We all know that it'd be nice to have real generic types, but I was wondering if in all previous discussion the topic of ::class constant name that exposes the type as a string was ever touched.
There was a GH repo somewhere where all previous thoughts were materialised
where is your /public/ url in the route?. remove /public/ in your address bar or define in route like $routes->get('/public/test', 'Home::test'); — starlings14 hours ago
Can Anyone Help me here. I am stucked here for last 3 days.
Ideally when doing negative operations PHP would do underflows, but that's not consistent, and will definitely break code. I don't like the current way either, but it is what it is.
Hey, does anyone want to discuss where the best place to put {} is in code? Should it be the same line as the function declaration or the next line? And what about if/else statements?
re: github.com/php/php-src/pull/9304#pullrequestreview-1070449987. I was looking into delegating to php_setcookie there, but all the session globals are plain char*, whereas php_setcookie expects zend_string. Is there some easy way to convert a char* into a zend_string or will I need to update the globals to be a zend_string?
@dhiaagr PHP arrays are ordered dictionaries. Always. Which leads to some entirely awful problems, like the ones shown there. The second half of the talk is more aimed at your "I just use dicts" comment. :-)
@Danack Stick with PSRs (i.e. 1 and 12) or provide a juicy reason and example[s] of alternative. I see them (PSRs) very consistent and (therefore) easy to remember.
@Danack If it is a named function (or method), the opening brace needs to go on a new line. If it is an anonymous function, the opening brace needs to go on the same line. Not because it makes sense, but rather since the respective PSRs say so. :p
@Crell I implement it PSR way and never had an issue. That's why it's there 'give me better reason of why should I use it differently (i.e. what's the benefit of an alternative example)'.
@Girgias I'm currently looking into that, but the rabbit hole goes deep. It would be the perfect job for Coccinelle, but I likely lack the necessary "background" in php-src for that.
If you want to have a look at it, feel free. Let me merge the existing PR first, though.
Okay, I'm currently waiting for AppVeyor in my PR, because that one already fixes the issue (even if not as clean as delegating) and adds a test. Afterwards you may :-)
The framework I use has a module with many types of dicts, any I want : Werkzeug Datastructures
@Crell I guess I should reformulate:
I never had to write a class of my own, because I'm always standing on the shoulders of smart of people such as yourself. People that made classes of their own and handed them to me in the form of easily usable datastructures.
@Girgias Also definitely have a look at coccinelle.gitlabpages.inria.fr/website, if this kind of rabbit hole is your thing. It likely saves you some work, once you get up to speed with Coccinelle.
I have not used Rector yet, but that thing basically is Rector for C, but with a much nicer transformation syntax.
@dhiaagr Please learn to think in terms of formal data structures yourself. Especially with PHP 8, writing dedicated value objects for your own specific use case is incredibly easy. You need to do that. No one else can write a class that will do that for you, because it's your app.
I know less about Python. But my point remains: Properly modeling your data in code, with whatever mechanism your language offers, is incredibly important. And languages that have very weak ways to define the problem... are inferior to those that make that easier.
And what I was trying to point out, is that I see a lot of people using classes blindly just because they've been bombarded with them. Where they force their problem into a prototype that isn't ideal.
@Girgias Good programmers are usually not good (web)designers :-) Coccinelle was built for the Linux kernel, I guess they are happy if it works for that without having a desire to be known elsewhere. I learned about it by my HAProxy contributions, the project lead of which also is a Linux kernel dev.
@Crell Terrific videos and I loved your concepts. They are necessary for a language that is severely lacking when it comes to data structures while having the concept of private and public properties.
And I took your explanation of what the code does at face value because that syntax looks like a binary file opened in a text editor to me : P
@Derick Indeed not. It would be a tedious conversation where people mistake their own aesthetic preferences for universal truths. And more importantly, no-one has actually asked for advice, instead they would just be showing off their own preferences.
it's funny, I did an ADHD bootcamp last month to help me organize my apartment, but it also included time for tackling digital organization like an email inbox...which I didn't bother with because I'm okay with my inbox being a clusterfuck... github notifications however...I should organize those
does it not allow <para>? or may be has to be contained in some other containers
nevermind, I'm looking at the wrong line
opened a PR because I don't trust my code
I should remove the PHP 5 thing while I'm at it
errr, actually, doing a project search for <entry>5. pulls up more than just datetime, so I don't feel comfortable removing it, as a not-regular-enough contributor
Support for microseconds was added in both date/time parser, and
<methodname>DateTime::format</methodname> through the
<literal>'u'</literal> modifier.
> The closing tag of a block of PHP code automatically implies a semicolon; you do not need to have a semicolon terminating the last line of a PHP block.
From here: php.net/manual/en/…. The error message also strongly hints at that.
I'm looking for a word the other way round....where someone has lived in a place long enough to be considered a 'native' regardless of where they were born.