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function foo($input, out ValidationException $exceptionOutParameter): ?int {

    $validationProblems = validateInput($input);

    // No problems, process data
    if (count($validationProblems) === 0) {
       return bar($input);

    $exception = new ValidationException($validationProblems);

    // Check if out parameter was used
    if (is_void($exceptionOutParameter) === true) {
        //it was not passed in, so throw exception
        throw $exception;

    // out parameter was used, so don't throw exception
Not at all of the exact syntax, but I'd love to see people being able to control whether an exception is thrown or not, from where they are calling the code that might need to throw an exception.
So, this would throw:
$value = foo('someinvaliddata');
This would not throw:
$value = foo('someinvaliddata', $validationError);
It would avoid having to either maintain two versions of each function, or the argument of whether exceptions are good or not.
s/Not at all of the exact/Not at all sure of the exact/
1 hour later…
@Danack Closure self-reference is ready for internals, do you need help with updating RFC?
@Krzysiek I can to it, unless you really want to?
Also...how attached are you to the syntax you implemented? I mean, it's probably the correct one, but people are likely to have 'opinions'.
@Danack Not at all, I'm thinking myself to move as $fn around
We have options :D
`function(int $a) as $fn use($b) : int {}` vs
`function(int $a) use($b) as $fn : int {}` vs
`function(int $a) use($b) : int as $fn {}` vs
`function(int $a) use(as $fn, $b) : int {}` (won't work for arrow fn) vs
`function(int $a) use($b) : int {$fn = __CLOSURE__ }`
2 hours later…
Anyone who can hand out RFC/Wiki karma: externals.io/message/120071#120117?
@TimWolla WHich handle have they requested an account for?
@Derick In the first message they mentioned suitespacernd as their Wiki name.
@TimWolla done
@Derick Thank you. Shall I send an email letting them know or will you?
The wiki should have sent an email.
Morning All- Happy Monday!
3 hours later…
Does anyone have a good article explaining why traits shouldn't be used as a general "hey these classes have the same functionality"? My coworker is wanting to use traits for getters and setters on classes. Like if the value object has a getProductId and setProductId they want to just use a HasProductId trait instead -_-
That's not "sharing functionality" but "sharing property names".
@scorgn It's not that bad to use traits for sharing functions, however better would be to use with interface. Even better to have interfaces with default implementation
@Derick Right, I feel like it's a very odd use case for a trait
@scorgn I don't have an article but you could sponsor me to write one.....It would say something like:
Using traits like that makes the code harder to reason about. You wouldn't be able to just look at the code in the class, you'd have to also understand what the trait does.

