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ah just :hover ...
that cool but It's not my style
should remove it
@cyril Background removed
this line above is the transcript limit right?
It puts a line between the messages it think's you've read, and the messages it thinks you've missed.
class="mine catchup-marker catchup-marker-2 catchup-marker-1"
hmm let me refresh
@ShaquinTrifonoffwhere is the cube? shaquin.tk/experiments/cube3.html
speaking of cube, see the cubic slide animation dl.dropbox.com/u/39519/talks/tooling-q1/index.html
You're using Chromium, right?
Click on the side (grey area), then press arrow keys
can you do a rubik's cube :p
With pure CSS? :P
(& JS)
That's what my cube looks like
@ShaquinTrifonoff genius
I have two questions about md5 and salt: first of all, is the salt any string of characters? second, should I be making a random salt for each user and storing that along with the password?
@radleybobins yes, i do that but you can use a salt for al passwords, note that using one salt per all user is less secure
@radleybobins No, you should use bcrypt instead.
@radleybobins stackoverflow.com/a/10945097/1338292 - the part that concerns passwords
whats the diference betwen bcrypt and crypt?
crypt() is the function, bcrypt is the hashing algorithm
but from the link you posted is using blowfish whit a fuction called bcrypt
i reead bad
@jack well, part of my problem is that i'm updating a site that already uses soem form of md5, so I'd prefer not to make major changes, I just want to tighten it up a little
I'll look into it right now
so right now, I can say if password salt type = 1, use old system and ask them to update password, if password salt type = 2, use new system and salt
You can do a migration path, store both the old md5 and the new bcrypt; nullify the md5 password once someone successfully logs in and create the bcrypt hash then.
@jack okay, i'm reading through your link right now, thanks for spelling that out for me, I just needed someone to set me straight before i did it wrong
@jack, this must have have taken forever to write, i salute your dedication to this answer!
@jack is it important to encrypt the other data in the table besides the password?
Thanks :)
That depends on how sensitive they are in the case of a compromise
For instance, on some systems I don't store emails but only the hash; so if an existing email presents itself I can find it, but otherwise I wouldn't know what it is.
For other fields I use mcrypt, but even that can be tricky if your code is also exposed.
I dont think most of my db is all that sensitive, but I think I'll encrypt a few things to be safe
hello all
Good morning!
1 hour later…
helpp all
hello all
hi juan
can you please help me on this
Q: best and fast solution for internationalization applications?

HiDd3Ni just finished my script and now i want to translate this code to another language like english.now i am looking for best and fastest way to achieve that.many people talk about php_gettext but in php.net some body said: The GNU gettext library works on a per-process, not per-thread basis. ...

but you will ned to download some extra classes to make it work with your code if you are not using zend framework
@JuanAntonioOrozco wouldn't it be better to use ZF2
well im still coding in zf 1 mainly becouse i start the project in it and im afraid of some compatibility issues
morning ..hello.... meow
@JuanAntonioOrozco yup, but if it's a new project, or just using some of the components ZF2 will be the better choice
and the components are available separately on the zend composer repository
Wow, I had never imagined an expression such as "bla {$_POST['slot' . $i]} bla" would actually work ... amazing ;-)
I almost want Nick Furry Fury now lol
@Nick lol......I sure did :)
how are you, buddy? :)
Furry or Fury ?
@Kneel-Before-ZOD not bad not bad, yourself?
@Jack it you use bla all security and performance issue will clear...bla has a amazing power
@andho i think so, truly i haven read anithing about zf2 so i can´t tell
@Nick I'm good.......... Python room's mostly empty now :)
@Nick when are you coming back?
lol just jumped in
@NullPointer Darn straight, "bla" is the enabler :)
I just typed something I was pretty surprised about seeing... It works but I'm confused about it.
var index:uint = array.indexOf(this);
array.splice(index, 1);
How can a object instance find itself in an array when all the instances in the array are classified as [object Foo]?
Why is that surprising?
Because how can a object instance find itself?
Does 'this' just know where its stored in memory.
because it compares references
sort of like pointer comparison, if it points to the same memory location, it must be me :)
oh and when this really sees that it is THIS it removes itself from the array. xD
Is that JavaScript btw?
when you trace them out to the console, it displays as [object Foo].
Nah, ActionScript 3.
Right, that's because [object Foo] is the default .toString() implementation.
Now stop being off-topic and share the php love ;-)
Ok, that makes sense then. It doesn't show the reference data.
hehe ^.^
@W3Geek try


