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@Jocelyn Why did you flag that one as spam???
I know its wrong room, but this html room isn't active right now. I have a textbox and it works perfectly in google chrome, but in opera, it cuts off the bottom of the text in the box.
@Shaquin I was joking :-p
@Jocelyn Ha ha, but the the joke wasn't obvious :P
I had put a smiley
@user1079641 What's your code?
@user1079641 Can you provide a link to jsfiddle? ( jsfiddle.net )
what the problem here pls `$result = $sql7->loadAssocList() ; foreach ($result as $res){
echo $res ;
}` im getting the result like that `arrayarray`
why it echo ArrayArray ?
@goodmood use print_r to display the contents of $result
Yes, just give me a minute please.
@Jocelyn i get echoed like that Array ( [ad_birthday] => 2011-03-16 [year] => 2011 ) Array ( [ad_birthday] => 2012-08-11 [year] => 2012 )
Guys can two simple queries like that be joined? SELECT c.name, b.name FROM c,b ?
@Jocelyn which i dont want all this writing just what i want 2011 and 2012
@JamaicaBob SELECT c.name FROM c UNION select b.name FROM b
thank you
@ShaquinTrifonoff works thx , i forget this [year] :)
@user1079641 remove "height:0.4em;" from .searchbox and it works fine with Opera
But I need the height to be that large only
height:0.4em; means: make the height of the element equal to 40% of the current font height
I think Opera displays that correctly (the text is clipped at the bottom)
Ok, but whatever that height was, it was working out with the background, now the textbox is bigger than the background, when its supposed to a just a little smaller
I am made it 5 px, and it came back to cutting the text again
no one?
Got it to work...
@user1079641 That's what I like.
Well I was hoping someone would help me out, but no one was replying so I had to do something myself. As long as it works... :D
But here comes another problem, do I really need to recreate my css file just so it shows up properly in IE?
@user1079641 No, let me see it
its the text-shadow thing
oh, that's not a whole new css file
it's just a filter
text-shadow: 1px 1px 17px #000
there are more problems, but that can be solved later, this is priority 1 right now
do some research
filter: glow(color=black,strength=5); ??
doesn't work
@user1079641 CSS3 PIE is great for IE.
it made no difference at all
Is anyone still here?
Well hi there.
I have a general discussion question.
What is the concept between multiple servers for one website. For example, like the way facebook and others use it?
@user1079641 I think they have a main server, and another for just images. The reason for having a separate domain for images is that the browser won't send cookies to that domain, so the images load faster.
What about this "redirect to another server if traffic is too high on current server" thing
In electronics (including hardware, communication and software) scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth. For example, it can refer to the capability of a system to increase total throughput under an increased load when resources (typically hardware) are added. An analogous meaning is implied when the word is used in a commercial context, where scalability of a company implies that the underlying business model offers the potential for economic growth within t...
@user1079641 Is that what you are talking about? --^
sql or another persistence mechanism is another canidate .
You are able to optimize the server for the content type.
Do you have to manually code and program your website to use another server or do you just go and get a web host plan and that web host does the managing?
I think it needs to be managed due to cross-domain request restrictions
@user1079641 Generally the host will manage that for you, just find one that advertises that. If it doesn't, you could program it to scale by yourself, but that would be tricky :-)
spanner is web scale
How do I save information from a form, while they go offsite and pay with Paypal and then when they come back it sends it to the database?
@GeorgeSumpster easiest way would probably be to stick it in the session
assuming the form posts to you before you bounce them off to paypal
@cHao Yeah, they fill in their name and ID and email, then they choose their package, and goto paypal, when they come back from paypal, the form should be sent to the database
so yeah. start_session(); if you haven't already, set $_SESSION['variable you want to store'] = $_POST['variable you want to store'], and then do the redirect to paypal
on the page paypal bounces them back to, start_session() again, and $_SESSION will contain that stuff you stored
i mean, there's other ways...maybe paypal even lets you ship some variables along. but that's the easiest way i can come up with off the top of my head to do it without doing a bunch of encoding and such
OK. Thanks
@cHao ** session_start();
hello friends..
@SteveRobbins Sorry, I'm a bit late in replying, the source is dailydot.com/news/godaddy-outage-router-failure-anonymous
@Rajnish Hi.
@Sam Do you want to test my chat system (find bugs, etc.)? shaquin.tk/chat/?room=2
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol.....I can't access it from here, remember?
@Sam Oh... the timeout error? Have you tried it again?
