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is there a way I can do a post style calendar like this tilb.org/services.html
@benlevywebdesign No, there isn't. It's impossible. </sarcasm>
@ShaquinTrifonoff ok
(I was joking, if you didn't notice)
I did
notice how some are future dates but can you post early ? or something
"A typical example that violates LSP is a Square class that derives from a Rectangle class"
but true, they would both derives from a quadrilateral or shape class
so my Main class that extends Authenticated is a beautiful exemple of LSP violation?
@cyril That is a very bad example, because it makes and assumption that the implementation of Square uses a single data store for x and y length. In geometry, Square extends Rectangle. In computer programming this is not the implementational case. But at the same time, if a procedure expects a Rectangle, the fact that its dimensions are equal should be irrelevant. The key point is that the dimensions scale - modifying one of x,y affects the other.
ps: they are called like that
 $ac = new \myApp\accessControl\Main($controller, $accessControlList);
    array( $ac, $method ),
@DaveRandom yes agreed this paragraph is maybe criticable
What does Main mean?
@PeeHaa Main means "I wish I was writing Java"
@PeeHaa the namespace is more explicit sorry, it's AccessControl module
@DaveRandom lol
nah it stands for 'default'
I was more hinting that main isn't really the best name I've ever seen
ok will call it default
It looks like it is some superclass that way
it's how people called it in my team.. 'Main' in the sense of 'Home' probably
They probably also use some Util class or something like that
but well do you think my 2 classes above violate LSP, I'm not sure, even if they handle __call differently
It violates SRP for one
It uses static call for two
yea the View
a simple way to exit, but it would be worse If I instantiate a Login controller inside it, still SRP violation
@PeeHaa < how?
I've replaced:
$login = new \myApp\controllers\Login();
why are you guys even trying
That feeling you get when you come back to something you wrote 6 months ago and you realise that your coding style has changed so much in that time that you have no idea what you were thinking...
@DaveRandom I recognize that feeling and can commiserate with you.
@cyril Consider is_callable rather than method_exists. method_exists will return true for private and protected methods that you can't call.
@Lusitanian I have a whole set of dependencies injected the wrong way round. I can't for the life of me figure out how this is even working, I'm afraid to touch anything in case it all falls apart. I think I've going to have to rewrite.
@DaveRandom Is the code commented and are the variable names and method names descriptive?
such naiveté
but honestly , if you have to modify 6 month old code , it does not matter who wrote it
@Lusitanian Fairly well, but I know exactly what it's supposed to do and I know exactly how it should work, and I know exactly how to build it. All the utility procedures are stateless and recyclable, pretty much everything else is just plain wrong and I know how to rewrite it. In this case I think it's worth it, it's a small project that needs to be extended and further extendable, and it's only a few hours work.
... thought, if it is your's, you can be sure, that it was written by someone dumber then you
about to move away from the computer for the first time in the past two days and go play basketball
@Lusitanian inhabit
@Paul thx ok
it's edited, only router calls access control
the router is breaking OCP, SRP, DIP
yep of course it does some accesscontrol, which it's not supposed to
I bet it's lines 22, 27, 29
then 34 for SRP
22, 27, 29 can be in a config file, if that's what shocks you
when i mentioned OCP , i was not referring to use of $_REQUEST
anyway , it's time to sleep
I'm on that train as well, night all
later both
@MirwaisMaarij Any news?
no, time to sleep, night
Good night :)
(ha ha... 3:52pm for me :D)
3:53 AM for me ;-)
Aaaaand I'm also gone. laters
I'm trying to pass a long URL to a GET function with more than one ? or & it will be random so I'm trying to assign the ENTIRE url from the GET i assign to the end to a single GET
how can i do that?
I know that the AdID and REdirectURL
URL-encode it.
the rest i dont assign or know
$RedirectURL = $_GET['RedirectURL'];
so how owuld i do that
with that
$FixedURL = urlencode($RedirectURL);
i tried that
i tried this
function url_encode($RedirectURL){
return urlencode(utf8_encode($RedirectURL));
none or it has worked
some examples of dynamic url can be found on the comments on the php manual php.net/manual/en/function.urlencode.php
i'm at a lost and obviously have tried php.net
i even have tried str_replace
im at a lost of how to assign the ENTIRE URL beyond RedirectURL= to RedirectURL
even the parts i dont control
the issue is
// Update Ad Pull/Display count
$AdID= mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['AdID']);
$UpdateADHitDisplay = mysql_query("UPDATE ads SET clicks = clicks +1 WHERE ID = '$AdID'");

