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This is precisely why I think the ext/mysql docs should be removed from the online manual (or moved to the appendix) - because it's too easy for new users to start using them, and it's not entirely their fault that they do.
Can't people just sanitize $_GET / $_POST values with mysql_real_escape_string and then sanitize with regex to pass values as they want them instead of leaning a new language over again? by the time I teach myself PDO probably another new way of codding might pop up, and I will be in for a loop
I don't now where this belief that it is somehow easier to learn the mysql_* functions than PDO or mysqli_* comes from.
@Eritrea Sure you can.
Install PHP 4 and turn on magic quotes.
Told you, you'd get trolled ;D
@Eritrea The point is that with PDO and prepared statements you don't have to bother with that shit!
@Eritrea It's not about the interface you use in PHP, it's about using prepared statements, which are not going away or being superseded any time soon. Prepared statements don't sanitize for you, they remove the need for sanitization completely. PDO is actually a much simpler interface than ext/mysql provides.
@Leigh Trolled? I'm talkin' facts.
@DaveRandom They could use with some documentation though... just sayin'
@Eritrea Classic example of the slippery slope fallacy.
Using your logic, we should never learn anything new, ever.
@DaveRandom I wouldn't agree they remove the need for sanitation completely
@Leigh Well no, you still have to deal with XSS and CSRF and the like, but you no longer need to worry about SQLi
Also, they don't stop you from having to wash your hands after you go to the toilet.
@SomeKitten Thanks for throwing the strawman there, but I never said I should never learn anything new, I just said stick with something you know if you master it and hopefully you will get around the problems
@Leigh Sure they did. Who cares if your DB ends up with <?php eval($_GET['e']); ?> or MZ[nul][etx][nul][nul][nul][eot]
think you need slightly more than that to get an executable running these days ;)
@Leigh Running? I'm talking about downloading codecs :D
@Christian Right, and I was talking about your stubby dos header
Speaking of which, everyone download my new codec here.
@Eritrea OK, well please at the very least start using mysqli instead. The procedural interface is almost identical to ext/mysql. You really should start with prepared statements now IMHO, but at least if your code is MySQLi driven you won't have as much to change when you come to implement it.
@Christian I wouldn't trust your code as far as I could throw it. And you can't throw software very far. :-P
@DaveRandom You think? I've already got a good dossier of your three VMs. :-D
Have you now...
bearing in mind that I am a newbie, if I had a URL: (site.com/user/update.php?id=name) so everyone is saying how anyone can add something like(OR 1 = 1) to manipulate the queries, now what if you use additional functions like, is_int() or is_string() or regex to remove any suspicious urls before submitting to data to sql?? I mean, what is wrong with that?
@Eritrea there is nothing wrong with that. it's just pointless when you can use prepared statements
@Eritrea 'or 1=1' is a string...just as is 'some name'
What you describe is a web application firewall. It works best when you are not running sloppy code in the first place.
web application firewall?! Oo
@Gordon mod_security? Seems he wants a system to fail sql injection attempts (etc)
@Christian why cant you just use prepared statements?
@Gordon I didn't say so.
I said a WAF works best when your code isn't problematic in the first place.
But you don't go scanning URLs and doing what a WAF would do yourself (which seems to be what he's pointing at).
where is the best place to learn PDO from scratch ?
@Eritrea php.net has got all you need.
sup guys
@NullPointer Actually, that tutorial is pretty good! One complaint: code font size is too tiny.
@Christian you can increase font size by ctrl with +
@NullPointer That's not what I meant. Compared with the site, it's too small.
@Christian just kidding...:D... i know that you know this ..... yes its (font size) pretty irritating
@NullPointer ok.. :D
@RedDawn hellow
So does anyone of you have experience with The Kohana HMVC framework?
Regrettably so, RedDawn
@Sommer Why? :{|
Hey, how do I use a jquery script with wordpress
.. shrunken.
@RedDawn, I found it too limited. The activerecord it used wasn't to my liking, I would've preferred defining routes in the SQL db rather than a file (though I can let that slide), the architecture (perhaps more an HMVC issue) was too rigid..
I disliked the way it handled sessions, its hashing algo was sub-par and near inaccessible (trying to reset a user password was an absolute nightmare that required lots of hacking)
Am I saying that right.. No, not resetting, generating the hash itself rather.
Like if I were to contrast a submitted password with what was known in the DB. It used salting and obfuscation but its application was hidden away and outside its own resource handler not accessible.
As far as the sessions go, it would empty out the $_SESSION/$_POST/$_GET arrays and use its own mechanism for that using setters and getters.
I have no idea what they were achieving with that, though it was a missed opportunity to introduce protection from fraudulent form submissions and stuff.
It had no generative capabilities. Like in Rails one might use Rake, or in my system I have methods to scale very easily. Kohana had no such function
Which did not go well with its rigid and obtuse structure.
@benlevywebdesign You don't. Wordpress uses jquery, not jquery uses wordpress.
I will credit it for using salts provided in a configuration file, but (and this is a problem I'm seeing everywhere) it could've done so MUCH better.
@Sommer <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); ?>
Kohana uses a default of, what, 5 or 10 salts? Single alphanumeric strings.
Also, please go ask duplicate question on PHP, so we can close them as duplicates, not here.
Personally I generate a 4KB file with random binary data, calculate a file offset using a modulus equation with the numeric value of the submitted string, and pull up a string of arbitrary data with much greater entropy (essentially, 4096 possible combinations)
@Christian ok so how do I use a jquery script with wp
@benlevywebdesign <?php wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); ?>
and that goes in the functions.php file
Or header.
However, usually you don't do that directly.
what do you mean
Usually, you use enqueue script to add your own script which depends on jquery.
Something like this:
Yes I have a script that wordpress doesn't know
wp_enqueue_script('myscript', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/myscript.js', array('jquery'));
so I make a folder called js or anything and put the script in there
@benlevywebdesign That's why you use the second parameter: the url to the script
@benlevywebdesign The folder should be in your theme
@Christian yes that's what I meant put a folder for the script in my theme folder
/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/js/yourscript.js => get_template_directory_uri().'/js/yourscript.js'
@Christian I need all this: /wp-content/themes/yourtheme/ but what is not right about what you typed above that: .'/js/myscript.js'
@benlevywebdesign True, I edited the message.
@Christian so I should not put anything in the functions.php file
@benlevywebdesign The reason why wordpress does it this way is so that you only load what you need. Wordpress takes care of doing the rest (loading dependencies, ensure load order is correct, etc).
@benlevywebdesign Correct.
Also, while you can just throw script tags in the header.php file, this is not recommended at all.
so the whole line of code should be? What is before and after

