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2:57 AM
Hello :)
4 hours later…
7:02 AM
Nice to see @NikiC again, if only remotely (watching the fwdays talk right now).
7:58 AM
@Stephen PHP/FI and PHP 3 hosting is also still available (probably not for new customers, though).
8:54 AM
@SebastianBergmann I missed it :/ Will it be uploaded somewhere?
1 hour later…
9:59 AM
@Danack I added other languages as well as benefits/drawbacks to the nullsafe op RFC. Mind giving it a read-through? github.com/iluuu1994/nullsafe-operator-rfc/blob/v1/rfc.md
> In Object-C accessing properties and calling methods on nil is always ignored
> This makes ?-> in write context a more strict alternative of ??=.
That probably needs the equivalent with shortcircuit so people can see the difference.
oh wait, I just misread it.
@Danack It's comparable to the example just above, I realize the flow of that is a little weird...
the code block:
// Without short circuiting:
// Fatal error: Can't use nullsafe result value in write context

// With short circuiting:
don't use the descriptions, just put the actual code.
@Danack And describe it underneath?
if the code is there, would it need a description?
You don't need to make the counter argument. The "Drawbacks" block probably doesn't add anything to the case for shortcircuiting.
10:04 AM
@Danack I mean, it's the result of the code just above it :) so the code is already there
@Danack I think the main argument for no short circuiting is simplicity.
hmmm, imo it's people thinking that you can always avoid null, and going five hundred miles out of their way to avoid touching it...
I'll do a pr in a bit...
@Danack That'd be great! Thanks :)
@Danack To clarity: The comments are the result of the same line of code just above with the different implementations.
Build fails due to undeclared ZIP_RDONLY ・ Compile Failure ・ #79678
So, how $foo?->bar = 'bar'; is interpreted with or without short circuiting.
For the text "Why short circuiting?" did someone ask that somewhere? If so, can you link their question so I can see the context they were asking in please.
10:19 AM
@Danack It was Nikita, he was just asking to clarify why the RFC proposes using short circuiting. He didn't necessarily want to imply that it's not the right thing but just that we make a fair comparison.
Ah, need to explain why the Rasmus optimization is appropriate to apply here...
@Danack You also need to explain what the Rasmus optimization is because I have no clue ^^
@IluTov Rasmus optimization aka optimisation.
I have a question on stack but noone seems to be able to answer, any chance one of you guys could take a look:
Do you have any relationship in Message model ? — Khalid Khan yesterday
@Danack WTF?
@ASP.NETMVCStudentProgrammer don't use sock puppet accounts.
What's a sock puppet account?
Hold on let me google it
my coffee isn't working....
This is the same account as the question
I just wanted to post the question here because I asked it yesterday and noone answered it, now its buried down in the depths where noone will see it & I dont have enough rep yet to offer a bounty
10:29 AM
@ASP.NETMVCStudentProgrammer I don't know much about Laravel but you could try dumping the message (<?php dump($message); ?>) just above the line that breaks to see what you get.
You might have to use var_dump if dump isn't available, I think it should be though.
Yeah I could give that a go, yep var_dump is a functional form. I could also try ddd
11:16 AM
Is it somehow possible to globally exclude w3schools from my google searches? They seem to have even more aggressive seo than before …
and being more peskingly in the first spots
@IluTov yeah, the ctor args evaluation was simple short-circuited away if there was no ctor defined pre 7.1 :-D
@bwoebi Interesting :D
@bwoebi In Chrome?
@IluTov Don't know, sorry.
11:33 AM
@Tpojka in firefox
@Tpojka but obviously I don't want to always manually add the site exclusion
@bwoebi Sure. Then you'd need to make some plugin/extension for it. I don't see other option.
Maybe there are better ones, it's the first one I found for Firefox.
I mean there are some assumably , but I don't use those kind of sw made from others. However I surf in private browsing mode. :in_your_face_conspiracy_theory:
@IluTov It's not so big, just regex. I'd go with own plugin. Recently I made Chrome c/p character counter for own use just for reasons mentioined. :B
@Tpojka Why write your own plugin when there is something that covers your use case? I'm way too lazy for that.
