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Good morning! Although I'm fairly confident, I'd like to confirm something withyou. PHP's __destruct function is immediately and always triggered when there are no more references to an object? For instance, if I were to create a new object of class B like this: new B();, would the __destruct function of class B be called right ( and always) after this line?
@NunoMaduro Unless there are internal cycles, yes. When is is called during the instruction depends on the instruction. AFAIK PHP has no guaranteed destructor order, but it's generally understood to be "as soon as possible" (again, if no cycles are involved).
2 hours later…
@NunoMaduro I believe destructors are generally called that way, but always? I'd be hesitant to say that.
2 hours later…
@bwoebi @Girgias @LeviMorrison Can any of you say which RFC needed the most work after it was passed before it was good enough to merge?
2 hours later…
Slightly OT: is select col1, col2 from tab1, tab2 where tab1.col1=tab2.col1 the same thing as a join from a literal and an efficiency PoV
@Jimbus Short answer: Yes. Longer answer: An SQL query is an abstract description of relational algebra, how exactly your DBMS will process the query is up to the DBMS and its optimizer's capabilities.
Personal opinion: Implicit joins by listing several tables within the FROM is horrible.
@TimWolla Thanks, I'm not sure I trust SQL Server to do anything well
SQL Server as in Microsoft SQL Server? MSSQL is generally regarded as a very high quality RDBMS, with the primary issue being $$$$$ or $$$$$$.
Really, it's missing or does things differently than everyone in so many areas
A kludge for Booleans, no describe command, getting any meta data out is so much more obscure than mysql or oracle
It could me being an old man, yelling get off my lawn. Even after 15 years of being out of the industry, Select * from tab and desc table still flow off the fingers as my favorite way for orient myself
@Danack No idea.

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