/wp-content/themes/yourtheme/js/yourscript.js => get_template_directory_uri().'/js/yourscript.js'
just <?php and ?>
@benlevywebdesign Look, I can't help you at that level. If you don't know that stuff, please go learn PHP. :)
@Christian I know some but I'm just starting out, sorry
so I do put it in the functions.php file
@benlevywebdesign In general, it shouldn't be a problem.
Do I advise make using of wp_head hook functionality.
@benlevywebdesign I would advise that you start with some basic PHP code of your own, then switch to bigger stuff like wordpress, frameworks etc.
Anyway, got to run off...bus doesn't wait for anyone :)
I don't have a choice of what I'm learning at university now do I?
No, but you could do it on the side.
anyone want to finish helping me, lol
@benlevywebdesign woo :P....what kind of help you want ?
functions.php sounds so 5 years ago... :P
haha then you guys should be smart enough to help me
I'm trying to add the wp_enqueue_script to my wp
@benlevywebdesign yaa we try to
What kind of IDE are you using?
@NullPointer so would you like to help?
I'm trying to add the wp_enqueue_script and I am brand new at php and wp
@NullPointer I read that and still don't understand it :|
@vascowhite also
It needs to be closed first. One step at a time :)
@hakre ha, was just about to post that :)
What would be the php function reference for doing pages like if on my blog I only show 8 posts at a time
how to vote on tag synonyms .... ??
@NullPointer What would be the php function reference for doing pages like if on my blog I only show 8 posts at a time and I want to go back or forward in time
every body
i want to convert file to byte array how do this
@benlevywebdesign There is no need to ping people here at guess and repeating a question. If somebody want to answer it, they would do. If not, not.
@hakre sorry
@amin You normally don't need to, however that is: $byteArray = str_split(file_get_contents($path));
You normally don't need to because strings in PHP are binary, see php.net/string ; php.net/str_split
Q: PHP/MySQL Pagination

user313216Hey, I am new to php and sql, and i have one tiny question about how to realize sql query , that can: Take for example 5 entries from DB, insert them on 1st page (1-5) Than take next 5 entries from same DB and insert them on another page (5-10) and so on :) Thank you )

@hakre That was a nice try for an answer but I'm using wp
Q: wordpress wp query posts per page default

Антон СлепцовHere is the code: <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?> <?php $temp = $wp_query; $wp_query= null; $wp_query = new WP_Query(); $wp_query->query('showposts=5'.'&paged='.$paged); ...

