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12:01 AM
@Derick we have basically the same for GH issues already, but not for PRs.
12:51 AM
Am I missing something?
Backed Cases have an additional read-only property, value, which is the value specified in the definition.

print Suit::Clubs->value;
9 hours later…
9:40 AM
@Derick That's true. I think it's more psychological as some people get pissed if their stuff gets closed.
5 hours later…
3:04 PM
@IluTov I've closed 2 of the PRs you flagged, I've left the one about redefining constants open (because a mutable constant is insane) for the time being.
1 hour later…
4:08 PM
@MarkR Thanks!
@cmb I wonder if RFC PRs should stay open longer (maybe 90 days?) as they can't possibly be merged in the span of 2 weeks. I'd probably also exempt PRs with the "Waiting on Review" label.
30 days would probably also be enough (of complete inactivity)
@IluTov not sure if we should auto-close RFC-PRs at all. If we do, we should consider to close ("inactive") the accomanying RFCs as well.
@cmb Hm yeah that's true. I think I'll just skip those for now.
Maybe we can mark them as stale and then close them manually, but we can do that later.
4:30 PM
Think we can get away with strawpolls on internals using strawpoll.me rather than the wiki?
@MarkR Sounds inaccurate, if people who don't have voting rights participate.
2 hours later…
6:11 PM
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