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@SaifEddinGmati A monorepo isn't a good fit for amphp IMO. We don't want same major versions like Symfony.
3 hours later…
a monorepo doesn't need to be tagged though chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/53726093#53726093
4 hours later…
posted on December 31, 2021

Wellow everyone, hope you're having a good pre/post new year... I've just put together a draft to update some function parameters to allow null, and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions (I just want to give it the best chance, rather than it being immediately dismissed).
hey @Danack, hope you had a pleasant holiday
have something i working on based on your effort: github.com/JordanRL/operator-overloads-in-php/blob/master/…
@JRL my sister is turning into her grandmother.......I think I'm going to have to have a word before a family get together turns into a massive raging row.
@JRL cool. I'll look at it after more coffee......btw from the first one, that reminds me. What of the array add operator aka $foo[] = 5; for the userspace overload rfc? I mean it's not mentioned so is obviously not included, but was it considered?
@Danack I considered it, but decided against it because it has all kinds of extra special things that need to be handles and I think that it should come with a deprecation of ArrayAccess (long may it rest it hell)
yeah.....the "automatically cast numeric-string to int" behaviour for arrays is also....sub-optimal. I don't think poking at small parts of arrays in PHP is likely to be a good path, instead at some time, some variant Nikic's scalar objects might be a more productive path.
@CraigFrancis it's a bit late mate. pointing people to github.com/rectorphp/rector and github.com/phpstan/phpstan makes upgrading easier....
in particular "which is making it difficult for developers to upgrade." is an opinion that not many php voters agree with, probably.
$var ?? null is a pattern i hate with a passion personally
@Danack At the moment these are annoying deprecation warnings, which can be ignored... presumably these will be stopped in the future (says he knowing 2 teams that are avoiding 8.1)
Don't use it then @JRL :-)
@Derick :-)
because its extra clear in that circumstance that the developer just wants to actively destroy information about whether the null means missing data or not
@Danack That is not only going to subtly break things, it's also an internal core PHP concept from its hash tables
@JRL the opposite is also true... it allows you to know when a user defined value (e.g. $_GET) was set or not.
@Derick to be clear, i love the ?? operator, just using it to manually assign a null has caused me so many bugs before
@Derick "instead at some time, some variant Nikic's scalar objects might be a more productive path.".
aka I wasn't arguing for it.
I know... I was offering extra context.
@CraigFrancis yeah, true, and that's how your first example used it, i've just become very wary of how other devs handle nuance
@JRL yep, and I'll join you on trying to avoid bugs (I think it depends on what you're trying to do)... I'm just trying to find that balance between avoiding bugs, and not making things difficult for, what could be seen, little value :-)
the thing i worry about is how the prevalence of null has encouraged php devs to think about it. the whole discussion about intersection types allowing nulls really showed that to me, because intersections can only be used with classes, and using null as a control structure value with classes is... dubious at best. the null object pattern should be used instead.
again, that's all my personal opinion
not some gilded fact or something
Yep, that's fine, and I like it... I'm just surrounded by a lot of developers who are processing a lot of user values as basic strings, and while I've made some progress, it's a long way to go.
@Danack Thanks for the reminder about RectorPHP, forgot to check what it could do... but at the moment, I don't think it does anything to help with this problem (rules), and it's a difficult one to find (e.g. Psalm needs to be at level 3, and I couldn't get PHPStan to find any issues).
How many months is an agreeable amount of time to work for a crap company before quitting?
@IGP are they likely to change? (usually they won't)
The company? No. I don't believe they will.
They do have good intentions, but don't act on them
So it's all just talk
Then don't waste your time... see what else is out there, and try to get some job offers :-)
There are loads of companies that talk about things... it's the acting on them which is the difficult bit (and they often don't even try, as there are always more important things to do right now).
@SaifEddinGmati You fixed that godawful symfony getalpha returns an array bug <3
this is the first time someone thanked me about that lol, people seemed to hate it.
Well as a general rule i'm against functions returning completely different types to what their docblocks say
yea, it' also caused typing issues that resulted in 500 error instead of 400, i think there's an example on the PR.
Yeah I'm intimately familiar with them...
Any code which promotes warnings / notices will 500
@CraigFrancis I think they are just too set in their ways and the thought of slowing/stopping output to reorganize their awful/non-existant workflow doesn't compute with them.
Technically as a contractor I could just ask the company that pays me to just reassign me somewhere else but the one thing I learned after suffering their end-of-year party was the kinds of clients they work with from other devs.
@IGP Yep, annoyingly common... a well run company should be at 80% capacity, so there is some tolerance and time available... unfortunately there are many which run at 110% or more, no spare time, expecting overtime, rushing jobs, etc.