11:43 AM
@Tpojka You can enable plugins in private windows. You can also choose an open source one and audit it yourself if that's important to you.
@IluTov Excluding results is telling Google what they should refine in ad offer to myself. "Ads confusion" is only real reaon I surf in private browsing. Although I am not sure in PP/ToU what Google can with my JS code in case I am logged to browser (useing chrome) in non-private mode.
To be back on topics, I also noticed invasion of w3schools and geeksforgeeks links regarding PHP basics for example.
12:08 PM
12:42 PM
@Tpojka I stuck a filter on my ad blocker for geeksforgeeks because their site kept showing above PHP manual entries, and I kept auto-pilot clicking the first link in results...
@IluTov per browser extension … hmm… well cool :-D
@bwoebi It's also open source btw: github.com/pistom/hohser
thanks :-)
1:00 PM
@Tiffany That. I mean I noticed their search results intrusion. Either they do amazing job with SEO either people can't realize what official documentation is.
Or they don't care :/
I dunno how good their site is, I haven't read any articles, but because it kept showing above the PHP manual annoyed me enough to not even bother checking
Neglecting ads, not bad contents with some nice puzzles/tasks examples. Although official docs shouldn't have no challenger in terms of basic understanding. Such is description of inbuilt functions from your saying, for example.
2:01 PM
when tea is that perfect temperature of still tasting amazing, but not mouth-burning hot
2:14 PM
@Tiffany I assume it's like coffee, where that time is only about a minute.
@Trowski but tastes amazing
2:33 PM
can't find a golang room, should there be any concern for installing golang on baremetal for a Windows box?
probably not - no idea how well their tooling works on windows though
non-void return in __construct should generate at least warning ・ Scripting Engine problem ・ #79679
3:24 PM
^ PHP's constructors are weird; Id always assumed they were magic in some way, but it turns out they're just normal methods that the engine happens to call just after creating an object and throw away the result
they're more like an "on-construct hook" really!
Yup nothing terribly special about them in some weird way lol
3:45 PM
Guys, should clone $foo?->bar be skipped or error if $foo is null? (same with new). It never makes sense to pass null to any of them but I fear the rules for what belongs to the chain will get too complicated (for users, not the interpreter)
It should do what $f = null; clone $f; would do
my gut is that it should short-circuit only further uses of ->
because that's a nice easy-to-explain line
but I haven't thought deeply, so I may be way off
@IMSoP That rule mostly applies (including ::, [], () that is) except for assignments (null?->bar = 'bar'; will skip the assignment). Since we skip it there maybe it would make sense to also skip clone and new but I'm also not sure how I feel about it. The use cases would be pretty small but the complexity of allow it is practically 0.
new and clone aren't like assignment, though, they're just using the value of the expression
@IMSoP Sure, I just mean that' s one more case where the short circuiting extends what most people would think is "the chain".
3:52 PM
that's why I say you need a clear line
(Also, ++$foo?->bar too)
otherwise, couldn't $a = $foo?->bar * 100 + $somethingElse be considered "a chain"
@IMSoP Yeah it's very hard to make a clear line here. For some binary operators using null makes no sense (e.g. +-*/) but for some it does (??) but extending short circuiting per operator would be a mess.
I don't see why $a = new $b?->foo should be any different from $a = myFunctionThatCreatesThings($b?->foo)
assignments of various sorts are different, because they're not just evaluating the value of the expression, they're evaluating it as something to assign to
l-value vs r-value, as some languages put it
@IMSoP Not sure I follow. ?-> can already produce r-, or l-values.
@IMSoP I think I'll leave it this way for now. Adding short-circuiting to clone and new should be a BC change if we want to add it at some point.
3:58 PM
short-circuiting when producing an l-values (assignments etc) makes sense to me
anything just producing a value, I'm less convinced by
@IMSoP Sure, but it also makes sense with r-values (which will be much more common)
I think chaining other instances of -> makes sense
everything else I'm not convinced by
because you're crossing domains, effectively
as in, people think of $foo[1][2][3] as "a multi-dimensional array", even though in PHP it's actually an array which happens to contain other arrays
similarly, $foo->bar->baz->quux feels like "a multi-dimensional object", so treating it as a tightly-bound chain makes sense
but new ($foo->bar[42]->baz) is taking an object, then an array, then an object, then a string; why should that be "a chain" rather than just "an expression"?
