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@ShaquinTrifonoff so the year is wrong , the day is wrong , they just celebrate choosen date according to the god of death in rome before which was on 25 december . nothing according to jesus. so infact christians are celebrating the GOD OF DEATH :)
Tobi said a Chuck Norris statement yesterday @Leigh :D
Naruto: "When different opinions are met, the majority rule should be applied!"
Tobi: "Good proposal. So we'll exterminate everyone, and then decide".
When God talks about PHP does God just refer to it as P? God would be one level above everything?
~Morning @NullPointer ... you've missed exciting discussions on religion, the pope, science and dead jew zombies
Morning @DaveRandom :)
@Jimbo ahh... i missed .... but every time people do discussion on that topic it just get convert in argue in just minutes imho... as i saw ...
What can we do about these indians who post terrible questions then get their colleagues to upvote them. Flagging all of the users seems like a massive burden on the mods.
@Leigh Keep posting them here :)
Can any one tell me any problem in this ?
$start = $model->startDate;
$startDate= $start->format('Y-m-d');
Yeah, you need: $model = new model();
@Jimbo I have it in my controller , missed here to share
@ShumailaKhan Please tell us the symptoms of your problem. Unfortunately none of us have yet attained the Clairvoyant badge.
When I did $StartDate echo , its giving me this error :

Fatal error: Call to a member function format() on a non-object in D:\wamp\www\the-pakistanis\protected\controllers\ReportsController.php on line 428
@ShumailaKhan ...which means that $model->startDate is not a DateTime object as you think it is. Look at the code where you assigned a value to it.
@DaveRandom Its coming from form . How can I make it DateTime Object ?
@ShumailaKhan What is it now? Show var_dump($model->startDate)
@DaveRandom its coming null
Is it weird that I immediately recognize a lot of songs on the radio even though they were from before I was even born?
@ShumailaKhan You need to trace back through your code and find the reason that it has no value assigned to it, there's nothing we can do to help you if you can't find the answer to that, without seeing the whole project and tracing it back. And I doubt anyone here has the time to do that. Not for free, at least.
@ShumailaKhan Public properties break encapsulation in OOP and are generally a bad idea IMO. See the Information Hiding section of this answer.
@Paul Sure, that'll help if he can't even debug Call to a member function on a non-object
@NiekBergman Nope, I consider a lot of today's music trash, and a lot of songs before I was born are still the best today IMO
@DaveRandom I got it , I have missed it to cast form variable into model. Now var_dump($model->startDate) resulting in a date added in form
@ShumailaKhan Cool :-)
@ShumailaKhan Is it a DateTime object or something else?
@DaveRandom Monrning
@DaveRandom Perhaps, but my answer there is only giving some reasons to avoid public.
@PeeHaa Good morning sir, I was just about to ping you with this: jsfiddle.net/DaveRandom/54nfe/26
@DaveRandom I think its not datetime object
its displayed this
string '12/01/2012' (length=10)
@ShumailaKhan OK, you'll probably want to use DateTime::createFromFormat() to convert it into the type of object you require
@DaveRandom It's normalize... ;)
@PeeHaa It's like you want me to hate you... :-P
@DaveRandom Please explain little more. I did not get you :)
@ShumailaKhan In the constructor for the object stored in $model (or wherever you assigned a value to the startDate property), use DateTime::createFromFormat() to create an instance of DateTime that represents that date, instead of storing the string.
@PeeHaa Actually the only real point of that was that: cv-pls core is now 100% jQuery free! (and build files are now half the size)
The dupes helper is incredibly broken but we'll gloss over that for now
@DaveRandom ok I got it . Thanks a lot :)
@DaveRandom are you familiar with YII ?
@ShumailaKhan No, I'm afraid not, sorry
@DaveRandom okay
anyone else is available to help me in yii ?
I have done this

 $criteria = new CDbCriteria();

                $criteria->condition = array('dateAdded=:startDate BETWEEN dateAdded=:endDate');

                $criteria->params =array(':startDate' => $startDate,':endDate' =>$endDate);

