What do you suggest on following case? I need to pass flag to PHP via ajax but I can't as every passed value from Ajax becomes string. So on server side true becomes "true" and false becomes "false". So on server side I coded like this- $elected = ($value == "true") ? true : false;
Is this what should be followed or any better way?
I like to send arbitrary `"yes"` and then `$selected = ($value === "yes")` `($value == "true")` this is already true/false, and better is to use `===` whenever possible. You can also send data as json object, which preserves types
When using ldap_bind and getting an "unable to connect error" is that because the connection might be blocked on the server making the connection to ldap or the client machine?
Depends on what the client is in this case. The machine executing the ldap_bind function cannot connect, so either it is blocked on that machine (or its network), or on the side of the ldap server
@nielsdos so if I am doing a replacement of the webserver the block wouldn't be on the ldap side, it would be on the client side? But firewall only blocks inbound connection so would it be blocking on the return validation connection from ldap?
@JukEboX that firewall could block it that way, but I can't really help without more context. You'll have to validate network+firewall settings both on the machine and the network itself.
Yeah, but you wanna test that the correct reads/writes happen after a certain other read/write success or failure. If you want to do that without mocking, then I don't see any other alternative than applying a patter like the expression builder.
Tho you can of course argue that mocking is easier in this situation. :)
in SSRS, presumably VBS, expressions, & and + are interchangeable as concatenators... unless one of the untyped fields can be construed as a number, then the + causes an #error with no reason why. The documentation on this is sketchy as best.
@bwoebi Well can you do that without actually executing the effects?
@bwoebi Yes sure. Also, the use-case is only for when side-effects depend on each other, and when you want to avoid mocking "at all cost", which might be a dubious goal to begin with.
@Crell regarding prop hooks > A set hook may optionally declare an argument type that is contravariant (wider) from the type of the property. Why not narrower?
it was probably already discussed somewhere, but why did you decide on get { and set { with magic vars instead of more classic callbacks like get ($value) { and set($value, &$field) {?
@Crell I must say that I love property hooks in their current shape, can we have in the next RFC short methods like the abbreviated forms of property hooks?
@Džuris I cannot think of a use case for "this could return an int or a string, but you can only write a string to it". The inverse, sure. A narrower set would effectively violate LSP.
""" Therefore, while hooks may be applied to array properties the use of [] on any property (with or without a key) will result in a runtime error being thrown. """ Is this in both read and write context or only in write? e.g. is `$a = $this->property['a']` allowed?
what do you mean? i mean when i convert to json, weird looking integer-floats get converted to a clean integer, how is that done? it is maybe just $num % 1 === 0 ? round($num) : $num or something?
Anybody is using Fibers in production? I can't find any bigger project making use of them in the wild, but I've seen some issues around fibers on gh. I wonder how stable they are
Current versions of Amp and React are built on Revolt, which itself is built on Fibers, I believe. I doubt there's many projects that are not using one of those underneath.
@Krzysiek Unsurprisingly, I'm using Fibers in production. The issues were mostly to do with GC, particularly during shutdown. I'm not sure what your bar is for a bigger project, but Amp has an extensive ecosystem built around fibers. azjezz/psl v2 uses Revolt.
Once we tag a stable of amphp/http-client using fibers, we'll likely update Symfony's integration with Amp.
@Crell "Due to technical limitations, type variance of the set parameter is not checked, so an incompatible “set” type is possible. This behavior is not recommended, however." - which limitations are these?
When it comes to revisiting and rejiggering old code, I'm always happy I'm pretty anal about using long, descriptive file, column and variable names, but when I'm try to finish something quickly or borrow code, not so much
@bwoebi We have considered it. But If you're ok with indirect mutations to the property you can just use a normal, public property. I think the array section sums up pretty well why using mutator methods for arrays is best if you're concerned about the arrays structure.
@IluTov Just like you can do magic &__get() ... I mean, not supporting &get on is just like still requiring the escape hatch for ... that one thing, for no real reason.
The usefulness of &get with also set (a set which isn't just writing to the backing field) is probably limited. But standalone &get makes a lot of sense to me.
In the end, if you explicitly add a &get it's your decision as a class author whether you need that escape hatch or just want to expose the reference to another thing.
It's explicitly opt-in then.
> I think the array section sums up pretty well why using mutator methods for arrays is best if you're concerned about the arrays structure.
And yeah, sure _if you are concerned about the arrays structure. But if you aren't, that argument doesn't apply.
@bwoebi Is there any point for that? If you want a bypass you can use other private property to store value. Only increased complexity for rare and probably "you doing it wrong" cases. References should be abandoned anyway in the long run.
@bwoebi How often would you add hooks while also not being interested in the array structure, and also not being informed about the changes? The alias example is one.
I couldn't think of another. If there are more use-cases, then it's certainly worth considering. At this point I'm not sure there are enough.
@IluTov would we have syntax for something like this? public string $firstName { set: $this->formatName(...) } public string $lastName { set: $this->formatName(...) }
@bwoebi Right. I'll think about that. Similar principles apply, if your property holds an array, and the implementor cares about array structure, you probably want mutator methods. If the property just holds any array structure then that could be a valid way to express it.
Yes, but not with this syntax. It would be public string $firstName { set => $field = $this->formatName($value); }
@bwoebi I wonder if public $prop; might be a getter way to express public $prop { &get; set; }. Even for aliases, you'd need get and set to allow both reference modifications, as well as just normal assignments.