@IMSoP So just to clarify: Do you mean short circuiting isn't useful for r-values or nullsafe isn't useful for r-values?
I think short-circuiting isn't intuitive for r-values
precisely because you have to have a lookup table of which things will be short-circuited and which won't
@IMSoP Ok :) I've written a few words on it in the RFC, can you see if those make sense to you? wiki.php.net/rfc/nullsafe_operator
It's not a whole lot, it definitely needs improvement.
But I don't think only short circuiting for assignments is a good idea.
4:08 PM
yeah, I can definitely see the case for -> being short-circuited for both reads and writes
I'm just less convinced it needs to extend beyond that
@IMSoP I do think it should be pretty intuitive for the most part (short circuiting stops where you'd normally add a space between two expressions). The only exception is assignments (=, +=, ??= and the special case ++/--).
I don't find array access intuitive
@IMSoP That makes sense. I'll leave it this way for now.
it's not obvious to me why echo $foo?->bar[42] should be allowed but echo $foo?->bar + 42 not
@IMSoP Hmm. I definitely think most people would consider it part of the chain. I think this is also how most other languages do it, although I haven't verified that specific case.
@IMSoP A chain is pretty much this: ((($foo)->bar)['baz])). An addition is two separate sub-expressions ($foo?->bar) + (42) so it makes sense to me that they each have their own chain.
4:12 PM
Now this is annoying, PHP's ini system converts the value "yes" to "1" and "no" to "". ... not handy if you want to check for 'yes' or 'no' :-/
we're fortunate that $foo->bar() is distinct in PHP from ($foo->bar)(), so "evaluating the result as a callable" doesn't need to be included to make chains of method calls work
@Derick Make them use yess and noo :P
"null?->bar = 'bar'; will skip the assignment" → That's not what I would expect. I would expect that to error out, as the LHV evaluates to null. And doing null = 'bar' makes no sense to me.
@IluTov I don't follow that example; ($foo)->bar) returns an array, and ['baz'] acts on that array
@Derick I asked about that in the chat here, pretty much everybody "voted" for the assignment to be skipped :)
4:14 PM
like I say, you're crossing domains from "a multi-dimensional object" into "just doing something with the result"
even more clearly with $foo?->bar()[42]
I might add an analysis of just how short circuiting is implemented in other languages. I think the way currently described is consistent with most of them.
@Derick I think the logic is that it's like null?->setBar('bar') - the ? is skipping the "assign to property" action, not the "look up property to assign to" action
4:31 PM
I have a makefile. I run a Symfony command in it. I get make[1]: *** [test] Error 1 (test is the target name). When I run that target line myself, it runs fine. Any ideas?
@Jimbo Run the command with -vvv to get a stack trace.
@IluTov Are you sure? -vvv at the end of the bin/console command? I see nothing extra when I add that in my makefile
@Jimbo Oh sorry I misread your question. My knowledge on makefiles is extremely limited.
4:54 PM
@Jimbo path / env var issues?
when you run it interactively, you're invoking it through your shell, which will have $PATH and a bunch of other stuff defined; when run through the Makefile, that may not be the case
@Jimbo I remember seeing you very anti-idiomatic golang, is there anything I should be aware of while learning it for the first time? possibly articles or something to read?
@IluTov for the record, your interpretation of array access as "part of the chain" rather than "evaluating to an array" matches the current behaviour of isset: 3v4l.org/i9mWP
of course, that doesn't include method calls, only property accesses, but if $foo?->bar[42] is OK, it probably does make sense for $foo?->bar()[42] to be OK as well
@IMSoP Cool, I think we're on the same page. I appreciate your feedback!
5:18 PM
@Tiffany I did tour.golang.org — very helpful
@Derick currently going through golang.org/doc/code.html, and beating my head on my desk trying to understand how to use a package I just made in another package... but I haven't started googling yet to figure out what I've done wrong, trying to figure it out myself first...
