not sure if this a combination of my nearsightedness and/or I'm missing something, I have a file open in phpstorm, the font size of the text in the file is noticeably smaller than font size of menus and toolbars, but if I increase the font size any more in appearance, it will make the font size of menus obnoxiously large...
and I'm not thinking of the right google keywords to find out how to google increasing the font size of files but not affect menus/toolbars
@Girgias works now; the first script might have the same issue, but in any case, its return value might be ignored; you may need to chain the calls (… && …).
Oh, and could actually report the number of $fileCount if at most 128. Not sure if helpful, though.
@Mwthreex it's been a week or two I've interacted with guzzle code and I find guzzle a bit weird to work with. With that said, make sure you're interacting with the Request object. If you're accessing the guzzle Client object, you can access the Request object from there. Xdebug or var_dump can help you rule it out
Sorry for interupt. I have a question. I'm a beginner to PHP and I wanna know that, what is the best way to give the authentication for a user to login.
At this moment I'm comparing the user inputs with his email and passwords. If that matches, I set a cookie for email and password. And afterward, user can access his dashboard.
That's not the way to go about it... it's a long story so look into password_hash / password_verify (which you should use for storing / testing passwords) and $_SESSION (which you should use for storing if a user is logged in)
tl;dr: A user submits their login id and password to a form, when you verify it's what you expect you set a value in $_SESSION to indicate it, usually their login id of some sort e.g. $_SESSION['login_id'] = 1234; and then when you need to check if they're logged in you check the value of $_SESSION['logged_in'] first
No you don't need to, all you need to know if that they've logged in.
You only need their name and password for the process of checking they are who they say they are, once you've done that, all you need to store is who they are.