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@bwoebi Thanks for looking into this! Now we got a use of initialized memory and some assertion failures in the opcache variation tests. dev.azure.com/phpazuredevops/PHP/_build/…
3 hours later…
Did anyone else get a bunch of emails from phpdoc about notes status?
@Dharman Yeah, it looks like the mail queue had an issue, I got hundreds of old emails from a different list
@IluTov I can reproduce these, thanks
4 hours later…
Can we dynamicity access enum cases like Enum::$input in v8.2 ? 3v4l.org/X3bPI#v8.1.8
I also would be glad if we could also have fromName
@Danack these are for accessing cases by their backed values, not for accessing by name
3v4l.org/N85bA#v8.1.8 this is basically what he wants
But TBF, I have no idea why we don't allow dynamic class constant access via SomeClass::{$var}
Yeah, In every enum object i have to put this:
array_filter(static::cases(), fn(self $enum) => $enum->name == $input)
@IluTov these are ZEND_RC_DEBUG builds, but the assertion seems bogus to me. Why should I be forbidden from refcounting GINIT allocated persistent values?
Is this what GC_PERSISTENT_LOCAL is for I suppose…
yeah… fixed.
Maybe we should have one of the default testsuites run with ZEND_RC_DEBUG=1
@Tiffany I actually have a not entire shite fixed standing desk...the more urgent issue is I've just realised that my sitting desk is about 5cm too high, and that's what needs replacing most. But also, I've gotten fed up of having to move my computer back and forth, between the desks.
flexispot.com/pro-standing-desk-e5-frame-only seems to be the same design as the one I bought, and desktops are available separately.
@bwoebi Any further thoughts on github.com/revoltphp/event-loop/pull/60? I initially didn't like the idea, but after thinking further, it probably does make sense to do.
Good heavens what happened to docs notes this weekend!
5 hours ago, by IluTov
@Dharman Yeah, it looks like the mail queue had an issue, I got hundreds of old emails from a different list
Given that I haven't gotten a notice of any of the comments I've deleted of late, that kinda makes sense. So list is just barfing.
Hello Guys ... Any idea how we can fetch unread email messages and show them on our Github readme file?
@Mostafa hrm.... that's an interesting question. I imagine the answer would depend a lot on your email provider
In theory, I might look at having a GitHub Action run periodically that will fetch the emails from the inbox and then commit the appropriate changes to the README
@CharlesSprayberry ahaa. ..Of course, I said it wrong... I just want to count unread messages .. and show the unread message count on the readme file ... by the way...do you think we can do that with Github actions... cause Github action is triggered by the event on our repo... I think.. but what we want here is to connect for example to Gmail SMPT and count unread messages ..
GitHub Actions don't have to be triggered by an event
One moment
I have a repo that'll fetch some stuff from SO API and GH API and I use it as a blog activity feed. The whole thing is powered by GitHub Actions running on a cronjob. github.com/cspray/blog-activity-feed
Now that I think about it. The GitHub Action that powers my feed could probably power what you're describing. github.com/githubocto/flat
You'd basically need to write the code to fetch the message counts from GMail and format your README Markdown. Flat Data will take care of the diffing of the data/committing it
@bwoebi I suppose GC_PERSISTENT_LOCAL just tells the engine refcounting is fine and won't cause a race condition?
Thank you, it was great. I check it out.. I was not very familiar with github action .. need reading more. But thanks.
One question, where is `secrets.STACKOVERFLOW_API_TOKEN` variable stored?
here --->https://github.com/cspray/blog-activity-feed/blob/ce50689b8847de495be48bd32abbe4f911b5bf84/.github/workflows/flat.yml#L30
@Mostafa In your repo's settings there's a Secrets > Actions
@CharlesSprayberry aha. Thanks. :)..
3 hours later…
@IluTov exactly
@Trowski No, I think it's fine, it doesn't do any harm by itself…
(Though really, it's relying on a PHP implementation detail that TMP args are not CoW copies, but directly passed as is… but that's not our problem)
(since PHP 7.0 that is)

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