@Derick thanks :D
packages are tricky, and they've changed that recently for modules
it doesn't help the instructions are specific to Linux, and I'm trying to adapt it to Windows... but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right... guess it's time to google
5:24 PM
I think you'd find most of these tutorials etc are written for Linux :-/
let me know if you've questions, I can try to help :-)
5:39 PM
I guess trying to use git bash instead of command prompt is the root of most of my problems :|
maybe I can use WSL instead... really don't like command prompt
@Tiffany You shouldn't avoid Vagrant or Docker.
3 hours ago, by Tiffany
can't find a golang room, should there be any concern for installing golang on baremetal for a Windows box?
I mean Vagrant with Linux or Docker with Linux will help you avoid 95% non-linux development errors.
yeah, shrug, if I can't get the example project to work under Windows through using command prompt, then I'll give docker a go
...pun not intended
@Tiffany Fortunately, officials didn't mention any concerns about Windows environment. Again, did you get some kind of error during installation?
5:48 PM
@Tpojka I did at first, but it was because I had a previous installation from 2018... I uninstalled that and deleted folders, then reinstalled and errors went away
@Tiffany Way to go. :)
yup, using git bash was my problem :/ works fine using command prompt or goland's terminal
(to be more specific, git bash wasn't allowing me to set the environment variables for GOBIN and GOPATH, even with using set env and specifying a different directory, then using export, but command prompt uses what I've set in Windows)
6:20 PM
Just installed go in Vagrant Ubuntu with literally two clicks/commands.
7:19 PM
Hi. I know this room is for PHP. But can someone help me with a doubt about Magento?
Does Magento support oauth authentication for customers?
I went through the documentation at : https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.4/get-started/authentication/gs-authentication-oauth.html

But it's not clear if any customer can login to a third party app using oauth
@Tiffany Long one... There's a really great exercise I did a month or so in. If you try and use channels and goroutines to do the following, you learn a lot. It's a bit like OOP in a sense. When you have a problem to solve, you think up a bunch of classes which sometimes are nouns of the things you're making. "I'm going to download a zip file and unzip it" could be one object for downloading a file, one for unzipping. So you can do the same with Go but with goroutine functions...
@Tiffany If you made a mini project to take a url, download a public git repo, unzip it, search for files of a certain type, then copy those files out, before deleting the zip and cleaning up, each one of those things becomes a function. Goroutines. And you communicate between them with channels which you create outside of the goroutines and pass them in. When one goroutine has done it's work, it puts something into the channel, which another one is listening on
For example, the "download git repo" function takes in a channel, and once it's downloaded the repo, it puts the path into the channel. Now the next function is listening on that same channel and reads the path, and then runs an unzip. Then writes to the next channel which another one is listening on to search for files. etc. etc
Simplest way to imagine a channel is a round pipe that you're shoving stuff in on one end and on the other end someones listening to it. Apart from some weird stuff where you have to do a for{ select{ case <-someChannelHere: ... } } (select blocks waiting for a channel to have something in it, and for means once select has finished it runs agian listening on the pipe for the next thing.
Bit convoluted but there is a good book "Concurrency in Go", but I highly recommend you just try basic putting something in a pipe and listening on it on the other end, then build up yourself as you go along with Stackoverflow / google to help
before you resign yourself to paying for something that's freely available in many different formats
But just be aware of anyone who tells you that you shouldn't do something. Think entirely language agnostically when you hear that, otherwise it's likely just a fanboy
7:34 PM
go community on line is not like the php community on line :-)
@Derick that's what I've heard... and scares me slightly
@Jimbo I have a whole bunch of Go code that could really do with a good review, but I don't want to open source all of it :-S Guess I have to pay somebody...
@Jimbo thanks for the detailed answer :)
@Derick Surely you could open source generic versions of it? The rest would then be proprietary / just syntax
@Derick is that your rewrite of xdebug into Go? :P
7:38 PM
@Tiffany Sure! Also avoid golangbridge. I had two runins there. One I called myself retarded when I figured something out and thanked everyone for the help, and then two people had a bit of a go at me saying I shouldn't say that word and one who sent me a private message saying "Hi. This is Bill whatever. You shouldn't do X Y Z" - like I know or care who bill whatever is
And finally, some netflix guy went crazy at me for suggesting something against their Go religion and I was told they'd never offer me a job etc. I was just polite. Got a screenshot of it in here somewhere
So not a very nice community so far
nothing like PHP
Ah yeah
Hi, I need help, some asessment. I installed prestashop using installtron but I don't know how to tweak it or make it work, please help, I need to modify the layout
it shows me error 500 and wont let me see the website or login into the admin panel
have you checked an error log?
