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any one familiar with imagepng() function in php GD
when we create a image with this function its size in respect of memory is increased
how I restrict it , that its size (memory ) retains same
@rdlowrey have u any idea?
somebody help :/ this guys an idiot... stackoverflow.com/questions/12119304/…
THANK YOU @rdlowrey
@Nile Yeah, I meant to go to sleep but that guys a moron, so I had to offer my $0.02
@rdlowrey I was actually going to go to sleep also before I saw him ranting about me being wrong...
Anyway, it's best not to engage those people. You know what they say about idiots: they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
I flagged one of his comments though ...
I flagged the original and one of his comments... those people. well thanks, gnite.
@Norse: Guess what? Messing up faster is still just messing up. Performance comparisons mean precisely nothing unless both programs work correctly. And since yours obviously doesn't, any comparison is meaningless. It doesn't matter how long it takes to do the wrong thing. — cHao 5 mins ago
i may never understand php ricers
so many of them would rather have their code be fast than actually work
@NikiC I'm on holiday :) (currently in Prague), nice of you to think of me when someone mentions "magic" though even if it is a little strange ;)
2 hours later…
@tereško Wow, you've been busy
nope , just happened to step into specific users trail
@tereško can you guide me, i'm on research project, with no deadlines, well, better if i can finish it within 5 months... here is what i have for now, not yet arrange, i wonder what i should do first, at present what i have done so far is registering, logging in users, check this link , , tny.cz/562e771f
hi ,, anyone there how can i load all core script js file in all pages
in yii framework
@JoeySalacHipolito , what sort of guidance ?
like what to do first..hahaha
coz im losing focus
@JoeySalacHipolito , start with the design , making the HTML and CSS part of it all.
it will act as your project specification
im finished with it...
and i assume that you are current working on user authentication then ( seems some from that file )
is that part dome too ?
yes, im planning to change the user authentication..
hello :)
i want to do it right, coz im doing it all wrong, well based on the videos you told me to watch
there are a lot of dpendencies and improper polymorphism..hahah
Hey guys, new question, I have a php file that does a shell execute that can take 5 minutes to complete, should I mysql_close($connection); before the start of the execution and then reinstate it after the execution is done?
or keep it open the whole time and just close it when completely done.
@Nile: since the OP seems to know exactly what he wants, he probably doesn't need any help...
@JoeySalacHipolito , here is a hint : don't use polymorphism to implement users with different access levels , that's a bad idea
you mean i will not use polymorphism to know if a user is an admin or what so ever?
@Darius i assume you mean $mysqli->close, cause you wouldn't be caught looking like a noob still using mysql_*. but yeah, i'd close the connection and reopen it once the subprocess is done
@JoeySalacHipolito , yes
i have gone down that road , it's not the rainbow and pot of gold that you find at the end of it .. just pain... lots and lots of pain
@cHao guilty as charged :p
Alright, thank you.
@tereško then how should i prevent repeated codes then, coz i always do $this->is_admin
@JoeySalacHipolito instead i would recommend you to implement something akin to RBAC system for you users , and employ it by using something similar to this structure
@JoeySalacHipolito $this->hasRole('admin')?
@JoeySalacHipolito , because you are asking the wrong question. It is not "what this user is" but "can user perform this action"
@tereško i'm gonna look at that . .. how i wish i could see a working code for it, hahaha...anyway, thanks, for now, i will try to understand that link
so what is better? should i use "can user perform this action?"
instead of knowing of what he is?
you care whether he has access. or, whether his group (or, any of his groups) have access.
uhmm, so its alright to check if he has the permission in every method or page?
read the post
okay, thanks, will read now,... see yah later...
if you care whether he has the permission...check it whenever it makes sense to check
if that means 50 times in one page, have fun
sounds wasteful, but unless you're going back to the db every time, you probably won't even notice
@Leigh Actually I remembered not because of the "magic", but because his avatar is colored similar to yours :D
Good morning
morning @Donut
Hello @NikiC, How are you?
@Donut Good :) You?
What is the best way to get time of page evaulation? From getting request to sending response?
@Donut: use microtime() function at the beginning and at the end of your page to compute the time it took to create the page
I meant something for benchmarks, I found Apache Bench
Let's see what it does
Sorry for my unclear question :S
People HELP
I want to uplad .XML file and want its direct link
like we open it on local machine
do you know any free site where I can upload thet file
so that it opens instead of downloading
@DextOr: What is your browser?
@Jocelyn I want to view it like we open .js file
on browser
@DextOr: What is your browser?
its chrome
@DextOr: whether it opens or downloads depends how the browser is configured (I am reposting since I accidentally deleted my own answer)
But I wan to open the uploaded .xml file on my mobile
So, you want to upload a file to server, and open it for example, in your notepad?
@DextOr: What is your question? Is it how to upload? Is it how to display a file instead of downloading it?
Good morning
hello @ircmaxell
I'm still blown away by the number of votes that answer got on a Friday night / Saturday morning
@ircmaxell foo
What's going on?
hi, aop?
thought about AOP. And did you said you could use decoraters instead of AOP?
ah, cool. i have a example where AOP could be a benifit.
When i need to update a View (Member of Model), the Controller updates the Model with a Setter,
than the Model has to update the View. That is easy as calling update after each Setter.
array($this, 'update')
With a Decorater i could not do the same?
Or, you could just make the data model observable, and bind as an observer...
ok, thanks i think about that.
Because with AOP things can get dirty.
ie. when i have a clear Method thats not called setClear() and i have to hardcode $this->update() on such methods, right?
sounds strange
why would the model be updating view ?
it would require the model layer to be aware of presentation layer
@tereško Thats not MVC in PHP.
which .. then why are you talking about non-php MVC in php chat room ?
Sorry, i better think about your Question.
The Implementation is not in a PHP-Way.
When theres such a Way ;)
The PHP Way is MVC Version 2.
In MVC (v1) the Model updates the View.
The View is not an Implementation.
version 2? version 1?
there's only one MVC pattern
and it's useless in PHP
what people have been implementing is NOT MVC
they use the term because it borrows some principles, but it's not the pattern
Yes, there are very different Implementations of MVC.
6 more upvotes until I get a silver in security (which only 3 others have)...
@pce No, there's only 1 implementation of MVC
There's other implementations that people call MVC
but that doesn't make it correct...
@pce what you are talking about is classical MVC , where View observes the Model
and if state of model layer changes , then view requests new information
what we in PHP and other web-development languages use are MVC-inspired design patterns : Model2 MVC, MVP and MVVM .. and to some extent HMVC ( but that's not directly linked to classical MVC bloodline )
so ... what we have been trying to say is: you have no clue what you are talking about
ah, yeah, i mean something like Model2 or HMVC with Version 2, thx.
there is no "HMVC with version 2"
and i need to go to buy some food
sorry: yeah, youre right, i meant something like (Model2 or HMVC) with MVC v2.
funked up country is recognized when you need this amount of paper to buy a normal laptop
i need to buy some meat or i will be improvising again
@ircmaxell I couldn't really understand your comment, can you use simple English? :) Title is pro remote working, but conclusion is that they should be treated the same..
The conclusion is that remote is better than local
which is flawed
@tereško how or what is improvosing for you, pasta?
well .. it's when you open the fridge and go "yup, none of this really counts as food"
@ircmaxell I think combination of both works best, I personally got too lazy and work 1-2 days effectively in a week... but I think this, even it's a comic, is a true story... theoatmeal.com/comics/working_home
I'm not saying it's wrong
I'm saying the proof and premise is wrong
of course, not wrong, not right... there isn't solid proof from benefits of remote working because it is relatively new thing...
office is healthier for sure...
he presented it as a proof
which is what my comment is about
huah, the comic is a bit mean. the social disaster. in the end, communications and regular meetings (maybe monthly) are important.
A: SQL injection that gets around mysql_real_escape_string()

