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00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

We need to steal this *concept, since @webarto is such a smartass: mainerror.github.com/android-room-rules
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">
    <title>Stack Overflow Android Room Rules</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/styles.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/pygment_trac.css">
      .italic {
        font-style: italic;
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="javascripts/respond.js"></script>
I stole it
'night again!
@DaveRandom There are definitively some valid points in there
> Do not paste code into chat, instead use a site such as Ubuntu Pastebin or a GitHub Gist.
Ironic... @webarto, you just disobeyed that rule by posting it.
Ubuntu, please... paste.debian.net
Leave me alone, I'm sleeping... with laptop...
@webarto What you do on your own time is your own affair. Pervert.
I don't have a bed you spoiled British ****
@webarto Sleep on your 4 spare laptops then :-P
I meant to say, I have a leather sofa :P
Cow murderer.
You are muted, have a nice night.
eco Leather, you peasant.
Enjoy your Z-stacking sesh
You guys are funny :D
Out of curiousity: What are the monthly visits of the biggest site you guys own (if you own one) or work for?
@AlexCastro The company I work for supplies water coolers to a Google office. Does that count? :-P
@DaveRandom haha that's actually awesome
Custom visitor tracking software?
Basically, yes
raw data though
50,000 visits in the entire history of the site?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Over what time period?
But it includes search engines, and myself
@DaveRandom I assume the site you work on is very specific and gets less, more targeted visitors?
FROM  `visitors`
WHERE ip !=  '<my ip>'
AND useragent LIKE  'Mozilla/5.0 %'
AND useragent NOT LIKE  '%bot%'
AND useragent NOT LIKE  '%canary%'

My biggest site gets about 300,000 uniques a month
Very niche market though
OK, 26,000 all-time for me (over a period of months)...
@ShaquinTrifonoff Y U NO LIKE CANARY?
@PeeHaa If I include the Binary Canary monitoring service... then 47176 :P
BTW, I have 420 hits with the referrer being Stack Overflow :D
And @DaveRandom has visited my site 32 times.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Wasssssssssssup!
@MirwaisMaarij I've started on creating a new, simpler chat system from scratch, that will have instant updates.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Niiiice :D
Modifying the other one is a headache :D
@ShaquinTrifonoff :p haha
@Dave SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE host LIKE '%aquacool%', lol
@ShaquinTrifonoff how is it going with the newer chat system
At the moment I'm getting the new message function to work properly... it duplicates messages.
@ShaquinTrifonoff It'll be more than that then, PTR is only set up on 1 of 6 IPs
Do they all start with 77.?
Plus my home connection as well
Ah, but you use XP?
Add LIKE '%ward9%cable.virginmedia.com'
@DaveRandom So that's where all the virginmedia.com visits are coming from...
@ShaquinTrifonoff DB error: SQLSTATE[42000] [1203] User u316837903_me already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections :p
@DaveRandom Showing rows 0 - 29 ( 131 total, Query took 0.0097 sec)
@cyril where?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Maybe not all, there's a good chance there's other UK users on Virgin. I'd have thought most if not all of the ward9s are me though, probably a couple of IPs because its a cheapo dynamic IP connection
6 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
@DaveRandom You are right: SELECT * FROM visitors WHERE host LIKE '%aquacool%' OR host LIKE '%ward9%cable.virginmedia.com' GROUP BY ip returns 2 rows.
Which reminds me, I really must implement PTRs into my DNS lib, it's a sorely missing bit of functionality. I was getting fed up of reading RFCs towards the end though, had to take a break.
hi guys, i have code + DB, and i want to deploy all in the cloud. Do you know any TOTALLY free service provider. All i know (Amazon AWS, Engine Yard, Cloud Bees) are charged with limited free hours.
A free cloud???
Water costs money...
water wets money
Paper money? :P
so there is not
Google free cloud hosting
I don't know if freehostingcloud.com is any good
i would like to ask if i can produce a upload status(in percent) using php?.i notice in google chrome that every time i upload, on the bottom left part of the browser,there is the uploading status of what i currently uploading.is there a way i can get it and just reflect it to my page?
@ShaquinTrifonoff Thanx, i will take a look :)
I think there is, but it's very complex
@orvyl Why you need php to do that. I would say JavaScript/jQuery are better options
@orvyl Are you looking for a fileuploader with progressbar?
actually im just curious about the uploading status that the google chrome is displaying every time we upload. IF we can just get the status that the chrome is showing on its bottom left and just reflect it into our page, this might save our time on coding javascript for the upl status.
*upl = upload
if we can get that, creating progress bar can be done with ease
You can do that if you use JavaScript to upload the file in chunks.
any comment/reaction about valumns?.im currently testing it and i didnt yet encounter any problem.
// Load the callback function
var mainScript = document.createElement("script");
mainScript.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
That is from official documentation
@PeeHaa Over 10 months :p
Yup. One would think OP did open google in the meanwhile :p
I have a question regarding to Codeigniter. If I has a regular php class file for example DAO, which folder do I have to store this in? Library or Core?
1 hour later…
posted on December 08, 2012 by PHP Advent

