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yup, rare these days
why do these idiots even answer to questions like this Hannah from India
that is why they are showing up in the first place
> “Ripping out our hand-rolled websockets implementation and going with pusher.com - anything that's been solved well elsewhere, just use it.”
sigh, idiots
@webarto oh yeah. I want to do this in the web. But I have no clue. Ah nice, it's the web. You do not need to have any clue. Okay, Thx.
huhu :)
hi @netcoder
hey @hakra
whaaaaaaaaat's happenin'... :P
busy times for the cv-ring? @hakra
Way just 5 minutes home and I got a ultimate repwhore answer already. I'm good at this when I've been drinking the whole day
A: Fastest way to retrieve a list of keys containing a specified value

PeeHaa$keys = array_keys($array, 1); http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-keys.php You may also want to pass the third parameter (strict checking). Default is false. Remember. It's PHP there is almost always a function for what you are doing ;)

@PeeHaa good work
Yeah I'm really proud ;-)
@PeeHaa just helped
btw his website is called wordpressguru
12 Upvotes for answers to go. :D
wooohooo :D
Q: How deep are your unit tests?

John NolanThe thing I've found about TDD is that its takes time to get your tests set up and being naturally lazy I always want to write as little code as possible. The first thing I seem do is test my constructor has set all the properties but is this overkill? My question is to what level of granularity...

@ircmaxell +1 interesting
@hakra and others thanks for your support
4 hours later…
Someone show me the syntax for using COUNT query using prepared statements
hello anyone here who worked with fpdf or xpdf to convert pdf files in to simple text
Please check this stackoverflow.com/questions/12154190/… if any one worked on fpdf
Hi out there may be someone can help me see here:
Q: Setting up oauth module/login in Drupal 7

rekireI want to allow my users to login from Facebook/Google+/Twitter in a common and secure way. In such a way that the users cannot be spy on. So I think a very common way is to use oauth, but that does not work like I expect. I don't know how to setup the outh module right. I found also the questio...

