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@webarto hehe
@webarto It should open in new tab. What browser are you on?
@PeeHaa FF, I double clicked it fast, maybe it was that :P
@webarto Could you try to reproduce and if it still occurs create a ticket for it?
lol @DaveRandom killed the beta downloads
@PeeHaa Sure, I'm sure new window opened, will see. You know when you click on older message, it opens up a new tab... so maybe new tab + new tab = new window :P
@PeeHaa in edit.php.net, there are many docs that don't meet strict standards, is that ignored or someone is actually fixing that?
@webarto Dunno. Might want to ping @salathe about that
not sure why this was downvoted: stackoverflow.com/questions/13808739/…
@Neal Me neither, it's a perfectly good answer.
@MadaraUchiha :-\ wth
@Neal It's a duplicate question in any case.
I know I have seen that question before.
@LeviMorrison yea... its prob duplicated alot
And I don't mean single quotes vs double quotes, I mean, how do I use a variable in WHERE clause?
Phishing site reported or something :P
@webarto Where?
OpenDNS says it is Phishing site, that jsguy.com... I can't disable that :\
@webarto hmmmm. Strange. Google lets me just visit it
is it possible to set image placeholders in a template file
@PeeHaa Probably, I'll remove this crap somehow.
because I'm having browser compatibility issues with my page and its not just a problem like slightly off or different its really different our staff
@webarto What is your stance regarding the OpenNIC project. Doomed to fail or interesting?
Can a foreach have $i++ in the foreach sentence?
@Jacta No. Foreach simply loops an array (or anything Iteratorable). You could use they key if it is numeric and incremental though. Or add your own counter.
@Jacta sounds like a challenge :p
@PeeHaa Everything starting with Open should be interesting, but most are doomed to fail. I just like to have total control and "decide what is best for me" :)
Thanks ;)
posted on December 10, 2012 by Anthony Ferrara

I've been playing around with tempting engines a lot lately. For a recent project, I needed the ability to re-use the same template set in both JS and PHP (coupled with the History API, providing seamless dynamic behavior, yet still having raw content pages). Realistically today, there's only one choice for that sort of requirement: Mustache. I've learned a lot while playing with Mustache, and

@webarto That's what I thought
@MadaraUchiha I've seen the youtube vid it belongs to. Bollocks I tells ya
Not sure
Some I will give the benefit of the doubt. Others are just there but not so subliminal. Others are just bollocks
@salathe Should strict standards be met in PHP Doc if you know, perhaps? I mean, the ones that are currently unmet (~1200), thanks.
Good evenink
Go home @DaveRandom, you're drunk :P
I wish
here is my code that I'm having an issue with:
@DaveRandom If you wish that on Monday, you have issues :P
I definitely do have issues
yesterday, by DaveRandom
Hi my name is Chris and I am an alcoholic. I haven't had a drink now for over 3 minutes.
<?php if( $event->allday ): ?>
<?php echo _e( ' (all-day) ', CALP_PLUGIN_NAME );?>
<?php echo esc_html( $event->short_start_date ); ?>
<?php if( $event->short_end_date = $event->short_start_date ): ?>
<br /><?php echo _e( 'to', CALP_PLUGIN_NAME );?>
<?php echo esc_html( $event->short_end_date ) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php echo esc_html( $event->short_start_date.' '.$event->short_start_time ); ?>
<br /><?php echo _e( 'to', CALP_PLUGIN_NAME );?>
<!-- This is where the second date is -->
don't open and close php tags like that
if you have no output between lines, leave it open...
I have this code and I want it to show the second date only on events that are longer than one day
@DaveRandom You funny British man[citation needed] :)
@webarto It's just opened in _blank so it should depend on your settings
@DaveRandom I don't have drinking issues. I know what I saw :P
This is what StackOverflow reminds me of youtube.com/watch?v=GQRjWxfz-PQ
@PeeHaa Unintentional, but beta2 will be out tomorrow (or maybe later tonight) so it can be unpinned/repinned with the right links in.
@webarto There's an issue for better handling of popups, it hasn't been decided exactly how it should be implemented, you're welcome to throw in your two cents on #36. In fact, please do, I need the money to buy MOAR BEER
@ircmaxell They learn that from WP, etc. And when you say it is wrong thing to do, you get flamed, because majority is right...
@DaveRandom jo
@DaveRandom Will do my man, lemme just double check what I saw is what I actually saw.
@ircmaxell I liked your templating article.
On a recent project I also attempted to use mustache for JS and PHP templates.
The project was ultimately killed, but it seemed to work out.
I didn't really realize why it could work so easily until just now.
@webarto Here's the line, just window.open(url, '_blank'); basically, so if FF is doing something odd it's FF's fault. I'm thinking switching to named windows would be a good start towards cutting down the number of duplicated windows, but it will still be down to browser config as to whether they are windows or tabs
I'm glad you liked it!
@DaveRandom Yes, of course, to repeat, I'm talking about "older messages", you know how they are opened in new tab instead loaded in chat directly.
@webarto Same line. Or are you saying you'd rather the chat window reloaded?
@DaveRandom Notice that history is kept for an hour (or so), here in chat, and then you have "load older messages" (span#getmore), I'm saying, when that happened, when cv onebox went into "older messages", I clicked on notification, and it opened in new windows, sheeesh. I'll try to reproduce it.
@webarto Ooohhhhh I get you. Unknown but possible. Let me test.
@DaveRandom Please do, if you can. I don't mind that, I'm just saying.
Just witnessed a mega sleigh ride.
@webarto Yeh in fact thinking about it, that will happen. Will apply some brainpower to it, I'm sure that can be fixed fairly easily.
People are so amused by our talk here, that they commit mass suicide on sleighs.
A: Exactly how do I use blowfish in PHP?