// Get Redirection Inforamtion
//$url = $_GET['title']."?".$_GET['na'];
$RedirectURL = $_GET['RedirectURL'];
header("Location: $RedirectURL");
nope as simple str_replace cannot help you have to rewrite the url to suite your need, using regex i assume
im $_GET redirect url which works on urls that do not have any more ? opr &
i dont need to rewrite it
just get it all and assign it to the RedirecURL url $_GET
after this part clickcount.php?AdID=34&RedirectURL=
i dont control the url
it would be msn.com
the last one casuing the issue becasue of the additional ? and &
ould be many more
even assign an array would not work
"a" => "b",
"key" => "value",
becasue i wont know the extra names of ? or &
i did find something like this
$queryString = http_build_query($_GET, '', '|');
geting COFFEE first want some shaq
What is better? &= OR +=
@user1079641 What do you want to do?
can not believe asked by 3.5k rep user
Q: What's the difference between + and & operator in Javascript?

Clay Nicholsso if we have: var s; s= "blah blah" + 5 s="blah blah" & 5 Will + and & operate differently?

In VB, what would you rather prefer for string concatenation


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
This is the PHP room.
@user1079641 In VB, I usually use &=.
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol
@ShaquinTrifonoff hiya
Hi @NullPointer
@ShaquinTrifonoff haha I know its PHP room, just asking cause no one is in the other room and its like a 5 second question. I use &= too and was wondering if others use it too and you do, so its good :)
@ShaquinTrifonoff do you know how to set this up?: github.com/badshar/SO-ChatBot
@user1079641 Yes, I do know how.
Drag bookmarklet.js into your bookmarks.
Then go to a chat room, and click it.
@ShaquinTrifonoff I did and it redirects me to github.com/badshar/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/bookmarklet.js
@user1079641 Edit your bookmark, and put this in the URL of it: javascript:(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");a.src="https://raw.github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/master/master.js",document.head.appendChild(a)})()
I did that, clicked it, and now nothing happens at all
You won't see anything.
!!/tell Shaquin "test"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command test does not exist.
Refresh the page! You started it 5 times! :D
!!/tell user1079641 "hello"
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
@user1079641 Command hello does not exist. Did you mean: help, tell
!!/tell Shaquin "Hi!"
!!/tell @user1079641 "help"
Uh oh...
@user1079641 Command hi! does not exist.

@user1079641 Command " does not exist.
I thought it was going to ping me 5 times :)
so is that your bot talking, or mine?
So we both initiate our bots through "!!/" ??
Open the JavaScript console, and execute bot.invocationPattern='??'; for example.
It will make your bot respond to ??/ commands instead of !!/ commands.
Unhandled Error: Undefined variable: bot
@user1079641 Available commands: help, listen, live, die, forget, ban, unban, regex, jquery, choose, user, listcommands, define, norris, urban, parse, tell, mdn, get, nudge, ring, roll, spec, todo, convert, stat, google, beautify, hang, learn

@ShaquinTrifonoff https://github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/wiki/Interacting-with-the-bot
!!/google "stack overflow"
!!/urban computer
@user1079641 computer The most useful and most frustrating thing any human being will ever work with.
!!/urban bot
@ShaquinTrifonoff [bot](http://bot.urbanup.com/210890) 1. Simple computer program used to perform highly repetitive operations, e.g. trawling websites to collect email addresses.

2. Computer program run concurrently with an online game to give the player an unfair advantage. Bots may alter the game environment, boost the abilities of the player's character or hinder opponents. Writing bots requires a great deal of skill; using them almost none.
So can't I have my own custom command instead of !!/ ?
@user1079641 You can.
6 mins ago, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Open the JavaScript console, and execute bot.invocationPattern='??'; for example.
But it isn't working.
I think maybe the bookmark way will work, if possible
since I tried putting the bookmarklet.js code in the console window and it didn't work, but it worked through the book mark
??/tell @user1079641 help
You have to execute that code every time you refresh the page.
but it isn't working :(
@ShaquinTrifonoff Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand ``
@user1079641 1. Refresh the page. 2. Click the bookmark. 3. Open the JavaScript console (F12 in Chrome) and execute bot.invocationPattern='??';.
!!\learn shutup "Make me!"
@user1079641 Y U NO MAEK SENSE!? Could not understand \learn shutup "Make me!"
It's UNIX-, not Windows-, based :D
!!/learn shutup "Make me!"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command lean does not exist. Did you mean: learn
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command shutup learned
@ShaquinTrifonoff Make me!
!!/learn shutup "Make Me!"
@user1079641 Command shutup already exists
??/learn test "No."
How do I address my bot?
@user1079641 Did you execute the JavaScript command?
If so, ??/test
I am using opera
Not sure how to do it on opera
/me looks up how to do it in Opera
lol haha
!!/learn os "Are you on Windows, Linux, or Mac?"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command os learned
Hi @Nile!
!!/tell @user1079641 os
@user1079641 Are you on Windows, Linux, or Mac?
ss/learn hi "Well, hello there!"
@user1079641 Command hi learned
@user1079641 Well, hello there!
ss/learn u "There are multiple user\d+'s in the room!"
!!/tell @ShaquinTrifonoff "Windows"
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command u learned
@user1079641 Command windows does not exist.
@ShaquinTrifonoff Command u learned
ss/tell All u
@All There are multiple <code>user\d+</code>'s in the room!
ss/roll DnD-roll-notation
@user1079641 Invalid /roll argument; use /help roll for help
ss/help roll
@ShaquinTrifonoff roll: Roll dice in DnD notation. MdN rolls M N-sided dice. MdN+X rolls as said above, and adds X to the result. You can use any of the four arithmetic operators +-*/,. X can also be a die roll: MdN*XdY for example
ss/hang a
ss/roll 2d6
  |   |