@SumitMadan I hope my answer will help.
please check this question also stackoverflow.com/questions/12226310/… this is xpdf question
@SumitMadan Are you trying to execute a windows binary in linux? the path looks like a linux one the file-extension like windows...
@rekire which extension you are talking about... .pdf and .txt both extensions works in linux. also i told that it is working in terminal
no that executable called "pdftotext.exe"
I just want to be sure that looks just a little ugly
ok ok sorry that was i just trying because i read it somewhere i used it without exe extension also
so you work on windows
no on linux
okay... i never saw that yet that someone executes a exe file under linux but nevermind. did you try to use popen()? with that command you can get the stdout content
@SumitMadan maybe some thing is missing in that path environment variable
@rekire sorry for my mistake about extension.. sorry but how to use popen i never used it ??
like a normal fopen
it is showing 'Resource id #3'; resource sh: 1:
but note that this function is maybe disabled on shared hosting
i am trying on local site
did you try the Example #2?
ya tried only example #2.. :D
good that seems that there is no output
should be there something?
I mean you executed that command also in the console
@rekire hey just checked my error log it showing /usr/local/bin/pdftotext: /opt/lampp/lib/libgcc_s.so.1: version `GCC_4.2.0' not found (required by /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6)
ha there we have something
so you need to find out where that file is and add it to the path environment variable of php
yeah thnx buddy
I expected something like that
ya same as www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-254155.html%22
i tried the solution but libgcc_s.so.1 is already in /opt/lampp/lib/ directory
and does that work for you?
i checked my lib the libgcc_s.so.1 is not in /lampp/lib directory
try to use locate or the find command to get it
hey i put the file in /opt/lampp/lib but not solves my problem
should i place it any other place
maybe you should execute a small sh file which sets the path variable like you need it
i executed it with shell_exec and exec both functions but not helping me to solve my problem
Guys, I installed two php versions on Apache PHP5.2 and PHP5.3 based on this: zgadzaj.com/… and i used PHP5.2 for only my specific Vhost. and the problem i faced is i can't include php extensions for that specific Vhost. Like: Function "curl", PHP GD2, PHP imagick, Function "mysql_connect" i activated under php.ini but they are not working. Has anyone done this before?
@Achu do you have ssh access?
@pce yes
with root privilege :)
morning @pce
which distro, on debian its: apt-get install php5-curl or pecl install php.net/manual/en/install.pecl.php
@pce i'm on Ubuntu 12.04 i did tried installing apt-get install php5-cur but this will install for main PHP5.3 not for PHP5.2
LSP forcefully violated: i.imgur.com/ci4oM.gif
@Achu PHP 5.3 is backwards compatible with 5.2, so you really need PHP 5.2?
Yes i really need PHP5.2 coz i have to use Zend Optimizer.
Zend Optimizer does not work for PHP5.3
@Achu php5.3 is optimized.
@Achu Contact Zend and demand actual support for their products.
php5.2 is somewhat EOL?
Zend - The PHP 5.2 Company - time that they update their website maybe
@pce using Zend Guard yes you are right. But my applications need PHP5.2 and Zend Optimizer. and as i learnt Zend Optimizer doesn't work on PHP5.3
@hakra why would they ? its the truth
@Achu As written, please contact your vendor for support. PHP 5.2 is end of life, Zend is offering extended support AFAIK.
@Achu , care to explain WHY do you need "zend optimized" ?
especially since php5.4 is much faster then php5.2
@tereško Right now their claim is Zend - The PHP Company but they should add the version to not create a wrong image misleading customers I'd say ^^
@hakra I will work on that. But for now i have to use it ;)
@tereško we have applications that optimized by zend optimzer and needs PHP5.2
@Achu , i asked you why do you need zend optimizer , not why you need php5.2
$array = array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0);
foreach($array AS $value){
if(!($value&1)) // Printing EVEN numbers Use if($value&1) for ODD numbers
echo $value."<br>";
please tell me what is the function of "&" in if(!($value&1))
@Achu Contact Zend. IIRC they have some optimizer for PHP 5.3 as well.
@tereško :) we have application that encrypted/optimized by Zend Optimizer. and it works only with zend optimizer
Zend Optimizer+
last time i checked , encrypting application made it work slower
morning @NikiC.
maybe you should start by getting rid of that crap
look at my problem :/
oh oh oh oh oh @PeeHaa has 20k!
has he?
yay! finally!
All your delvotes are now belong to us Muhaha :)
@pce thx but i want to know How it knows if the number in $value is ODD or EVEN using if(!($value&1))
@DextOr Please don't check evenness that way
Use the modulo operator
@NikiC but this is more leet
what is "&" Doing ? :|
you use it and you don't know what it does?
even is $n % 2 == 0, odd is $n % 2 != 0
@NikiC thx for % solution but I was curious to know about "& "
@NikiC nice, no == 1 :)
@DextOr No need to use it, but that was Logical Conjunction: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…
php -r 'var_dump(2&1);' php -r 'var_dump(3&1);' php -r 'var_dump(1&1);'
Nomen est omen.
Q: This is not a text file(zend optimizer)

Mister PHP<?php @Zend; 4123; /* !This is not a text file! print <<<EOM //here goes some zend html code for information exit(); __halt_compiler(); //here goes the binary data, instead of php code I have downloaded a file to view/edit from the hosting, and I see this....many php files are c...