                $business = Business::model()->find($criteria);
and its giving me this error :
 CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '='2012-12-06' LIMIT 1' at line 1. The SQL statement executed was: SELECT * FROM `tbl_business` `t` WHERE dateAdded=:startDate BETWEEN dateAdded=:endDate LIMIT 1
You need to corectly set your BETWEEN Syntax
@Touki Can you please correct it in my code here ? I'l be thanlfull
Everything you need is detailled in the manual
@Touki $criteria->condition = 'BETWEEN dateAdded=:startDate AND dateAdded=:endDate'; I have changed it , its still giving an exception
$criteria->condition = 'dateAdded BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate'
@Touki Thanks
Q: Check my editor status

MatteoOnce upon a time on Stack Overflow I remember I was able to check my editor status. I.e. how many more edits I needed to be awarded editor badges, a summary of the proposed edits and the percentage of the accepted ones. I now cannot find that summary any more. It may sound like a kind of stupid ...


 $count = count($model);


Total no business added in this time frame : <?php echo $count;
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {

                       echo $model->businessName[$i];


Can any one tell me why i am having error on this line :
echo $model->businessName[$i];
@ShumailaKhan What error?
@DaveRandom I noticed yesterday I was not tracking the repo. Once I looked at it I saw the huge amount of work that has been done on it.
It's looking pretty sweet :)
@KingCrunch Trying to get property of non-object
@ShumailaKhan Because you are trying to get a property of a non-object.
Do you know what a property of an object is?
@Paul No please tell me ?
@ShumailaKhan Read this, it covers properties and lots of other basic OOP.
The first example shows you what a property is. It is a variable within an object.
@Paul I got it Paul thanks :)
@ShumailaKhan So, you know why you are having the error on that line now?
Actually, this would have been a better link for properties: php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.properties.php
@ShumailaKhan "Property of a non-object" means just that - you're trying to get the property of something that isn't an object. You're using the kind of code you would be to access the property of an object, but it's not one, so you need to either turn whatever you're trying to access into an object, or get it's data another way...
@PeeHaa Indeed, although I'm having a crisis of confidence about the "private method" technique I've been using (function methodName() {} in a closure and calling it with .call(this)), I think in many cases it's producing code that is a bit unreadable. I might convert them to public methods on the prototype at some point. But I'm on it with the XUL now, once the FF wrapper is built the core code can be altered at will without much messing around.
FF was not loving jQ because parts of the jQ core reference document, which in extension context refers to the wrong thing.
Any one know regx for how to remove more then two white space from a string
@NiteshMeshram Yes thanks. What have you tried?
@NiteshMeshram If you want to remove white spaces like (space) (space) (space) this but without removing spaces
use trim function
this one /\s+/
str_replace(" ", " ", $s)
try s/\s{2,}/ /g
Example string "Testing Testing" Result "Testing Testing"
or s/\s\s+/ /g
@NiteshMeshram The start and end are the same
i wish i could have that many cat
so from "Testing Testing" you have 2 or more spaces between those words right?
@NiteshMeshram See this for specifying the repetition in a regex.
Q: Looking for a REGEX (regexpal standard)split and extract code data. Document index project

PlaymanIm on a document index project in my job, and i need to set REGEX patterns(regexpal.com standard) for extract separated, each information above: document type;document month;employer name;employer number;client name;client number; example: time sheet;12.2012;michael jackson;123456;warner musi...

String = Testing Testing
Result = Testing Testing
I suggest that we don't help anyone immediately... give them hints... its more educational... helps them grow...
@shiplu.mokadd.im you need to put it in one post with no line break for the backlog to pick it up
like [tag:cv-pls] <url>
@DaveRandom ah. Thanks.
I am not PHP developer
that's why I dnt know about regx
@NiteshMeshram i suspect you are newbie .... since regx works in many languages
@NiteshMeshram but you needed it now... what if you need it later? I am only concerned of your welfare...
rather English supports regx....lol
@NiteshMeshram i am sure .... you will love this website regular-expressions.info
its awesome ....
@NullPointer - No let me check
Hi guys
I love regex. But I dont use it a lot. I usually use the str* functions. Or sometimes write my own parser. They are faster.
@IvoPereira hiya ./.../.../...
For example a parser like this, stackoverflow.com/a/9048444/376535
I know this is not a database chat, but MySQL chat is all the time alone :(

I'm looking for the best way to store the guys that played a football match in a fantasy league football table. I've thought about creating a table with for example "player1", "player2", "player3", etc. but I don't think that's the best way to handle it.

