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1:20 AM
does anyone know if there's a way to require one of several extensions to be installed with composer?
i know you cant do packageA or packageB with normal PHP packages, but is it possible with extensions?
since it doesn't have a resolve where to go get and install them with extensions
2:21 AM
I think composer can require ext-redis and such. I don't know how it works for an arbitrary pecl package.
It won't download them, just requires that you've installed them yourself. pickle was the now-abandoned attempt to build a composer-like for extensions, IIRC.
10 hours later…
12:25 PM
Can we have parameterized traits? Like use sometrait<Class1, Class2>, which are then simply substituted parameters in the trait? (e.g. trait sometrait<A, B> { function a(A $val) : B {...} }
(this is not quite run-time generics, it would be simply binding-time monomorphized… I guess)
Though I think that particular instance could be actually a small foray into the realm of generics and their semantics
1:08 PM
@bwoebi include <file> ?
Or maybe passing around lambdas?
2 hours later…
2:53 PM
@OlleHärstedt I don't get what you're suggesting?
3:50 PM
@bwoebi I implemented that with Joe a while back actually. One of these branches: github.com/morrisonlevi/php-src/tree/generic_traits github.com/morrisonlevi/php-src/tree/parameterized_traits
4:02 PM
@bwoebi Can you construct a minimal use-case?
@LeviMorrison What happened with it?
I didn't have any interest in promoting traits. It was really an exercise into generics, with an actionable starting place.
I forget exactly what made it difficult to go to the next step.
1 hour later…
5:08 PM
6:02 PM
@LeviMorrison Cool :-D Now if only you pushed forward with a RFC :-D I had an use case where a lot of classes ended up looking similar, but it would be semantically wrong to put them into a specific inheritance tree, as well as having specific return types instead of just an interface which encompasses some similarities, but not everything.
6:53 PM
Maybe the strategy pattern could solve it?
2 hours later…
8:33 PM
fwiw @ircmaxell not sure how much you've been following FFIMe dev - I think by now it's pretty sane, I even added error tracking across macro expansion. Not so sure what's left to do currently. I guess now it mostly needs users finding bugs and users having feature suggestions.
9:24 PM
@bwoebi Your caching_sha2_password implementation never used the cache, because the implementation was buggy. I guess you relied on a wrong mysql source comment. :D
9:36 PM
@kelunik oh my :-D And yeah, I relied on some docs for that, probably the autogenerated one from that source.
@bwoebi The comment above Generate_scramble::scramble has the correct algorithm. After adding the test, it worked, but it didn't work against a real server, because I still had to keep substr($scramble, 0, 20), because mysql sends some fixed byte at the end.
@kelunik probably a null byte then
@bwoebi Indeed, just looks weird in the PhpStorm debugger.

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