@MarkR I have been hesitant to propose this solely because you can kind of achieve this already by creating factory functions that return an anonymous object. But the implementation is not complex, so I'm happy to put this forward. The same would work for functions too.
@IluTov Arnaud did some experimentation on code modules a while back for me, based on a design I threw together for him and Jordi. It showed promise, I think, but still had a fair few kinks to work out in the design. It included module-local classes.
@nielsdos thanks, it seems I figured it out. Indeed it was bogus, just like my other reports. The code on the man page is related to dedicated lob storage, while for a bytea column all you need is just stream_get_contents().
@IluTov Anonymous objects only available at runtime aren't that useful for reflection. For example, our request payload / response payload objects are reflected upon at build time and used to create things like OpenAPI schemas, or serialized decoders and response middleware. A single-action controller can sometimes end up needing half a dozen additional classes just to define those DTOs.
But as long as I can look at ReflectionMethod, and get its parameters / response type and reflect on their associated types and get a string that I can serialize somewhere (so I can create it later on) even if that means I need to custom-autoload, that would be fantastic, and significantly clean up a lot of code that right now takes a bunch of extra files
I mean, anonymous classes are just normal classes, so reflection does work on them. However, obtaining the reflection class requires instantiating the object, so that is suboptimal. But yes, that should work fine with the private class PR. The caveat being that you need Foo::class, 'Ns\Foo' will not work.
In this case ReorderRequest has to be its own file, if I could shove that DTO (just extra mark-up for JSON-based hydration/serializing) into the class itself, and potentially its nested ones for both request and response, that would be fantastic... almost as fantastic as being able to do : DTOResponse<TypeNameHere> but wishful thinking xD
Honestly man I'd like to but I'm still feeling highly self-conscious (i.e. feeling totally shit) about my involvement in the RFC process due to the total lack of progress I made since passing the undefined var / properties RFC. I'm utterly exhausted at the end of the day and haven't been able to do any work on it.
Or revoke it. I still think it's absolutely in the best interests of the language, but when I passed it, I thought I'd be in a better place to work on it, but that hasn't happened.
@IluTov It was the intent to change the message, but they're both already warnings, it can probably get by with promotion to hard error without language change