Any suggestions? :3
but regx is much cool.. and will reduce code
@NullPointer as long as the language you are parsing can be called regular you can parse it using RegEx. But sometimes I see people wastes a lot of time finding a regex. Thats what I dont like. If you have to wasted 1 hours for a regex, its better to write a parser within 30 mins.
This time wasting is the main problem.
@IvoPereira post details
@IvoPereira You probably want a table of matches, a table of players and a table of match_players, where matches stores the details of the match (time, location etc), players stores the player information (name, age, weight etc) and match_players has two integer columns: match_id and player_id, with the primary key across both columns.
Any one can help about this issue please VBV buffer size not set, muxing may fail
Hi @DaveRandom, thanks. So you suggest to having a relationship between match table and players?
@ShyamK please help about this VBV buffer size not set, muxing may fail
@DaveRandom How about making tables for league details, team details, player details, team players and match details?
@Elby I don't really know what this 'VBV' is...
@ShyamK i want create a video from a image
@ShyamK, I already have a match details table, however how could I store in it the players that have played the match, even those that have been subbed?
but i create a mpg
@IvoPereira That would be the usual way to handle a many-to-many relationship like that. So you can get all the players for a given match id with:
FROM match_players mp
INNER JOIN players p ON mp.player_id  = p.id
WHERE mp.match_id = $matchId
...and you can get all the matches a player has played with:
FROM match_players mp
INNER JOIN matches m ON mp.match_id  = m.id
WHERE mp.player_id = $playerId
hmm, I see... and for example, like i was saying, how to differentiate if a player has been subbed or not?
maybe just having a player_subbed_by ?
@ShyamK I was trying to keep it simple and within the scope of the question. Obviously all that information would need to be stored as well, the same principle applies with a relationship table
@DaveRandom k... was just asking... to know if my thinking was on the right track... :)
@IvoPereira That information would be extra columns in the match_players table, because it is player and match specific. So you could add was_subbed or subbed_for columns, and you can just add the columns to the selected field list.
Exactly what I thought :) thanks!
@DaveRandom nobody prayed today! :(
FROM match_players mp
INNER JOIN players p ON mp.player_id  = p.id
WHERE mp.match_id = $matchId
  AND mp.subbed_for IS NOT NULL
@Elby I did help another guy on avconv but that was just by refering the documentation. I haven't used it myself
@IvoPereira So that ^^ query would get you all the players for a given match who were subbed
@ShyamK i used as per your advice avconv -f image2 -i test2.jpg -s 320X240 foo.mpg
nice :) just a quick question btw. I've read somewhere else, but don't know if it was a correct information. that it was better to leave a field just empty, instead of allowing it to be NULL.

