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I'm also gone. laters
@hakre @madara @leigh - have spoken to relevant bods about doing a blog post re: mysql_* et al. It would go on the Programmers blog because believe it or not SO doesn't have a community blog. Yannis (PSE mod) and myself will pop in here at some point tomorrow to discuss further.
oki doki.
grah having issues with parent directory O.o ../ is correct, right?
@hakre Yannis is UTC+2 I think so we'll all be roughly same timezone which is nice. Can't give you a definitive time but I imagine around "mid day'ish"...I'm on holiday so it depends when I haul my lazy ass out of bed :)
Is the directory from the file, or from where it is being read?
A: Split a time range into pieces by other time ranges

hakreYou need to do calculations of time-ranges. As the image shows this seems like a simple substraction. It would be nice to just have objects that do these. I had no code for this ready, so the following concept is a bit rough although probably not that bad. A Range type that represents a time fr...

Stack Overflow is offline...
SO is doing the failover to Oregon .. this is going to go incredibly well or incredibly .. not so well.
something along the lines of bash.org/?6441 ?
I can't get rid of my hiccups
@tereško Apparently, NY is currently on generator power - so pretty much yeah :)
here is an idea : move the whole thing to europe .. or australia
well then, gn8 :)
Anyone with eBay development experience around?
I'm talking about eBay API
I'm a NY'er, still with power, but in the Western part of the state
Pretty strong winds currently, rain's not so bad
Back offline again, while all around the world SE developers and sysadmins sit in their chairs shaking their legs while refusing to urinate until it's up.
Pretty soon it'll bleed over to facebook
I'll have random people from India: "I just need an example!"
@SomeKittens Reply me ASAP!
@TimPost is something wrong with so i couldnt open it for a hour ....
@NullPointer They failed over to Oregon. NYC is on generator power due to the storm (and has a limited fuel capacity)
hard time for so and all so supporters/lovers
@NullPointer It's back up in Oregon now, the disruption was pretty minimal. I'm not sure if it went as well as it did in testing, but it was still pretty minimal. I'm sure they'll blog it with any applicable highlights.
@webarto @webarto OMG is it true ... what about 15+ hour a day
i do continously siting for morning 9 to 2pm at night with only 1.5 hour gap
Q: Suggestion For Storing huge amount of images on server [PHP]

Sandeep KambleI am having one website for image gallery. Where i want to store Million of photographs on server. So please suggest me how i can store the images so that it will be easily retrieval and storing... Thanks in advance

how get Neighborhood place in google map auto suggestions api ????
@SandeepKamble amazon cloud storage
Correct me if I'm wrong, but protected visibility in java allows one to access such declared items within the same package, ie between classes that are siblings to each other.
Assuming the above is indeed correct, I presume it is not applicable to PHP because it does not have "packages". Then again, they are kind of like namespaces...
A Java package is a mechanism for organizing Java classes into namespaces similar to the modules of Modula. Java packages can be stored in compressed files called JAR files, allowing classes to download faster as a group rather than one at a time. Programmers also typically use packages to organize classes belonging to the same category or providing similar functionality. * A package provides a unique namespace for the types it contains. * Classes in the same package can access each other's package-access members. Overview In general, a package can contain the following kinds of types. A p...
> Classes within a package can access classes and members declared with default access and class members declared with the protected access modifier. Default access is enforced when neither the public, protected nor private access modifier is specified in the declaration. By contrast, classes in other packages cannot access classes and members declared with default access.
> Class members declared as protected can be accessed from the classes in the same package as well as classes in other packages that are subclasses of the declaring class.
@Christian correct
OK, thanks @Gordon.
@Christian php allows you to access the private and protected properties between instances of the same class though, if that is of any help: codepad.org/KTrmmuaZ
Now, I might be threading in pure opinion here, but do you think protected should not apply with namespaces, similar to packages?
I think, though, this probably would require a good rewrite of the code....possibly slowing down execution by a good factor.
@Christian i dont know why i would need it
@TimPost should be an alias of ? and what about ? The singular/plural feels pointless to me.
can someone pls help me with this stackoverflow.com/questions/13134759/…
@TimPost when I try to suggest object as a synonym for oop I get "Reverse synonym object already proposed on the tag objects". When I try objects instead I get "The suggested tag must exist in the system before suggesting it as a synonym!"
Morning all
@PeeHaa good morning
@draconis good morning
@NullPointer good morning
is it possible to crypt files in PHP but so they can still remain executable?
@UchihaObito yes
@Gordon do you know any examples?
@UchihaObito sure. let a novice developer write the code. s/he will likely produce an big ball of mud. still executable, but completely unreadable.
@UchihaObito Alternative: invest money in tools like zend.com/en/products/guard or ioncube. None of these is a 100% protection though because if the decoder can decode the encoded code, anyone willing to reverse engineer the decoding can do so too. so it's not really encryption but more like code obfuscation.
but I meant .exe files, but use PHP for encryption and return .exe output, not PHP files itself
@UchihaObito ah you mean a binary file. yes, that's possible, too.
hip-hop :)
@Gordon do you know any examples? i can't any that's executable, cause they work like TrueCrypt or something
A: Can you "compile" PHP code?

