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> DataMapper differentiates itself from other Ruby Object/Relational Mappers in a number of ways:
was thinking it was not exactly active record there
$(document).ready(function() {
$("h1, h2").on('click', function (e) {
$(this).effect( "bounce", { times : 1, direction : "down", distance : "1.5" }, 200)
hey guys can anyone help please
i want to place this, however its coming up with a santax error,... have i missed something?
JS room
Well, this is PHP room, not jQuery...
well there were no one in the jquery room, hence wondered if anyone knew it in here @Donut :)
Post it there
You have bigger chance in JS than here...
ok, sorry for troubling u
no worries
You have a santax error in your syntax error saying there is a syntax error in your syntax erroneous code.
24 mins ago, by benlevywebdesign
if ($hebrewDayString) {
$convertedDate .= $hebrewDayString;
$ends = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th');
if (($hebrewDayString % 100) >= 11 && ($hebrewDayString % 100) <= 13)
$abbreviation = $hebrewDayString . 'th';
$abbreviation = $hebrewDayString . $ends[$hebrewDayString % 10];
what about this problem, I had it before I lost my file and now I can't seem to redo it
its supposed to add the ordinal suffix but its not
You got what you deserved, now apt-get install git and be a man.
it seems easy but its just not working
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria I posted an answer.
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria Your constructor creates a PDO instance and immediately destroys it. You can't return a value from a constructor, and you stored it in $db, not $this->db, so it goes out of scope as soon as the constructor has executed.
@ShaquinTrifonoff You'll have to elaborate a little before I upvote that... ;-)
@webarto lol what does git have to do
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria He lost his file?
@DaveRandom and how can I fix it?
@LeviMorrison what about my db for the test server?
@benlevywebdesign Copy your current one and dump it.
@LeviMorrison dump it?
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria Just changing $db to $this->db would be a start, but it depends what you are trying to do. What functionality are you trying to add to PDO that it doesn't already have? (I'm just trying to gauge whether you should be extending PDO or having an internal instance)
@benlevywebdesign Just make a copy of your current db and use that.
@DaveRandom I want to create a class to connect the PDO when I want
@LeviMorrison Did you enjoy that little, erm, debate before? It was in serious danger of turning into a flame war when I left, I've not looked at the transcript yet
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria, @DaveRandom I edited my answer...
@LeviMorrison did you see my little problem above, I'm still trying to figure that one out its a head scratcher
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria Sorry, can you expand a little? To "connect the PDO when I want" you can just not create the PDO instance until you want it, can you give a bit more of a description?
I want to create my own class to connect
with a line, creating an object
because I don't want to put the PDO lines in all php files
Never mind I got it figured out
I dont to write $dbhost = "";
$dbname = "db";
$dbuser = "user";
$dbpass = "pass";
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $dbhost . ';dbname=' . $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
in all php files
and this is the reason that I want to create a simple class
to create in any php my object
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria This is the class that I use, (not the best code, BTW): pastie.org/5495623
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria ...so just write those lines in one file, and include() that file wherever you need it. I don't see how extending (or decorating either) will help that desire.
Then $db = new db('user');
Unless you are using so framework or something that means that this will help.
@LeviMorrison wait...make a new db with the copy
@benlevywebdesign Yes.
@DaveRandom About Apple or what?
@LeviMorrison Aye
Thanks @Shaquin
I will try it?
I will try it
@DaveRandom Turns out that GoogleGuy is unwilling to believe that Apple actually does have complete control over a very narrow market. That's okay. Belief doesn't change the truth.
In any case, it is a very narrow market we are talking about.
Oh crap, I started it again. Nothing is happening people, move along please.
I don't get the anti-company dogmas. Do I dislike Microsoft? Yes, I do. Was I still able enjoy using XP? Yes, I was.
And, to be perfectly honest, I'm very grateful for Microsoft.
In many ways they've driven to competition to be really good.
Although I don't think they've driven PHP to be better :)
@LeviMorrison so it will have a different name on the end of it and not the same as my original one too..
@benlevywebdesign Not sharing the same name is okay.
but if it does?
finally I will use a simple include()
I think that is the best way
thank you all
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria You are not completely correct, not so say wrong, but good luck :)
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria stackoverflow.com/a/13770586/424004 1,2,3
@LeviMorrison if I just import the db again what will happen
@benlevywebdesign I don't understand your question.