@IluTov Yes, the last sentence is it. Also, by the way, you do realize that the engine already provides everything needed that for-non nested values (like array elements), you actually could invoke the setter on references?
@bwoebi You mean references tracking typed properties? Yes, I have also thought about this. The issue starts when references are stored in multiple references, and start throwing inconsistently.
With typed properties it's a bit different because the engine can just check that the value is assignable to all properties, without actually calling any user code.
@IluTov Yes, I know :-D I'm by the way not suggesting that the initial proposal should do that. It adds a lot of complexity to the proposal, and I think what would I want, is being informed of a change rather than having an actual setter doing any validation. Like changed => $this->storeThing(); (instead of set or such)
But there are possibilities to build upon your RFC later on regarding reference tracking and such. That's not for now.
I just think the basic &get; should be part of the RFC though.
@bwoebi Agreed, keeping possibilities open is always a good thing. I'm not saying adding better reference/array support is never happening, it's just non-trivial and the proposal is already quite complex.
Like, one could also implement guard => if ($value === 0) throw ...; which would also serve as a check for reference stored in multiple properties, and a set method disallowed on properties having a &get or whatever.
@bwoebi Yeah, that would be more realistic. Still, there is $ref['foo']['bar'] = 'bar'; where $ref is a reference to a hooked property, and $ref['foo'] is an ArrayAccess object. In this case, the changed hook shouldn't be called, but that's essentially impossible to know through the opcodes alone.
@bwoebi That makes sense, calling all guards and only assigning once they have all validated successfully.
@IluTov Supporting indirect array modification needs a lot of thought, like, it could be preceded by a get (if there's one), followed by some setOffsets(), if the dimension is part of the array directly.
Needs well defined semantics and is not obvious. But it could be a powerful feature for a higher-order (i.e. multi-dimensional) native ArrayAccess alternative essentially.
Something not for this RFC :-D
> If a property implements any hook, then unset() is disallowed and will result in an error. Its semantics are unclear, and it rarely has a logical meaning anyway.
@IluTov Does that affect the backing storage too? What happens with set => unset($field); and public $prop { set => unset($this->prop); } ? Also disallowed?
@bwoebi I would indeed want to avoid an unset hook. But in this case we were more talking about the default behavior of unset. isset has an obvious one, unset would only naturally work on non-virtual properties without a set hook.
@bwoebi You'd have to ask Larry about what he was thinking about specifically, but I assume he means that isset specifically could be implemented with behavior that is not consistent with the language, e.g. returning true for null.
@IluTov I'm not seeing the problem? a) there's a backing field and unset; is specified. unset() is just passthrough to the backing field, b) there's no backing field and unset is specified, then we just disallow that. And if unset => ... has code, it's not a problem anyway?
@bwoebi The former doesn't exist in the current form of the proposal. It's true that, since we're using the get hook access to undefined values will throw. That's hard to avoid without repeating the same logic with is checks in a separate hook.
Only in interfaces. We have specifically opted not to do generated accessors, because in PHP they would mainly be used to opt-out of references and indirect modification, both of which are mainly relevant to arrays, for which we don't recomment hooks.
In C# they are relevant for ABI compatibility. They also disable ref, but barely anybody uses that. For PHP only the latter is relevant.
@IluTov I missed that (probably because it's not explicitly mentioned that it does not exist, just there are no explicit examples in classes). But I do not understand the issue. I thought it would be common to have a setter guard and then unconditionally just return the backing storage.
@bwoebi Yes, you can do that. You can just add the set, and if you use $field a backing store is automatically created. The get operation works because the backing store is there.
The other reason we wanted to avoid public $prop { get; set; } is code fragmentation, the whole community migrating all code to that seems senseless. In this proposal we allow overriding and adding hooks to normal properties.
@Crell "Due to technical limitations, type variance of the set parameter is not checked, so an incompatible “set” type is possible. This behavior is not recommended, however." - which limitations are these?
@bwoebi Hmm, I'll have another look. It's certainly possible, but might not be trivial. In particular, we must not mark classes with properties with hooks with set with types (phew) as linked (even if they don't have a parent class, interfaces or traits) and add a variance obligation to be checked during linking. The set-type must also be added as a dependency so that inheritance cache works accordingly. I opted to avoid it for now because the PR is already big.
@IluTov Yes, that's essentially it. it's very similar to what's happening with inheritance. (in the end it's no linking and the covariance check we have for methods, just with proto and definition switched basically to get contravariance)
@IluTov May a parent hook be accessed from any method or only from the property? I.e. does function foo() { return parent::$prop::get(); } work? It just says that a hook function may not access any other [parent???] hook except their own parent on their own property.
Because I was wondering about when a backing storage is created with inheritance? Let's have a property public $foo; in the parent, and a public $foo { get => 1; }. No $field or parent::$foo::*() access exists in the child hook…
@IluTov Is ReflectionProperty::isInitialized() always true for unbacked properties?
For backed properties I assume it always reflects their actual storage, independently of get
@IluTov May I propose to just exclude properties which cannot be iterated over by reference to just not appear in by-ref iteration instead of erroring out?
@bwoebi I still need to have a look at that whole thing... We need to do something for overridden plain properties that add a hook. Returning the backed value could be unexpected, as could skipping it when it's not skipped for the parent.