GordonThere is also PHP's (experimental) bcompiler extension, which aims To encode entire script in a proprietary PHP application To encode some classes and/or functions in a proprietary PHP application To enable the production of php-gtk applications that could be used on client deskto...

also have a look at hip-hop for compiling php
Comparing sql with mysql, mysqli and PDO
which is better PDO or mysqli?
hi guys
hi @Fabio
Q: mysqli or PDO - what are the pros and cons?

FlubbaIn our place we're split between using mysqli and PDO for stuff like prepared statements and transaction support. Some projects use one, some the other. There is little realistic likelihood of us ever moving to another RDBMS. I prefer PDO for the single reason that it allows named parameters for...

Good morning
@Gordon thanks
@PragneshChauhan I guess the main question you should ask yourself is whether you need a dabatase abstraction that works with multiple dbs (PDO) or a concrete db driver that works with a specific db only but possibly uses more of it's features (mysqli)
dunno ... one having exceptions and named parameters seems to me a much more important distinction
morning @gordon, if you like, you could take a look at my answer, I'm not so sure about the design:
@tereško yes, it depends on what you are looking for. though I am not sure what you mean with exceptions, because both have exceptions
@Gordon could you point me to the part of MySQLi manual , where it is shown that it has exceptions for error handling .. i seem to unable to find any
@hakre I'm looking into the possibility to create an wp vulnerability scanner. If will check for for known problems / outdated installs + plugins. Considering I don't work with WP I'm wondering is it doable?
@PeeHaa Of course it's doable, but is it worth it?
@Leigh It is for me. :-)
@hakre i pondered giving an answer to that question, but wasnt sure about the right design either. My initial thoughts were similar to yours, e.g. having a range and then just applying times to that range. cant tell if our implementations would have looked the same, but in general okay I guess.
@PeeHaa From what little I know about WP, my immediate reaction is "that is a mammoth, un-ending and somewhat pointless exercise"
Why would you need it?
Even though you don't work with WP? Sounds like you just want to pwn teh nubs
@DaveRandom Out of interest
hakre hello
Q: Wordpress vulnerabilities test scanner

systempuntooutDo you know any stand-alone client or web tool (like grc) that could scan, find and report Wordpress vulnerabilities, plugins included?