@webarto that way is better than a simple include(), and one more question, then how I can create the object for using that?
Your class is named pdo_connection, and your file is named pdo.connection.class.php which has no relation whatsoever. @MikelGarcesEtxebarria
if I import the db I just duplicated will it change anything
hmmm I created lots os classes with no the same name
of the file
@webarto Sure there is a relation
@PeeHaa What do you know :P Where exactly?
@LeviMorrison I do sometimes wish PHP just didn't bother trying to support Windows, but at the same time I love the fact that I can actually get scripting to work, quickly on Windows without bleeding eyes, vomit on the keyboard, head-shaped holes in the wall and all the other baggage that goes with MS scripting languages.
@LeviMorrison I'm saying do I have to make a new db or not?
@benlevywebdesign I recommend creating a new db, yes.
@MadaraUchiha ping
@LeviMorrison after I made a duplicate of my db I can't edit a page on my non test wp
hold on
@DaveRandom You know, you could use Python for that. You even get awesome winapi bindings in there. :p
@ThiefMaster "learn python" has been on my list of things to do for about a thousand years. One day, I'm sure.
@LeviMorrison what could I have done?
As soon as you are used to it you'll probably start hating PHP though.
@benlevywebdesign I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask your hosting provider for help.
@ThiefMaster You are implying he doesn't already hate PHP.
import os
@ThiefMaster It's fine, I already hate PHP. So do most people who have used it for any length of time. I hate Windows as well, I'm still using it to write this message despite the fact I have a perfectly good Fedora box right next to me.
Ah well, windows is perfectly fine as long there's a linux box in the local network.
I have this setup at home and yesterday I had the same setup at work. Combines the good stuff from both worlds IMO.
@DaveRandom I like php :) (for a veeeeery long time)
@KamilTomšík Well, obviously you're insane. Ahh yes, you see, Java dev as well. Insane.
@ThiefMaster it is also a nice idea, if you have a laptop, to make it dualboot
I had that some time ago, mainly to run WiFi-related tools (aireply-ng etc. don't work well on windows). Didn't do that on the new laptop though.
@DaveRandom dont forget about smalltalk :) totally insane
Rebooting is annoying anyway... my (non-laptop) machines usually run 24/7
except windows update reboots of course.. hate those though. especially for non-security-related crap
Holy crap, someone call the men in white coats to come and get this guy please. "Nurse! He's out of bed again!"
Also, someone please confiscate @tereško's comma key. I swear one day he's going to start putting them in the middle of words because he's run out of spaces between them.
@DaveRandom :) well, I havent been around here for a year or so... somebody could take you serious :-P
@DaveRandom sorry , i tend to use long, multipart sentences with latvian-like grammar rules
@DaveRandom he's from europe too, we tend to use commas everywhere :)
@KamilTomšík Don't worry, I'm only kidding <backs away slowly>
@tereško No worries. Pet hate. I had an English teacher who used to rant about it all the time, I guess it rubbed off on me a bit.
anyway, quick question to all of you... what have you been coding today? :)
an xhr file-uploader-thing for a rotten codebase
@tereško Oh yeh, hows that going? Is it as bad as you first thought? Worse?
i am still thinking of where to begin the refactoring
it's kinda like standing a sea-shore with bucket
$f = $a->b->c->d->e->f; // get a new instance of F
actually , in the current codebase it is possible that you create new instance of b and c, and d, and e, and f
@LeviMorrison I'm now getting "Error establishing a database connection"
and load classes for c and f
@tereško I love refactoring, post some code... :-P
/me prepares to make millions from stolen code
maybe later this week
thing is , currently i would be much more happier to have a codebase where there are globals floating everywhere
in that situation i would at least have some idea how to start refactoring
@DaveRandom Yo
Got a mail about your comment
Hi, how can I use this object inside other classes? $db = new PDO('mysql:host=' . $dbhost . ';dbname=' . $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpass);
@tereško you know - sometimes you have to go one step back to be able jump 5 steps ahead :)
@MadaraUchiha Hey hey. Yeh it was just those two comments really, killv-pls and the avatar notification dismissal, after I pinged you I thought "sod it, I'll just comment"
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria You pass it into the constructor of that class.
@DaveRandom As for the dismissal, I'd argue ESC is the way to go really.
