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... and i'm out of ALL votes
@cyril what attracted opera was the compression
@rdlowrey It looks like the problem I was having is that you shouldn't pass idle connected sockets in the $w array, or stream_select() will always return immediately. I think. Try telneting in to this and you'll see what I mean.
they call it server push, but it's just to deliver extra resources along with requested ones it seems dev.chromium.org/spdy/spdy-protocol/…
I read that phpclasses.org/blog/post/… (http 2.0 paragraph), it seems http2.0 consist in a single socket opened and as long as it's opened a push could be done (the server fakes a request), but php would requires updates to support that
here is a hint: stop reading crap on phpclasses.org
it's worse then "programming articles" on smashing magazine
ah thx, but that guy manuel lemos seems relevant
anyway php is probably not really fit for http2.0, will work with compatibility to 1.1
please note that http 2.0 doesn't exist
@Lusitanian thx I noticed... but anticipating :p
@tereško that article...ugh
o well that's not for tomorrow datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-httpbis "The Working Group will give priority to HTTP/1.1 work"
Yeah ... worrying about HTTP/2.0 support in PHP is like worrying that Mars doesn't have a breathable atmosphere. Will it matter when we decide to colonize that planet? Yes. Should you be concerned today? No.
$this->clientTracker::STATUS_CONNECTPENDING results in Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)
because constant is attached to the class , not to the object
Yes, but it works when I do $clientTracker = $this->clientTracker; $clientTracker::STATUS_CONNECTPENDING - it's a parser problem, the syntax of accessing a class constant via an instance should and does work, just not when the object in question is being accessed via ->
hai all
@Nick @ShyamK hi guys... good morning
@Goofy evening for me lol, mornin'
@Nick ooops ... good evening...
@ShyamK, would you mind helping me test the notifications on my chat system??
I added your code
@Goofy Good... erm... Good whatever it is for you :)
How do i implement rest auth mechanism in php ...i dont know php langauge plz help.
javascript:var m=[];for(var u in users){m.push('@'+users[u]['name'].substr(0,3));}$('#input').val(m.join(' '));$('#sayit-button').click();void 0;
@ShaquinTrifonoff @justcode hi
:P hey @ShyamK
Good Morning !!
I just pinged everyone... dint I?
hey Nick
Morning @PankitKapadia
Aaaaargh... that... that... note to self: don't ever post code posted by Shaq into the console on SO chat
Don't run arbitrary code in a JavaScript console without understanding what it does!
I second that...
not really your fault... Curiosity killed the cat... sorta like that
but what does the void 0; do?
@ShyamK If it's pasted into the address bar, it won't overwrite the contents of the window with the returned result.
anyone know the cmd equivilant for sudo?
@Nick for what OS?
Windows 7 ?
@ShyamK: WTF was this mass ping 2h ago?!
uh oh you're in trouble
@Nick runas might help
@ShaquinTrifonoff thank you good sir !
@Nick there's no such, you can only open cmd with admin rights :/
That's what I thought, runas seems to work though
or, no, forgot: runas /noprofile /user:Administrator cmd
yup lol
Thanks I got it
Greeeat :)
hello , how to Call controller actions from cron in cakephp ???
how to create time lapse inside a loop ?
is it possible to create momentary laps ?
@user1804697 I have momentary lapses all the time :)
but seriously:
while(true) {
or usleep for microsecond precision.
@webarto WAAAAT! :)
needs moar wat
Good night.
And good morning Europe...
And rest of the world :P
Including USA
Where is c programing room
@jhonraymos Where is use to be, in the overview you can find it :)
@ThiefMaster Pasted Shaq's code into the console... my bad... sorry... :(
@jhonraymos down the hall
@Jacta where can i find that.?
right around the corner
@webarto could you give me a link?
@jhonraymos chat.stackoverflow.com/?tab=all&sort=active I don't know which C exactly.
@webarto could you tell me how to set background color of a circle ?
@jhonraymos I don't have a clue. What circle?
c graphics..
I have no clue, sorry. Have you looked at manual?
hello , how to Call controller actions from cron in cakephp ???
@tereško that article is also sad I think...