@Leigh Neh. I already have enough information to embarrass enough people with sites on the web. I'm not like that
i think you have been answering my question yesterday
@PeeHaa Well imo there's 2 different approaches.. a WP vulnerability scanner, and a vulnerable WP scanner :D
@hakre hello!
stackoverflow.com/questions/2418473/… - one of my answers just ended up there, as did a few answers from the same date a year and a half after the initial question, so I don't know if it may be being used as a canonical and having others merged with it - @hakre you edited it last week, what's the deal with it?
the latter basically being a google crawler
@hakre i think you have been answering my question yesterday
@Gordon that looks like one of two mentions in exception based error handling for mysqli .. other being this one
@Leigh yup was also thinking about a google crawler. Works great for most things
@DaveRandom Definitely not constructive, total RTFM material
@tereško not sure what you are looking for
I also have my own "crawler" I used for scada systems
any code that actually uses it in the manual
@Leigh I know but I don't want to burninate if it is being used as a canonical, since the question does seem to pop up regularly.
Hmm, what have I forgotten to back up.
@PeeHaa Partly. :)
@DaveRandom I just edited it. I was cleaning up a bit.
@hakre Which part is and which part isn't? :)
I'm lost. Should disabled inputs be sent? Because they don't.
@PeeHaa when there is the usual shitbakery of WP it can go akward.
I send you a plugin, maybe it helps. Gimme a moment.
@hakre kewl
hello.... thx @DaveRandom for your help, it helped me a lot!
I'm looking for a (very) simple hosting control panel, with the following functionality: manage dns, users (/home/...) and virtualhosts. Any suggestions? (disclaimer: I'm not asking for the best one there is out there)
Basically, we're trying to dump cpanel - too much bloat and features we don't really need.
For instance, we don't even manage an email server; we make use of Google's records (so what we really need is a named config manager manager)
@atmon3r No worries. I realised actually that there is no point in the escape_sql() call at all because anything other than 0-9a-f in a hex literal causes a syntax error, including anything that would require escaping, and you are now validating with regex so the escape is completely pointless. But you really should look at moving to prepared statements, then you can just pack it to a 20-byte binary string and there will be no need for silly syntax
@Christian control panel == instant hack
@PeeHaa Care to expand on that?
@Christian What I am trying to say is that when using control panels: there will be vulnerbilities and you would have to wait for fixes.
@PeeHaa Are you telling me I should just use cpanel? :D
I get your point, but really, there must be something out there to do such a trivial thing.
I just can't believe developers out there with lots of sites just vim through virtualhosts, bind config and all the relevant commands....
@Christian cpanel is in my experience one of the worst with fixing vulnerabilities :)
@DaveRandom very good idea, I'll try it. However, the function scrape() is called by the client and it works very well. this is really strange, I will continue to do my test ;)
@PeeHaa The thing with cpanel is that it comes with hostgator, and they manage it...
My problem, as I mentioned earlier, is that I don't need all this bloat.
@Christian Even worse... it would take even longer for updates to come through :P
@Christian bash?
@PeeHaa But it's their responsability.
@PeeHaa oh come one. Even having to remember where the heck named stores its config and stuff....
@Christian I meant bash script :)
@PeeHaa And I suppose this script could also manage said settings?
@Christian And we all know how repsonsible some companies can be ;-)
Real men use vim
Well, I never said it had to be a web-facing control panel...
@DaveRandom Our designers are mostly women. :D
@Christian Since when do designers do server admin :O
@DaveRandom Since you start living in Malta.
lol :D
@PeeHaa To be honest, I consider writing my own PHP script and put it behind some sort of authentication, say, wordpress or something.
But I think it might be appropriate to search for something out there, no?
I wouldn't trust most designers to avoid drowning in a glass of water, let along configure a vhost. And nobody touches my DNS config, nobody. It is unbelievable how many people are just completely clueless about something so simple.
@DaveRandom Well, it's not my intention to allow designers to throw in records directly.
@DaveRandom xkcd.com/378 ?
hi, anybody used WhatsAPI before? For sending messages to whatsapp from php?
@Gordon lol
@Gordon :D so realistic
I don't think anyone out there would have my requirements...I guess I'm better off writing my own script..
anyone here worked with cakephp & nusoap before? having some issues, would appreciate some help!


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
^ see the description ;-)
@JustAnil cakephp & nusoap can be summarized as "outdated technology", but ask. maybe someone can help.
...and SOAP in general can be described as "terrible technology".
sorry, didnt read the full description.
I would rather use a restful service, but I can only use SOAP on this occasion as thats how the response is sent
im getting the error: Function ("my_function") is not a valid method for this service
Is migrating from nusoap => php natives soap client a simple process, (I am using complex types)
I have disabled wsdl_cache in my php.ini
can i post code in this chat? (am i allowed)?
@JustAnil Yes, but if it's more than a couple of lines we recommend you make a paste of it somewhere like pastebin instead
@JustAnil use pastebin.com, please
Has anyone got a good generic DSL system for building SQL statements? I'm sick of source code filled with enormous query strings.
@DaveRandom ruby on rails?
@DaveRandom Zend_Db_Select but it's tied to the other Zend_Db stuff. Maybe try ezComponents/Zeta. They have a query builder, too.
im getting the error: Function ("my_function") is not a valid method for this service:
Pastebin is here: http://pastebin.com/Cv1Nx32W
I stripped out unnecessary code, any ideas?
I also moved register_donation outside the registerDonation function (but inside the servicesController), and didn't work either.
@JustAnil how you call your function? and what function name exactly?
Hi all
hello baba
@atmon3r hi
my function is called like so: $server->register('register_donation', ..... ), The name os my function is register_donation, which is registered and then called within the registerDonation function (a direct child of the servicesController).
@Peeha , @Gordon , @DavidRandom is '"Succes!"' a valid json string ????
@Gordon BUT PHP , JAVA and Javascript say its valid
Your answer didn't address the question. Now you've added the Java bit at the end, it at least vaguely comes close to answering it. The fundamental issue with the OP's code, though, is that the JSON is incomplete. A JSON parser isn't obliged to be willing to part it at all. — T.J. Crowder 6 mins ago
@Gordon Seems to be dead. Maybe I will try my hand at writing one, I had a suspicion there wouldn't be anything that's not heavily tied to a framework anyway.
A: What is the key of a JSON-encoded String

