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8:10 AM
where is pyrus.phar...
It seems that we are in an area where it is no longer feasible to create a new PECL-hosted Extension. lol
I could find it. This does not seem to be documented anywhere.
Nevertheless, this approach seems to be outdated by now. It may be a good idea to think about a new way of extending the functionality...
2 hours later…
10:43 AM
@Danack if you can check my question in github.com/Imagick/imagick/pull/616#issuecomment-1570117912 to know if I continue to change other classes, or if I keep this PR as it is
11:14 AM
@Tiffany may not have been. But I didn't have to make an ldap.conf in the 8.0.0 version.
@Jimbus I got it working yesterday! After a month of fighting with it.
Morning Everyone :)
5 hours later…
4:15 PM
5:12 PM
@JukEboX one was created?
1 hour later…
6:21 PM
@Tiffany I had to make the directory and the file "C:/openldap/sysconf/"
4 hours later…
10:31 PM
Dude with an opinion here. I think I kinda love cPanel. It's actually pretty cool.

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