It's far more important for code to be easy to read, than it is for code to be easy to write. Pretty much by definition, all code is only written once, but is read many, many times. Seeing as most IDEs have getter/setter generation built-in, what they are proposing would take both longer to write, and longer to read.
And the reason they are making that mistake, is because they are mixing up how the code they are writing makes them feel, with whether it is good or not.
Writing boring code is....boring. The person is trying to suggest an alternative that makes them feel better about having written it.
Writing "default" implementations of certain interfaces is the most legitimate use of traits I've seen. So... why don't we just allow default implementations directly on interfaces? I've written a draft RFC and a partial implementation: wiki.php.net/rfc/interface-default-methods
@LeviMorrison I was just reading rfc traits with interfaces and discussion, I'm thinking about trait X uses InterfaceY {} which would require class to implement said InterfaceY
but instead of "silently" applying interface to the class, fail if class doesn't implement interface
Jan 11 at 22:01, by Levi Morrison
It also helps another problem, which is that adding new methods to an interface is a massive BC break.
That's (for me) one of the main nice things about being able to add default implementations.
Yes. If something elegantly solves multiple problems, it's likely a better design. This is partly why I would rather do this than that RFC about traits. Also, it has more prior art in other languages.
@LeviMorrison what is the state of this RFC?
It's been drafted, partially implemented, and not discussed on list.
@LeviMorrison maybe post the WIP branch, as Krzysiek appears to write code faster than I update RFCs...
@Danack I'm reading what is already done
@Danack github.com/php/php-src/compare/…. It was linked in the RFC.
ah, cool.
The hardest part of many RFCs is the RFC process itself, which is why I haven't moved forward.
@LeviMorrison I can offer help with implementation, but with RFC process - not yet :)
@Danack I do like that explanation :D That is similar to what I had said as far as making it harder to read. The point you bring up about written once / read many times is a really good point that I think a lot of people don't think about
@Krzysiek If you want you could brainstorm how to implement the prioritization when multiple defaults are present.
And maybe learn more about exactly what Java does there.
I just went looking for C#'s docs on that feature, and found this:
> You can define an implementation when you declare a member of an interface. The most common scenario is to safely add members to an interface already released and used by innumerable clients.
and the next tutorial: "Mix functionality in when creating classes using interfaces with default interface methods"
both pretty much exactly on the lines of this conversation
C# (and probably Java) solves the name collisions in a way that PHP can't: the method becomes an "explicit interface implementation", only called if the object is cast to the interface type
((InterfaceOne)foo).bar() and ((InterfaceTwo)foo).bar() are separate methods, and ((ActualClass)foo).bar() doesn't call either of them
@IMSoP The RFC shows an example of doing something basically equivalent: wiki.php.net/rfc/….
@LeviMorrison I think that child default then parent default is a good start, then earlier/last (or random) default from `implements Interface. Any fail state when 2 interfaces defines same default method contradicts the point of not causing BCs.
@Krzysiek In Java, there are cases where it defaults to the more specific one, and there are rules. But if it cannot be determined because they have the same specificity, then it would errr.
both interface have to use same signature for that method anyway, so we can assume they should have the same function
I outline this in the RFC, but haven't implemented it.
That's what I was referring to. I haven't thought about how to actually implement it given the constraints of the engine (is everything linked when I need it to be?)
@LeviMorrison 3rd options is debatable, I'd silently go for any of defaults, but this also can be settled after discussion on ML.
@LeviMorrison From what I can see engine loops through all interfaces, but I think zend_do_implement_interfaces could have additional check if next interface is a child of already added interface, in that case child would take its place and parent bumped to the end of the list with a flag to not bother with checking inheritance in later steps.
@LeviMorrison no, in C#, the selection happens at call-time, with the static type of the object as part of the overload resolution
translated to PHP, function foo(InterfaceOne $a, InterfaceTwo $b) { $a->something(); $b->something(); } foo($same, $same); would call two different methods on the same object, both called something
essentially, the method is overloaded as function something(InterfaceOne $this) { ... } and function something(InterfaceTwo $this) { ... }
(I should probably say "despatch-time" rather than "call-time")
sounds like Java doesn't treat it that way, though, so will be a better precedent
Hey! Quick question, if I had $foo->real_escape_string($bar) print the error "Call to a member function real_escape_string() on array", that means $foo is an array, right?
@SlamJammington sounds like it. But also, you should probably learn to use a debugger, so you don't have to guess when something is going wrong with your code.
@Danack The stack trace is showing the incorrect line number, and my debugger immediately fails before it can even show me the variables
that sounds like a worthwhile problem to solve
@SlamJammington that should not happen (wrong line number) unless you're using some kind of templating system.
@Krzysiek I'm just using visual studio code on a fairly basic application. It says line 109 when the nearest real_escape_string call is line 154, so it's significantly off. Might try loading it in notepad++ to see if there's any funky EOL stuff
I never miss a chance to fanboy over Phpstorm: it is a really nice thing, I might add
@Danack I'm using vscode with intelephense and is fine for the most part, there is also PHP tools. Wrong line numer means something is messed up in code.
@Krzysiek Yup, same here. Super happy with VSCode + Intelephense. I've not used PHPStorm, but used IDEA at university and hated everything about the experience. See also: phpc.social/@timwolla/109875741853975047
@TimWolla Switching between different languages would be a pain with phpstorm, and now with gh codespaces and github.dev I have everywhere the same editor and similar experience
And I really like GH codespaces, I can easily edit, test and commit changes to leser used repos, e.g. doc-en without cluttering local files.
Do you pay for codespaces or do the free minutes suffice?
I haven't exceeded free minutes yet, probably not even half. Added benefit is that I'm more focused on task when time is running out (I tend to be easily distracted).

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