BabaYou don't need any key In PHP json_encode("Succes!"); // returns "Succes!" In Javascript jquery var obj = jQuery.parseJSON('"Succes!"'); alert(obj); In Java json-simple Object obj = JSONValue.parse("\"Succes!\""); System.out.println(obj);

Why do you have a valid response and not false if its not a valid JSON String
@DaveRandom any ideas ?
@Baba Javascript is not really a fair test, as it is more likely to simply accept anything that is valid JS syntax, where as JSON is a more strict subset. It would appear that the spec does require that JSON is wrapped in an array or an object.
> A JSON text is a serialized object or array.
@DaveRandom that means json_encode("Succes!"); should return ["Succes!"] and not "Succes!"
Anything that follows the spec strictly shouldn't accept just "string" or 12.345 number literals or true boolean literals on their own - but I suspect many parsers will, as often parsers are designed to forgive small deviations from the standard. Which is annoying, because it means people then deviate from the standard without a problem, and wonder why they run into problems later when they use a stricter implmentation.
@Baba No, it doesn't. json_encode() simply declares that it:
> Returns a string containing the JSON representation of value.
...and if you pass in a string, then it returns the JSON representation of a string
but that does not make it valid JSON in its own right.
There is an argument that it should return NULL instead in this situation, but with the way it behaves you are able to manually construct parts of the JSON string yourself, and get other paths from json_encode()
@DaveRandom .. Interesting
...of course, you shouldn't/wouldn't do this, but you can.
@DaveRandom thanks for clarification
No worries. Just think of it like XML - you can't have a valid XML document without a root node. They are both designed for representing vectors and complex structures, the assumption being that if you have simple/scalar data to transmit, you can just pass it directly.
@DaveRandom ... you are right ....
@DaveRandom nice edit cool
thanks for your time
no ideas guys? pastebin.com/Cv1Nx32W , really stuck on this
the questions here for points: stackoverflow.com/questions/13138114/…
@Baba Added the last comment as well, I think the scalar vs vector thing is the real crux of the issue.
@JustAnil What line does the error get thrown on? I have an idea what the problem might be but can you give the line numer of the error and point out where that is in the code?
Im having trouble debugging where the line exactly is, I believe its around line 39 (in the pastebin)
@JustAnil Try moving the inner function definition above that line. Also that inner function definition should be wrapped in if (!function_exists('register_donation'))
i'll give it a shot, 2 mins
Moving the function above the register didnt seem to help,
Is there anyway I can send u a url of my wsdl, I think the error lies in there somewhere
currently, it thinks my wsdl is location at domain.com/app/webroot?wsdl (when its actually located at domain.com/services/registerDonation?wsdl)
When I hover over the 'View the WDSL for this service' It points me to app/webroot (which is wrong), it should point to /services/registerDonation.
@JustAnil I detest SOAP and I don't really know it well enough to be able to help there probably, but that inner function really bothers me there are a number of things about it that are obviously wrong. You may quite possibly have a problem here with WSDL, but that function is definitely wrong.
It is being defined within another function, which is a bad start
and it uses $this when it's not actually a member of an object
ahh yes, i see what you mean,
it seems to me that whoever wrote this was not used to working with PHP and is using an inheritance model from another language