@ hello can anyybody help me
@Prashant_Aryan 42
@Gordon i want create android apk file online using php script
@Prashant_Aryan i got no clue about it. sorry.
@Gordon appsgeyser.com refer this dite
php funtion to print Prime numbers in an array
please give me an idea how to get it
is this ok
$i = 2;
foreach($sieve AS $value)
if($value % $i == 1)
echo $value."<br>";
@Gordon i this site user can create his android application and then download apk file on click download
ok I found here wiki.answers.com/Q/… :P
Ok .. this is official. DextOr should stop playing at "being programmers".
@tereško can you help me
@Gordon you got it?
@Prashant_Aryan i didnt look
@Gordon ok
@Prashant_Aryan: You just have won the ignore.
@hakra what?
Hey guys. I have a tooltip to show some more information about the object you rollover. What is the best way to store that hidden information so you can later use it in tooltip (fetch with js). In hidden div / unused html tag (rel, title) / better idea? Thanks
@BikerJohn title attribute
@Gordon Okay, thanks :)
@tereško You mean that isn't a correct implementation of the sieve of eratosthenes? What's that you say? The sieve of erastosthenes is a cop-out method of generating a collection of prime numbers? I don't believe you. I refuse to believe you. You, sir, are a liar, and I challenge you to a duel.
@DaveRandom , i mean that he is not mentally capable of devising a simple "find primes" algorithm
it's usually the 4th exercise you give when teaching programming , right after you have explained the concept of arrays
1. find if three values are part of triangle
2. find roots of polynomial equation
3. fill array with squares 1.. 10
4. find first X primes
@tereško I am the best programmer in the world, and I have no knowledge of these "arrays" of which you speak. You're just making this stuff up now.
And they say that I'm trolling...
LAWL ... I'm melting...
@hakra hehe, yeah, that's my favorite, too. so adorable
@Gordon Sooooo sweeeeeeeeeeeeet :)
The one with the dolphin and the cat is nice, too.
@hakra yup. lots of nice cats in there
$Message .='<a href="http://www.site.com/update_hrm.php">Shortlisted</a>';
in above how can i pass variable
add me add me
please star the cv-pls description.
@hakra ive pinned it already
@Gordon ah cool. that was quick :)
Maybe this is not correct chat, but a HTML form with GET action, can you somehow exclude to send param of the Submit button?
@Karem Omit the name attribute of the submit button. It does not require one in order to work, if you need to get a reference to it with JS give it an id instead.
@DaveRandom Thanks
exclude sorry lol
Starting to discover the beauty of Ubuntu haha. I have it running on my laptop, seems like a excellent operating system.
He has seen the light!
@Alec how is it better ?
Would switch my desktop over to it too, but I'm a bit of a gamer and I need my Adobe applications.
@Karem There's a lot more freedom in it, my 6 year old laptop runs it just fine(well optimized OS), it's beautiful, linux, and I find it easier to do my work on it often as there is less distractions. It also has a nice 4 desktop feature so your screen is almost never cluttered.
I run Ubuntu with awesome or XFCE as WindowManger and im never looking back.
Does Adobe Photoshop natively support Ubuntu or no?
you can watch pr0n without fear of viruses
I use Gimp instead of Photoshop.
Also I heard Valve is porting their Source Engine to Ubuntu, so eventually decent 3D FPS games should become available for it.
not ubuntu, Linux
im using win7...
@Alec there is already Sauerbraten and much more 3D Games, much fun.
it manages everything and i dont have to think "is it available for ubuntu.." thats main reason why i dont switch to ubuntu
sauerbraten.org aka cube2
@Karem which OS manages everything?
Hardware manufacturers that are in pact with MS will try to cripple that process by not creating drivers...
@pce I never knew there were any games looking that beautiful for the Linux platform.
@Alec yes, there are some more. But you can connect within Cube2 to a server and play immediately.
I'll download it on my desktop(Win7), there's no way my laptop can run that.
hmm, when I type Just A Girl into ultimate-guitar.com I get Justin Bieber songs first. makes you wonder :D
Wow. Just realized my old laptop has a ATI Mobility Radeon X1200.
I can play pac man on it.
What does "0x007f" mean????? Esp. if ($some_int < 0x07ff) {}???????????
you too are playing with 'puters? @tereško ^
@metal_fan 295, I believe
@webarto what ?
@metal_fan *127
@tereško nothing, ignore, sorry...
@metal_fan have you ever heard of hexadecimal?
@Nile ok. but why some ppl type 0x7ff instead of 127???? I saw this approach in some frameworks. Why Why???
@metal_fan i'm actually not sure if it's 127...
@webarto yes. but I don't understand why some php-dev use them