BenDuffinTry this - its untested, I just whipped it up to show how to use the BLOWFISH algo with PHP <?php class cipher { private static $mode = 'MCRYPT_BLOWFISH'; private static $key = 'q!2wsd#45^532dfgTgf56njUhfrthu&^&ygsrwsRRsf'; public static function encrypt($buffer){ $iv ...

I've read that, and will probably use that in the long run, but I like to understand how to do things myself. Thanks for the tip, but it doesn't answer my question. — sharf 4 hours ago
@ircmaxell LOL
@webarto Technically it does indeed not answer OP's question. Although it is still the only correct answer :D
@ircmaxell PHPass, I always find that funny.
@webarto I take that you don't have "Remove notifications for vote requests that scroll off screen" enabled then? Not that I'm saying you should, I'm just trying to work out the exact conditions under which this happens.
@ircmaxell is back!
@DaveRandom You are right, I used default options, this is probably edge case what happened. I don't think you should worry about it.
@PeeHaa one for everything!
@webarto No it's all good, it's something that people might actually want, and it is an easy fix I think, just needed that confirmation.
@Lusitanian One jQuery to rule them all
@PeeHaa lord of the jquerys
@DaveRandom Probably when you leave it overnight or something, you'll have about 10 cv's, and potentially that many windows.
@webarto Yeh it is a big problem, before I added that option I'd leave chat open on my work PC over the weekend and you come back in and there's like 50 notifications, although also related
@DaveRandom Was going to suggest that "mark all as read", stuff.
yesterday, by DaveRandom
@PeeHaa I know, that's the problem, I was just considering it and I reached that conclusion as well. I had been considering a key combo (like shift+escape or something) but then I realised that all of ctrl+esc, shift+esc and alt+esc do something in the OS on at least one of machines, either natively or through some application hook, so I suspect many people will have this problem. Will prob just implement as esc, that "which key to use" element would be easy to modify
I'm now thinking it should be user configurable
Day late and a dollar short...
@DaveRandom Are flag notifications also gone after using esc?
@PeeHaa Unknown. Flag something.
Probably because flags need to be dismissed with a specific action
@MadaraUchiha Yeh but one of them is "not sure" so you could default to that.
Either explicitly agree, disagree or dismiss, but that's because you can't review the flag without actually seeing the notification
I think having default of esc but user configurable alternative is the way. I just need to write a little event emitting generic key combo listener, shouldn't be too hard.
@DaveRandom You can't make action unless you saw the flagged message in question, and you can't see the flagged message in question without either being in the room where it happened (which might not be the case), or clicking the notification.
sup people
Yeh it kind of annoys me that anyway, most of the flags I get notified with I end up going to the transcript anyway because a lot of them need context
@m44m31 sup
@DaveRandom Yup. The flag notifications suck
whats a nice php alt? I simply don't like the syntax of php
Then simply leave this room.
I simply will when I get a simple answer.
Aug 11 at 23:52, by tereško
if you cannot see answers, them maybe you should pick up a different hobby ... try gardening
You can't ask us that. It is not moral.
@m44m31 I hear great things about lisps' syntax. You should try it out
@m44m31 Problem is, questions like that achieve literally nothing other than an argument. Every single person has a different opinion, and that's the way it should be.
@PeeHaa LMAO. I'm tempted to star that.
@m44m31 You come here, asking a bunch of PHP experts on PHP alternatives?
lol @ PeeHaa
@m44m31 I believe assembler is quite good.
just trolling you guys...wanted to see how many people get pissed
I believe Smalltalk is great for web dev :)
and i take it none of you are fans of ROR?
no, except @tereško -- i'm fairly certain he really likes ruby on rails
> ducks
We had one of those in here once. I forget where we buried the body.
