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Guys, please help me to close this question. stackoverflow.com/questions/8203018/… I posted it when I start to learn PHP, now getting continuos downvotes because of this q
Closing won't stop the dv
Also, we can't close it because there's a bounty
@TuralTeyyuboglu Try improving the question (without changing the context too much, since it already has answers) and maybe you will stop collecting downvotes.
@TuralTeyyuboglu i will attempt an edit which may help you stop receiving downvotes. I didn't downvote it because i personally think it's valid enough question to ask. It's like how would people ever know a type of encryption is weak or vulnerable if coders just accepted it was "safe" ;)
What did Your Common Sense do?
He's banned for quite a while
@SomeKittens why can people comment on the question... but i can only comment on my own answer? I'm guessing i need more rep, how much?
@TuralTeyyuboglu i'v reworded it, just waiting review
You need 50 rep.
@SomeKittens He is probably the rudest user ever to pollute the waters of StackOverflow with insults and abuse and a superiority complex the size of a medium sized planet.
I dunno, this guy posting on my comment is pretty hard work: programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/171300/db-object-passing-between-classes-singleton-static-or-other/171440
my answer* not comment. Though i guess i did suggest he was being ignorant regarding PHP and the singleton pattern haha. Even so, he didn't like my response lol.
@DaveRandom are you talking about teresko?
@Lusitanian lol no, that's not very nice... :-P
i'm just joking :P
but he is insulting and abusive, but not horrendously so
@DaveRandom ...?
^ courtesy of Google Translate
Trusted user: 20000 rep, daaaamn
@DaveRandom haha, yeah tell me about it. But it's just stuck from years ago when i used VB6 to create games... and then liked the word Assassin... just so happened it made up VBA :(
@VBAssassin Nobody will trust you with VB in your name, especially not when it's followed by a capitalised A :-P
@DaveRandom I remember my first time using VBA
I was hospitalized afterwards....for months
and it's just stuck, like the name your given my your parents haha
15 hours ago, by DaveRandom
Dim someVbVar as String: someVbVar = "VB is a shit language"
Where'd my other message go damn it... this chat rooms got bugs, already finding them
OMG Dave, i think you know more than me now days lmao
i ain't see VB code in years after i stopped making little apps and games in it
Messed with Delphi too - even worse than VB!!!
@Lusitanian hence why i (and you) now use PHP ><
VBA has a different usage than PHP...lol
> Uncle Gordon is a team player, disciplined, communicative, constructive, engaged and ready to take responsibility for your project.
@Lusitanian i'm referring to syntax etc >< but just to calrify, i didn't know VBA... it was VB6 i actually used (not that that's much better lol)
I love Google translate so much
I'm gonna start calling him Uncle Gordon
Tell you what though... after learning VB... trying to understand Pointers in C really melts your brain!!
Why do they teach beginners VB, it's torture having to "unlearn" everything!
... is DaveRandom in his own world? lol
Somewhat, yes
And actually I'm going to bed, it's late and I have to get up in 5 hours
night all
I general HTML, do you see anything wrong with this: ??

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
<title>Chantt | Sign up</title>

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin:0 auto;
html {

<div style="width:550px; background:#F5F3F4;border:1px solid black">
it seems to be a programmer thing staying up late
it's 2am here
Yeah, it's html in the PHP room :p
just run it through the w3c validator
that will soon tell you whats wrong
lol yeh, i mean the div is not centering. That's the problem. Its probably stupid error that I made that I forgot about. Anyways, I'll check it.
you forgot margin auto
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
i think... problem with abstracting stuff is you forget the smaller details haha
the problem is w3c validates it as passed :S
I just told you what to add to center it
and margin:0 auto doesn't center it. I added margin:0 auto 0 auto; but doesn't work :(
haha, body was wrapping around the div?
^ Did it.
what was it?
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
html {
haha, body was wrapping around the div? I was under the impression body was automatically 100% width :/
my css is a little rusty these days >< to much server side programming and js :(
never mind. i forgot to put margin:0 auto on the div style properties :D
Stupidness at maximum :D
ohhhh, i thought you was putting the margin code i wrote in the div haha, my bad
time for bed, cya guys
@user1079641 You still here?
Yes. Hi!
By the way, do you have to set an absolute value for height in order to get margin from both bottom and top?
@DaveRandom how are you doing ?
@user1739957, yes
1 hour later…
posted on October 26, 2012 by Ilia Alshanetsky