@PeeHaa 9 to 5? :P
@webarto I once tried asking a C question in the C++ room... it didn't turn out that well :P
@ShaquinTrifonoff: You should have tried asking about C# in there ;)
That probably really wouldn't have turned out well :D
@PeeHaa oooh my! And goodmornings @Peehaa
php.net/manual/en/pdo.construct.php#99659 (read second user comment)
What the heck is he talking about?
@Jacta monrning
Also, the second comment from last is also wrong; one should add ";charset=utf-8" to DSN instead of DB-specific commands...
No wonder some people want to stick to ext/mysql. At least most of the advise there worked.
@PeeHaa hello
@rdlowrey lol thx
@mmmshuddup jo
@PeeHaa huH?
PDO question: $statement->execute() returns false on failure. But does it throw an exception or not?
@Christian I think it throws a PDOException if there's something wrong with the SQL syntax
@Christian is considering writing his own PHP documentation from scratch.
@mmmshuddup jo as in whattap :)
@Christian if you have enabled exceptions it does
The world should agree to pause for like 6 months while we assemble all programmers from all corners of the earth to devote all 6 months to re-documenting everything and doing it right for once
@PeeHaa And the documentation is very clear about enabling exceptions.
@Christian do so
catch exception and throw it
@Christian Always $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, FALSE); on every connection
...morning people.
PHP should require a standard for posting examples. that's the one thing i would change about their documentation. Honestly I get tired of sifting through all crappy examples to find the one good one that's usually there
@DaveRandom Would be nice if that was crystal clear in the manual.
@DaveRandom evening
@Christian Well, it is optional, you are just stupid if you do anything else.
@DaveRandom morning
Sup y'all
@mmmshuddup elaborate
@Gordon hi
@Gordon I'm not sure I recognize the tone, were you being sarcastic, or as in "it's a good idea"?
@Christian sarcasm. sorry.
@Gordon well I mean below all of the official documentation there is usually a bunch of examples, most of which are either poorly formatted or just plain poor... or both. So, it would be nice if there was some sort of standard where examples had to follow the PEAR coding standards and examples had to be tested.
is there any one have experience with mysql
@Gordon Meh.
@mmmshuddup The real crap can should be deleted
DO you have an example?
Not off hand, I always notice a few when I'm perusing the docs. I am currently working on some C++ stuff at the moment
@mmmshuddup Such as the bunch unknowingly introducing SQLi in your code.
@Christian Where?
@mmmshuddup there is links for each section in the PHP Manual. If you think it needs a better example, report it with a suggestion for improvement. Or edit it yourself and note @NikiC, @salathe or me for review. We have commit access to the docs.
@PeeHaa If I remember correctly, in the mysql section.
@Christian If you blindly use other people's code without understanding it, you deserve everything you get.
@mmmshuddup In general, examples have to follow PEAR standard though. So if you find one without, it's a bug. See wiki.php.net/doc/howto/styleguide "Examples should use the PEAR Coding Standards"
@Gordon :O I was unaware. Also, I didn't know someone else's example could be edited.
@DaveRandom Me? That ain't a problem. I don't recall having problems with SQL injection in the past. The rest of the world though? Hmmm....
Why should we care about the rest of the world?
@Christian Yes I didn't mean you specifically, I meant "If one uses..."
@Gordon that's good! well thanks I will keep that in mind
@webarto Are you sure you aren't british
@webarto Well, if the world thinks PHP shouldn't exist anymore.... :)
@DaveRandom I'm adjusting :P
@mmmshuddup Sure you can. There's just an elaborate ritual to join in.
@Gordon I think I miscommunicated what I was referring to. I wasn't referring to the examples but rather the comments section in which some people post their own code examples..
However, the fact that @Gordon or the other guys can approve edits is interesting to me (didn't think about it before). It should at least expedite the task. (hat tip to Gordon for this)
@mmmshuddup ah, ok. The comment section is the toilet walls of the PHP Manual.
@Christian If you don't know (not you per se) how to prevent SQLi, you should just read the docs, or change hobby...
@Gordon haha indeed. that's why I was so surprised when you said they could be edited. (much the way users can edit answers here at SO)
@webarto That's all theory. In practice, clueless people create new PHP code every day.
