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I welcome any/all PHP users to weigh in on this MSO page. I fear there are not enough PHP users involved in the conversation. I am fully prepared for you to take either side in the discussion.
6 hours later…
@Danack I totally agree regarding abstraction layers, but in my case the operations are super simple - upload 'directory', rename old directory, rename uploaded directory, delete old one (recursively)
(assuming that everything else is set up, ie, proper access rights etc, which I expect the sysadmin to set up beforehand)
so if the abstraction layer can't even do that with the (historically) 2nd most popular usage (ftp), then it's pretty much useless..
morning all
Anyone using Symfony Messenger in projects here?
I use it as a command-bus, event-bus but also as a query-bus
Especially the least one desire is to return the result on query
The message bus routing is based on query message type (object class name) only
I saw in Axon that they often use on query-gateways an expected result type at the time of dispatching a query
My question is if anyone knows this to be benefit for message-bus as an extension to populate expected result type at the time of dispatching a message, or rather it's a not worth idea and can cause only problems.
2 hours later…
$a = 'value';

$fn = function () use ($a) {

is it possible to access the value of use ?
use makes the value available inside the closure,
in some scenario of my app i need to access the use
i passing the closure to another class method, don't wanna pass it as argument
@Mwthreex see 3v4l.org/4bhcT
@cmb wondering when will happen to $a when using arrow fn
Oh, it still here nvm
happy weekend 11ers o/
Same to you \o
final class Foo {
    protected readonly UuidInterface $activityId;
    public function __construct(string $activityId) {
        $this->activityId = Uuid::fromString($activityId);
final class Bar {
    public function __construct(string $activityId) {
        protected $activityId = Uuid::fromString($activityId);
Is that silly idea to allow declaring props inside ctor?
That is typed the same type as fromString method return type.
Please don't tell me that I can pass object instead of string, it's not about that.
We already have 2 ways to declare properties, i dare say we don't need another unless it provides some meaningful extra functionality
^ This is my general gut reaction as well.
/me agrees with that sentiment
Morning o/
2 hours later…
and constructor property promotion <3
Loading and parsing manual.xml... failed.

ERROR (/home/tiffany/projects/php/doc-base/manual.xml:266:26)
 Entity 'reference.stats.book' not defined

ERROR (/home/tiffany/projects/php/doc-base/manual.xml:266:26)
 Detected an entity reference loop
updated doc-en locally, updated doc-base locally, updated phd locally... what am I doing wrong? or what am I missing?
trying to test a remote branch that is out of date, I need to do some stuff
ignore ^
(and resolved)
2 hours later…
fyi, you can run code online here: 3v4l.org/FLNOn

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