@MikelGarcesEtxebarria maybe this helps: stackoverflow.com/a/11369679/727208
Since it's the most intuitive
@tereško that reminds me...
var totalPrice = items.reduce(function(res, it){return res + it.price;}, 0);
var totalPrice = items.map(prop("price")).reduce(add);
What about the potential "conflict" with SE notifications though?
@MadaraUchiha thanks
@KamilTomšík I'd just use the first, personally.
If all else fails write some "performance tests" to justify your pick.
the funny thing about performance tests is : they are usually made to prove something, not to test
@LeviMorrison yeah, I did too, but the second one is actually better and even more descriptive
@KamilTomšík Hi, Long time no see
Are you still working on your language? :)
@Donut yep, it gets very concrete last few weeks, actually
Is it open-source?
Why this is not working? $consulta = $db->prepare('SELECT karma FROM users WHERE id = :userid');
$consulta->bindParam(':userid', $userid);
but if I do this is working good: $consulta = $db->prepare('SELECT karma FROM users WHERE id = 1);
$consulta->bindParam(':userid', $userid);
define "working"
it doesent return anything
with :userid
my mistake
of course it is... E_PEBKAC :)
you have to call execute()
as a side note , @MikelGarcesEtxebarria , stick to one language when writing code .. preferably english
Fatal error: E_PEBKAC in code on line 0
Oh no, not a chance in hell am I clicking an unsolicited link posted by @ShaquinTrifonoff
lol, it's a line of PHP to create an E_USER_ERROR
I'm seriously adding this... EVERYWHERE.
I'm getting "Error establishing a database connection"
Okay, this is a silly question but how can I get the 303 value of order_ids from this variable I dumped? I tried $ids = $var->_data->order_ids[0]; but that didn't work pastebin.com/raw.php?i=q8Dycf4V
Hi all !!!
I am newbie ,I have an doubt with the session I am using the session to store the values and retrieve the values to multiple pages ,But i need to know whether if anyway to store the values other than session???
cache .. usually APC, if you have a single-server setup
how can i store the values to cache?
with php functions
@KamilTomšík TLDR: single reduction wins on my system. That's exactly what I would predict. Twice as many function calls and twice as many iterations.
whats the best way to combine a seperate date and time into a single dateTime ?
@Luke use timestamp
$event->startDate returns Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:00:00 +0000 and $event->startTime returns 09:00
and i want to combine them like Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:09:00 +0000
I keep getting this "One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired."
and then I click repaired and it doesn't fix it
Alan Turing is Skeet Complete. — tsilb Sep 9 '09 at 4:00
Gah! How do I not have illustrator on any of my computers at home.
In fact @webarto you do graphic-y type things don't you?
@DaveRandom How may I help?
@webarto I need a 64x64 of this, there's an SVG here that may be of some use, IDK because I CAN'T BLOODY OPEN IT!!!1
I need help
No arguments there
@LeviMorrison I keep getting error conecting to database
and then when i do wp-admin and repair what it says still nothing
@benlevywebdesign What's the error?
@LeviMorrison "Error establishing a database connection"
its linked right
@DaveRandom 64x64?
@benlevywebdesign Does the database exist?
Sometimes it takes a few minutes after creation for everything to be routable.
@LeviMorrison when I do wp-admin I get this "One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired."
@webarto Awesome, tnx
'A bit too big'. Made with PhantomJS
@tereško anyother reference ???
I have just started downloading my AI CS3 installer from the work server because it is ridiculous that of 8 working computers in this house, not one single one of them has it on. It's going to take 4 hrs to download though because the work connection suuucks
@benlevywebdesign Not sure what to tell you. I hardly ever do anything with wordpress.
@ShaquinTrifonoff you got a guess?
@DaveRandom If you were in my office you'd get a gigabit ethernet connection with 1 hop to the main backbone.
@DaveRandom 8 computers don't have AI, 1st world problems :P (hint: Inkscape)
@benlevywebdesign no
I think It has to do with my db
I don't know what to look for in it to see if it has errors or something
@webarto Most of them are sh*t. The most expensive computer in this house cost £400 when I got it, at least 4 of them I got for free because someone was throwing them out.
@DaveRandom Number of them running *nix?
@LeviMorrison 5
@DaveRandom Just kidding, I have 5 laptops, but only one is usable these days.
