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@bwoebi From a quick look, I don't think this will result in less changes. We'd need to change lots of handlers (ZEND_ASSIGN_STATIC_..., that's 7 including one helper). Those currently call zend_fetch_static_property_address to return a zval pointer, and then assign to it in a second step. There's no single point we can easily intercept. At least with parent::$prop::hook(), we don't need to deal with all those variations.
Real code that I'd have rathe written with the fictional pipe operator:
function normalizeDockerProjectName($identifier)
    $identifier = strtolower($identifier);
    $identifier = preg_replace('[^a-z0-9_-]', '', $identifier);
    $identifier = ltrim($identifier, '_-');
    return $identifier;
Not yet tested. I was writing it and was like... yeah, 3 calls is more than I'm comfortable nesting. The order does matter here.
return preg_replace('(^[_-]+|[^a-z0-9_-])', '', strtolower($identifier));
@LeviMorrison you forgot the delimiter for your regex
Ah the order does matter, yeah
^([^a-z0-9])*|(?![-_])(?1) regex or ltrim... :-D
@LeviMorrison out of interest ...can you say exactly what the problem is here, that makes you want to use a mythical pipe operator? I can guess, sometimes guessing is bad....
@Danack I suppose he just wants to avoid assigning to a temp var on every line
function normalizeDockerProjectName($identifier)
    return strtolower($identifier)
        |> preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/', '', $$, -1)
        |> ltrim($$, '_-');
I feel like this is cleaner, and less error prone.
Because it's easier to read, and less repeating of the same variable name?
Yes, especially because writing some semantically meaningful variable name is not important in these cases anyway.
@scorgn That looks roughly like what PER-CS 2 says to do, I think. You should double check that.
Pipes would be one solution....but there could be another:
function normalizeDockerProjectName($identifier as $_)
    $_ = strtolower($_);
    $_ = preg_replace('[^a-z0-9_-]', '', $_);
    return ltrim($_, '_-');
cough callables, not expressions cough
Nasty cough you have there. Maybe a glass of water can help you talk in full sentences?
5 hours later…
(Or, of course, a simple Pipe class ^^ )
2 hours later…
Is there a way to instantiate an anonymous class that extends another unspecified in compile time class name?
Like new class extends $anotherClass {};
I wanna add a trait without knowing the class to extend name so I can implement property access interceptor for some various class names defining only typed properties.
eval ?
@MarkR ughhh
@brzuchal alias or eval
Okay thanks, I'll use different approach then.
Problems I have is eval is IMO nasty hack and alias can be used only once
If I have two classes Foo and Bar and want to extend them with new class extends AliasedClass I could alias only Foo or Bar which limits functionality
Anyway thanks
I've seen somewhere creating and including temp file, though it's hardly any better..
It's a bit better in that opcache will come into play
You can roll your own version of eval by hashing the input, creating a temp file based on that hash, then including it and returning the value (if any)
in this case the include would return new class { ... }
I understand. The amount of classes I want to extend is limited and not totally random so I'll change approach a little bit and use match or dedicated method for each class so I can extend them by anonymous class without any additional hacks.
Morning All
I have an enum and wanna instantiate enumeration by enum case name, would that be possible without loop or reflection?
enum Consent: string
    case Given = 'yes';
    case Revoked = 'no';
    case Unknown = '';
My value is 'Given' how I get Consent::Given without match, loop or reflection?
The backed enum string value is used for different purposes.
@MarkR Works, thanks enum(Consent::Given)
> It is also possible to use the defined() and constant() functions to check for the existence of or read an enum case if the name is obtained dynamically. This is, however, discouraged as using Backed enums should work for most use cases.
From the docs, which I disagree, I'd see a usecase for methods like ::for(string $name): self or ::tryFor(string $name): self` in UnitEnum
Suggesting to use a defined() or constant() involves string concatenation which IMO is silly.
var_dump(constant(Consent::class . '::' . $name));
@brzuchal I feel backing value is bad place to store additional data. Fwiw you can use traits to make life a bit easier 3v4l.org/VP7Ia
Indeed, but dunno how I'd feel about simply hiding it.
Morning errrrrrrr body
@nielsdos I am getting the `Warning: ldap_bind Unable to bind to server: can't connet LDAP Server' message from the ldap_bind. I know the ldap_connect is working because it is not throwing an error but I can't figure out why the bind is failing.
Q: php ldap_bind Unable to bind to server: can't contact LDAP server

JukEboXI am decommissioning our old web server that is hosting our OFFLINE website that uses LDAP for logins. The site is running on XAMPP and I have copied over all the databases and the web site to the new server. I am upgrading from XAMPP to XAMPP 8.2.4. I am only using Apache and MySQL. LDA...

