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#ouch that's not what I wanted.
@Waddler don't worry, that's not what happens
@Waddler break should stop the current loop it's in, and if there's no loop, I don't suppose you need break in it
I'm processing rows from a csv file and if I come across some bad data, I write an error description plus the row to a new file; once I've done that, I have no reason to process that row
so, use continue; it skips that iteration
so I should have continue in my write to error file or on the next line after I call that function?
it'll skip the execution of that loop, and continue with the next loop
@ircmaxell I read it and was like . . . where is the generator?
so, everything else that's supposed to be done during that iteration will be skipped
here's the setup: while loop { call to function to process the row}
so even if I have the continue statement in the other function call, it'll still go to the next record?
@Waddler I doubt it.
@Waddler No.
@Waddler And why haven't you tried this already?
@Waddler It gives an error. You can't even run it.
I haven't used continue before; still new at PHP
pass a value back from the function......and check the value; then continue or not based on what you are expecting
I'll run my code with continue and see how that works out.
goodluck....create a backup first :-P
good point. This is new code that I'm working on. It's not in svn yet.
Poll: one line if statements: braces or no braces?
lol.....are you new here?
The code I'm working on has some one line if statements and it's driving me crazy.
Always use braces.
That's what I tried to get one of my former coworkers to understand. Thanks Levi.
ALWAYS use braces.
Q: Single statement if block - braces or no?

ZannjamindersonWhich is better/more generally accepted? This: if(condition) { statement; } Or: if(condition) statement; I tend to prefer the first one, because I think it makes it easier to tell what actually belongs in the if block, it saves others from adding the braces later (or creating a bug by ...

ooooh. you just gave me a soapbox.
sadly, I don't think I can comment on that. not enough rep.
That doesn't deserve a negative vote, help a PHP regular out here.
I would say even it's one line, still use braces: if(condition){code;}
@Waddler Just don't make it one line
@Truth hey
@LeviMorrison Does reddit even worth opening an account on?
I actually never used it
@Truth If you are interested in driving blog traffic it might be.
Don't have a blog (yet), so nah
Sep 1 at 12:14, by hakra
Stack Overflow Closevote Backlog | Mirror 1 | What does mean: http://gist.github.com/1689430 | Chrome/Firefox Addon
New version?
@PeeHaa I agree. That was for the people who insist on it being one line.
@LeviMorrison , that's a loosing fight
Hate it when the real loser wins.
plz I really suck at php, how could make a constructor of a class with two attributes, from an array, wanted to do : public function __construct($arr) {

$this = (MuObject) $arr;
but not good
or $this = (object) $arr; ?
Could you repeat what you are trying to do?
I have an associative array, I want to build from it an object with a subset of its items (just a few)
class MyObject {
    private $attr1;
    private $attr2;
    function __construct($attr1, $attr2) {
        $this->attr1 = $attr1;
        $this->attr2 = $attr2;

$myobject = new MyObject($array['attr1'], $array['attr2']);
@cyril Loop and assign, or loop-unset-cast, but reassigning $this is a non-starter
attr2 can not be here
ok dave
@Levi wanted to make a constructor for an obj class X{public $a, public $b;} from an array $Y=array("c"=>1, "a"=>4); with one argument
@cyril If I understand you correctly it cannot be done, but I'm not sure I understand you.
I was meaning some sort of casting
it's like taking $Y filter all keys that are not attributes of $X
and then cast in (object)
stop it.
you're building the api from hell.
theres no api in php
there is if your code's worth a crap.
foreach ($hell->fires as $fire)
foreach ($fires as $k=>$fire)
$this->{$k} = $fire;
@LeviMorrison I have a bug I've been trying to fix for ages
@LeviMorrison to a chat room?
@JordanRichards Sure.
I'm not being productive at the moment anyway.
@LeviMorrison :)
@LeviMorrison link to the room?
trying to see the diff between get_class_vars and get-object-vars
@cyril Do you know what a class is and what an object is?
#2 is an instance of #1
ok thx I see
that sucks you can't reassign $this
it's always fun to see when people talk to themselves
it's ugly but that's more or less what I need, class X{
public $a;
public $b;
$Y = array("a"=>1,"aa"=>1,"ab"=>1,"bb"=>1 );
function constructXfrom($arr){
return (object) array_intersect_key($arr, get_class_vars('X'));
@cyril ...but the resulting object is not an X, it is just a stdClass. You've lost all type hinting. You could just throw a few lines into X::__construct() and pass it an array to do the same thing. And that's leaving aside the fact that this is an awful way to do things anyway. Why do you need to pass an array into the object that contains data that is irrelevant to the object?
@LeviMorrison It's failing. I was trying to be cute by calling a function from a while loop, when I need to just have that code IN a while loop.
@DaveRandom this object is just sent in database, there is no other function in that object, I just need to make sure to have the right fields set, is there better way?
@cyril well, for a start, why are you so hung up on not passing multiple arguments to the object's constructor?
because I have actually 15 attributes
@cyril The array is coming from the database, you say?
the array is coming from another request that have extra or less fields
Sometimes there are days of silence in other chat rooms.
Apart from the C++ room
It's always full ^^
@LeviMorrison exactly
C++ Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!! That should draw people in here :)
@PeeHaa Why would you do such a thing?
@ircmaxell What thing?
I cannot say c++ sucks?
/me leaves before the calvary comes
Don't think we have infiltrators right now?
Although I suspect @NikiC is a snitch ;-)
@kingletas Your article on generators is misnamed.
What he is in here?
I think Levi tried to ping him without his presence ;)
which won't work
I thought you could just summon random people on the internet by @mentioning him/her :D
So now that people are moving away from mysql_* we need to be prepared for an influx of convert my code to pdo type of questions? :(
Q: PHP PDO - need help convert old mysql_* search string in to PDO

neekoI am currently learning PHP and have just come across PDO and now trying to go about converting all my legacy operations to PDO, have tried multiple attempts with this one but cant get it to work! $search = $_GET['search']; $terms = explode(" ", $search); $query = "SELECT * FROM people WHERE "; ...