do you have a problem using the search? Just asking because all these are just a second away.
@hakre If you were slower, this room would be cleaner ;D
@Leigh Then we need a cleaner ;) And I will make more slow now ;)
@hakre I thought we were proud of our lack of moderation?
not quite, I'm just looking for the function that makes the previous/next links
what is the equivalent of maven for php to manage project dependancies?
@benlevywebdesign Well, then it looks like it does not work for you. Sorry, I have no idea where the Wordpress documentation can be found.
@cyril Why equivalent?
hmm sorry I could use it, I'm tired
@gordon its 3 now ...:-(
@NullPointer actually the answer is right
I was missing that row->expired is not a timestamp
Q: Why shouldn't I use mysql_* function in PHP?

Madara UchihaWhat are the technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_* functions? (mysql_query, mysql_connect, mysql_real_escape_string)? Why should I change them as long as it works on my site?

Is about to get closed :(
Who's here over 3k?
@MadaraUchiha i think almost all here more than 3k rep user
@Gordon @NullPointer @hakre @Leigh all of you guys are here?
happy party time :)
@MadaraUchiha yes
@MadaraUchiha yes
I want to cast the last cv, so that we can reopen it.
who else is here and has more than 3k?
@MadaraUchiha Don't do it.
It only wastes the re-open votes.
You can only vote to re-open once
@MadaraUchiha ill vote for reopen ... if it will close
Instead wait that the close-votes time-out.
@MadaraUchiha partially
@hakre How long does that take?
@MadaraUchiha Only some days. In case the question is closed, you can call for re-open here. I guess the message will get starred.
4 days it seems
I'd say: No need to worry. Maybe I would even vote to re-open it if it gets closed ;)
closed isn't deleted, so we can get it back up in no time
we have enough here
cleaned out my laptop
not only it still works, but also is much much cooler .. as in 20°C cooler
@tereško great idea so close to the winter … NOT! ;)
it only begun heating like crazy in past month
or do you have an impression that in winters latvia gets cut of from civilization and i would been able to get a new laptop if i broke somethin ?
@tereško Cleaned as in physically cleaned? Or cleaned the hard-drives?
@tereško i was thinking of heating cost. PCs are just great to cut down heating costs in winter.
@MadaraUchiha cleaned as in disassembled everything and cleaned with a brush
@tereško oic
could i know what is "**Explicit write access **" here(chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/11/php?tab=access) i found this
If you have a bootstrap in index.php, it's a good practise to have a .htaccess to rewrite everything else to index.php right?
actually best possible option for content of index.php is :
    require '../application/bootstrap.php';
ah ok you don't serve your app files, thx easier
and you should redirect to index only if file does not exist
you DOCUMENT_ROOT should only contain files which you are comfortable with people reading
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [L]
@PeeHaa gud evening
@PeeHaa hi does the above rule seems ok for "redirect to index only if file does not exist"?
need a small help with places API
@PeeHaa worship the Lord
@cyril Have you tested it?>
omg , i have regained the ability to play flash games and run Vbox at the same time
@tereško Playing flash games? You must be bored / waiting on something
@PeeHaa tried ? realmofthemadgod.com .. here's a "WTF is .." review
Looks cool
@PeeHaa I luv flash games
watch the review
dam, doesn't work, never worked with .htaccess, but I have localhost/m/index.php working and its .htaccess with him, but localhost/m/test is not redirected
file path/to/m/.htaccess :
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [L]
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule (.*) /index.php [L]
doesn't work actually
Aaaaand...he's back! Hello again guys.
Hey guys, in case anybody's interested, CodeKen, the conference that replaced last year's cancelled DevDays is taking place again tomorrow, as a completely on-line and free event.
works! with apache shit
The topics look pretty cool, and last year's speakers were top notch. I'll be pretty busy tomorrow but I'll try to make it at least to the Alpha.Gov.UK talk
@Pekka Thanks
Hey @Pekka! Wait, is this the first time I've seen you in PHP chat, or not?
Guys anyone knows what CGI/Apache PATH_INFO is supposed to contain? I'm confused as to how it should be used.
@Christian not entirely :) but I'm not a regular, no.
@Pekka Oh, ok.
@Pekka cool. Ade Oshineye is a very good speaker, he gave the keynote at PHPNW.
where would be a good place to ask apache questions? stack overflow? or somewhere else? I'm basically trying to do a redirect of a page
How do you display comment in wp
@igorw cool. I assume they'll be taping everything that I can't watch live, for later ejnoyment.
