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@Gordon book references?
clean code and refactoring?
So far so done
I guess I'll edit more onces feedback arrives
Thanks for pointing me to it, need to stay in training for the unconf track in amsterdam
Hmm, I could give my debut there, but I dont know what to talk about.. as usual
@Gordon Food. I'd like to try out new food. You should recommend me something that you like a lot :)
@Tek Sushi
@Gordon I was thinking of things that perhaps aren't common... Then again I haven't had pot roast either...
Not that I've had sushi, because I haven't in a long time
More than a decade I think...
@Tek Asparagus with sauce hollandaise, ham and potatoes
Now that's something :D
not uncommon in germany though
and it's what I will have for dinner today
Right, uncommon in the U.S. though.
well, question answered ;)
@Gordon I'll see if I can find some here or find out how to make it if I have to later today :D I'm kind of tired of eating things that are around or that I already know how to cook so... thanks :)
no problem :D
@Gordon ok, I'm done writing the book, for now
Nice to get a good rant out of ones system once in a while
was fun
@edorian now lets see if I lose 10 flag weight for asking to make it CW ;)
> Avoid “holder”, “context”, and “kitchen sink” objects (these take all sorts of other objects and are a grab bag of collaborators). Pass in the specific object you need as a parameter, instead of a holder of that object. Avoid reaching into one object, to get another, etc.
Doesn't this mean Factory is also suspect?
It rather means stuff like "Registry"
Because you don't reach into a factory to get another object, you ask it to create a new instance of something
and that can be a rather complex task at times
But yes: If you only need a specific instance of something in a method you shoudn't pass in the factory but the object its self
But if, say, the factory is used inside lots of the objects methods, then it should be injected in the constructor - thanks for clearing that up :)
I'd rather say " You need a factory if you need it to construct parameteriesed objects
If you need a "DB Connection" there is no need for a factory. But if you have class that need to be able to connect to different servers you need something that can get you a DbConnection when you pass in a config
But he mostly argues again the Registry approach
Just having one big container that, hopefully, contains all objects
nice doc
that means dependency injection container is also suspect, but we don't inject the DIC itself right?
a DIC is different from a Regsitry as it does actually work, it has its uses and it's ok to pass that one around (it has no state real anyways (mostly)) so yeah..
But yes, its something to avoid passing to everything
because all your classes then depend on that DIC, if you don't NEED it just passing in the classes directly is better usually
And misko.hevery.com/code-reviewers-guide seems like nice linkable stuff /cc @Gordon
@Robik - long time no see! :D
How are you ?
fine - I bet you are fine as well :)
Hell no, gtg
Back in half hour... :<
that might seem harsh, but cv pls: stackoverflow.com/questions/5742990/…
morning @ircmaxell :)
how's it going?
@ircmaxell - found a real nice PDF - misko.hevery.com/attachments/…
> one of the signs of using brittle global state is using singletons, registry or service containers
what is the difference between service containers and dependency injection containers? or are they the same?
service locator vs DIC
No, they are similar, but slightly different concepts
Always remember kinds: Liking to fowler lets you look smart
Even so he talks about SL vs DI not vs DIC
Q: What's the difference between the Dependency Injection and Service Locator patterns?

Charles GrahamBoth patterns seem like an implementation of the principle of inversion of control. That is, that an object should not know how to construct its dependencies. Dependency Injection (DI) seems to use a constructor or setter to "inject" it's dependencies. Example of using Constructor Injection:...

class ServiceLocator...
    private static ServiceLocator soleInstance;
    public static void load(ServiceLocator arg) {
        soleInstance = arg;
    private Map services = new HashMap();
    public static Object getService(String key){
        return soleInstance.services.get(key);
    public void loadService (String key, Object service) {
        services.put(key, service);
looks a lot like fabpot's 40 LOC DIC
@edorian thanks! reading
ok, I'll be back later
> When you use a service locator, every class will have a dependency on your service locator. This is not the case with dependency injection. The dependency injector will typically be called only once at startup to inject dependencies into some main class. The classes this main class depends on will recursively have their dependencies injected, until you have a complete object graph.
so the difference is that in service locator, we inject the service locator to the classes. But in DIC, the DIC injects the needed objects to the classes.
13:37, still got votes left? :P
they upped it to 50
i see
just for you? ;)
which I think is secretly acknowledging that this place is flooded with duplicates and they dont know how to stop it
that explains the 43 in the voting panel
didnt see
Was wrong anyways
If thats the way the want to go now, can i get 2 rep pre question closed pleased?
or 10..
Just to make it offical that close voting is the cool thing to do
well, since reputation basically only means activity, i'd say this would be fair
wtf.. why do i have 78k calls to _parseIsoToDate when there is only 4000 dates on the page?
I hate Zend_Date
posted on April 21, 2011