that may be correct (our previous developer was a c/c# developer as well)
any ideas around this, should I rip our nusoap and use PHP's built in soap?
@JustAnil I don't know, I understand that PHP's native SOAP is even worse to work with (I believe this was one of the main driving forces behind the creation of NuSOAP in the first place). To be honest it's a little too far outside my comfort zone for me to really be helpful, I suggest you wait and see if you get any responses to your question on the main site - maybe if you don't get any attention put a bounty on it, that usually yields good results.
I'll have to wait for my question I guess, I wish I could put a bounty up now! (Under time constraints!) Thanks for your help @DaveRandom!
Do you know if the html5 autocomplete works on all browsers, Chrome and firefox are ok jsfiddle.net/ca11111/ygRbS/embedded/result
btw, I hate soap now as well.. !
@JustAnil I definitely think it would be good if you can be more specific about exactly where you are getting the error though - specifically, where you are seeing it. (i.e. log files, on screen when you do something (what?) etc etc)
But it''s implemented differently on Chrome and Firefox
The error is sent by email from the payment provider (I think its the response they get from my code), and thats how I get that error
ex Firefox you type m -> bmw appears, but not on Chrome
I make a payment > goes to payment provider > they send us a reponse (to process the transaction) > we send back the error! (we should return a array with 'success => true)
@cyril It's a fairly safe assumption then that no, it doesn't work everywhere points at IE - it certainly won't work in IE7/8, possibly even 9. Would be easy enough to do in JS though, you can always shim it for older browsers.
@JustAnil If it's the response they get from your code, that means the string error is in there somewhere - search the source code for that error message (specifically the is not a valid method for this service part) - and if you don't find it it's probably an error in the WSDL, because it means that they have determined that the method is not valid without actually trying to contact it.
That's another thing you can do - check you server logs to see if they actually make a request to the SOAP service or not.
I dont have is not a valid method for this service anywhere in my source code or nusoap library, so its a error with the wsdl
@DaveRandom ok (hmm easy in JS not so, you have do to an overlay dropdown list, I so prefer to rely on native things, and IE no completion!)
@DaveRandom yeah .. good one
if I post my wsdl location, is it safe?
@JustAnil I don't really know, but I probably wouldn't post it anywhere public if it's for a private service, especially if it doesn't currently work properly :-P
lol, yeah
@cyril Well if you want to use HTML5 you either have to target only browsers that support it and tell everyone else to sod off, or you have to shim it in browsers that don't support it using JS/CSS. Those are the two options, there is not really a third.
@DaveRandom maybe you'r right, I can't use the native thing, because I want to make a multiple tag list, comma separated, thus bmw, fo should propose you ford and do bmw, ford
ideally I'd copy Stack Overflow feature when asking a question
@PeeHaa , wow .. how do they find this place ..
It;s called the India connection
@DaveRandom ok, anyway with native autocompletion, I need to catch the event when you pick a suggestion
morning all
@PeeHaa: You've got email. Maybe it helps.
@rlemon Can you tell the Android people to quit flagging messages just because they contain the word "boobs" please
Or maybe just flag that ^^
yea we dunno who it is.
how boobs gets you flagged is beyond me
I said "hamstring", ohh shit. flagged
I always make sure I name a PHP variable $hit in every application.