As a designer, I have nothing against the anti-spec movement. Created in response to speculative work (i.e., work commissioned with the possibility of payment but no guarantee) and crowd-sourcing (e.g., design contests which reward only one winner), the anti-spec community has been protecting designers’ right to be paid for the work that they do. However, the movement has been going too far — 

so I'm following jack's guide about storing and verifing passwords, and I'm trying to make a hash
he uses : $password = 'my password';
$salt = strtr(base64_encode(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(18)), '+', '.');
$pwhash = crypt($password, sprintf('$2y$%02d$%s', 13, $salt));
but I don't have openssl installed, so is there another easier way to make a hash, or do I need to be installing openssl
1 hour later…
is too many comment on post are subject to flag ?
@NullPointer They're auto-flagged
> More than 20 comments posted in the past 3 days
@MikeB yup..
17 × too many comments .....over there
@ShaquinTrifonoff hiya....
whats up..
not much..
check this stackoverflow.com/questions/13743671/… i find it useful ... votest answer and my cat
@shaquin hi
@shaquin i need ci header page follow
Hey guys, How would I edit a server file with php to add another array to the JSON?
@SquiresSquire What have you tried so far?
Hi I have used CuiDatePicker, Now I want an ajax call when user selects any date . How Can i do it please help asap. framework is yii
Q: Any way to check if someone has closed their browser using Javascript/PHP?

user1880610I'm working on a PHP/MySQL/Javascript based online chess game. One problem I've encountered is the possibility of a user on one end just closing his browser. Is there any way to reliably detect if someone has been idle/closed the page? As an added complication, our school server does not support...

As an added complication, our school server does not support cron jobs -_-
@ShumailaKhan Isn't that a JavaScript question for the JavaScript room?
Guys, I'm trying to experiment if my application can give fall back features for older browsers that do not support HTML5.
I'm just wondering what method do you guys use to do this? Do you have multiple versions of same browser installed on your machine?
Hi guys I need a help for ajaxfilemanager plugin for tinymce editor
I am using tinymce editor and trying to implement ajaxfilemanager plugin. Now in my case, I can upload the image on server but whenever I double click on the image it is showing undefined in Image Url text field.
Hi all
Guys, if you were building a forum, would you save post bodies into database or external files?
I'm currently saving them into database field and gave it VARCHAR(MAX) do you think it's efficient?
@tereško I did report it but they don't to be flagging it, I am fairly new there is anything I can to defer the answer to that question? — input 34 mins ago
can somebody translate it in common english
@tereško Could you tell me your opinion about my question above? thx
how to loop through json data using php?
anyone please ?
@TemporaryNickName is it webscale?
@Sujaysreedhar $array = decode_json(//content or path); //I assume you have decoded it already
Just as you loop through array or double array, simply use foreach
SELECT thread_id, recipients FROM thread WHERE folder_id = 0
i got the reply of this
SELECT message_count FROM message WHERE thread_id=XXXXXXXXX
for example { "Data":[{"name": "jason", "age": 20}, {"name": "tom", age: 33}]}
i need to loop to find who have chated with most
foreach($array->Data as $object){ echo 'name: ' . $object->name . ' age: ' . $object->age}
  "data": [
      "thread_id": "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm",
      "recipients": [
      "thread_id": "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm",
      "recipients": [
      "thread_id": "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm",
      "recipients": [
this is a example reply
i need to find the number of m's
i mean "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"
in this we have total 3 rit?
how will we get 3 from this?
well just put them in array
can u give the sample code?
am not that good in php
i still can't don't know how to find the numbers
$me = file_get_contents('https://localhost/bugs3/test/json.txt');
$thred = json_decode($me,true);
i do have till this
what i need to do is use fql
SELECT message_count FROM message WHERE thread_id=mmmmmmmm
do this and find the biggest number
how can i do that thats my question
You forgot http:// in your file_get_contents call unless you actually want a file path and not an url.
i did had that in my code
till the end the code is fne
oh .. it's the weekend .. at last i can put some time in that framework-project-thing again
morning , Thief
Good Mornin'
what's with the small-avatar people being at the start of activity-queue all the time?
@ThiefMaster chat url formatting
Ah well, I blame him for not formatting it as code.
@cyril Sorry mate, I didn't realize you've actually replied me before. I think it is web scale since I want to make it available on any environments including cloud and support DBs like MongoDB. (I'm not sure if this is a right answer for what web scale is).
And I am wondering if I need to store body of post into DB or external files
Most of ppl suggested me to store them in DB, so I am working towards that way
is it just me or SO is lagging today ?
Q: Could we implement a better search?