so learn how to use them and find out
I've tried
but still can't get it
@Nile any real world example when to use hexadecimal's ??? in php
because 16 is 2^4
2 ^ ??? = 10
> Is here any number system, which is better than hexadecimal? Or will it be?
good bye
some people
@webarto log(10, 2)
Still don't see the importance of it. From what I understand from the article they're saying it's easier to understand. If the end result you're looking for is the simple-to-understand number you can read in the first place I don't see how using hexadecimals are more efficient on the system, or if they are I don't see how it's worth the frustration of trying to work with that scary system.
Seems more of a "Let's be elitist" approach to things.
@ircmaxell yes, but not what I thought :)
@Alec are you talking about using hex in PHP or in general?
@webarto Using it in PHP.
I'll brb, laptop battery is almost dead so I have to switch to my desktop.
@Alec you can easy set different flags in one number.
that's one of the reasons why hex and bitfieds so popular.
is it bad that I can access make and bin on shared hosting?
@webarto No. You are after all a regular user.
I'm playing with Phalcon .. not sure what I think of it yet
Install was drop dead easy
thats the worst way to judge a framework
it surpasses even the "it was recommended on /r/php" as measure for framework
@tereško I was noting it because the idea of a framework coming as a PHP extension was .. interesting (had to compile it)
So the business of actually compiling it, getting it loaded as a shared object and set up was rather easy.
(phalcon is written in C)
yeah . i know that part
I have yet to decide if I like it :P Relax :)
and there is a cat on my laptop
Of course, your laptop is warm :)
hmm, use of constructors is not recommended? Odd
@TimPost Models are primarily used for managing the rules of interaction with a corresponding database table Hmm, kinda makes me twitchy. It's an interesting idea for implementing a framework though. has it been done before?
@vascowhite Not that I know of. I've seen some home brewed 'mini' implementations purely for implementing some kind of RESTful API , but nothing this developed before
I may have a play around with it, see how it installs on windows :)
ehh . another "model is activerecord" framework
/me closes tab in disgust
@vascowhite That's what I'm doing. I just want to see how much it 'forces' on me before I consider it for something else.
did you install it on windows?
on reflection, I'll try it on an XP VM first so I don't mess anything up.
@TimPost find /gives all sorts of information but you are right, I can't do anything...
@webarto Most hosts also block you from using the system compiler, which is stupid because if someone can inject code to download code to be compiled they can also inject code to download a precompiled version. It's a false sense of security.
@webarto Just curious, can you run a head -c2 /dev/urandom and see if it returns anything?
That's probably a box you can be happy with then.
Did you check for open_basedir ?
@webarto That's a typical cpanel host, as long as PHP can read from /dev it seems to be a fine spot
(We need entropy as much as the next language, darnit!)
@TimPost so nothing unusual that you can read all of this as a normal cPanel user?
@webarto No, not at all. All users have to be able to read from / as /dev is a child of it (as is /bin and /usr/bin and /usr/share .. etc).
@TimPost I see, well didn't know that tbh, thank you for enlightening me.
@webarto Just check quickly for open_basedir (using PHP see if you can read /dev/urandom), that's a tweak WHM/Cpanel strongly encourages admins to make. If it's there, you'll have fun trying to use password libs.
open_basedir is kind of like the key lock on my phone. It mostly works only when I wish it wouldn't.
@TimPost open_basedir => no value => no value ? :)
@webarto Looks like a decent host then.
morning all
good morning 20k :)
@TimPost Thank you for input. I was hosting on it since 2007, I think servers are collocated in Softlayer (former The Planet), but that doesn't mean anything because you are controlling them. Admin is teacher for CCNA (etc.) so I guess he didn't made some obvious mistakes. Thanks again.
@TimPost oh, I just saw you are in hosting business, makes sense :)
@vascowhite There is / was? YAF
@webarto Yeah, I've been in it for quite a while.
@PeeHaa Looks like it is still maintained, latest release in July. pecl.php.net/package/yaf I haven't come across that one before.
While it does appear that the phalcon devs think everything in the world comes from a database, it is a very loosely coupled and fast framework. No concept of libraries while offering a singleton though, makes me blink rapidly

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