I think I've given up and will simply sacrifice my sould to the god of nomenclature, I say as I type class Thing
@CraigFrancis I shit you not, last week's weekly meeting had 2 project managers (non-dev people btw) fighting over devs because one of them perceived projects were only moving forwards for the other one.
@IGP lol, they never think about how to fix these issues... management is a hard and very skilled job, and it annoys me how often people doing it have no idea.
I don't really have experience in this. Assuming I decide to quit, do I give my 2-3 weeks notice to the company I'm assigned to, the parent company or both? 😅
@IGP personally, I'd look for a new job first, get an offer, they should be willing to wait for you to finish your notice period (it gives you much more confidence for the next bit)... as to the actual handing in your notice, usually you give it to your direct manager, but make sure it's actually passed up the chain (one person I new found out that their "notice" had been sat in a tray for a week, then the company tried to claim it wasn't a proper notice).
@CraigFrancis lol at that last part. Isn't a notice a courtesy? I believe I wouldn't get a 2-3 weeks notice if they wanted to fire me.
@IGP depends on your country, in the UK we usually have a notice period in both directions (if you're lucky, you can get "garden leave" if they don't want you to be in the office)... the exception being "gross misconduct", that allows you out of the contract much sooner, but I wouldn't recommend it :-)
@CraigFrancis I'll have to check it out.
My cost of living at the moment is pretty low, so I could stand to be jobless for a month or two. :D
If you're a contractor the contract is likely to vary from normal employment rights... but one trick to think about, if you get a job offer, your current company may offer to pay you more, then you can note that to the new company and get a better offer (doesen't always work, but it can be nice having people fight over you).
Could be nice, yeah.
@CraigFrancis Terrible idea
@Tiffany it's a shame, i could see such a function being well received if the RFC had any amount of detail or documentation about it.
@JRL I say this without having tried figuring it out, but wouldn't it be possible to do effectively the same thing with array_map and an arrow function?
@Tiffany I believe so. It doesn't enable any functionality that is impossible, but it's a common pattern in lots of PHP programs because of how databases work and how many connect to databases.
it's probably common enough to deserve a standard implementation IMO
array_map() in its current form can't set a key, so no. But array_reduce() could.
A pipe operator and a common pipeable function (as in my most recent blog post) would get us to basically that.
It reminds me of the groupBy method in laravel's Collection class.
wouldn't it have the same kind of problem that the group by implementation faces in mysql, whereas group by is not actually "obvious" and there are decisions to be made as to how it should react with various edge cases?
eg group by having been made to break in latest versions to force folks to decide how it should handle specific ways to group stuff?
Hence why a more flexible tool with support for common cases is a better approach, usually.
huh, the ui doesn't allow for me to kick-mute myself. I wonder what would happen if I were to forge the corresponding request but with my user id. (no need to kick-mute me y'all, thx :P)
Does the thing you can do in python of:
if (0 <= x <= 10) {...}
have a name?
I'm going to wish y'all a happy new year!
@Danack chained comparison
@JonClements ty.
Does that mean you can chain even more things?
@Derick you going out to a nightclub to celebrate the new year?
No, I'm going to drink beer and champagne on the sofa watching telly.
And going through the weirdest combination of snacks that you've ever seen together :-)
Yourself? A nice rave tonight?
Beer, computer games and maybe some fried chicken is my agenda for this evening.
meanwhile I'm working on a uni project
you know how to party
I'm indeed wiping out some Latex tonight B)
@Derick apparaently:
> Did you know that you can actually chain an arbitrary number of comparison operators? For example, a == b == c == d == e checks if all five variables are the same, while a < b < c < d < e checks if you have a strictly increasing sequence.
I have a pipeable, more flexible version in my fp lib. :-)
@Danack Yes, however the comparisons will be evaluated as sets of binary ops (obviously), with right-most grouping and left-most precedence
a == (b == (c == (d ==e)))
left-most precedence: meaning that the leftmost value is evaluated first. right-most precedence: meaning that the expressions will be subgrouped to the right as shown. :)
left-most precedence and recursive expression resolution is what results in the right-most grouping automatically
You can also look at the output of dis.dis('a == b == c == d')...
dis.dis? is that from typscript?
It's Python...
(i'm learnign some ES6 right now)
  1           0 LOAD_NAME                0 (a)
              2 LOAD_NAME                1 (b)
              4 DUP_TOP
              6 ROT_THREE
              8 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
             10 JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP    38
             12 LOAD_NAME                2 (c)
             14 DUP_TOP
             16 ROT_THREE
             18 COMPARE_OP               2 (==)
             20 JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP    38
             22 LOAD_NAME                3 (d)
             24 DUP_TOP
             26 ROT_THREE
oh, i totally missed that the link danack had was from a python documentation
^^^ so you get that output so you can see how it's going to be interpreted... (sometimes useful...)
3 hours later…
Happy New year from CET zone, r11!
Happy new year from CET :D

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