@mmmshuddup the comments cant be edited afaik. I mostly just ignore them.
toilet walls hahaha such a perfect analogy
@Gordon same here. but every once in a while you can find a gem hidden amongst all the trash
@Christian true that
@mmmshuddup with a huge emphasis on "once in a while" ;)
@Gordon Are there any rules about deleting comments. I'm building a list of imho useless comments
@Gordon Excuse me for interrupting, kind Sir, what is the meaning of i.imgur.com/C7ANG.png that sit there for about 3 months now, I received an email that some of them got merged. Should I delete these requests or... ?
@Gordon You should go through and replace all of those crappy examples with slogans like "Erik was here!" and "Joannie <3 Johnny".. you know..to make it more authentic haha
another noob question, a reply to a comment fit the one to many scheme, but what if the reply can be for a comment as well as a reply, what scheme should be used then?
@PeeHaa not that i know of
@webarto if you do changes to the manual, you have to suggest them for review. if approved, they get commited to the PHP Manual. otherwise they will just sit there and rot. If they got merged, you can delete them.
@mmmshuddup :)
@Gordon I've been on this page several times and I still can't figure out how to request an account (for the online Editor). Should I be sending an email to [email protected]? Is that it?
@Christian you dont need an account. you can edit anonymously. just make sure you submit your changes for review afterwards
@Gordon But I don't want to be anonymous! :D
@Christian you can login with fb and google
@Gordon [PHP-DOC] - Patch named "max input vars" accepted by tularis... But I replaced broken links and added newer examples in other ones... so that is down the drain?
'Mkay I'll use use google.
@webarto likely. really dont know. sorry.
@Christian One does not simply get @php.net :P
man I can't believe how much C++ I actually forgot. I didn't even remember the keywords virtual and template even existed. PHP has me sorta complacent now in a lot of ways. trying to break free!
@Gordon Meh. Thanks :)
Thanks @Gordon. Now prepare for a torrent of reviews. :D
@Christian wow I also forgot torrent was a word outside of "bit torrent" haha. I am losing my mind!
c++ , php, 2 languages that fill your memory with keywords, functions
@cyril lol :P
@cyril Didn't you mean $c++? :D
@Christian haha ;)
hello @hakre
good mornings
@hakre your name is supposed to read like "hacker" right? (that's been bugging me haha)
@hakre morning
@mmmshuddup No, it doesn't.
:O my bad
@mmmshuddup substr($firstName, 0, 2) . substr($lastName, 0, 3)
I'm not stalker, I swear...
@webarto nice explanation by the way ;)
Nowadays I think some websites offer tutorials how to choose a nickname :)
haha it's practiaclly necessary now you go somewhere and all the good ones are always taken..hence mine. I'm kinda sick of my username, I want to change it
hm, shut up
that is your username, right?
haha yes :)
@deceze = foreach(['d','c','z'] as $initial) $userName .= $initial . 'e'; I'm good at this :P
@Gordon Where do I read about the documentation xml format? If I understand correctly, it's docbook, right?
@Christian yes. it's docbook
@webarto ([dcz]e){3}
hmm not really good, forget
@webarto implode('e', array('d', 'c', 'z', ''));
@Christian not my style :P
@Christian IMHO code should be self explaining, otherwise, you are missing a comment :)
@webarto Well, it is self-explaining to me.... it glues array items together using 'e' as glue :D
@SSK hi
@NikiC hi
@Christian I understand it ;)
@Jacta do you hava any idea how to configure mysql workbench with xampp server
@Sandeep No, never tried xampp myself :) - Have you tried google it, seems like plenty of guides are out there?
@Jacta dude i tried but didn't understand that i am a new guy in php
and just started learning using xampp server
for php which server u r using
How you came in CHAT
also dv, it's one of those outsourced indian idiots who is getting his friends to upvote shit questions
@Sandeep Apache, running on debian
@Sandeep I don't think you need any specific configuration, you just have to know the address and port of the server you are using, and username/password. You just create a connection instance and connect to the database you want to.
@Christian join can do that no?
join — Alias of implode()
php has so many functions that they have synonyms
@cyril join is good for saving 3 characters instead of implode, in code golf ;D
ah that explains it
Yep, all the synonyms are there to make us more competitive at code golf
I think that's because in other languages it's normally join()
@aleation Well, implode makes sense as the opposite of explode.
@cyril PHP has a bad history of trying to make things easier for people who are coming from other languages, and in the process they have made it a lot more confusing for people who are not. At a guess, join() was created as a complement to split(), but because it's not really possible to concatenate based on a regex, it was just created as an alias of implode().