What up Ben!!!!
@FunBeans Probably a dupe. Use the site search
@FunBeans The very, very first port of call is Google :)
Im reading the codex and its seem its not working
After that, depending on what exactly you want to do, SO or SF.
@FunBeans Depends...you can do a redirect with PHP: header('Location: http://somewherelse.com/');
whats SF?
@tereško what did you mean exactly, because now If I go to localhost/m/thisfiledoesntexist, I've made an apache rule to rewrite, but the url stays like that..
Server Fault.
Server fault.
Hah! Shaquin gets gold for proper capitalization and using a space in the right place
I come in second, but broken capitalization
Christian - well we won't talk about it. :)
@Pekka idontcarerreallybye. :D
Hey all
is it possible to bind column names with mysqli?
@Pekka Uhm, spelling was correct, I believe? :D
So instead of doing this:
        $updateQuery = sprintf("
            UPDATE %s
            SET %s = ?
            WHERE taskID = ?
        ", $this->getModelTable(), $fieldName);
I could do this:
        $updateQuery = sprintf("
            UPDATE %s
            SET ? = ?
            WHERE taskID = ?
        ", $this->getModelTable());
@Neal sprintf?!!? man we're doing PHP not old school C
@Christian lol how would you do it then?
@tereško well sorry I guess now it's the work of the router
@Neal Either prepared statements or something like this: $db->update()->set($params)->where()->taskID->is($value) <- we're engineers, are we not?
@Christian wtf is that?
@benlevy wp_list_comments() should work but I guess you need to be inside the loop, or on a page where a post has been loaded. codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/wp_list_comments
yeah I have it in the loop hold om
@Neal Heavy chainin', obviously.
Seriously though, why not use prepared statements? sprintf looks a bit out of place with SQL.
@Christian oyyy.
This is my full code:
        $updateQuery = sprintf("
            UPDATE %s
            SET %s = ?
            WHERE taskID = ?
        ", $this->getModelTable(), $fieldName);
        $statement = $this->dbHandle->prepare($updateQuery);
            $bind = @$statement->bind_param('si', $content,  $rowId);
            if(!$bind || !$statement->execute()){
                $return = "Task statement insert error: {$statement->error}";
                return $return;
I am using prepared statements.... but you cant prepare a column name!
This is far too advanced for me, how do you do this =S — Jason Kelly 7 mins ago
but I want to know how you could prepare a column name
why would you suppress errors in binding parameters ?
@tereško bc i dont want to show the warnings...
ignore that for now
I just added that for testing
I got them to display but now I want to show/hid them kind of thing
is that possible
ok .. adds "ignoreUser"
Warnings suck! I also always supress them to get rid of those pesky errors.
but is it possible to do update x set ? = ?;
Damn you warnings!
Asking @tereško to ignore that for now is like asking a fire hydrant to run the fifty yard dash.
lol it seems.
@Neal Since you don't seem to need escaping, you could have it plain with a double-quoted string: $updateQuery = "UPDATE ".$this->getModelTable()." SET $fieldName = ? WHERE taskID = ?";
@Christian bc thats stupid
and not easy to manage
@Neal Well, I have a feeling its faster than telling a function to do it. Not that it's a big difference.
There are some things you .. well .. just can't ignore.
Like the fact that you're preparing a query with sprintf
@TimPost So i took out the @. that still does not answer my question...
Then again I think it might be a matter of style.
Is it possible to "prepare" column names? @TimPost
@Christian you seriously care about performance of string concatenation vs. sprintf? really? :O
@igorw Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! :D No.
@Christian performance?! man we're doing PHP not old school C
@igorw Uggh my own medicine tastes awfully sour. :D
@TimPost bc that is the main reason that I am using sprintf...
the columns that i update are dynamic
@TimPost Did you find anything about that stupid issue, by any chance?
Each time I go asking help on IRC I end up crying in a corner of my bedroom. Well, almost.
The only exception is #centos. Some very nice people there.
@Christian I'm going to look as soon as I'm done doing what I'm doing. I just glanced and saw sprintf and query in one sentence.
@TimPost lol. No hurries. :)
@Neal AFAIK there is no consistent way of escaping identifiers in SQL. And PDO does not expose a method for the platform-specific methods.
@tereško I'm pretty much doing stupid things for " you should redirect to index only if file does not exist", an apache rewrite rule (RewriteRule (.*) /m/index.php [L] ) is more than stupid since I lose all the uri information then, so I guess you don't set any rewrite rules at all?

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