@PeeHaa He was here.
@LeviMorrison Damn. And here I was hoping for some sort of mega super ultra ping :(
@PeeHaa Needs a general reference question that demonstrates the common tasks for dynamic query strings, showing how you would do it in ext/mysql and how you do it in PDO.
Oh hello, Mr. @rdlowrey
@DaveRandom Answer the question and we have it :)
@LeviMorrison Hello -- I'm testing out chat on the new iPad :)
Right guys, I think I've got something wrong here. I'm doing something that is a singleton. It just is. Absolutely no way it makes sense for there to be more than one instance of it. Factory, or what?
@DaveRandom is doing something that is a singleton. :o I'm going to grab a dirnk
drink that is
I'm already having one. Maybe that's the problem.
@DaveRandom Why do you have a singleton?
I've just been over it again and it's the only thing that makes sense. It is an API connector that not only would there never be more than one instance of it, it would actually be detrimental if I allowed there to be one.
I have to represent it in some way that means there is no way to accidentally create a second connection. And the only way I can see to reliably do it is a singleton.
@DaveRandom But do you need to be able to call it from everywhere (ahum globally)?
No, only in the model.
So you don't need / want a singleton
I would go for a factory (with injected db instance)
I guess. Bit hard to tell with more infos
breaking bad only gets better :)\
OK right let me look at it again. I know what I have done is wrong, I just can't see why it is wrong. I have not put fingers to keyboard on any code yet, so it's not too late.
what have i missed ?
looks like Dave does not understand the concept of dependency injection
@DaveRandom Because it is global, Because it tightly couples the signleton class. Because it introduces hidden dependencies
Because my typing gets worse and worse
evening , @PeeHaa
hiya Mārtiņš :)
@DaveRandom , if you want to share same instance of DB connection to multiple objects , you pass that connection in the constructor or use something like a factory
@PeeHaa I honestly doubt that you can spell it
@tereško At first I just wanted to type Martins, but since it is friday night I went all the way to your twitter account and copied it :) All those strange letters aren't on my keyboard.
@rdlowrey does it work on a tablet (i.e. is it decent)?
Right, the problem, as it turns out, is that I am an idiot (surprise!), and have designed the whole connector module wrong from the outset. I got hung up on a single persistent connection when that is not what is actually required. And it is now obvious just how wrong this whole design is and I'm throwing it out and starting again.
As a side note (unrelated but as a demonstration of just how bad it is for me, at least, to drink and design code), I've also put a load of business logic in the view.
@tereško I am well acquainted with DI and factories, but also intimately acquainted with 3/4 of a bottle of wine.
@DaveRandom you are doing it wrong
@tereško meartinjss?
well .. you spell ņ like "n" in ニ , ā as "aa" in Baal and š as "sh" in shadow
ニ ??? What is this aztec?
japanese (katakana)
@tereško I know that, I'm still relatively new to MVC which is why I carefully stay out of your MVC way. This is also why my primary role of employment is not to write code.
I do understand the concepts, I'm still learning how to put them properly into practice. I don't pretend to be an expert.
i was focusing on the "wine" part , when i said that you are dosing doing it wrong
also , you have high enough rep-score that you could pretend to be an expert =P
No, I can just pretend not to be a gibbering idiot. I also am a person who until quite recently had far too little to do at work.
I don't see the sense in pretending to be better at something than I am, otherwise people will refuse to answer my questions when I need something and will not take my answers seriously. There are some elements of PHP about which I do know quite a lot, and I can kick some procedural ass, but it helps no-one for me to pretend I know more than I do.
Anyone who's interested in the matter (particularly high-rep users), please get behind this Area51 Proposal for a telephony.SE :-)
@PeeHaa While that question is lazy, I kind of sympathise with people asking "what does operator x do" because operators are almost exclusively punctuation characters and very hard to Google.
@DaveRandom Sure sure, but look at all those answer of high rep users
They know there are dupes of dupes of dupes of dupes
@PeeHaa I know, I particularly like the fact that @RobertHarvey answered the question (quite badly, to be honest) and then closed it.
@DaveRandom Exactly :(
@PeeHaa If you float around C# for a while you'll find that even @JonSkeet rep-whores. Quite regularly.
@DaveRandom @JonSkeet is the biggest of them
@PeeHaa Hey, we've all done it, you included :-P
Although weirdly I've found that hanging around in here has made me pretty much immediately stop. I'm finding myself wanting to improve other answers over providing my own.
@DaveRandom Hell I even renamed to RepWhoring PeeHaa :)
Even in that stage I never done this
And it was for the good cause :P
Then it is ok I keep telling myself when I cry myself to sleep every noght ;)
@PeeHaa So now you've hit 20K you're happy? I'm not...
But at least I spend too long on here instead of spending too long on Facebook
Also, ref. recent comment that bitwise question, -->, -->>, -->>>, <-- and <<-- - WTF?
@PeeHaa Yeah -- it works just fine. It's a little annoying trying to type on a tablet keyboard, but the chat itself is great.
Today somebody argued with me supporting the thesis that "there are no principles in programming." Then they went on to say that I don't know what I'm talking about...

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