Madara UchihaWell, after being on the site for quite awhile, I couldn't help but notice that the search function the site offers, well... is not the best. Currently, to find any specific question, or any questions regarding a certain subject, I go on to Google and type site:stackoverflow.com Question Keywor...

Managed to revive it :D
morning folks
I need a help regarding AES and Mysql
good morning frnds
can anyone explain the session and the query string ? in php
store the values and retrieve that value to the multiple page is session but i need to know the query string ????Please any one Much appreciated
@vicky The query string is the part of the URL that comes after the question mark so in example.com?foo=bar&baz=quix the "?foo=bar&baz=qux" part is called the query string.
@GoogleGuy is it possible to retrieve the values to multi pages instead of session ??
@vicky What do you mean the values to multi pages?
Is it possible to use the query string instead of session?(Store and retrieve the values from first page to the last page ) like session
Yes, but it's highly discouraged.
that mean?
It means if you want to do that please go back to 1995.
It can always be tampered easily
It's not a question of whether or not it can be tampered with. It's matter of this is the wrong way to do it because it will cause many problems that you don't want to deal with
If the problem is already well solved my advice is ... don't go looking for a worse way to solve it.
@GoogleGuy sorry ya I am newbie still i am going to learn php My senior developers asked me the session is the possible way to store and retrieve the values ??I am struggling that time i searched googling no use
what the hell is going on here ?
@GoogleGuy thanks for your suggestion !!
@vicky , please , separate your text in sentences
@vicky - Your users cant see what is stored in the session variables.. But if you use query strings, its already too much work, and users can see all the datas and can easily tamper.
No, you just put the session id in the query string the same way you put the session id in a cookie.
If you're putting session data in the query string you should give up on programming now and take up something else, like possibly a bottle cap collection.
> "My senior developers asked me the session is the possible way to store and retrieve the values ??"
what did this mean ?
@tereško - lol.
sorry for my english
this did not explain what you meant with the line above
My senior developers asked me the question about "session is the possible way to store and retrieve the values" ??
the second part is an affirmation or a question?
ok .. i think i might have understood what was asked of you
yes, @vicky, you can store data in the php session , but only the data for a particular user
sessions should NOT be used as cache
@tereško even yesterday also i ask the same ques to you
if you have large amounts of data , that you want to store somewhere nearer to the php code ( like results from complicated/expensive SQL queries) it is better to save them in APC cache .. or memcache, if you have a distributed system
@tereško - Cache?
@Kishor you have a problem with the meaning of word ?
Not with the meaning of the word, but not sure what you meant as the cache for a php script.
Store larger data where?
APC, memcache, etc...
is it full moon outside ?
ah ok lol
I have an array like this, Array ( Array("score" => "2"), Array("score" => "5") ) how do i sort the array by the score inside the array ? (and not by the Key value (0,1) of the Array)
This was asked like billions of times.
@MoshMage asort() .. or in your case actually uasort()
hah, i was user natcasesort -- and then i tried sort() now i see what it didnt work. Thanks :)
So i'll have to do something like uasort($array,"smpcmp"); sounds easy enough. I hope it doesn't turn into a nightmare :D
@MoshMage do not pass a string
instead use an anonymous function
instead of strcmp use cmp with a return of strcmp ? (like in php.net exemple?)
nervemind, i went ahead and read what a anynomous function is and i got your drift; But, if i maybe so bold, what's the big difference ?
you "smpcmp" example has the same issue as eval("smpcmp()") : you cannot really track it
oh it seems like strcmp doesn't compare (negative) numbers as it should. what a twat, i always forget "str" = "string" :|
the correct thingy should be gmp_cmp :)
I am about to play with the new threading implementation. If you don't hear from me in about an hour, send out a search party.
hello, has anyone ever used the whole zend encoding/guard/optimizer stuff and encountered problems like the following:
$a = array(0 => 'a', 1 => 'b');
foreach ($a as $k => $v) {
	if ($k == 0) {
		$a['v'] = $v;