ircmaxellThe short answer is yes, yes there is a way to get around mysql_real_escape_string(). for certain obscure edge-cases The long answer isn't so easy. It's based off an attack demonstrated here. The Attack So, let's start off by showing the attack... mysql_query('SET NAMES GBK'); $var = mysql_re...

cool, got it, sorry
epic answer
i want mvc version 2
mvc 2.0
yes that link plz
MVC beta
@webarto i meant to ask you yesterday: where can i get a jquery plugin which cures the common cold
I think you can buy at codecanyon.net :P
if it doesn't work, let me know, and I'll fix you up with v 2.0
@ircmaxell well-detailed explanation!
ok gottagokthxbai
@ircmaxell is a backtick injection possible, e.g. if someone quotes values with backtick, I couldn't reproduce though, because MySQL doesn't allow backticks around values...
SELECT * FROM users WHERE `username` = `admin`AND `password` = `1 ` OR 1 = 1
that's automatically a SQLi
this was never possible?
<sub><sub><sup><sub><sup><sub>for certain obscure edge-cases</sub></sup></sub></sup></sub></sub>
@webarto I'd rather like to see that with *** and CAPS.
@webarto 100 too :D
This sentence was generated by a computer program that does not make misteks.
...............................................................  63 / 633 (  9%)