@ShaquinTrifonoff yup.....just now
@Sam Odd.. I think they might have an IP blacklist or something. Can you access their homepage?
I can't even access your homepage
@Sam Can you access any of the websites here?
I only tried 4, and cannot access them all
@Sam Well, that means that the hosting company is blocking your IP address.
lol....without doing anything to harm them
it says INVALID IP
screw them
@Sam You have to replace YOUR_IP_HERE with your IP. :P
sorry, buddy
still not working
@Sam What's your IP address?
@Sam It isn't in their spam database, so it must be a firewall rule or something...
lol....it shouldn't be; I didn't cause them any harm
it was in there database... I just removed it by doing that recaptcha thing
I did it earlier
@Nile Ha, it always says that. Try the invalid IP It even says that about my IP.
it told me it was removed
I just removed it again
It gave me a funny reCAPTCHA, true of your situation.

I'll post it.
@Sam: Well-stopped --^
actually ubbefre whateverTheHellYouWantToTypeHereShouldBeValid
whateverTheHellYouWantToTypeHereShouldBeValid Irelecto
whateverTheHellYouWantToTypeHereShouldBeValid andoolc
@ShaquinTrifonoff lol......dude; let's just face the reality that I'm not allowed to check out your awesome chat system :-D
@Sam Okay :-)
@Lusitanian yeah, that :) i use it like once an app...lol
Hi @user1656125.
Shaquin can I mail you my code or something
I'm trying to get my buttons to work
@user1656125 Did you try what I suggested?
Hi, I can get Facebook feed data using php based on limit (says 5) I got response as array which is having data and paging. Under paging array i have next and previous to get next set of feed data. How can i get next set of feed data for the particular user using php ? Hope you understand my question ...
@ShaquinTrifonoff YES... I understand the syntax but not exactly what's happening behind it
runtime error
@Dinesh are you the same guy who came on here months ago trying to learn PHP?
@Sam what are you asking ?
@Dinesh nothing......there was a guy with a similar name as yours a few months back who was just starting with PHP then; I think he was trying to build some quiz application; was wondering if you were the same guy
where can I paste my code?
for php with html
@Sam oh okay i am not that person....Do you have any idea about my question
@Dinesh sorry, no. I haven't done anything with facebook
Q: MySQL PDO fetchAll as array with integer index

Giant of a LannisterI have a table with two columns. Table: ctgtable and columns: id and ctg. Since I am entirely moving from previous mysql_* functions to PDO, I am facing some foolish mistakes(or maybe lack of knowledge). Question I want to select the entire table's ctg column(a total of at most 20 rows) into an...

I made some buttons but I'm can't get them to work. It's at the line where I say //Here doesn't work. PLEAAAAAASE
the buttons are created from a txt file called userPass
@user1656125 I have told you to use name="user" on the button, but to 'fix' your current code, use if (isset($_POST[usrName($i)])) { (without quotes).
Shaquin... so when I click the button, how does it know which button I clicked if they all have the same name?
@user1656125 Because only ONE button can be pressed, there will only be ONE $_POST['user'].
The value of the button will be passed to the script. $_POST['user'] == 'username'.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. the value is passed... I though it was the name
wow I'm a dumbass
hello all
i'm not... thanks @ShaquinTrifonoff!
wassup shyam
@ShyamK what's up?
@user1656125 You're welcome.
Hi @ShyamK!
@user1656125 Here are some general tips. Try to avoid arrow code: read this. Get rid of globals. Try to separate your logic processing from the view (html) that you produce.
another weekend... couple of days to dedicate the socializing....
shyam.. who are you?
what stuff are you working on?
he's the ULTIMATE enabler
@user1656125 work on php... playing with python too...
@Sam :P
@ShaquinTrifonoff how'z the chat?
what do you think of more functional programming?
@ShyamK I slept off on Thursday night
like scala or closure?
@ShyamK It's going quite well.
@ShyamK You should be able to use your normal username now, I updated the database with your new IP.
@Sam basic keylogger is functional on my system... but its not gonna work on my office system... need to sort that out... bbl... power outage... :(
@ShaquinTrifonoff .. when I click the button the value is not being stored in $_SESSION... could you tak a look my savior?
@user1656125 You don't need if (isset($_POST['user'])) {, as empty already checks to see if the variable is set.
ok, but how do I store it in the session?
@user1656125 Try putting error_reporting(E_ALL); at the top of your code to see if there are any errors.
And try var_dump(empty($_POST['user']));.
but both those lines in succession at the top?