@ShaquinTrifonoff 1,6 => 7
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
  |   O
  |   |
e, o
Move to here:


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
See you there!
@user1079641 Divide Chuck Norris by zero and you will in fact get one........one bad-ass that is.
@user1079641 When you play Monopoly with Chuck Norris, you do not pass go, and you do not collect two hundred dollars. You will be lucky if you make it out alive.
what the hack is ?
| |
| O
| |
e, o
@NullPointer The ChatBot (playing hangman). Join us in the Sandbox!
!!/live:msgid http://stackoverflow.com/users/42
assuming he is in the room
@NullPointer Invalid command /live:msgid stackoverflow.com/users/42
how to use them ?
Q: CSS Precedence - which one trumps?

user1667474About to have an exam and I am going through the previous exam that we have been given. The question: When two or more style sheet rules apply to the same element, which of the following types of rules will take precedence? a. Any declaration with browser origin b. Normal declaration with user ...

Hi @tereško
Finally, after days of work, it's finished! Don't click this!
504 - Gateway Timeout for Gravatar :(
Any sql expert?
1 hour later…
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol....
@r4id you can ask here ... if anyone know will answer
hey null
you there?
good mornings.
some advice please...
Wisdom is in the eye of the beholder.
I just started with yii and I can't figure out the flow of the app or where to put which code, for example in a simple app with no framework i can see the process of the data from entering the site to displaying results but with mvc this eludes me...
Any particular reason that you chose yii, or a framework to begin with?
well i want to become a good programmer, and land a job and standardize my code, etc... many benefits
particularly what i dont get is that the model and controllers define all theses functions but i cant see where they are used, where the actual object is created and its functions used
@hakre true say
@grasshopper That is practice, practice, practice ;)
@grasshopper Maybe learning about the basics of objects in PHP might help you to gain more understanding.
In which things to program are you interested?
see the thing is what i usually did is define my classes then create the objects and use the functions on the pages where they are needed
So you define classes to have functions at some point. Is there a reason why you don't just define functions in the first place and just use them?
I setup my class with functions, etc but on regular php I have this i.e " $someclass= new class;" then call the functions $someclass->dosomething(), but with yii or mvc I dont see this, is this process hidden or does mvc just work in another way?
in anyway I agree I'll have to find a tutorial and practice, as of now it just goes over my head
@grasshopper functions != methods (methods can also change the state of an object).
@grasshopper Yes, many of those frameworks come with some pattern how they do that and provide instance objects. Such process is normally called a factory, some code that takes care of instantiating objects instead of using new straight away.
If someone knows HTML and HTML 5 in specific I've got a question:
Q: Status of Attributes: Depricated or Obsolete?

hakreI am new to HTML 5 and I have problems to find out in the diverse W3 HTML standardization documents to obtain the status of an attribute. For example, the bgcolor attribute of the <body> element should not be used any longer since HTML 4.01. It was deprecated. (see: http://www.w3.org/TR/ht...