... will produce either:

1) With normal PHP:
    [v] => a

2) With Zend encoded PHP:

.... at least with PHP 5.2.
@TimPost pthreads?
@NikiC Yep
@TimPost Tell us about it when you're done ;)
@markus-tharkun Why would anyone use something like zend guard?
zend is so awesome that it overrides php
@NikiC good question, I wouldn't but some do and I'm trying to help them solve a problem :)
Easiest solution is to not use it :D
@NikiC yes, indeed
actually , the easiest would be to check if the error is caused by php version
Kill it
@NikiC Are they only in git ATM, or is there an alpha build that contains them?
Kill it with fire
try running it on latest in 5.2.x branch , @markus-tharkun , and in some 5.3+ version
@TimPost It's a PECL extension, so you won't find it any official PHP builds
@tereško in none-encoded state, the result is correct in php 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4, latest versions
@NikiC Ah ok, why did I think it made it into core?
@TimPost No idea
erm.. isn't gmp_cmp in 5.3.9 ? (php.net says (PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5)) but i get Call to undefined function gmp_cmp() when calling it
@TimPost I think core would rather like to get rid of any threading we have :D
@MoshMage it's part of extension
@MoshMage You need to compile PHP with gmp (or load it as a shared extension)
@markus-tharkun 3v4l.org/SrG6K
@tereško, @NikiC thanks :)
@cyril yep, it's consistent without encoding it
I'm guessing there isn't a "equivalent" to it without extensions? (I'm scared of use that thing)
which should be the case, anything else would be... ahm amazing?
looking at the opcode now... not the easierst thing to do
Solved, turns out i dont need gmp_cmp - i can "imitate" it ^^' Thanks once again
make a custom function and pass it in
edit: I am dense
<input id="radius" type="range" placeholder="radius" value="0.5" min="0.1" max="1000" step="0.1"> km I'd like a logarithm scale, but no idea how
lol..again w3schools ...holy cow
hi, what is good way to remove comments from CSS file?
but I would have it to keep some comments
comments marked with /*@important@ Some Comment Here */
it wouldn't remove it
@NullPointer How can a runtime error not be helpful?
@TimPost looks like it helpful ..
@NullPointer I was being funny :P
hi, what is good way to remove comments from CSS file?
but I would have it to keep some comments
comments marked with /*@important@ Some Comment Here */
it wouldn't remove it
@Olli quick'n'dirty solution codepad.viper-7.com/rkbd2k
@TimPost my english skill is little bit slow .... i am working on it. some time i misunderstand meaning of sentence ...
@Donut Thx! Is there any way to remove JS // comments?
It's a bit difficult since http://
Yeah, I guess there is some way.
Try it yourself.
I have tried many codes, but all they remove the http slashes too
could any one tell me about stackoverflow.com/a/13779657/1723893 answer i don't understand why * works same as &&
@NullPointer 1 * 1 = 1
1 * 0 = 0
0 * 1 = 0
where 1 = true, 0 = false
@andho you mean it will behave like AND gate. since if converts to Boolean than check
@NullPointer yeah
whats better to do:
Hello people
Using WordPress Categories To Style Posts or using post formats
@PeeHaa Greetings
@NullPointer If either of those are false it will be casted to 0. And anything * 0 is 0
And 0 is falsy
But please don't ever use it :)
Breaks natural feel of code imho.
@PeeHaa i never tried\ heard this ... saw in answer so .... wanted to know about this
What is better: using WordPress categories to style posts or using the WordPress "post-formats" to style post?
@NullPointer sorry man but, the wpse chatroom is useless
@jan267 hiya....
@jan267 hola
@jan267 You can edit messages here in chat
uh, thanks! good to know :)
I love cars, girls and programming! .... lol @jan267
oh yeah!
don't you? :D
I love CatOverflow and Cats...lol
lol, wanna see my kitten?
wait a sec
she's watching xfactor italy: instagram.com/p/S6WKkEy78r :D
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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