My slides from Zendcon talking about full-stack Bottleneck Analysis are now available online and can be downloaded at: http://ilia.ws/files/zendcon2012_bottlenecks.pdf

@Feeds That was actually worth reading. I found out about saidar which looks nicer than top.
haha that's funny I decided to start reading that too
hola @Paul and @Nick
it's always morning when someone comes into a room and evening when someone leaves
according to UGT
couldn't agree more lol
hola Lusitanian
how goes it
things are good, and for you?
can someone help me out here
Hey guys
damn ... there is snowman-vomit all over the lawn
Lol. We don't have snow. Almost never.
gud morning
Gud Morning
hi all..good mng
i need of help to know which framework to use php developemnt..i have some basic knowledge
in php
i need to go for framework based developemtn
@JohnBernal try using another http client github.com/rdlowrey/Artax/wiki/Basic-Client-Usage
Will no one save the bounty?
Q: /me command for chat

The Unhandled ExceptionI love the "action" command /me found elsewhere, and think it would be fun to have in the chat. A message like: /me loves the new chat system Would show up as: Josh loves the new chat system Rather than: Josh: loves the new chat system I'm trying to think how it would work with ...

@MadaraUchiha wouldnt know what to answer? basically, the pro and cons given already are both right. it's a pointless function because we could simply type actions as well and put them into recursive, but we'd like to have it nonetheless.
@MadaraUchiha Man that script sucks. I can do you a better version of that as a Chrome ext if you want...?
@DaveRandom Sure
And post it as an answer there
Might put it on the feature list for cv-pls (which is rapidly becoming an all-purpose chat poweruser script)
@DaveRandom if it turns out to become all purpose, can we make it modular? like in a command pattern? basic commander infrastructure to which you can register commands?
@DaveRandom did you get the command and control code working yet?
@Gordon I'm already doing (sort of) that, I'm currently de-coupling it from Chrome for the FF port though, which is job #1 at the moment. Once that is done (assuming everything will work they way I think it will) we should be able to bugger about with the application to our hearts contents with minimal requirements for moving between platforms - just platform specific bootstraps and and couple of platform specific classes
Since everyone seems to do things like desktop notification and local storage in a slightly different way
and inter-tab/window communication is a total PITA
@MadaraUchiha /me -> I'd say no because this is a serious chat :P
@cyril This' isn't a serious chat, it's a chat.
But once that has been done it's quite feasible to do stuff like that - although we would have to think it through carefully, since extensions need to be built/packaged, you can't just ship them as raw JS source and have them full featured.
@Leigh ?
also if you start with /me, then there will be /private and so on
Oh also @Gordon I ran your site through Google translate last night and it kept calling you Uncle Gordon, so I'm going to do that as well I think :-)
@DaveRandom hehe, yeah my last name is an old word for Uncle
funny, that google translates that
@cyril Private we cannot do unless SE implement it - which I doubt they will, since they won't even let you make a room private - but /me can be done reasonably just by manipulating the message on the client side when it arrives, because it doesn't look too bad to people not running the plugin.
@DaveRandom yep actually it's 'like' replying to oneself
I'm trying to
echo '<td class="data">'.html_entity_decode($row[$i]).'</td>';
for ($i=0; $i < $fields; $i++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result)
it still renders HTML
any help?
@DaveRandom Oh, playing innocent eh, getting everyone to use the chrome extension for our SO botnet. ;)
@Sidath You want htmlspecialchars(), not html_entity_decode(), I think. Unless you are storing HTML in the database. Which obviously you are not, because that would be very bad practice. But of course, you knew that ;-)
any one here knows yii?
@Leigh Yes, but it's for benevolent purposes - I'll use it to orchestrate a DDOS attack on w3schools and nothing else :-P
@Venkat I doubt it, but please read the room description and do what it says ;-)
Q: How to display pdf content in web page using html5 and jquery?