HTML5 is the reformulation of XHTML in tag soup. You can use it however you want. No one cares about deprecated elements or things like that as long as the result is shiny. Dont forget to add jQuery to your site. — Gordon 1 min ago
@Gordon good morning. HTML is tag soup, we don't need HTML 5 for that.
Also the comment is not that constructive at that place.
@hakre yeah, im gonna remove them soon :)
@Gordon Oh you even rr'ed me. :)
@hakre harrr!!! :)
> The only remaining presentational markup features in HTML are the style attribute and the style element.
> When a body element has a bgcolor attribute set, the new value is expected to be parsed using the rules for parsing a legacy color value, and if that does not return an error, the user agent is expected to treat the attribute as a presentational hint setting the element's 'background-color' property to the resulting color.
@Gordon Where is that? - okay seeing now.
@hakre first one is when you search for "deprecated"
second one is when you search for bgcolor
I wonder why the HTML 5 specs add documentation to things they officially obsolete.
@hakre because there is no apparent rules, just like I said :)
This does not look like obsolete but deprecating.
And on top of that, in a way that is not backwards compatible.
Even tag soup is a much too fine term for that.
@Gordon It is not needed any longer, and the HTML parser needs to put values into the representation structs.
@hakre I'Ve deleted my comments, can delete yours, too for cleanup
1 hour later…
Hola room
@PeeHaa hola...:-D
could somebody please help me out on this one stackoverflow.com/questions/13437846/…
in JavaScript, 4 mins ago, by Sid
when I click #flip,
the #panel toggles visibility
it uses slide up and down
how do I use slide left and right instead?
@Gordon ....lol...its aewsome
@NullPointer That's a police siren in some countries.
@TimPost hehehe...lol
@TimPost You changed my life.
@webarto 'Twasn't I that upload gyrocat
I like dags more
@webarto why this page has 230k like
Traits works for PHP > 5.4 right?
@cyril yes
morning @NikiC
Nothing much. Enjoying the pain of setting up tinymce for a friend in a way it doesn't screw up the page content. You?
@tereško ok thx it should be corrected now
it's ugly I have put a regex in a json, '\' must be escaped
This is the user div shown in chrome
But in firefox,
Why has the arrow gone for a walk?
My disgusting attempt at securing a PHP proxy that has a url called from PHP
Q: Secure a php proxy?

Myles GraySo on my site (https://example.com) I have a page that parses the last.fm API and pulls back the images off their akamai CDN and displays them on the page. The thing is all the images are served on HTTP ONLY, https is not supported. e.g: http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64s/76030502.png I hav...

any advice anyone?
float right issue? @Sid
@tereško fail is strong in that one
In order to use a framework, you need to match the competence / incompetence of its developers. I don't understand why that doesn't scare people new to any language.
stackoverflow.com/questions/13441776/… because I cannot find a fitting dupe although the solution is dirt easy.
so I don't know if its possible to do a calendar like this post style even thought some of the dates are in the future tilb.org/services.html
@Gordon Are you rep-whoring??
The millionaire is out begging on the streets...
@DaveRandom If I was repwhoring I wouldnt have asked for a suitable dupe and a cv-pls maybe, so … hardly.
All that rain is making you grumpy :P
Nah, it's genetic. I'm British.
True, I say.
when I do this © <?php date("Y"); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?> for the footer the date part doesn't show? benlevywebdesign.com/templeisrael
you need to echo
@DaveRandom color. organization. analyze. apologize. liter. behavior. labor. favorite. etc.
Nnnngrrhh... I... I can't take it any more! <head explodes>
whats a good way to break up a one line footer address - phone - website - copyright section
This is what I'm doing now:
@DaveRandom </head>
<head>Take a break</head>
Q: Module: how to 'unload' the native php?

Levi MorrisonI'm using modules to manage which PHP environment I want to load. However, the machine comes loaded with PHP. This causes a problem because the native php is always used instead of whatever module is loaded. How can I override this? I tried prepending the new path to PHP to $PATH, but the nati...

Hi, so i'm trying to figure out how to show a specific text from these texts format:
Some Folder\Some Folder\Some Folder\FileName v123.txt
Some Folder\Some Folder\Some Folder\Another File Name v210.txt
Some Folder\Some Folder\FileName v123.txt
Some Folder\AnotherFile v210.txt

The subfolders are a random amount and the file name is smimilar to that format so i want to show just the FileName v123.txt after the last backslash. i tried explode but i don't understand how to do it excatly
@JeremyJohn I'd mix a RecursiveDirectoryIterator with a RecursiveFilterIterator and call it good.
Maybe a RecursiveRegexIterator instead of RecursiveFilterIterator, but that would depend on your exact pattern.
@LeviMorrison I just want everything after the last front slash
@JeremyJohn Basically you only want files, not directories?
yes just what ever comes out after the last backslash
What are you going to do with it once you have them?
echo them back
the directories are a random amount so i can't do it by counting the front slashes
I'm confused: what are you doing with the files?
Just listing their name out?
@LeviMorrison it's currently echoing in this format:
Some Folder\Some Folder\Some Folder\FileName v123.txt
but i want it to echo as this only:
FileName v123.txt
just the last part after the front slash
$it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY);
foreach ($it as $file) {
    echo $file->getBasename(), "\n";
Missed a semi-colon :)
The things after the last slash is called the basename ;)

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