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I just watched the body cam footage of police shooting Amir Locke, shooting him seconds after waking him rudely on the couch. It's like literally 2-3 seconds after his couch is kicked that he's shot. I am convinced that nobody could have survived that situation. The police just executed that man. He was not even a target of the search warrant.
@LeviMorrison why have you watched that though… it's not exactly news that police in US tends to be on the side of shooting first, then asking.
the problem really is that the outrage about these things typically get steered into the wrong directions…
@LeviMorrison I haven't watched it, but he was holding a pistol, yes?
Now having watched it, the deeper issue is the way those warrants are conducted. Nothing is going to go well in such a situation.
It's deeply disappointing to me that this keeps happening so close to where I live, and nothing seems to be changing.
@Trowski Yes, but a legally owned one, and he's just been rudely awakened. He hasn't pointed it at anyone. Literally 2-3 seconds upon being woken up, and then shot.
@Trowski Yes, exactly. This is the only outcome for this situation that was created by the police and justice system.
@LeviMorrison Agreed. He hadn't threatened them yet, he was disoriented.
Initial reports said he had pointed it at them, but that was not the case.
2 hours later…
@bwoebi what direction should it be aimed at, in your opinion?
3 hours later…
youtube.com/watch?v=EMhIykUAc_c I want one... in fact I want 2 side by side
2 hours later…
Hi Guys,
I am new to PHP socket programming. I found this example. But problem I am facing is that it allows only limited data to send to client. How can I increase the maximum allow size in socket
You send as much as you can until the socket buffer says its full, then buffer the rest, rinse and repeat.
But unless you have a very specific need to write your own, you should probably be using Amp / ReactPHP / Swoole
I have 5 array elements which I convert to json using json_encode() function. It works fine. As soon as I add new element in it and restart connection then it doesn't work at all and gives error as "invalid frame header"
2 hours later…
@MarkR 👍
I was reading about interfaces, and faced with the following sentence:
> Completely different and non-related classes can be logically grouped together using an interface.
Can't get it .. any rephrase or example for that?
@Shafizadeh I'm assuming it means classes that don't share the same class hierarchy can share a common interface. But maybe they mean something else with more context.
2 hours later…
@Tiffany I honestly don't know. There's systemic issues at quite some levels, from the education of police how to handle situations, generally attempts to have most of the population more uneducated, pushing them to "christian" values, … It's hard to say where it should go … just that steering the outrage towards "defunding the police" or such is definitely not the way to go. These issues need to be addressed from top to bottom.
Fair, thanks :)
1 hour later…
If there is a single target for such outrage (and there isn't), it has to be accountability. If every cop who shot someone spent a decade in prison, if every politician who lied about the coup ended their career, if every executive who played games with their company finances got a $1 billion fine, if every manager who ran their company through bullying was fired, if every pseudo-reporter who incited treason was jailed, and it all happened reliably... we'd solve a whole hell of a lot of problems.
@Crell yep. However there's often a thin line between mistake and nefrarious behaviour. Obviously in quite some cases it's also glaringly obvious…
Sure. But that's still part of accountability. "You broke it, fix it" is part of accountability. Motive matters, but does not excuse.
If a cop shoots someone needlessly, "oops" doesn't make it OK whether it's genuine or not.
Those all require an underlying fix, a group given power by the state must never be their own judge and jury. Otherwise there is every incentive to allow corruption by the jury, because that would limit their own potential.
3 hours later…
@IluTov Replied to the mail, maybe it will get resolved...

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