Is it true?
@Prasanth No it's been pretty quiet in that room, the main participants are quite busy at the moment. Busy getting wealthy ;-)
@ShyamK i got a out put foo.mpg but its not play.
and one more quick question, when you said match_players table @DaveRandom, would it be good to have a match_players_id, or it is not needed at all?
@ShyamK i got a error message [mpeg @ 0x9d917e0] VBV buffer size not set, muxing may fail
@IvoPereira Well a numeric field is either empty (NULL) or it has a value. The case you are talking about only applies to stringly typed fields (CHAR, VARCHAR etc), where and empty string is different to NULL. It's not a case of "you should do this", you take it on a case-by-case basis depending on what sort of data goes in the field and what possible values it has.
Good mornin'
so, in the case of the player id that has been subbed, it should be NULL. otherwise, for example when seeing a player's name, if the field "is blank", it should be empty instead of null. is that the point, right?
@IvoPereira No, like I say you put the primary key across the match_id and player_id columns. If you do this, it's not possible to have a duplicated value, so one player cannot appear twice in the same match (because that would make no sense). It also helps with the speed of the JOINs.
Ok, thanks :)
@IvoPereira Well no, in my example query I assumed that subbed_for is another integer that references another player ID (probably should have mentioned that) - so if that field has a value they were subbed, and if it is empty they played the whole match. Although I didn't define which way round the relationship is, it probably makes sense to call the field sub_for, with the value referencing the player who came off, although that would be a decision for you.
hmm, I see, thanks :)
@IvoPereira The key thing you are dealing with here is a "many to many relationship". There are a lot of good tutorials out there for those keywords I'm sure, it's just a case of knowing what to search for :-)
Yeah, I've already built some, and i'm creating football scheme 'cause I know it is a little complex, and to train myself doing it :)
its the first time I am messing with too much HTML with PHP. I am trying to make a related posts widget. I have the content fetched from the database already. I have the HTML formatting required in which the content is to be placed.
I am thinking of a FOR loop and storing all the content wrapped in html and finaly outputting the variable. Is that the right way to do this?
Good morning all
Evening guys!
sorry about that
@Neal What happened there? Monster ping!! :)
hmmm i was blocked from chat for a second there...
@vascowhite blame it on this:
Nov 21 at 6:06, by Shyam K
Aaaaargh... that... that... note to self: don't ever post code posted by Shaq into the console on SO chat
Wonder what the fallback was for that. I was "blocked" from chat for about a second (for posting "inappropriate content"), then it came back. guess it realized it wasnt me?
Lol, you were warned, and you still ran that code? :P
bahhh I scoff at warnings!
I was curious....
Guys is there any pattern in php, that would describe following. Creating a chain element, inserting elements in it, that implement sertain interface and then run this chain process, where it goes from one inserted element to another and when it reaches stack end, then it goes back.
@Neal Me flagging your message + me being nice a minute later
@ThiefMaster thanks. Sorry about that. twas not intentional.... blame @shaq...
/blame @shaq
any php based issue tracker that integrates with git?
@shiplu.mokadd.im When you say "PHP based" do you mean "written in PHP" or "written for PHP"? I don't have any suggestions for either but just to help you maybe get some better help.
Actually @Lusitanian and @MadaraUchiha are always singing the praises of PHPStorm, that has some kind of Git integration, although I don't know exactly how much.
written in PHP
Oh right lol
I was actually looking for an issue tracker. NOT cms or any IDE
@Gordon wait... I just voted for that without looking... dumb me... why do u want to reopen that?
It is completely not constructive...
@Neal how is that not constructive?
the OP has a simple perfectly answerable question.
the answer is "you cant sort by creation time"
@Gordon morning ...with un-del vote
The OP did not try anything....
you need to at least try in order to be constructive.
or rather on Windows there is according to the comments I found in the manual which was given in my answer
@NullPointer thanks
np....yours very welcome
yoo all
posted on December 06, 2012 by Ole Morten Halvorsen

If you use the excellent CtrlP plugin for VIM here’s a quick tip. You can automatically insert the word under your cursor into CtrlP. This is super handy especially for PHP development where class names often map to file names 1:1. To do this we need to create a mapping that will bring up CtrlP, press <C-\> and then press w: 1nmap <leader>lw :CtrlP<CR><C-\>w If you want to in

posted on December 06, 2012 by Paul M. Jones

I did an email interview with the folks at PHP Magazin; their German version is here. What follows is our original email exchange in English. First of all, congratulations for releasing Aura 1.0! Thanks! Most of the packages are at … Continue reading →