@DaveRandom Ooo, I'd create a mini-cluster.
How many processors between the 5 machines?
@LeviMorrison I think its something to do with my db
2 Fedoras, 2 Ubuntus, 2 XPs, 1 OpenSUSE and 1 Win7 (GFs laptop)
Don't blame it on your GF, it is not nice.
@LeviMorrison Physical CPUs 8, cores 11 13
@DaveRandom As long as you don't compile for hardware features that would totally work.
Of course, hardware features can make a big difference.
how do I fix my db
can someone help me with this? :S
$motd = $server['motd'];
$motd = preg_replace("[0-9]","",$motd,1);
Actually potentially 15, one of them is running a Core2Duo of some variety and I was gifted a Q6600 the other day which I've not bothered to do anything with yet
@tereško By the way, Intel has official stuff out for MIC/Xeon Phi: intel.com/content/www/us/en/high-performance-computing/…
2Game starting in 8 minutes. is 'motd'
shouldn't that be replacing the 2 at the beginning?
I'm confused D:
I need help updating a value in wordpress db. My code is the following - `global $current_user, $wpdb;
$accusername = $current_user->user_login ;
UPDATE $wpdb->users
SET firsttime_discount = 0
WHERE user-login = %d

when I try to execute it goes except the value does not turn to 0?
the field is int(2) - either is 1 or 0 - not null
@ShaquinTrifonoff I need to fix my db somehow
or figure out which tables are unavailable.
Hey guys. Does anyone know some PHP code for renaming images, specifically just taking out the spaces in the images and replacing them with +?
I have a folder with about 8000 images that I need to rename
Not even sure if it'd be smart to run it on all 8000 images at once
$motd = $server['motd'];
$motd = preg_replace('#^\d+#', '', $motd);
now it just does some really derpy shit with the string
whats the difference bw session and query string ??
@AlexCastro Break it into parts. You need to be able to replace a space with a +, find appropriate files, and rename files.
There is a PHP function for renaming files: php.net/rename
@tereško I'm starting to see why you like Opera, it's becoming my browser-of-choice-under-windows-when-chrome-pisses-me-off. Plus SO chat doesn't bleed memory in Opera like it does in Chrome.
@LeviMorrison Would the following steps be correct? 1. Find images with " " in them 2. In those, rename?
@AlexCastro That sounds like it would work.
@DaveRandom I don't have that memory problem in Chrome.
Not that I know of.
@LeviMorrison Thanks. I'll shoot the code over through here once I think I've gotten it. I have over 8000 images and cant mess this up ;p
@LeviMorrison When they start giving spare time away at supermarkets I'll take a look at it.
@DaveRandom lol
@AlexCastro Hint: glob, rename.
@LeviMorrison thanks
@LeviMorrison Really? On my work machine and this laptop it eats memory like it's going out of fashion. I did wonder if it was a leak in [cv-pls] but I removed it for a couple of days and it still did the same thing. Having said that, I'm running XP on both of those machines (don't shoot me) so maybe it's an XP problem.
@DaveRandom It could be a browser + OS issue.
Those kinds of bugs aren't uncommon.
@LeviMorrison Would urlencode() fix my images having a space in them without me having to rename the images?
@LeviMorrison ^^
(No other tabs in that process)
Here it's using 68,000K
@ShaquinTrifonoff do you mind helping me for one sec?
@benlevywebdesign what
What enthusiasm.
951 650 465
or someone who knows db's really well
is that a phone number?
Man, cat food smells rank
It really makes me wretch
Today a friend thought it would be funny to wake me up with a little ammonia
Just under the nose that stuff burns
I have a good story about something similar, but I'm not going to tell it here because I will get flagged, even I find it offensive, and it's my story.
Who connected to TeamViewer?
...to what?
TeamSpeak thingy...
@DaveRandom chat uses 30MB here :|
@AlexCastro I think urlencode changes spaces to %20.
I am on Chrome v120 though
Why you on that version @PeeHaa?
@ShaquinTrifonoff can you not reconnect
@PeeHaa I suspect XP. v120? You are 97 versions ahead of me?
@benlevywebdesign It said 'Connecting...' forever, but now it has the prompt
@DaveRandom Actually 25 :)
951 650 465
@ben Change the password when I connect
Out of curiosity, when you don't put units in things like "width: 2;", what does it use as the arbitrary units?

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