Brainfuck is an esoteric programming language noted for its extreme minimalism. It is a Turing tarpit, designed to challenge and amuse programmers, and was not made to be suitable for practical use. It was created in 1993 by Urban Müller. The name of the language is generally not capitalized except at the start of a sentence, although it is a proper noun. Language design Urban Müller created brainfuck in 1993 with the intention of designing a language which could be implemented with the smallest possible compiler, inspired by the 1024-byte compiler for the FALSE programming language...
@Lusitanian IIRC @tereško <3 RoR.
Brainfuck on Rails
@LeviMorrison especially its usage of ActiveRecord, right?
this is comical
i use binary cuz i 1337 like dat
@Lusitanian He can't enough of that ****.
@LeviMorrison and i think he loves the "View layer as a template" strategy it employs
anyone fans of node.js?
@m44m31 I am (sort of) but I think I'm pretty much alone.
chat.stackoverflow.com/… You know it is a good discussion when there are at least 4 f* per hour.
@m44m31 I like what they are trying. And I can see it usefulness at some point.
@DaveRandom Treason!
@m44m31 JS has got to be the worst server-side language for most projects . . .
i like the sound of it...but i haven't used it enough to form a real opinion
It's not a lot of use to web devs
node.js is not useful for what most people in here use PHP for
but it is interesting
yeah...it's more useful for little non-http stuff
@m44m31 However, I am a huge fan of Dart.
i was hoping to see node.js go further than what it currently is
i've yet to figure out what the freaking point of dart is.
No patience, he has
dart looks nice
think i might consider using it
@rdlowrey is into dart iirc
@cHao You don't see the need for a class-based, object-oriented language with lexical scoping, closures, and optional static typing that works on the client and server sides?
@cHao optional static typing on the client-side is enough to excite me
not to mention it's class based instead of prototype based
lol @LeviMorrison
and oh...levi answered
@LeviMorrison nope. especially since it doesn't work on the client side unless you compile to js.
@cHao Yet.
and unless they have hugely, radically, revolutionally fixed their js compilation...
@cHao They have.
I'm sure you remember the humongous "hello world" file?
Yeah, gone.
And it will also get better.
yep. that was my first real look at dart :P
it runs in apache?
im going to code a Magic(); function
there like a mod_dart or something?
then magic posts your problem on stack for answers and get back to you
@cHao It runs in a Dart VM.
i know right
@DaveRandom $.performMagic();
now...does stack have an api i can tap into?
@cHao Most of the work is going into the client at the moment, but they just released SSL/TSL support for client and server.
@m44m31 Yes.
@m44m31 Yes, but not one you can post questions with (thankfully)
@LeviMorrison not selling me...lol...i don't use java or RoR precisely because they want to be their own little world
if it doesn't connect easily to apache, fuck it.
@cHao You do know PHP runs in a VM, officially, right?
Also, wake up and smell the Nginx
i also know it takes approximately zero effort to get it running with apache.
**wake up and smell the IIS -- Microsoft FTW
or iis, for that matter
@cHao Because it was a project priority. I'm sure if Dart wanted to do the same it would happen.
maybe it should want to do the same.
It's still in infancy; maybe it will.
and maybe js will sprout classes and type hinting. oh, wait....
Guys, you need to go easy on whatever you're taking.
We've seen JS' history.
Chances of that being successful? I'm about 97% confident it will be a nightmare.
and we haven't seen dart's history. who the hell knows there.
What kind of nightmare?
@cHao But we have seen Google's history.
I'm a bit more confident in that.
brb, 10 minute commute
yeah, let's just put all our faith in google! they'll come up with the language that solves the programming problems that have been around since programming has.
oh, wait.
no, they won't.
it'll just be another language.
it'll make some things easier, and some things harder. and its survival kinda depends on choosing wisely.

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