Here's what was popular in the PHP community one year ago today:Community News: php|architect Releases "Guide to Web Scraping" PHPBuilder.com: Six Cool PHP Tricks You May Not Know php|architect: Introducing four new PHP 5.3 components and Goutte, a simple web scraper Brian Swan's Blog: PDO Cheat Sheet for SQL Server Driver for PHP Architexa Blog: Simplifying Dependency Injection Dougal Campbe

welcome back @Robik :)
Hello @rickchristie
Q: Sphinx query column attribute problem?

Ikonsource tags { type = mysql sql_host = localhost sql_user = abc sql_pass = 123456 sql_db = company sql_sock = /var/lib/mysql/mysq...

Guys, what do you think about setting routes using anonymous functions?
    function($router, $args)
        return new Destination
@ircmaxell Hi
how goes it
@rickchristie: why the "regex"? Why not just let the router route and return false if it can't (like a Strategy pattern or Chain of Command). That way if it falls off the end, you know it's not routable...
@ircmaxell - oh, so something like this:
$router->check(function($uri_segments, $get)
     // Do some checking
     if ($uri_segments[1] == 'project')
         return new Destination(…);

     // Otherwise return false
     return FALSE;
@ircmaxell - sorry, slow typer
what do you think about this approach (advantages, disadvantages, testability)?
so what I would do is define a chain class. Then pass that in as the third parameter to the callback function
the callback is responsible for calling $chain->handleNext();
> Make sure there exists a “safety net” to “catch” any requests which go unhandled.
that would be the 404
so you'd call $filter->run($this, $params, $options), and then in the callback function($class, $params, $chain) { if (!$handleable) { return $chain->next($class, $params, $chain); }
so a sort of recursion, until one of the callbacks returns the Destination object.
It's more flexible since you could have competing routes, or non-URL route critera
@ircmaxell - does this mean the Chain will have to be another class of its own?
It can... You could do it another way, but that's the way it's normally done
Hi guys
Quick question
in bash script i want to execute php file with parameter.
How to do that?
    function ($router, $uri_segments, $get)
        // Do some checking

        if (!$handable)
            return $router->next($router, $uri_segments, $get);

$destination = $router->run();
/path/to/php phpscript.php arg
is that still considered fulfilling the pattern?
here's the thing. Now your router is doing 2 things. First it's routing, but it's also acting as a chain
and arg=?run=2 ?
@ircmaxell - so it's too much responsibility.
PHP doesn't support named arguments by default like that
you'd need to use a library
how do I define arg?
@Jasiufila - if you are using mac os x you might want to check out phpa-norl
$chain = new \Core\Chain($request->getURISegments(), $request->get());

    function ($chain, $uri_segments, $get)
        if (!$handable)
            return $chain->next($chain, $uri_segments, $get);

$router = new \Core\Router($chain);
$destination = $router->run();
@rickchristie I would hesitate to say too much responsibility. That's up to you. If it was me, I would create a separate chain class
Yeah. That would work.
and have chain->next throw an exception if there are no more routes. Then you can catch an ChainFalloffException and turn it into an unroutable request
the explanation is crystal clear, the example is not
if [ -f var/import/${CsvFile} ]
wget http://server/web/file.php?run=2 How to change it ?
for php
wget? eih
@ircmaxell +1 about the exception
Yes wget http:// ....
well, you could have it return a default value
$chain->defineDefailt($foo); and then have it return that if it falls off instead...
I think I rather have it throw an uncaught exception, 404 should be at the bottom of the chain, the programmer should know that
well, but is that really an exceptional circumstance? I'm not sure. I could see arguments made for both
hmmm the most difficult part of programming is answering questions like these
writing code is trivially easy
figuring out what to write and how to write it is tremendously harder
I could spend hours just sulking around
Can you guys give me some tip?
run it from the command line
@Jasiufila - I have no idea about bash, sorry
@Jasiufila what to you want exactly? download a file with php?
No It's only a part of the script
When csv comes then the php file with this parameter must be executed
Script imports the files to database
if I do $router = new Router($request->getURISegments(), $request->get()); and instantiate the Chain object inside the constructor, will it be a case of me hiding dependencies or that the constructor is doing too much?
I would pass the whole request object, not just get
since there may be post-only routes, or head-only routes, etc
yup, thanks for that pointer
and I don't see instantiating the chain inside the constructor to be that big of a deal. All you're doing is decorating the chain, so it would be similar to doing Router extends Chain, but by wrapping instead
yup yup - thanks again for the input reading about decorator pattern
@ircmaxell after reading back the chatlog (not the sourcemaking stuff) i don't see any advantage over doing it that way vs having a $routes= array(); and iterating over that array calling each funtion until one doesn't return false
but its more OOPsy
@ircmaxell What advantage did i miss`?
@Gordon but is has the word "Responsibility" in it and i don't like those sort of things :P
6 hours ago, by zerkms
because OOP is a panacea
@edorian: a chain is one method of doing it
@Gordon i get that for moving my body to the place they expect it to be, the other stuff kinda seems optional most of the time
I like it because it adds flexibility, you can in a callback do anything you want (including canceling the rest of the chain without returning success)
For example: let's say you detected a bad request in one of the chains. Rather than chancing another route matching, you just return false imediately, therefore bypassing the rest of the chain
For the router example you could throw or return code your way out but i see your point, if you want to do that than its a clear approach
well, you could solve it in other ways, sure.
I was mainly asking because it seems like much more work than a foreach so there have to be some gains ;)
I like the chain, since it puts the complexity of determining what to do next on the sholders of the router callback, rather than in the router
@edorian you can do anything using at least 2 approaches - oo and procedural, both will result in running code.