> implode() can, for historical reasons, accept its parameters in either order. For consistency with explode(), however, it may be less confusing to use the documented order of arguments.
There are also many examples of functions being renamed to bring them into line with naming conventions, but the old aliases never seem to get removed. Casing point: php.net/stream-set-blocking
> This function was previously called as set_socket_blocking() and later socket_set_blocking() but this usage is deprecated.
I guess this is the reason that the companion operation in the sockets library is split into two functions. A prime example of the endemic "backwards compatibility before usability" mindset that has infected PHP for a long, long time.
ahh nvm php is good like that, if you need a function you google it
@webarto that article has over almost 100 up-votes now
I love when i post an answer and get an instant downvote without explanations xD
... and now there is another user in the ignore-list
@aleation There are no downvotes. And there is a comment :P
there are no downvotes in that post
stop bitching
I don't mean that my answer isn't wrong or I don't deserve the dv, just wanted to know why, at least a small clue, to learn from my mistakes
21 secs ago, by PeeHaa
@aleation There are no downvotes. And there is a comment :P
it was downvoted, i did a gramatic correction and the downvote disappeared
Well now you know why the downvote
Obviously that comment is After i wrote that on chat U__u
.. and one more user in the ignore list
That little red squiggly line that appears under words you type does not indicate that the word is bleeding.
@aleation btw you edit wasn't really a grammar correction (unless it was in the edit window)
@TimPost lol
I added the second part as well later
the object one, anyway the downvote wasn't from the person who commented (the author) because it was instant, and I meant generally, not only in that answer, sometimes it happens.
The only downvotes I get are revenge downvotes
go and cry in Meta .. maybe someone will give you a ban
what's with the flagging?
@Gordon , look at user's history
and no .. i did not flag him, i just ignored him
@PeeHaa Stop being such a hateful and aggressive person then :-P
@PeeHaa I occasionally get them when the subject matter is beyond the capabilities of the reader. Don't understand === must be wrong.
@Gordon If that's not spam I don't know what is...
@tereško I said it just as a comment, people started asking for links xD stop raging
7 messages moved to bin
I'm new to the chat so sorry for the dumb question: cv-pls is requesting to close the answer right?
as dv- is a downvote request?
Nov 11 at 11:57, by Gordon
cv-pls: Backlog (mirror) | Meaning | Chrome/Firefox Addon | Cat Content | Snippets: Mysql | Reference: Errors | Operators
@aleation has been superseded by to prevent people thinking of us as the curcle jerks we are
lol ok ok
@aleation We don't , it's too aggressive and not really in the spirit of what we are trying to do. We (delete please) but we do not request downvotes, only
Also is in a w3c draft specification but we have not yet implemented it fully.
@DaveRandom :-D
@PeeHaa Minor API design crisis: that animation stuff from yesterday works by creating an object for each DOM element and passing the options to .animate(), but I'm now wondering if I should just have a single "animator" and pass the element in to .animate() on a per-call basis. It would make it very slightly more complex internally but still doable. Thoughts?
Other peoples code makes me cry. mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($key), $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($key)))
@DaveRandom I might have, but not right now (I'm in the middle of a rollout)
@PeeHaa np
@Leigh Hooray for md5(md5())! Double the "security"!
@DaveRandom Yea, great... producing a 128 bit key for an algorithm that specifies a 256 bit key, and then creating a static initialisation vector (which the 128 bits is correct for), when IVs should never be re-used. Without even mentioning the numerous flaws in md5.
please , stop hurting us , @DaveRandom
Nov 15 at 10:53, by DaveRandom
Yeh, because I was being dead serious... :-P
@Gordon congratulation to you for 100k+ :)
@Tarun thx
@Gordon It's like a birthday that only comes round once every 3 years. We'll get you a cake for 200k
is the blowfish encryption really that good? I've read a lot of theory but would like to hear other people's point of view
posted on November 21, 2012 by Ilia Alshanetsky

I've recently started work on porting our internal company PHP patches over to PHP 5.4 as part of our migration from 5.3 to 5.4 One of those patches is the type-hint patch that introduces scalar type hints to PHP (something I wrote originally for PHP 5.1), something that was briefly included in PHP 5.4 but then (unfortunately) reverted. Since I feel that type-hints is a pretty handy fea

hello there :)
I am going to switch my framework from CodeIgniter to Laravel. Will it be a good choice?