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............................................................... 441 / 633 ( 69%)
Time: 44 seconds, Memory: 13.75Mb

OK, but incomplete or skipped tests!
Tests: 743, Assertions: 608, Skipped: 19.
Is that the new post-your-CI-results-to-SO-chat bot?
nah, just doing some significant fixes to passwordlib
closing some exceedingly minor security issues
oh, you reminded me
there was that thing that you wanted to tell :P
what thing?
I don't know
something about passwordlib
and you having a good day ^^
@Truth so we can tweet now I guess :D
@NikiC @ircmaxell wrote that :P http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5741187/sql-injection-that-gets-around-mysql-real-escape-string/12118602#12118602
any one help me on making cron job in plesk
Ahh, the "good day" thing
ping me in private (irc or gtalk, whatever)
@ircmaxell will a bit later, got to go now
@webarto then
what then then what
@webarto can u explain what image means...?
Hello guys, I am trying to get all the rows from a query, Query: $query = "SELECT DISTINCT f_id from answers WHERE idq = '2'";, the query is fine, it returns me every unique 'f_id' (like 10 or so), but when I try to output it: $result = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query)); print_r($result); it gives me only the first row, any clue why?
@webarto i am getting error No such file or directory
Russian Batmans
@Karan where do you get the error?
login via SSH and type crontab -e
but I gave you the link to make cron job via GUI
Hello guys, I am trying to get all the rows from a query, Query: $query = "SELECT DISTINCT f_id from answers WHERE idq = '2'";, the query is fine, it returns me every unique 'f_id' (like 10 or so), but when I try to output it: $result = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_query($query)); print_r($result); it gives me only the first row, any clue why?
@webarto reading GUI
@Mihai how many rows have an idq of 2? also - don't use mysql functions.
it gives me a result of 23~ rows
@Mihai while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){var_dump($row);} ... and it should be $result = mysql_query($query);
What I need to do, is to extract those IDs from that table, and then queryh another table with the id's to retrieve some info, I've manged to get it right using while($var =
mysql_fetch_row only gets one row
Yea, I just find out that :)
do what he said ^
6 more upvotes till a silver in security... And 7 more to a gold populist badge... :-D
@webart, yes thank you, I just did that, now I must explode them or something, to make another query WHERE f_id = 'result,result,result' :D thank you.
@ircmaxell post a link on Twitter :P
@Mihai WHERE f_id = 'result' OR f_id = 'result2' OR '...' = '...'
Did you know you can #SQLInject PDO::prepare() and mysql_real_escape_string()??? http://stackoverflow.com/a/12118602/338665 (under certain circumstances)...
@ircmaxell 1765 more upvotes on my questions and I get a trusted user badge :-)
I got that nearly 2 years ago :-P
because you write poems, not answers :P
or short novels
@ircmaxell wait, why are you awake in the morning on Saturday? :)
@ircmaxell pinged you on efnet
I had lost my connection
freaking computer went to sleep because the CPU got too hot
you guys are so passee, efnet pffff....
Time: 5 seconds, Memory: 16.75Mb

OK, but incomplete or skipped tests!
Tests: 856, Assertions: 643, Skipped: 38.
Can I cancel one of my own flags on a question, answer or comment?
then I'll get a declined flag
yes , and this automatically comes 10$ fine
What does a normal arrow (solid, thin headed) mean in an UML diagram?
@PeeHaa Hello :)
@PeeHaa morning
posted on August 25, 2012 by Stubblog - Planet PHP

With the release of vfsstream 1.1.0 a whole range of new features is introduced. First and foremost is support for new features which became possible with PHP 5.4, namely that 5.4 enables support for touch(), chown(), chgrp() and chmod() on stream wrappers. vfsStream 1.1.0 now supports these functions, which means they can be applied to vfsStream urls. This allows to test functions and met

stackoverflow.com/users/285587/your-common-sense his account his suspended until May 7th, 2013. Many of his answers or comments are in the review queue...
@Truth association , i think
@Jocelyn I like how 1 year ban is temponary
Q: Reversing a year long ban on Meta Stack Overflow

thejartenderAfter a year of waiting I am finally able to ask a proper question here and I do expect a reasonable answer. I am a 30 year old Java developer suffering from a brain tumor and the after effects of 2 surgeries. I have just found out that I am due for a third surgery within 2 weeks. In 2011, I w...