oo solution is always more flexible and easiert to extend or change, procedural one is much more easier to code.
exactly @kamil. I'm not saying you need to do the chain, but I like it because it's clear and is easy to work with...
I can call the array "routeCollection" and have it "resolve" its self. Thats not an OO vs NonOO question for me
Well, it is non-oop to do a foreach with conditionals. for example, compare the calling code of:
and I'm not saying the idea is bad or wrong, i was really just asking for advantages ;)
point taken
foreach ($this->routes as $route) {
    $temp = $route($data);
    if ($temp) {
        return $temp;
return $this->chain->run($data);
@edorian: fair enough. Like anything, there are tradeoffs. This puts the complexity of handing the next item in the chain to the worker instead of the manager. It's just a case of where do you want complexity (and hence flexibility)
@edorian I already answered - it's easier to add unexpected behaviours
thanks for the example, that cleared it up for me
@ircmaxell your example is more func than oo :) (but chain is not necessarily about oo)
@KamilTomšík: well, OO and functional are similar in this case I guess. But I can see your point :-P
between the end of the foreach and the return there is a "vs" , in my head at least
@edorian: yeah, I forgot to type it
was clear for me
@ircmaxell I dislike func approach because of lack of organization - everything is static, everything is global, lambdas all over the place :-)
@KamilTomšík: but you can't deny the beauty and symmetry of monads and the such
takes that statement back
@edorian - care to explain? doesn't the statement above made using chain of responsibility for router wrong?
@edorian Very true, however do we know the request is only handled by one handler? What happens if you want to modify the request and then let another handler handle it (for example, to implement a backwards-compatible router to handle obsolete routes)...
And I don't like strategy in this case, because the master class (the router in this case) must know which strategy to pick. That's what we're trying to avoid
@ircmaxell - so like $chain->rewind($params, $chain)?
@ircmaxell continue thinking like this and you'll end with handlePath method inside BlogPost :))
@KamilTomšík: what would that do?
@ircmaxell handle its contextual path
@rickchristie well, you'd forge a new $params object. But in a sense, yes...
@KamilTomšík you mean routes to the post?
@ircmaxell - thanks for the input!
@rickchristie maybe route rewrites at the start of the chain
@ircmaxell no, just edit, view and default action (->view)
it can handle even remove, but it shouldn't know about it (it has to be injected)
Nah, I wouldn't do that
@rickchristie or something.. the whole point was to be able to very dynamically change stuff around in the routers.. so yeah
even so i don't see a clear use case for it now
anonymous functions rocks
Yeah, the key word is able. Let the client code handle making that decision, rather than hard-coding the decision...
@ircmaxell I would - again in spirit of least astonishment (I want to change edit to modify, I'm talking about BlogPost so I would expect it to be responsible for this)
@edorian Let's say you have distinct routes for mobile vs non-mobile. You could install a "mobile detector" route which would detect a mobile request to a non-mobile route, and then re-route it silently. You could also redirect from here, but that's not really the point.
@KamilTomšík Well, I would expect BlogPost to define its own router, and bind it. So the routing functionality would be outside of the class, but associated with it (possibly).
as usual, there are thousands of ways to solve the same problem. This is just one I've used before and it seems to work pretty well...
@ircmaxell sure you would do it through router -> handle_path delegates to instance-held-router
@KamilTomšík Yeah, I guess
posted on April 21, 2011