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
I would have asked in the actionscript room but there's no actionscript room.
@NullPointer ActionScript !== JavaScript
though I must say it shares quite some similarities
I'm sure Steve Jobs would have been happy to know that there's no ActionScript room ;-)
@W3Geek for you


ActionScript !== JavaScript
but still no one is there
He would be happy. I don't know why there is so much hate for ActionScript. Yeah that room is deader than bunch of crickets...
I think hate is the wrong word to describe it.
i have just created for you .....before 5 minuts
we dont have ActionScript we just love php
I hated the time you had to write the code on the timeline but with Flash Builder IDE it is a pretty flexible language.
And since you can compile it from the command line =D
Class files, inheritance, you name it.. Its there. The only thing I don't like about it is the security is weak.
morning ....
It's been weaker before for sure.
Yeah in the AS2 days... It was horrible.
And you had to write all your code on the timeline... yuck. >.<
i saw in bin you all find it funny
yours very welcome ...
@tereško how's europe?
@Raynos i would rather enjoy above without soft drink ...lol
im tired, its 11:13 pm here, so good night to everyone
@JuanAntonioOrozco very good night ...tc....
it's the disclaimer sticker, that's important , not the book itself
Afternoon :)
why this disclaimer sticker???
@tereško haha... nice sticker...
@tereško lolol that's great
@Lusitanian lol
@NullPointer huh?
that was just posted by elby for help
@Elby seemed related stackoverflow.com/questions/11582624/… . Hope it helps
Didn't know there were chatrooms here :)
@NullPointer, what's up? You asked me here.
stackoverflow.com/questions/13694135/… Any help would be appreciated! :)
@TheSmose welcome to so php chat room ...what you wanted to say i did not understand
Oh, well, I was just saying that the question was valuable
It's a very specific thing she was asking for, and even if she didn't ask it perfectly, in combination with the answer I provided, makes a very useful post
I don't think it should be deleted
i think your answer is quite good not question is valuable
It's valuable because there's no information on Google
That question is the only valid result
If you delete it, someone else will come asking the same question
@TheSmose i wont ...rather if i want ...i cant do this since i dont have enough rep
it's a terrible question
What's terrible about it?
It;s a unique topic, and the problem is explained well
Is this a terrible question, too? stackoverflow.com/questions/867916/…
If so, why +192?
yes that is quite terrible
Yet it's +192
and welcome to SO chat
And it helps probably 100s of people who find it on Google
Thanks :)
My argument is that your definition of a terrible question is incorrect
and your answer is also too specific, like "here is the code"
Nah... it's a generic code snippet
It will work for anyone
@TheSmose I don't think you can call them "she". Ahmed really isn't a female sounding name.
@TheSmose older question... asked in '09... just saying
"She" = Jane
Not Ahmed
My point: if other people will have the same question in the future, and can learn something from the post, then it's not terrible
@TheSmose it asked in 2009 that time its quite good
What terrible question are you talking about?
@NullPointer isn't it one of the first things you learn from jquery docs?
My point stands, due to their linked home improvement profile.
@andho yup it is ...
i but i suspect in 2009 its not
Anyhow.... do what you will... I have to get to sleep
Delete it and I'll make a blog post out of my answer
It all works out
Nice meeting you guys
@Paul she i fake... dont go to face
Hmm, I'm not sure whether I really like the answer though
@NullPointer i want write some code in title like title="<div style=""></div>"
but nothing happeing
Jack, doesn't make a difference if you like it
@NullPointer nop it was, i learned jquery way back then
@TheSmose you too
What if I added one more GET parameter?
It's some awesome code :)
Jack, you can add as many as you like
That's not my point; the point is that it breaks the query if the table doesn't have that column
Hi Guys, a little help of jquery here please
@TheSmose BTW, welcome to the PHP chat. Gender doesn't matter anyway.
Thanks, Payl
That's why I like using terms as they in singular form =D
@tereško , are you OL now?
@andho than .. would be better
Sorry, Jack
4-letter names
@NullPointer lol, I don't haz teh repz
@AliRaza i dont this its possible to style title
Anyhow, again, I'm off
nice meeting you guys
have a good one ;)
actually i want add table in which titlee"<table></table>"
@TheSmose alright see ya
Sigh ... Somehow nobody understands me since yesterday ...
i do earlier but now i forget
@AkbarAli This is the PHP room, why don't you ask it in the JavaScript room?
@Jack no wonder
3 mins ago, by Jack
That's why I like using terms as they in singular form =D
Why what where?
@Jack the monospace font is a little bit too similar to the normal font, so it looks like a grammar mistake
and I think the correct term is "..terms like 'they' in..."
Your eyes are monospace insensitive :)
i think its not possible what op says
for one, they should use json_encode()
and ehm, i wonder where that JavaScript is coming from.
@NullPointer lol @ explaining how to type the pipe character :)
@yoda yo...
@ShaquinTrifonoff yo-yo
I got a new screen (1680x1050) :D
@ShaquinTrifonoff cool... another one ... so now how many you have now
@NullPointer My laptop screen + this one :)
in this loop while($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($tsresult)){ } how to know first loop
@Nileshpatel whats wrong in this loop ?
@NullPointer any idea.
@Nileshpatel define a variable to flag the first loop
it will fetch first no matter ase desc, or depends on you condition in query
anyone knows of a regex to match uri's after mod_rewrite, like /param1/param2/param3/.. ?
        $first = true;
        while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($tsresult)) {
          if ($first) {
            $fist = false;
            // do things for first
            continue; // if rest of the code should not be executed
          // do things for others
thank for answers.
hot chocolate milk is ..awesome
This is weird. I'm suddenly getting ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING on something I was working on a few weeks ago, yet nothing changed.
@TimPost where are you getting that?
Looks like a browser error.
posted on December 04, 2012 by Cal Evans