my prof is an idiot
annnnnnd its gone @webarto
@Feeds go home, you're drunk.
@WilliamYang savant?
is is possible to keep the value of a variable in a recursive loop?
@Neal PHP silver badge in yo' face.
feed is drunked
without the need of a second paramater
it's not possible... right????
for instance
ohhh nvm
the problem itself was idiotic
@webarto lol ive got gold :-P
someone rang?
@MikeB it might have been me... sorry about that...
Support ticket from a customer, asking me what the root password for their server is....
@PeeHaa ping
Just brought in 10 liters of Club Mate into the office :)
@Leigh Don't be harsh, they probably don't mean anything by it unless they emboldened their own "my" :P
@cyril thank you.
@DaveRandom jo
@PeeHaa Hey hey. Just wondered how far you've gone into the backlog code yet, I have a couple of questions
I saw uncle @Gordon kicking around before, he seems to have vanished though
@Leigh It's probably password. Or maybe root.
@DaveRandom Not very far down the depths. But shoot
@PeeHaa Well I came across this in the JS: requestType = (cvRequest.closed_date !== undefined) ? 'delv' : 'cv'; - does that mean that the backlog uses the same logic and doesn't actually look at the vote tag in the post, it just goes off question state? This would mean that some delv requests appear that were never actually requested. Also, related, how do you envisage sending the "handled posts" to the server? JSON in a GET parameter?
@DaveRandom hmmm. Dunno. Might be a bug
@PeeHaa I was thinking it might be worth abstracting vote requests from posts, so that backlog items could be converted to a VoteRequest on the client side and join the API poll queue like posts on screen, enabling the refresh to be made more intelligent, so when request are completed they can be replaced.
Also, the more I look at it, the more a centralised (server side) API access point seems like a good plan, it would completely remove any risk of getting kicked from the API and allow it to be much more intelligent about how everything is tracked and what is displayed on screen. It could be load balanced across to the heroku instance as well, so you don't have a SPOF. Would require a major reworking of some of the internals but I think it would be worth it.
crappy optimization: (cvRequest.closed_date !== undefined) -> !!cvRequest.closed_date
@cyril huh?
6 hour to join 1 answer and hit 37
rep cap ftw
@DaveRandom the cvbacklog assumes that every closed question is worth deleting. if a Q from the backlog is closed, it will automatically be listed as delv-pls even though no one voted for it. Consider that I voted to delv it.
@cyril "Is truthy" is not the same as "is defined". Also !!variable is a little unreadable and prone to some developer coming along and going "hey! that's not right!" and removing one of them. Use Boolean(variable) instead.
@DaveRandom also note that the cvbacklog will only pick up cv-pls requests from the chat transcript. delv-pls is not picked up at all, so all cv-pls you see in the backlog are from closed questions only.
@DaveRandom I also think so the backlog needs some love
Just need to know what it exactly needs before diving in
@Gordon No worries, just seems a little dangerous, especially for some of the 3-4 year old questions that were allowed at the time but no longer are - they all need to be closed, but some of them do still have value to future visitors.
@PeeHaa Yeh I think we need to have a "meeting" about it at some point and draw up a plan for the direction this is going.
/me agrees
I want to parse users input for inputs like monthly, yearly , etc. can I just trust strtotime()
@Vamsi You should restrict the user to a certain format and use DateTime::createFromFormat()
@DaveRandom : thanks
what is mvc in php
@SandeepTiwari You can't ask such an abstract question and expect a serious answer...
Have you even googled it?
yaa i have google it
@Sandeep what language are you most familiar with?
MVC in PHP isn't any different from MVC in any other language - because MVC is an architectural design pattern :)
currently in php
yaa i know
mvc is a framework
@SandeepTiwari Frameworks can use MVC as a base, not all frameworks are MVC
I had an interview once where I asked if they could talk about MVC and they responded with "I've installed The MVC many times!"
@MikeB Lol, I presume they meant VNC?
No, they meant exactly what Sandeep means
there is many mvc related framework exist
@SandeepTiwari And there are many that don't use MVC, you could use the "Fat Free" framework in a non-mvc way, or mvc if you like
hey guys
anybody knows json?
:/ i'm in trouble with the stackapps API
no @Aaaaaaa
damn :D
@Aaaaaaa Problem symptoms please?
@SandeepTiwari phpframeworks.com look at the mvc column
the api returns json :
thanks dude @MikeB
ahhhh damn too long json to post
sec i'll paste it out
yep :P thx
Was just about to suggest that, or jsfiddle :P
sec man i'll back in 10min need to go out sorry :///
and thx
need explanation plzz
@SandeepTiwari What you need an explanation of?
... aaaaaand it's Gone!
mvc related framework in php
@DaveRandom here again :D
@Aaaaaaa Hey hey. What's the problem you are having with the JSON? (and where is the JSON)
this is the main json returned
then ..sec i'll post you the js
can't understand how to parse and alert a simple item :/
i try for( bla bla ) but it doesn't works unbelievable
omg is gone he now :D
@SandeepTiwari An explanation of... an MVC related framework in PHP? So, you want to know how one works?

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