The Voices of the ElePHPant podcast has posted their latest episode - an interview with Ed Finkler, best known for his work on the Spaz Twitter client. Cal interviews Ed and asks him his "three questions" about this Open Source project (Spaz): At what point did you realize you couldn't do it all yourself and what was the first role you created for someone else? What ways do you use to co

@ircmaxell my point is - this way you can start searching directly in post and go exactly where you need to - if it were defined in application or somewhere else, it would be diffiicult to find without knowledge of whole framework/app
Yeah, but that also limits flexibility, since what happens if I want to extend Post to add a feature without editing the class (say as a "plugin" to a CMS). With dynamic routes that's easy. Without, it's almost impossible without hackery
@ircmaxell yes, but plugins like these are decentralized mess - IMHO in php there is no other way (this is where smalltalk rocks - because everything is object including class and because it's in memory and is alive, you can change it)
well, decentralized, sure. Mess? Nah. In fact, I'd say it's cleaner than most other methods of doing it short of editing the files at play
I'd argue that's even worse of a mess, since you can't just look at an object definition to see what's possible with it, you're forced to introspect or trace its modification to figure out what's going on...
@ircmaxell I have really solid opinion about this - everything which works on object's internal data should be there.
I'm on the fence regarding meta-objects. On one hand they do make life a lot easier when modifying objects and extending them, but on the other hand they can make it much more interesting to work with and figure out what's going on...
someone suggest some music to me please
@ircmaxell sometimes they're necessary (i.e. modular system), but they should be avoided because it's not always clear what they can do.
BTW: something to think about - if an Address is value-object (and it should be), it should not be stored inside db table (or at least common one), but it's very common to see this and it also has some advantages (i.e. ability to add column to all addresses)
opinions? ;)
Why should it not be stored inside the DB?
because db rows are naturally mutable
and they have ID to represent identity, address does not have identity (IMHO)
settled on bluesradio.co.uk
I wish I could remove ZF from my current project
anyone used opera unite web proxy? what it does in nutshell?
(will it make login.operaunite.com/webproxy) proxy to localhost?
put all the traffic you generate through their site and they do server side compression for you so its faster on very low bandwidth connections
I happen to have one of those but it didn't to much for me
Oh, my bad. Unite web proxy not opera web proxy :)
@edorian so I access some url hosted on their server and it will result in calling request on my desktop machine, right? but what about uris? are they translated? at least for non-ajax
posted on April 21, 2011 by blog.phpdeveloper.org » PHP

Originally, I was going to present these thoughts at the PHP Community Conference (in a session titled “It’s not Just About the News”) but it didn’t work out for me to be there. I still wanted to share some of my thoughts and experience in running PHPDeveloper.org for the last 11 years. In its very first form, PHPDeveloper.org was just a page of links. It was hosted on a local server I had at

As far as I've understood it it's not more than dyndns
But I've got no experience with the urls or anything like that
I've used the webserver once or twice but they proxy you to play around with
morning, I need help setting a variable for an update statement, basically (I don't think is the way i should do it) I've got this:

$update_str = "" ;
if ( !empty($liVote) )
	$update_str .= "votes = '$liVote'";
if ( !empty($liView) )
	$update_str .= ", views = '$liViews'";
if ( !empty($liComments) )
	$update_str .= ", comments = '$liComments'";

$upd_suggest = mysql_query('UPDATE ' . $ptb_name . '
						SET '$update_str'
						WHERE Active AND RecID = '$liRecID );

could someone help me with the SET variable I'm trying to use please??
@edorian thx
if (!empty($x) can be written as if($x)
and your query will break (as you might have noticed) when you don't habe $liVote set
maybe rewrite that to an array and join(",", $it)
sorry but what is $it
Hello, was wondering if there was anyone familiar with drupal in here?
@ircmaxell you're unix-lover, right? :)

desktop can see tomsik.cz (gentoo VPS)
tomsik.cz cannot see desktop
notebook can see tomsik.cz
on top of that, desktop is behind router