@cmnajs You're going to jump into another framework and you're not sure if it's a good decision?
As far as frameworks go, Laravel isn't bad .. but what remains is how well you can wrap your head around it. How much have you used it?
I have been using CodeIgniter for more than two years. I know about it but some fancy articles over the internet introduced me with Laravel.
@TimPost I should probably change my question to - Will it be a good choice if I switch from CodeIgniter to Laravel?
@cmnajs That's really hard to say. Have you read its feature list? Do you need those features?
@tereško do you agree with my rbac config file
it sets 3 levels of users
and permissions on each controllers
@cmnajs you will gain the ability to utilize namespaces and anonymous functions .. and in return gain a fully procedural code
@TimPost Yes I do need many features of Laravel wich are not in CodeIgniter like Modularity, Authentication, advanced control on Routes.
@cyril whats the point of "1", "2" and "3" ?
it's permissions level, yes not explicit but, you store in in profile like that, it can be an enum after
Morning all
@cmnajs The first two you can get via sparks, but routing in CI is very basic indeed.
@cyril this does no feel human readable , also , it s discouraged to use ENUM in SQL , because you end up storing data in your database schema
ok, (not using SQL btw), I will set readable key strings, "NOT_AUTHENTICATED", "NORMAL", "ADMIN"
I read a comment about Laravel "No framework that uses so much Singletons and static methods is clean and classy. This is just a cover up for plain procedural programming". Does the use of static functions really kills the advantage of object oriented programming?
@cmnajs , why exactly would you want to use pre-made authentication system ?
@cmnajs Codeigniter is one huge singleton LOL, I'm amazed that so many people don't realize that
@cmnajs yes
@cmnajs Why would you write a class full of static methods when you could just write 10 functions instead?
@TimPost have you seen r/PHP ? I am amazed that most of the people who call themselves "php developers" can safely cross the street
@tereško Not in a while, I've been trying to cut down on Reddit
Reddit is the gateway drug of web sites. Use it enough and you end up on harder stuff like 4chan.
Anyone any good at maths? I'm sure there's a simpler way to express this but I can't work out what it is:
((1 - Math.pow(1 - ((progress - 0.5) * 2), 3)) / 2) + 0.5
@DaveRandom Solve for postgres then reduce
@TimPost spam/advertising stackoverflow.com/a/13494635/599857 - Also. Hi :)
1 - x^3, no it's good, or pass in complex :p
@DaveRandom not really , no
@Leigh I'm tempted to leave that, as it's the first non-upvoted obviously spam answer I've seen flagged today.
@TimPost I don't follow your logic? It's to serve as a reminder to yourself that sometimes the flagging system works? :P
Destroying that one ... pew! pew!
@cmnajs laravel has several issues : complete disregard of OOP, use of My-Very-Code interpretation of MVC pattern, poor documentation
@tereško I feel I may need to put extra effort on features of project instead of core concepts that many frameworks and libraries offer.
@Leigh Yes, I'll keep reading it all night and listen to Barbra Streisand
@tereško I was hoping you'd weigh in, thanks. It just seemed that because there were two 1 - xs and a * 2 and / 2 that I was missing something but I've been going over it for a few minutes and I couldn't see any way to reduce it. Cheers for the confirmation.
@TimPost Want to pew a tag?
@DaveRandom you can "bring in" the ".. /2" part .. but that' about it
and i think even that would make it more confusing
@cmnajs authentication is not "core feature" in frameworks
@tereško ...meaning what exactly? Brace removal or something else?
@DaveRandom lemme rewrite this on paper
@tereško Many frameworks I know do offer auth
@tereško If it helps, context is this easing function, which works as intended (accelerate evenly until 50% then decelerate evenly)
    arc: function(progress) {
        if (progress < 0.5) {
            return Math.pow(progress * 2, 3) / 2;
        } else {
            return ((1 - Math.pow(1 - ((progress - 0.5) * 2), 3)) / 2) + 0.5;
Hi guys, is it possible that some configuration of php refuse anonymous function ? I have a error on an anonymous function in my web server but on my local everything is fine ... Does someone have an idea ?

(see full code at http://pastebin.com/Gqwessmf )

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