Blog:  http://www.awdg.org/members/8319980/?op=&memberId=8319980 Twitter: @mosesngone Show Notes: http://www.sharecare.com/ http://atlantaphp.org/   Sponsored by: Engine Yard

where is the stuff happening on the internet?
stuff and happening ???
$ define stuff
$ define happening
$ define internet...
once you find out where the stuff is happening on the internet it's not possible to know the speed at which it happens.
what lots of people are doing right now?
Typing and reading.
dunno, waiting for the apocalypse i guess.
@Prasanth Working, and chatting in the chatroom when they should be working.
haha I am waiting to 'Pray to get rich' :D
You mean, working XOR chatting :)
hey I wanna write some cool php code.. anyone got any quick suggestions?
@ShaquinTrifonoff you forget listing song .. eating ....
@NullPointer !!/choose "go to sleep" "eat food" "do work"
That ^
@Prasanth try
function coolphp($cool){
   echo $cool;
@Prasanth Fractal graphics?
it will write cool ...lol
Or, put your laptop in the fridge
@ShaquinTrifonoff how did you write ^_ together ?
@ShaquinTrifonoff no, the elephant will freeze!
Can anyone confirm via dev tools if this takes 15 seconds to load?
@NullPointer It's ^ with strikethrough. ---^---
@TimPost Yep
and than bake in microwave at 180 degree for 12 minut than put some creame on it with chocolate ....its would be testy
What the heck
@TimPost it was taking <1 sec to load!
11.96 seconds to be exact
morning people
This is just goofy
@TimPost its looks like because of php ..else everything is fine
or may be due to hosting
faced same switchwation with godaddy
@TimPost In view-source, it gets to line 60 before pausing
@PeeHaa morning ....yo....jo
@ShaquinTrifonoff Disabling keep alives on the server fixes it, something is messed up
These oddities started happening when I went to 5.4.9
now its working fine
This webpage is not available
The webpage at noc.virtoren.com might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
Error 355 (net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING): The server unexpectedly closed the connection.
@TimPost I'm getting the ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING error now, too.
@NullPointer Yeah, something is whacked with this server config
That's the thing with using dotdeb, once in a while he pushes some buggy packages
hi , what this called pls [5,8],[4,6],[3,2] object or what ? i know its not array because array look like this [[5,8],[4,6],[3,2]]
@peter Three arrays.
@ShaquinTrifonoff if i have $var = [5,8],[4,6],[3,2] ; then its variable which return three arrays ?
Any Kohana people in here?
I need help with external validation
and how to validate in controller with true false to a public function
@peter What are you trying to do?
@ShaquinTrifonoff here my problem its closed and i couldnt fix it stackoverflow.com/questions/13675135/…
@peter I think it was discussed that you were adding an extra , to the data?
Have you changed to code so that it doesn't add that?
i changed it but problem is it doesnt work the javascript code inside data: [ mayvar]
@TimPost An X-Cnection:close header on that site? I think I've seen that before...
@peter What do you see in 'view source' in your browser?
@ShaquinTrifonoff It's weird, it's almost like mod_header is putting that in there
I noticed it on my site too...
i dont see anything , the javascript doesnt work , its like there is something wrong
@TimPost It looks like on is being replaced..
@peter Right-click -> view source?
but if i put the php code it work like that data: [<?php echo $myvar ;?>]
How to disable the click on overlay to close Colorbox ? ??