An answer I am reviewing is exactly that: "Yes (See comments elsewhere)"
This is incredibly useless...
That's it. I'm done with all those array question. Would it be an idea to write a complete answer / question about how PHP arrays work and how to loop through them / access items?
Let's write giant PHP array FAQ
Or is there already some pretty complete post about this?
the PHP documentation says much already
@Jocelyn Probably not enuff snippets to copy
there are lots of examples on this page
@Jocelyn That reminds me to setup my wiki... brb
@NikiC How should you edit the wiki on php.net? With the online editor?
I'll just try and find out I guess :)
@LeviMorrison, when you get here, could you go to the chat room? Thanks ;)
Why am i getting this error? Doesnt make sense:
ErrorException [ 2 ]: htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument ~ SYSPATH/classes/kohana/html.php [ 66 ]
I am running a query through Kohana Query Builder, main job is that i am moving data to another database
My bet is that there is some html data which it dont like
thing is im not using htmlspecialchars...>.<
@NikiC Lots of girls here that remind me of @PeeHaas avatar ;)
@Leigh In Prague?
@PeeHaa You mean like wiki.php.net? or which wiki?
@NikiC wiki.php.net
@Jocelyn I just noticed somebody inserted some big chunk of info at the top of the array docs about string offset differences in PHP 5.3 and 5.4 :(
@PeeHaa what's your question?
I got rid of that
@PeeHaa login, edit page
the login link is at the bottom somewhere
@NikiC it isn't me, but may be someone else who read your earlier comment
@Jocelyn not sure what you mean there?
@PeeHaa go to the wiki page you want to edit (login if you haven't already) and click the "create this page" button if the page doesn't already exist, or the "edit this page" if it does exist.
@PeeHaa you can log in with your SVN credentials.
@NikiC I was replying to your last sentence, I thought you wanted to know if I was the one modifying the array docs
@Jocelyn Nah, I was just complaining
news.php.net/php.internals/62485 -- since when is ajf part of "the php group" ?!
that's the question
is ISP synonym for hosting company?
@webarto no
ISP = Internet service provider. This is the company that provides internet access to people or companies
ISPs should have moved to 5.3 long ago.
and this is not the first time I saw it...
@webarto Yes.
Q: PHP mysql register password

rtc11This is probably not secure but ignore that. Ive made a simple homepage with login, registration and logout. But im having a problem storing the password in my database. It somewhat looks hashed/salted. I dont understand much when Im not hashing it myself. In fact I have no experience with saltin...

The answer got 5 upvotes for suggesting a way to hack the OP's server (since the code doesn't escape any data at all)
@webarto web hosting services is one class of service that an ISP can provide.
An Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides access to the Internet. Internet service providers can be either community-owned and non-profit, or privately owned and for-profit. Access ISPs directly connect clients to the Internet using copper wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections. Hosting ISPs lease server space for smaller businesses and other people (colocation). Transit ISPs provide large amounts of bandwidth for connecting hosting ISPs to access ISPs. History The Internet started off as a closed network between government research laboratories and re...
^^ gives an outline of the different classes
@salathe of course, ISP can haz hosting services, but all of them are in fact en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_hosting_service providers
@webarto IHS providers are ISPs, not all ISPs are IHS providers. Is that clearer?
clear, thanks
Against my better judgement I answered a question that was 5 months old and had no answers from a one-time user. I'm blatantly angling for a necromancer badge. If you find the answer worthwhile, please consider an to subsidize my rep-whoring adventures:
A: Calculate content length POST

rdlowreyThe Content-Length value should be calculated by totaling all data after the termination of the message headers. In the case of your example, this is everything after this point (with CRLF characters included for readability): ... Content-Length: ?????\r\n Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boun...

@rdlowrey You might want to make it clearer that the delimiter of the headers / body are two CRLF's
@rdlowrey Would downvotes on this answer get you an "anti-necromancer" badge?
@Jocelyn lol
@Jocelyn Hey, any badge is a good badge :)
Let's downvoting! :-p
Hey people. Are ajax generated elements added to the dom? When i post to database, my ajax generated radio buttons are not detected....
@John Did you add them inside your form?
How would your browser display them if they weren't added to the DOM?
Yes, the radio buttons with values are appended to the div container inside the form.
Is this a problem with IE?
@John Can you isolate the problem code and make a jsfiddle out of it?
Will try and come back later, thanks
God bless GIF...
did you know that PNG can be animated too? APNG
this animation lacks jquery code
@Jocelyn Definitely, that png needs moar jQuery.
There should be something like jpng.
<trolling>The PNG is not animated with IE8 and IE8 can't even display SVG pictures</trolling>
A: ImageMagick creating thumbnail

mat// Set directory $dir = "images/"; // Count .gif files in a certain directory if(count(glob("" . $dir . "*.gif")) == 0) { echo "No images found"; } else { // Open dir if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { // Store files in array while (false!==($file = readdir($handle))...

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