I would like to access desktop:1234 using tomsik.cz:8765, is it possible?
How is it run?
@sadmicrowave I was just continuing the sentence with variables. "just join it")
@gables20 Not that i know of, sry :)
And yes it's possible, but it depends on how you setup the network in the VPS (what are you using for the VPS? VMWare, VirtualBox, etc)?
@ircmaxell ssh
@gables20: just ask your question, it may not be as specific as you think
Huh? SSH?
@ircmaxell I connect to bash using putty (using ssh)
*is confused... *
@ircmaxell not sure about what you're asking me - when I want to do something with VPS I run Putty, type tomsik.cz, select SSH, then I type my username and login and I'm in (bash shell)
You could do a port-tunnel. ssh -R 8765:localhost:1234
and on the server (remote), set GatewayPorts yes in /etc/sshd_config
if tomsik.cz can NOT see the desktop you need to set the reverse tunnel and Gateway...
yeah too late, ok :)
but the better option would be to open a ssh port on your router and then contact in from the server
Say you have two content types, restaurant and menu. The restaurant content type has various CCK fields like id, address etc. While Menu has a node reference to restaurant and other CCK fields like breakfast, lunch etc. I know I can easily display the fields of Menu using Views however, what I would really like to achieve is use the id of restaurant as an argument in a page view.
I have attempted this by creating the page view, added the event id as an argument (I selected the default action and added PHP snippet below), and added fields from the menu but I get no result. Something does not
@ircmaxell router's IP is dynamic as well :-/
@KamilTomšík: that'
that's not a problem. There are services to handle that for you
@gables20 Ask it as a question somewhere (possibly SO, possibly SuperUser, etc)
@KamilTomšík something like dyndns might be even supported directly by your router
@ircmaxell well, that's actually what I'm looking for :) I need to download something, run it, type my alias and port and then access: alias.coolservice:port
@edorian, I've got this now:

$update_str = "" ;
if ( $liVote )
	$update_str .= ", votes = '$liVote'";
if ( $liView )
	$update_str .= ", views = '$liViews'";
if ( $liComments )
	$update_str .= ", comments = '$liComments'";
$update_str = substr( $update_str, 2 );

$upd_suggest = mysql_query('UPDATE ' . $ptb_name . '
				SET ' $update_str '
				WHERE Active AND RecID = '$liRecID );

and I'm still getting an error on the SET line
yeah, I do that now. I have an alias for my home router
what's the error @sadmicrowave
@ircmaxell , syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE
@ircmaxell, i am new to this so whata exactly do u mean, is that another room?
you're missing concatonate operators @sadmicrowave
@gables20: no, on the main site, not in chat
@ircmaxell, thank you.
@ircmaxell, where? in my SET?
it really looks like solution :) thx @ircmaxell @edorian
SET ' $update_str ' => SET ' . $update_str . '
but the error message should have told you about the line
@KamilTomšík: no problem, I've done it before and it works quite well
@edorian, I added the concate operators like you said but I'm getting the same error on that line
there is another one missing in the next line
you're missing another concat before $liRecId
and where do you get those variables from? User input?
yea, but I've already did a mysql_real_escape_string() if thats where your going
that's where I was going
code parses
@ircmaxell, ;) i'm learning
@Gordon will you be playing portal (coop) this weekend or some time around that
@edorian nope, gotta weekend full of family and eating coming up
I'm demotivated to the point where I don't want to do anything anymore today
posted on April 21, 2011

On the Script-Tutorials.com site there's a new article showing you how to use XPath to parse web pages, complete with screenshots of the page and the code to make it happen. Today I will tell you how you can make parsers of remote HTML pages (in PHP). In this article I will show you how to perform xpath queries to Web pages. XPath - a query language to elements of xml or xhtml document. To

ProTip: If you know that one of your employees is swamped, asking him "What else is on your plate at the moment" does not instill confidence
Hello everyone,
sorry ... maybe this is not the right room to ask me ...
I have a stupid question on a sql query:
the query is this ... I do not understand what has gone wrong!
SELECT m.Servizio, m.Prezzo
FROM servizi AS m

LEFT JOIN Anagrafica_Servizi AS a_s
ON m.ID_SERVIZIO=a_s.id_Servizio

LEFT JOIN Anagrafica AS a
ON a_s.Id_Centro = a.Id_CENTRO

WHERE a.name = [Nome Centro:]
You're trying to query I do not understand what has gone wrong?
@GgSalent: what's the error?
i use Microsoft Access...
He says there is a syntax error
what's the syntax error
error messages are there to help you (although MS does seem to like to string you along with odd ones from time to time)
He does not say it!
yes it does. You may not be displaying it, but it does tell you what the syntax error is
I think that he did not like the second join
Also, is this related to PHP at all?
no...I am using the Access database directly ... no php

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