raghulhow to display pdf document inside my div. am using HTML5 and jquery to build my site i need to display my pdf document inside an Turnjs div need to flip pages and go to specific page help me !!

use Chrome
@DaveRandom I thought it was for DDV attacks
@DaveRandom how to do performance test in yii
any idea
thanks @DaveRandom.
Performance in what respect? Framework should be irrelevant, unless it's filled with so much bloat that the bootstrap takes forever to load a thousand modules that you never use. Is Yii like that? I have no idea.
about mysqli, seems we have to re do the coding all over @cyril
@Sidath It's worth it. But if you are going to do that, please consider PDO over MySQLi, it will save you so many headaches in the long run. Also note that just switching drivers doesn't automagically fix the problem, you have to learn how and when you use prepared statements as well.
@Leigh DDoQ?
@DaveRandom DDoR(eputation)
But PDO seems so much complicated :(
Sep 27 at 2:14, by Shaquin Trifonoff
Simple example:
@Sidath It's much, much less complicated than MySQLi when it come to prepares statements (which is the whole point of switching). MySQLi is a badly designed OO library with a thin, equally badly design procedural wrapper laid on top of it. Once you get used to it (which won't take long), it's really not complicated at all.
Sep 27 at 2:14, by Shaquin Trifonoff
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=db_name_here', 'username', 'password');
$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$query = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM foo WHERE id = ?');
$result = $query->fetchAll();
Sep 27 at 2:16, by user1079641
Its not complicated, its just extremely new to me. Its like learning a whole new language all over again, and so its kind of weird and scary, but i will get used to it if I keep doing it.
same here
<PHP rant>
/me puts ear defenders on
why don't array_map() and array_filter() have the same signature, seriously?!
</PHP rant>
@FlorianMargaine Because most of PHP was designed over Jaeger bombs at 3 in the morning
Here's an interesting problem I'm having... in CSS, you can specify specify attributes for :focus, but not :blur (or anything similar)
My objective is to override the default CSS of an element, without affecting the CSS for :focus
@FlorianMargaine But actually it's because of the fact that array_map() takes multiple array arguments, which is much more logical to implement with the unknown number of arguments are at the end of the argument list
@DaveRandom then array_filter should have the first argument as second
just to keep consistency...
@Christian :focus should take precedence over a declaration without a pseudo class
Never mind my question. Evidently, I don't know what I'm talking about.
ok, I've actually found my problem...
or not.
@Christian :blur would make no sense - blur is just an event but focus is an event and a state, and CSS pseudo classes are only concerned with state. :blur is just "no special state"
@DaveRandom Yeah, that's what I kinda need.
just remember that a stateless selector that is more specific about which element it applies to than a selector with state will (probably) take precedence
It's that :focus' behaviour is not consistent with no pseudoclass.
As an example: textarea { border: none; } textarea:hover { height: 200px; /* I want border to be set here */ }
@Christian That should work, where are you testing it? Older IEs were notoriously annoying when it came to :hover for anything other than anchors
Let me prepare a jsfiddle...
Well, I don't understand.
Let me explain my usecase. I'm using (twitter) bootstrap CSS and I have this textarea.
When the textarea is not focused, it should look like a regular div.
So I just do textarea { background: transparent; border: none; }
when focused, I want it to show as a regular text area (I also need to change it's height)
so basically: textarea:focus { height: 200px; }
<textarea id=t1> - I hope in your "real" code you use quotation marks
quotes? never heard of them. :D
@Christian ...but you applied ids to them, those #id declarations will take precedence over a textarea declaration
(if there is a conflict)
@DaveRandom That's fine, shouldn't rules merge?
@Christian They will, but for ex the #id { background } will be used over textarea { background }
Later rules of equal specificity will override properties defined in earlier rules
@Leigh not always true
@DaveRandom oooh. I see.
Ah, specificity ;) - Edited to take it into account
Please help my session is lost in chrome when page refresh
Elby { transform: scale(50%); }
I'm still missing something though.
{ transform: scale(50%); }?
@Christian What is it about the fiddle that's not right? It's doing what I would expect it to do so I'm not quite sure what you want...
@DaveRandom Me neither. :S
@Leigh what is that
{ transform: scale(50%); }?
I'm expecting it to change color to white when focused
@Christian Which one, the left right one?
I changed the jsfiddle, please see the new one
codeignator session has lost when page refresh in chrome
stupid me, didn't update the jsfiddle
@Christian I've got two identical links... :-S
@DaveRandom I know this is wrong, but semantically, it might be more understandable: jsfiddle.net/nz6dW/2
@DaveRandom Aha, but see, you have to repeat the CSS rules
You have to repeat the default ruleset within :focus - this is what I want to avoid.
@Christian Well yes, but that is unavoidable, because the bootstrap rule is not specific enough.
@DaveRandom Can you show me how it would work? 'Coz that's what I'm missing.
And that's why I said no-pseudo-selector ruleset works different from one with a pseudo-selector (or, at least, it seems so to me).
@Christian The thing is you are overriding the default rule with a rule for a more specific element - you can't undo an override, only override it again. So in short there is no way (that I can think of) that you can avoid a bit of repetition.
