when you can ask why not?
Meh, just use nodejs.</troll>
@ircmaxell Because some things are just stupid.
@DaveRandom It works totally fine without the SSL enabled ... I can get ~1500 requests per second with apache bench, but when I flip on the SSL and try to use a custom client with non-blocking sockets it doesn't like that at all
@rdlowrey In what respect does it not like it? I mean it has no real practical use so it makes no difference to me but I don't see why it shouldn't work...
Adobe Premiere has been stuck at 5 seconds left in the render for about 3 minutes now...
@rdlowrey E_PEBKAC?
@DaveRandom It's possible, though I am still getting this behavior:
while (!is_resource($sock)) {
^ that yields:
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
resource(11) of type (Unknown)
... ad infinitum ...
which seriously foobars some of the other logic in my code ... kind of difficult to tell if a socket is alive without access to is_resource
What does get_resource_type yield?
@hakre "Unknown"
@rdlowrey What else could it be? Can't you just !is_bool()? I mean that does look like a bug to me but regardless I'm sure it can be worked around - surly the given var can't ever be anything other than bool, resource or null so by extension if it's not bool or null then it must be a resource - even just testing it for truthyness should be OK because it should never be TRUE either unless you are being overly promiscuous with your types...
> This dot disturbes me and I wish to erase it.
That just says it all doesn't it.
@ircmaxell bug then? (the fact that the type is unknown, not the is_resource() behaviour)
it's just not registering the resource type, which could be a bug
@DaveRandom lol that's what I thought too ... but it's none of the above ... it doesn't pass the is_* test for anything
@rdlowrey Is it not even truthy?
Yay, wednesday's Programming with Anthony special is rendered... Now to upload it to Youtube and schedule it...
var_dump((bool)$sock); // true
var_dump(is_bool($sock)); // false
@rdlowrey Right - so can't you just do while ($sock) { then?
@DaveRandom nope, because all of the functions you would use on it fail because it's not recognized as a resource
@rdlowrey functions such as...? (I'm sure you're right, just going to see if I can reproduce this)
@DaveRandom stream_select, for example
My guess is that there's some sort of race condition way down deep in the OS or PHP socket implementation or something, because it works just fine if I offload either the server or client to another machine ... it's only when the socket stream is non-blocking on both the php server and the php client and both are running on the same machine.
it's always nice when dropbox says 7 hours left...
pokit.org/get/img/2f80059dc96136ae12ff875c03b1479b.png @ircmaxell @PeeHaa @salathe @NikiC @Levi Say goodbye to your accounts :P
... and?
see that little X heh, that is why I asked for MD5...
And it only happens when the server tries to enable crypto on the stream after the non-blocking tcp connection is established AND the client tries to do the same thing on its end
wait, huh?
I don't have an "x"
@ircmaxell I'm admin. *magic*
@ircmaxell He photoshoped it in... try to keep up
@GoogleGuy You were offline on IRC :\
@webarto Which network?
@GoogleGuy efnet, #php.doc
@webarto Yea, that box was restarted last night. Did you need something?
@GoogleGuy Nah, thanks, Bjori handled it.
was going to respond, but no need
I like that one though.
Annnnnnnnd it's gone.
@webarto All the PHP web stuff is shit (at least the things I've seen)
@PeeHaa Hardest thing was to add a bloody space, took me few hours to figure out that Firefox trims it :P
@ircmaxell Do you know/work with an Ella?
@rdlowrey OpenSSL bug maybe. I'll look into it. Then I'll experience the problem and not have a f*cking clue what to do about it. What a fun evening that will be.
jQuery can do this! — adeneo Dec 18 at 9:12
Damn, missed opportunity.
Moment of silence.
/me seeths quietly
Please add to list of help phrases: "I'm a newbie in php and i really need some help. oh, please please please"
If the output from ldd doesn't point to a filename, does that mean the lib is compiled in? I can't find any reference to it on the filesystem
ldd /usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx
	linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007fff32733000)
@GoogleGuy ???
^means a "script kiddie" if you ask me.
@hakre LOL
@Leigh The library that you see as linux-vdso.so.1 is a virtual library or Virtual Dynamic Shared Object, that resides only in each program's address space.
Reading that myself, its the lib that loads libs?
That's so meta.
@ircmaxell Someone I know mentioned your name to me and I was curious if maybe she was talking about you or it was coincidence. Could have just been someone with the same name.
what does it stand for?
finally decided to chroot my shit, haven't done chrooting since way back when I was still hardcore openbsd
Hmm, my small question of how many samples one should take before getting a statistically reliable outcome is getting bigger the more articles i open =/
A: Query Really slow (23 hours+)

NealHoly frudge. Any you wonder why it is going slow. Try to fix up your tables so that you do not need as many joins. Index all of your tables. Add some cached views for the things that you need the most.