so i wonder what difference between myvar in javascript and $myvar in php .
i dislike dynamically generated JavaScript.
Nobody that might be able to help with Kohana validation?
People find it hard enough to program well in one language let alone two.
i made var myvar = <?php echo $myvar ;?> ; but it doesnt work
@Prasanth try reverse fizzbuzz
@designer checked kohana irc?
@Prasanth nope, didnt know about it?
But googled for like 2 years without sleep
Very poor documentation / i really dont understand the external validation
> "A very active community forum and IRC channel means that most questions are answered very quickly."
Ok this is really freaking weird. It will take however long I have the keep alive time set in order to render the page. Just re-enabled keep alives, set the timeout to 5 seconds, and bam .. page takes 5 seconds to load
@andho what is reverse fizz buzz?
@ShaquinTrifonoff thx for downvote , i dont need help thx
@Prasanth umm it's actually inverse fizzbuzz. Are you familiar with normal FizzBuzz?
yes. 1 2 fizz 4 buzz .. .. 14 fizzbuzz 16 .. right?
@peter You're not providing any more information than is already in your question (which is vague). -1 - You're welcome.
no problem i wish i didnt tell u help me ,
@Prasanth right, the objective of reverse fizzbuzz is, given a fizzbuzz string, the program should return the shortest consecutive numbers that will return that string if run through normal fizzbuzz
@peter I am quite willing to help you if you provide the relevant information.
@Prasanth for example, if the input is "FizzBuzz" it is returned by "3 4 5" and also by "15". So the correct answer is 15
@ShaquinTrifonoff u help by downvoting i understand u , so thx for this help
@andho sounds challenging.. thanks! :)
I haven't tackled it yet, but it's very complex and memory consuming for large strings
probably out of my scope
@peter No, I only downvoted your question because you didn't provide information that I needed to help you. If you edit it with more details, and relevant info, I will reverse the downvote.
@andho do you have any link that describes this problem? because few more test cases would help :)
i cannot find it, i came upon it in a codeproject article with a link to a reddit discussion. but a google search mostly shows up with implementations
let me check though
@andho Wouldn't "3 4 5" return "fizz 4 buzz"?
maybe this will do
@Paul no @Paul, the input will be a string of Fizzes and Buzzes, eg. FizzFizzBuzzFizz
@Paul for the example input "FizzBuzz", "3 4 5" is a valid output, but "15" is the optimal answer
ok, cool, nice one.
Morning all
No time for breakfast this morning, therefore epic amounts of tea are to be consumed
posted on December 04, 2012 by Derick Rethans

Connection Handling with the MongoDB PHP driver London, UK Tuesday, December 4th 2012, 09:07 GMT The 1.3 release series of the PHP MongoDB driver features a rewritten connection handling library. This is quite a large change and changes how the PHP driver deals with persistent connections and connection pooling. Connections

checkbox on check i want to perform action how it possible , which event i have to use?
@Nileshpatel onchange probably
@Nileshpatel $(':checkbox').change(function() {
// do your staff here. It will fire any checkbox change
And seriously, it's easy to google! :)
@DaveRandom Wow people hate Python :P -9 for that one!
@DaveRandom no because, if checkbox alrady checked then click on it. it change not checked and it perform some action
@Nileshpatel ...so just wrap the code that "performs the action" in if (checkboxRef.checked) {}
@tereško You awake?
morning @DaveRandom
@Jimbo It was originally tagged PHP and it had no code at all. Even after the OP edited it it's still not an answerable question. I have nothing against python personally, I don't really know enough about it to have a strong opinion.
@PeeHaa monring
Made some serious progress with cv-pls last night, feeling quite good about the way it's going. I know I've said this before but FF v1 is really not very far away now :-)
@DaveRandom @tereško once posted two services to convert fonts. You know these?
@DaveRandom yay!
P.S. a service which doesn't care about licenses :)
@PeeHaa No. I take it the chat search is not coming up with the goods?
Also, convert what to what?
font to @fontface
And no my searching skills suck
@PeeHaa I take it it was in this room that he posted them?
Nov 3 at 22:55, by tereško
also : http://onlinefontconverter.com/ and http://www.kirsle.net/wizards/ttf2eot.cgi ... fontquirrel has all those pesky issues with copyrights
@DaveRandom Finally! ;)
Thanks mate

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