I get you
I'll try now
@user1656125 You can put both of them at the top.
replace the secon if with var_dump(empty($_POST['user']))?
@user1656125 Did you click a button for it to display that?
after I click the button bool(false)
@user1656125 That's good, it means that it is not empty.
I got that
nice tip
so it's something wrong with the sessions storage then
@user1656125 Maybe, or it might be that the relevant code is not being executed. After session_start();, add echo $_POST['user'];.
Notice: Undefined index: user in C:\xampp\htdocs\test\index.php on line 39
@user1656125 Click a button.
sorry.. I'm not thinking
it doesn't echo anything
I see the values on my buttons but it's not being passed
when a value is posted does it go through the script from the beginning?
@user1656125 Yes, it is probably because you aren't passing the username and password again :P
that's why I asked
thanks... I just started php a couple days ago and am just ignorant of how code is compiled
I can fix everything from here
thanks Shaquin!
@ShaquinTrifonoff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@user1656125 You're welcome. BTW, <input ...></input> should just be <input ... />. :-)
@ShaquinTrifonoff my session storage is still not working
@user1656125 I can see the bug, I'll fix it and post a link when I'm done.
woops.. I see it
actually, I dont
@Nick Nick Fury!
Uncle @Sam, how goes it ?!
very good......how's your weekend?
I posted a link in the python room, if you are interested
in checking it out
not bad, kk
it's for Windows though
@ShaquinTrifonoff I'm taking a look at it
eek globals
Hi @Gregor.
@user1656125 Did you look at it?
tomorrow nite nite @ShaquinTrifonoff
@user1656125 Okay, bye :-)
Another perfect example of stackoverflow deterioration: Thou haft given code, thou's answer shalt be accepted. stackoverflow.com/a/12445272/871050
Oldest rule of SO
It somewhat satisfies me to know that there're no users named Hashirama. I hate Hashirama.
@Madara I wanted to tell you that you were right about programmers.stackexchange.com. Thanks.
How do you make a link?
@SinthiaV Remind me the context? :D
My question was booed down twice on SO and Wordpress.
They answered it on programmers
If you tell me how yo make a link I'll show you
Just copy the link from the address bar and paste it here
A link to a message is done by opening its menu and copying the permanlink
3 mins ago, by Sinthia V
My question was booed down twice on SO and Wordpress.
like so ^
@SinthiaV It's Madara, you maggot! Kneel before me!
(not really, don't be scared)
Ha ha! My hubby just came home gotta run! night.
I am looking for some expert in crawlers/spiders
@N3sh We'll try our best
thanks @Mada
I know the basic purpose and way to work of a cr
but I was wondering if that program would work as a background process or work only when the user requests something
I am talking about a focused crawler
Sure, it could do both
Where are you stuck?
I was wondering if a crawler would keep working all the time and feed a local DB
I read somewhere that this could be how it work
I would use PHP communicating with erlang for doing this
@N3sh It's possible, yes
What's the intent really?
What are you attempting to crawl?
A specific website? Making the new Google? What?
Think about something like Torrentz
not necessarily with torrents
so it would crawl some specific websites and gather all info about a certain topic
a small 'new' google
it is for a school project and Im trying to get some info for my team
so a crawler basically anytime retrieves useful information
it will add them to the local DB for later use
and whenever a User searches for something
the crawler would look for updates and, eventually, update the DB and afterwards the result page is shown
@N3sh How would you define "useful"?
well, if the website is about soccer results
and the website from which Im getting the info
has also tennis stuff
then it would disregard it
this could be done automatically
maybe using a specific query or something
depending on how the target website provides its information
You're talking about it as if you have 50 Chinese people locked in your basement and looking at websites
isn't that how a PC works?
Differentiating quality information from lesser quality information is no easy feat for a computer.
Chinese people know best!
anyway, the crawler will adapt accordingly to the target website, right?
or website(s)
Again, it's not that easy
well a proper done query would be enough, right?
Different sites have different markup
Some are well formed, some are not
of course
Some will have the information at expected places, some will not
maybe Im missing a point
does a crawler work on N websites that I programmed it upon or does it simply crawl everything?
let's assume my crawler simply shows results from youtube
and that's it
I would just need to adapt my crawler parsing process accrordingly
If you only need youtube results, than it may be possible
Again, you have the question of relevancy
if I want to add Vimeo then
I would need to have
2 different processes/functions
You'll probably want some sort of bridge pattern
and add the results together and sort them according to User choice
to prevent that crazy escalation as you add websites
00:00 - 10:0010:00 - 23:00

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