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@OlleHärstedt this may not be true, actually
I'll have to dig out the quote that states this, but discoveries in the past ... not actually sure the year timespan, but recent discoveries have shown that the universe may be shrinking
The belief was always "the universe is expanding"
5 hours later…
@Tiffany Really? How would that explain Doppler effect?
It was posited in At the Edge of Time by Dan Hooper
morning all
It is going mad, next gonna be simplexml_validate_string or yaml_validate
Cuz somebody may wanna validate 300MB XML or YAML
Next PhpToken::validate cuz somebody may want to validate 300MB PHP file... insane
@StatikStasis Sounds about right, but... everything is relative, so the calculation doesn't have much meaning.
3 hours later…
@Tiffany I mean, there's always someone...
The fact that there's no consensus on how to interpret the double slit experiment, even after 100+ years...
Sorry, 200+ years, haha
I wonder if I would feel more challenged if I did embedded C programming...
1 hour later…
Happy Friday
@IluTov @Trowski The fundamental issue is that the observer needs to access the vm stack to clean things properly up, on a bailout. However zend_fiber_execute frees the vm stack itself. Now, an obvious fix would be having a cleanup handler function on zend_fiber_context to be called after observer notification in zend_fiber_destroy_context. I just don't know whether that's the best solution.
php.net is down
oh it is up now
1 hour later…
So. Many. Notes.
Or, at least there were!
None left for datetime.*
@IluTov @Trowski github.com/php/php-src/pull/9435 ... something like that. But I'm not tooooo happy with the way it's implemented.
@bwoebi Does destroying the vm_stack in the Fiber destructor not work?
That would further delay freeing memory though.
@cmb Is there something wrong with building PECL packages? timezonedb doesn't have a 2022.2 yet: pecl.php.net/package/timezonedb
And neither does Xdebug since April... pecl.php.net/package/xdebug
@Trowski well, it needs to happen after the fiber switch
It frees the VM and stack memory at same time... should be fine.
Oh, and nobody picked up on that? Maybe it is the location of the message...
ah, was cc-ed to internals
could an azure free tier handle it?
@bwoebi Everything following zend_fiber_transfer transfer = zend_fiber_resume(fiber, &graceful_exit, true); is after the last fiber switch.
@Derick Well, it took quite a while, but someone offered to sponsor a machine. There would need to be someone who sets up the machine, and checks everything (and fiddles around with some irregular necessities). And I seriously doubt that is the way to go (in the long run).
What would you like to see for the long run?
I've already set up the basics for building via GH actions, but that also needs more work.
It doesn't need to be GH actions, but at least something where others could take over just in case.
I know little about windows, so I wouldn't be the right person...
Ideally it would be pressing a button (builds ext, and pushes to windows.php.net).
@Trowski oh, you're talking about shutdown (graceful exit) - does that matter much in that scenario?
@bwoebi That switch is throwing into the fiber if it didn't finished when the object is destroyed. I'm just saying you could then destroy the vm stack in that function instead.
@cmb Does the foundation need to pay you (or an apprentice of yours)?
Bus factor on Windows build infra is too damn high.
Or... low...
The bad kind....
@Sara Until the end of this year, I'm paid by MSFT, but am not really supposed to work on PHP 8. Let's see what happens then. :)
The actual Windows builds of PHP are already automated; well, almost fully, since uploading to window.php.net needs to be done manually. But pushing this button could be done by somebody else (in case). Alex Schoenmaker would then need to be contacted regarding FTP access.
Also, I supposed that Anatol would help out, if there really was the need.
BTW, did you see externals.io/message/118483? RM decision needed, IMO.
@cmb ooof... I hadn't. I'mma think about that a hot minute....
@cmb I am very confused by this testbot fail: github.com/php/doc-en/runs/… - It's...not even talking about the code I just pushed, is it?
@Crell Yep, that whitespace checker checks older commits as well, and apparently there has been a whitespace error in Derick's recent commit. I'll check that out.
Whitespace issues fixed now; if you rebase onto HEAD, the checker might be satisfied.
Well, I've already merged, so all's fine. :)
Works for me. :-)
odd, I have a rule in vim to trim trailing whitespace
ah, but not (yet) for XML files
You shouldn't trim trailing whitespace generally (for the docs); only for lines you've changed anyway.
Yes, I know. But... I can't pick and choose that easily.
It's either doing it for all trailing WS, or it's not happening.
2 hours later…
I hate how bloated laravel models can get.
Is that not mostly the fault of the developer writing it?
Oh well well well a wild @JoeWatkins appears
autocomplete is tab not enter...
1 hour later…
@Derick Who manages PHP versions on php.net, wiki.php.net, etc? IIRC you were majorly involved in moving off the mirror system, right?
@bwoebi An alternative where I've separated allocating the stack from initializing the context so extensions can choose to allocate the stack differently github.com/trowski/php-src/commit/…
I then used the hook for freeing the stack to free the vm stack for Fiber.
@PeeHaa you cant really declare the relationships anywhere else.
Hmm. I used to have a setup where I somehow used git to keep the web-php files clean from garbage caused by rsync'ing the other files (fonts, comments, etc).
@bwoebi Disclaimer: Noob here since I've looked at the Fiber implementation the first time right now, and observers only recently. zend_error_zstr_at() will call the observer before bailing, that seems to be the important part for monitoring tools. so should we even call other observers after the bailout at all? The observers will also get cleaned automatically since they're stored in non-persistent memory.
Of course, maybe there are other ways to bail that are not handled in tests.
@IluTov the problem is that an error does not necessarily bail out of the whole fiber, just to the last zend_catch
This sort of hack is fine as a workaround against 8.0 and 8.1 in your extension :-D
@IluTov And the observers are stored in request-local memory (or, in case of included files, it's memory which is leaking on bailouts), i.e. they have a longer life time than the fibers

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