Let me play around with it for a minute
anyone know what font these are from? 👏 🎃🔫💋✌
@Gordon Is that a trick question?
@Christian no, just a poorly phrased one ;)
:) Well. I'd say it's Verdana, thanks to Chrome's Developer Tools. Teheh.
Seriously though, if you print out the text on an image, there are some online services that match the printed text with known fonts.
@Gordon Displaying as square blocks for me, so I'm going to go with Wingdings
Guys.. how to detect a dot (.) in a user input text
@harry What they said.
@DaveRandom response removal means
@Christian but I cannot find them in character map for verdana.
@Gordon That's called a joke. ;) I simply named the CSS font SO chat uses.
@Christian No there's definitely nothing that I can come up with to avoid repetition in that situation. As soon as you override the global textarea tag definition with a more specific rule, there is nothing you can do to revert the override and the first definition might as well not be there.
@DaveRandom I think the problem is the fact that CSS cascades.
@harry ...that I gave you the answer on a plate and you should do a little research yourself ;-)
It never goes back. I should have known.
oh.. got it
@Christian well, I said my question was poorly phrased. Those are apparently Unicode symbols, like 🌹
@Gordon It's still a black box to me.
ahh, U+1F383 (127875) 🎃 jack o lantern
@Christian Yes precisely. It can't cope with events, it's not really a programming language, so you can't say "if this do this else" exactly. If you can only do "if this do this" and then further down the "script" do another "if this do this" operation, and if the second one overrides the first there's nothing you can do about it.
rofl. there is a char for Love Hotel U+1F3E9 (127977) 🏩
@Gordon Well, I suppose if there's Apple's logos in it, than it must contain (almost) everything.
that's the codeblock. Page is in german, but the table is language agnostic de.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
@Gordon And there's a char for Java: 💩 (Pile Of Poo)
Page full of black boxes :-(
@DaveRandom There's a table at the very end.
hilarious :D
I wonder why there's a load of non-printables scattered throughout a load of pictographs? Whoever designed the Unicode code point layout needed their head examining. Or maybe they took the "it was hard to make so it should be hard to use" approach
Brofist anyone? 👊
Hi there , i already develop my site in Local , Can i know my country and city location with my ip adress ?
@WassimSboui Trying to tie it down to anything more specific that a country is a waste of time. Nothing ever gets it right, ever. Something like this is you best bet, unless you want to maintain a database with all 4.3 billion IPv4 addresses and eventually all 1.8E19 IPv6 addresses.
@DaveRandom check if you can see these unicode.org/charts/PDF/U1F300.pdf
quick question
how do you select the last field of a row?
@Sidath echo $data[count($data)-1]
@Sidath or consider array_pop(), but that will modify the input array
will see
@Gordon really... 1f47e = alien monster..
@Gordon Yeh that works, thanks
1f46c, two men holding hands
Now I can safely proclaim, unicode is gay
@Leigh Quit projecting your insecurities onto innocent character sets
stackoverflow.com/questions/12743986/… because OP didnt accept any answer nor clarified what he is looking for.
please I'd like an advise, with curl (that I must continue to use in an old project), is it common to do that: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);?
@cyril if you want to set the referer …
@webarto Mmmm, spam is tasty
quick question
how do you select the last field of a row?
@WassimSboui @DaveRandom: No good. results 15 $data[count($data)-1] where there are only 4 columns
@webarto Oh duhh, I always forget about end()
@DaveRandom Alright, Dave, mate.
@Gordon and catch it on the backend to know how to format some email answers..
@cyril Pretty certain the Referer: (god that grates against my soul every time I write it) should be a full URL, not just a path
@DaveRandom curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); better?
@webarto lol
@cyril Needs a protocol (http(s)://) in there as well, but yes that is better.
I really hope that if/when there is another version of HTTP they correct the Referer mistake, I really, really (slightly unreasonably) hate it. It would be quite feasible to keep the misspelling for backwards compat but to define the right spelling as well.
@DaveRandom well, a new version is underway so you could tell em
@Gordon I might just do that. And they might just respond with "sod off, pedant".
@Gordon Ooh, 1.2 or 2.0? :D
@Leigh 2
Anyone know how i can use a class constant in my Zend_Framework application.ini?
logger.main.maxlevel = \Monolog\Logger::WARNING does not seem to work
@Leigh HTTP/1.2 Protocal Extension Protocol (PEP) Internet Draft, Aug '96 :D
Well with a major version leap, screw keeping BC for people who can't spell
afternoon all -- i have a mysql replication issue and was wondering if someone might be able to help. I had replication working on 1 database, everything was working fine. I then realised i need to replicate an extra database. I updated both master/my.cnf and slave/my.cnf --- pastebin.com/ThLeTZ4c but the slave will not replicate anything for database2
on master i'm using do-db- and on slave i'm using replicate-do-db
@PeeHaa I think I've spotted the stupid mistake I made with WebKitMutationObserver, hopefully the next version of cv-pls will give the impression I know what I am doing...
@DaveRandom I love hearing about other people's stupid mistakes ;)
@PeeHaa This one was a classic failure to RTFM. Although I feel slightly vindicated by this:
A: Mutation Observers---subtree