@JukEboX That error is coming from ldap_sasl_bind_s() or ldap_simple_bind_s() (depending on the library), and is propagated in PHP to become a warning. Furthermore, the last time the ldap_bind function was changed was in 2021, and previously in 2015, the changes in 2021 don't look like they could cause issues.
So I suspect something goes wrong in openldap, not PHP itself. Is the openldap version different between the old setup and the new setup? Might be worth checking if you can connect and query the ldap server using the openldap command line tools.
@nielsdos Do you have information on how to test that? PHP is installed with XAMPP and I don't think it adds OpenLDAP Environment variables to the Command line
There is a note in the php.ini from XAMPP that says
@JukEboX Unfortunately I don't have experience with xampp. I don't know if xampp also installs the openldap binaries
"The ldap extension must be before curl if OpenSSL 1.0.2 and Open LDAP is used. Otherwise it results in segfault when unloading after using SASL"
@JukEboX I don't think that's the problem, (but if the ordering is not according to the php.ini, then change it please)
And I do have extension=ldap above extension=curl in the .ini
ah try changing the ordering and restarting xampp then
But I don't think I am using curl.
Whether or not you use it is irrelevant because it is loaded anyway
The old php.ini on the old server it is after the curl
@nielsdos can you site the changes for ldap_bind in 2021?
@JukEboX Commit cd40fc3cb18 converted it from resources to objects. But as the error comes from openldap, and nothing changed to the openldap invocation, it seems unrelated
Is that on Github
oh ok. Github is blocked here. I can't see it :(
But as I said, I really recommend checking first with the openldap command line tools somehow to see if those work. I suspect there is something wrong with the server configuration, and you'll be able to narrow the problem more down with those tools I think
3 hours later…
@Crell Thanks, that was just what I was looking for!
Has PER-CS 2 become standard? I am actually implementing coding style across our applications and was wishing we had a more modern version of PSR-12, I had no idea PER existed.
Doesn't look like phpcs supports it yet :/
It looks like PHP-CS-Fixer has a ruleset for PER, but am I right in reading that it right now is just a copy of the PSR-12 ruleset without any additional rules?
@nielsdos I don't think it is using OpenLDAP because that folder is not in the XAMPP folder for the old or the new one. Its just using normal Active Directory LDAP as far as I can tell
@nielsdos its def the ldap_bind because when I run this 3v4l.org/Gj7QH
Echo shows Connection Good, Bind Bad
Ok so I found some useful information. I had to do some ldap_error troubleshooting and now it shows the ldap_connect could be the issue. So you were right @nielsdos
The error is error:16000069: STORE routines:: unregistered scheme. Trying to get info on this.
2 hours later…
I think the issue is that 8.2.4 expects and enforces https for connection.
Trying to figure out how to convert my CA issued server certs to acceptable ones for XAMPP
@scorgn Correct, the php-cs-fixer "PER" ruleset is for 1.0, which is effectively identical to PSR-12. I have an open PR to rename it to "PER-CS-1.0", to make way for a 2.0, but it's been sitting without any attention for several months now, so I'm not touching it anymore until I get confirmation from project leadership. (Fuck spec work.)
I don't know of any automated tools that are using PER-CS-2 yet, but you can certainly read it and enforce it yourself; and probably most of the changes can be automated just with the right set of custom rules on top of the PER ruleset.
@nielsdos thanks for the help so far. This also helpped alot: php.net/ldap_errorphp
Yup that makes sense, thanks for clarifying!
I am having a hard time picking between phpcs/phpcbf and php-cs-fixer. php-cs-fixer has all of the rules documented really well and makes it a lot easier to configure, but it also seems like it may be less complete with automatic fixes for PSR-12 rules
@scorgn I prefer php-cs-fixer, it can do quite a lot of stuff beside code style and I don't care that much about PSR-12 rules. I have phpcs only to run PHPCompatibility.
2 hours later…
Does codesniffer support PER-CS 2 yet?

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