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I am trying to understand at which specific condition we'll have to use interceptors in PHP. Any suggestions?
8 hours later…
@Exception What's an interceptor?
@OlleHärstedt __get(), __set(), __isset(), __unset(), __call()
As a user, or for working on the engine?
(We call those "magic property methods", generally.)
@Crell Yes
I've been handed a legacy project and I'm debating whether to create one test class per method since each controller seem to have an overabundance of them but I don't feel strongly one way or the other. Has anyone been in a similar situation?
One test class per method seems overkill to me for the general case.
It does, yeah. But then I have some classes with over 10 methods and the redundant sanity-check tests (guest can/cant access, user with roles x,y,z can/cant access) start adding up
@Exception Yes meaning how do you use them as a user writing PHP code, or Yes meaning you want to know how they work in the engine? :-)
@IGP Sounds like a good opportunity to break up the classes into smaller, more contained classes.
@Crell I actually mean I am trying to understand at which specific condition we'll have to use them.
Do the documentation pages not explain it?
@Exception Ideally never?
@Girgias really?
class A {
  public function __get(string $name): mixed {
    return $name . ' generated';

$a = new A();
print $a->notDefined; // prints "notDefined generated"
They're a hack for edge cases that are less and less common these days, and with PHP 8.4 will be almost useless in any reasonable code.
(Note: Laravel Eloquent is built almost entirely on these magic methods. See previous point about "any reasonable code.")
@Crell Yes, and laravel ide plugins have to crawl the files to generate some very horrible looking helper code for autocompletion. It's quite funny
@Crell If only there was time™️
Worse, I think they do DB introspection. We're running that tooling on our Laravel apps. It's painful.
@Girgias So far my feedback for github.com/Girgias/php-rfcs/blob/master/… is pretty much that append is a pretty common name so I bet it would be the most common BC issue.
I think that maybe naming it something along the lines of offsetAppend or something would be better in the compatibility regard. Obviously the name sucks, but people largely won't be using it, they'll be doing $container[] = $item.
Or maybe __append.
What do you need help with to propose the interface for PHP 8.4, @Girgias?
@Crell Why would you say they are useless in reasonable code
Almost useless. :-)
@MarkR I would guess because it's a level of dynamic behavior that's not really necessary in a lot of modern code.
In 95% of cases, *define your bloody properties like an adult*. That includes Laravel.

80% of the remaining cases can now be handled by hooks.

The only remaining use case would be wrapping access to an array, where you don't know at write time what shape the array will be. (Eg, SimpleXml and things like it.) It's rare that that's not a code smell, but sometimes it can be.
I think you're vastly overestimating the likelihood that there's going to be an immediate mass migration to hooks
There won't be. But the magic methods are already a rare edge case.
Or rather, valid uses of them are a rare edge case.
Except in DB models, where they are extremely widely used
I refer back to "Define your bloody properties like an adult."
(Subjective judgemental statement? Yes. Proudly. I own that.)
I'm sure most wouldn't want to define two sets of them
If you have to manually double-define them, then your ORM is lame. (that includes JPA or whatever the hell I'm using in this Kotlin project at work where I have to do that. My statement stands: It's a bad ORM.)
Many of the implementations I have seen maintain either an original and updated array, or each individual field has a changed flag on it. Neither one would be a particularly happy experience if you had to write all the boilerplate code for it.

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