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is there a way to check if a string containes some letter
for example if "hello" exists within "hello world"
@aurel strstr or stristr do that
thanks fantastic, thanks a lot
6 hours later…
good afternoon dudes...
5 hours later…
Wow, this is a testiment to standards compliant web design. On FF it auto-resizes the room to fill the browser window. On Chrome (my preferred browser), it's stuck at about 1024x786... That's more than 50% of the screen wasted as white space... Boo... (this chat room that is)
1 hour later…
That's odd. I'm on Chrome and the chatroom fills the entire screen.
On 7.0 it's definitely a box...
Ahhh... Possibly a chrome bug...
I'm on 7.0.517.41 on Ubuntu Maverick.
I resized the window and it worked
Hm. That's odd. My resolution isn't the greatest (1280x800) but I didn't notice anything with that when resizing the window.
When I had Chrome maximized earlier, it didn't take up the whole screen
but when I resized it and then maximized it, it worked fine...
are the codings for mysql too different from those in sql? mightnt b an apt place for this question!!!
MySQL uses a quasi-superset of regular SQL syntax. It doesn't support the whole ANSI standard, but most of it (and a whole lot more that's not in the standard): dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/server-sql-mode.html
quasi - subset ?? does it mean mst of the stuff that we use in mysql are in sql too ??
and how far do u think not supporting ansi standards make it different ??
not subset
And I said quasi since it's not a strict superset since it doesn't implement everything specified in the ANSI standard (but neither does any RDBMS on the market to the best of my knowledge)
oooo... ok..
So it implements most of the standard, and then a whole lot on top of that
so that doesnt make it far too different from sql ??
I'm not sure what you mean by how far do you think not supporting ANSI standards make it diefferent...?
It's not that different...
@Sachindra if you're wondering about compatibility between multiple servers, you can use database abstraction.
Writing complex queries will be different, but simple selects will be the same...
thks for this . indeed ..
I just did the math on a 512 bit random number generator:
It would take everyone on earth generating 1 trillion numbers per second for the next 10^47 years just to have a 50% chance of one of them colliding...
kinda blows me away
6 hours later…
@Josh - Hi, I'm here
@Moshe Hey there
PHP template
I was confused
because you said that you called include() everywhere you wanted to use something from PHP.
Well, basically what I was saying was, a single file for the template
but it sounded like you were including the same file
@Moshe I was
include() ing the template file first opens the HTML page. The second include() closes the page
<head><?php include('engine.php') ?></head><body><div><?php include('engine.php') ?></div></body>
like the code I just posted or like this:?
<head><?php include('engine.php') ?></head><body><?php include('engine2.php') ?></body>
@Moshe <?php include('template.php'); ?><p>put some content here...</p><?php include('template.php'); ?>
Ok... This is what confuses me.
So what does template.php look like?
the first time you include the template file, it outputs <html><head>blah</head><body><div id="header">blah</div><div id="content">
Does it know to output different content in the first call and the second call?
the second time you include it, it outputs: </div><div id="footer">blah</div></body></html>
@Moshe It does
So you are using a "inside-out" wrapper of something like the wordpress engine or my second post.
@Moshe Essentially, template.php is a giant if statement
if what? What does it check for?
It would look something like this:
<?php if(!$template_open) { ?>
<html><head><title><?php echo $PAGE_TITLE; ?> - My Site Name</title></head>
<div id="header">some shared header here...</div>
<div id="top_navigation">some links here</div>
<div id="content">
  $template_open = true;
} else {
<div id="footer">some shared footer here</div>
@Moshe It checks for a variable to be set to true. If it's not set to true, it outputs the first half of the shared template design,a nd sets the variable to true
That way the second include shows the closing HTML
Ah, very cool
and your shared navigation (header, footer, etc) are all in a single, valid HTML file
makes editing the design very easy via DreamWeaver, FrontPage, GoLive, etc
And I can put login script checking in the template, yes?
@Moshe I would do that in a completely separate file
I meant that, with an include in the template though.
If you put that in the template, then the template can't be used for un-authenticated users
Or pages like the login page :-)
But that's just how I'd do it @Moshe
So, perhaps that's a good idea. Log people in for certain templates.
I suppose a more complex template would set more variables at various levels, checking for the prior one along the way.
@Moshe Could be -- it depends on your implementation.
ok thanks
And about the login -
basically, I check a db for matching username and password, if correct, set session info, if not, present error, yes?
@Moshe That's the basic theory, yup
ok great.
Thank you so much, I guess I'll keep you posted.
btw, I've finished writing up that post for meta, posting in a sec.
@Moshe Cool. I'll help where I can!
@Josh - Thanks.

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