karnyjThe documentation is unclear, but subtree is ignored unless you also specify childList:true. The case for attributes and attributeFilter is the same hope it still helps

@DaveRandom Pfff porbably took you the entire night last night to find that post ;)
@DaveRandom hello
Hi all ......
hiya @Baba
@PeeHaa ... hi how are you doing today
pretty good. busu but good
I have a quick question
what makes array_walk faster than foreach , ArrayIterator , SplFixedArray and array_map
saw a question yesterday i was surprised with the result
could be that it has better implementation
@Baba meaningless synthetic benchmarks do ;)
the foreach , if you read the source , works on black magic and blood sacrifice
They i make a mistake
@Gordon ... lol
@Baba Well foreach runs a PHP loop, and array_walk() runs a C loop, It's probably just a case of less bloat. I'd be surprised if it makes a meaningful (or even repeatable) difference though.
@Baba if you really want to know look at their respective implementations in PHP: lxr.php.net
@DaveRandom Shouldn't for be the fastest?
@DaveRandom that is true .... my believe what that the closure implementation in array_walk would affect the performance
@Gordon ... nice.... nice ... have been looking for that ... good one
@MadaraUchiha Still PHP code, with the associated buggering about that happens underneath. A C for will be a lot faster than a PHP for. But again, you're probably talking microseconds so I wouldn't worry about it.
Actually, that brings up a point I've been wondering about for days now - what is the correct term (if there is one) for something that is treated as a stack - it has order and you push/pop it - but you also occasionally remove items from the middle?
(don't ask how I got from that to this, you don't want to get inside my head)

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