Still within the day =D
@Jack what do you think ?
Did not get your comment
FROM Google g
LEFT JOIN Internet i
  ON g.url = i.url
holy frudge...
@Baba Eh sorry?
@Baba Oh that ... well, it's a good effort but I think the basis is fundamentally flawed; no offence.
@DaveRandom :)
@Jack yeah without a leaning process
It needs a different approach, but I don't have enough knowledge in the area of computer learning ;-)
Can be fooled over time
I do ANN .. just a bit lazy
Bayesian Probability may also apply
its like detecting spam ..
but still not 100% perfect @jack
Read, not write.
Sure, let me help you with that question.
Right, C is definitely out of style.
C, yuck.
/me Quickly hides the PHP source code yeh C is rubbish
How much would you guys usually charge to build a construction company's website in PHP/HTML5 (nothing fancy, just a regular company website with a few pages and a contact form)?
That's why I was also thinking about exclusively using Quercus for my php projects, it's just so much more stable with java running it underneath.
@OlegOrlov You have two options. Look at somebody's source code, or derive you algorithms from the standards. There is not a third option. Since you don't seem overly taken with opt 1, you're left with opt 2.
@Jack lol
@Ghillied About 400?
@Ghillied As much as I could get it is worth. It's a case by case thing. How long will it take you to do it? That's the real question.
@Ghillied However long it takes to install wordpress and create a user for them. The rest they can do themselves
How to put bounty on a closed question ??
@Baba Question needs to be opened first.
Oh ok
@Jack thanks
Once you put a bounty on, it can't be closed though iirc ... until bounty is awarded
@Ghillied HTML5?? you lost me.
Q: perform a replace only in the first 3 characters

NormanIn php, how can I perform a replace only in the first 3 characters in a string? So: $str = /pr/printers Replace 'pr' with 'or'. So its -> /or/printers. What's happening to me is, the pr in the printer is being replaced as well. So I'm ending up with /or/orinters. How can this be done?

@OlegOrlov The thing is, ffmpeg have essentially given you a free gift by exposing their source code. Expecting them to make it beautiful for you so it's easy for you to just lift bits out of it without doing a little research into how it should work is asking a bit much (and kinda lazy, don't you think? ;-) )
all answers flawed :)
@OlegOrlov ...and? I thought you wanted to see how it worked, not critique their code...
@Baba Clement's answer is okay though.
@Jack nope
@Jack Why wouldn't you just do $newPrefix.mb_substr($oldStr, 3);?
@OlegOrlov ...enjoy :-)
Dam only codepad.viper has mb_substr
@MikeB Hahaha
@Baba Any particular reason why your string has spaces in front of them?
@Baba Only viper7 has a lot of things, I never use anything else...
@DaveRandom yet someone says i asked a stupid question stackoverflow.com/questions/13986359/test-php-script-online
@Jack lol
@Jack OP used $str = /pr/printers without quotes .. he can still make mistakes with space
@Baba That's because it's not a programming question. It's off-topic and not constructive. It might find a home on programmers.SE but "lists of things" questions aren't SO fodder.
@Baba that's kind of borderline guessing.
any body know where i can host .js files indefinitely?
I'ts just that, since it's my first real contract appart from my usual job, I tried looking around to get an idea on how much to charge... I don't know if charging like 1500$ for a company that does ~$15,000/$20,000 per sale is reasonable, because I don't have 15 years of experience in the domain yet.
@Prasanth on your server.
Common cheating is allowed @jack
@DaveRandom maybe on meta? I mean, it's about creating links for use on this site
@Ghillied where can i find that? X|
@Prasanth codepen /jsbin / thinkerbell
Oh apparently it's already time for hot anime chicks wishing pple merry xmas =D
i wish we had snow here
> Warning: E_INSUFFICIENT_NICOTINE in /users/DaveRandom/life/2012/12/21 on minute 15:59

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