@DaveRandom every site should have a $hitCounter
in Android, 28 secs ago, by Octavian Damiean
Yea, well tell them we concur on their wish.
@DaveRandom I wonder why you don't mention this yourself? no talk access?
@rlemon No, but then I'm not an Android dev :-P
nor I . I am an android owner.
:P and the room seemed interesting so I requested access and it hasn't been revoked yet! so hey
I'm not a PHP dev either yet I'm here. :D
(ͦ 人 ͦŸ)
ooh, perspective
Looks great! :)
Why don't these unicodes display for me :-(
@DaveRandom because you a) are not old enough to view boobs or b) are at work and not allowed to see nsfw material - or c) you didnt install the unicode language pack for your windows
@Gordon a) probably, but is anyone? b) yes but I don't filter anything c) I did it the other day when you were looking at random glyphs. Has made no difference :-(
@Gordon there is a unicode language pack?
where do I get this.
linux did not have any issues displaying unicode chars for me
silly windows
@rlemon Unicode support is extended through installing the optional update KB2729094 (through Windows Update). Without this (or on earlier versions of the operating system) the charts below will not be readable. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji#Emoji_in_the_Unicode_standard
though these aint emojis
@hakre Thanks!
@r͎̩̱͔l̂ȇ͝mͧ̾ͬ̔̉on T̈́̂̈́nî̩́ç̌̔̉od̑͢ȇ͝ s҉µp​̅ͫ͏̙̤p​̅ͫ͏̙̤̔̉or͎̩̱͔† î̩́s҉ ȇ͝×ͧ̾ͬ†ȇ͝nd̑͢ȇ͝d̑͢ †h҉r͎̩̱͔̔̉oµg͖͉ͫͥͨh҉ î̩́ns҉†a͠l̂l̂î̩́ng͖͉ͫͥͨ †h҉ȇ͝ ̔̉op​̅ͫ͏̙̤†î̩́̔̉ona͠l̂ µp​̅ͫ͏̙̤d̑͢a͠†ȇ͝ K͠B̀2729094 (†h҉r͎̩̱͔̔̉oµg͖͉ͫͥͨh҉ V̈́̂̈́î̩́nd̑̔̉͢ow͚̖͔s҉ T̈́̂̈́p​̅ͫ͏̙̤d̑͢a͠†ȇ͝). V̈́̂̈́î̩́†h҉̔̉oµ† †h҉î̩́s҉ (̔̉or͎̩̱͔ ̔̉on ȇ͝a͠r͎̩̱͔l̂î̩́ȇ͝r͎̩̱͔ v͚̖͔͚̖͔͚̖͔ȇ͝r͎̩̱͔s҉î̩́̔̉ons҉ ̔̉of͛ͪ †h҉ȇ͝ ̔̉op​̅ͫ͏̙̤ȇ͝r͎̩̱͔a͠†î̩́ng͖͉ͫͥͨ s҉¥ͧ̾ͬs҉†ȇ͝mͧ̾ͬ) †h҉ȇ͝ ç̌h҉a͠r͎̩̱͔†s҉ þ̌ȇ͝l̂̔̉ow͚̖͔ w͚̖͔î̩́l̂l̂ n̔̉o† þ̌ȇ͝ r͎̩̱͔ȇ͝a͠d̑͢a͠þ̌l̂ȇ͝. ȇ͝n.w͚̖͔î̩́kͫ͏î̩́p​̅ͫ͏̙̤ȇ͝d̑͢î̩́a͠.̔̉or͎̩̱͔g͖͉ͫͥͨ/w͚̖͔î̩́kͫ͏î̩́/…
I would really like to be able to see that :/
@rlemon so much squares :(
:( I know
works fine on Chrome + Ubuntu
and actually works in the gist
> | w͚̖͔̔̉oµl̂d̑͢ r͎̩̱͔ȇ͝a͠l̂l̂¥ͧ̾ͬ l̂î̩́kͫ͏ȇ͝ †̔̉o þ̌ȇ͝ a͠þ̌l̂ȇ͝ †̔̉o s҉ȇ͝ȇ͝ †h҉a͠†
Oh god, that's ugly, why would you want me to see that?
Want to get me eye cancer?
it's another fun useless script
I made one to randomly shuffle your display pics as well
Productivity tool of the month. :D
it's hard to be productive when you are QAing your own code
@rlemon Too... much... pointless... jQuery...
Whenever I see $(this) I die a little inside
so uses jQuery so I cheated
for userscripts targeting sites that already include jQuery I don't mind so much
I don't have to justify it's inclusion - it's already there :P
however if you have spent any time at all in the JS room you know I am also a js purist at heart and rage on the jFanboys
I know. And actually to be fair .text() is a nice sugar method.
Q: Blinking a LED through a Web application

salvoI'm doing some experiments with some Linux-based embedded systems (Beaglebone, FriendlyARM mini6410, Embest Devkit 8000). I would like to write a web application using some kind of web technology PHP, Javascript,...whatever it is, whose purpose is just to blink a LED. I have to do this in order t...

@rdlowrey You wanna spam promote artex? stackoverflow.com/questions/13139704/…
I am receiving a reponse from our payment provider, so I require a soap client right? as oppose to a soap server
@hakre - you about?
ehh ... r/PHP hates me
anyway, what's new ? have i missed anything interesting ?
Quick question
is it possible to get the results INSERTED?
say for now.. I had
$query = "INSERT INTO test VALUES('lol', 'hey', 1)"
and I wanted to grab what I just inserted
just realized that would not make sense anyway
wait nvm..
Lol ok, bye
If ever a chat room needed to automatically issue rubber ducks, this is that room.

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