500 error is a server error, and it should be logged somewhere
can you help me set it up?
I just installed it via installtron
havent done anything else
7:44 PM
I don't know anything about prestashop or installtron
im gonna wait for my question to be answered thanks anyway
@ignacioSpisso By reading your question, maybe instead of waiting you can send an email to hosting provider and ask them what is error/log?
@Jimbo Only little bits. Not the clever bits :-/
@Jimbo Tim seems like a lovely fellow
8:13 PM
ohai 11 o/
@Jimbo But you are retarded
....inb4 flag
See! We in the phP cOmMuNiTy are honest and fair
In retarded related news @Jimbo I see you have been dabbling in php again. Moved companies again or you found a use for php?
8:21 PM
@fbuchlak implied /s
@fbuchlak Welcome to room 11. Thanks I hate it!
@PeeHaa Side-project. If I want all the complexity of sessions, logging in / out, authentication / authorization, even templating with a front-end, PHP is by far the right tool for the job here, far ahead of Go.
Still using Go in the back-back end for microservices
Yeah makes sense to me
You still at sixt I assume right?
Yep. Although I am potentially in the market for another job, 2 years becomes the point where you "become part of the furniture" as multiple previous bosses have told me, but it's a bit risky right now with the COVID stuff. Also waiting to get some promotino or something to keep me interested
I'm at the 2-year mark. I feel the same way.
8:28 PM
@Jimbo yeas. Probably better to hold on for a moment or at least make sure you have something solid
Provably wait till after summer.
There are companies that have lowered wages because there are more developers due to layoffs
No chance I'm having that :D
Fuck that shit in specific
fwiw I am kinda lucky as the branch I work in atm is doing gooood because of viri :D
@PeeHaa do you work for a terrorist org? because of all orgs that would use PHP a terrorist one would
What can do good from a virus? Supermarkets, streaming services
You work for Pronhub don't you @PeeHaa
8:36 PM
Business is booming with everyone stuck at home not able to date.
@Jimbo ecommerce / order management
9:19 PM
is it just me or are user comments completely gone from PHP manual pages?
like pages I know had comments, and are no longer there...
Some of them were... well let's say they were on drugs
commenters or pages? :P
it's like someone did a drop table on user comments...
9:36 PM
possibly of interest, a tool that is specialised for figuring out what is taking up binary code size: github.com/google/bloaty
9:58 PM
... best project name
> Bloaty McBloatface
OK, absent any sign of comments in the engine code I'm stuck just staring at lines and not knowing with them. :-(

I'm back on partials. Per @IluTov's suggestion earlier, I'm trying to figure out how to generate the opcodes for a function that just calls one other function, and then pass that to zend_create_closure(). However... it looks like the arguments for that are undocumented, and the examples I'm finding all use embedded calls to other functions/macros/not sure, which are themselves undocumented.
Like... What is EX()?
@Crell shorthand for member access on execute_data
EX(foo) = execute_data.foo
Erm. And execute_data is a magic variable name?
yes and no, well, it's a parameter of the vm functions
@Crell every ZEND_VM_* function in zend_vm_def.h is getting execute_data passed
Erm. Is this like bash script, where a function gets passed stuff but it's not in the signature, you just have to sorta know how to decode it?
10:14 PM
@Crell #define ZEND_OPCODE_HANDLER_ARGS zend_execute_data *execute_data
and every generated function from that file has that as part of the signature (see zend_vm_execute.h)
but for our purposes, execute_data is generally sort-of a global variable
just consider it present in all of vm_def.h
I didn't understand the first two lines, but the second two at least I followed, ish...
So what are the parameters to zend_create_closure?
@Crell void zend_create_closure(zval *res, zend_function *op_array, zend_class_entry *scope, zend_class_entry *called_scope, zval *this_ptr); that you mean?
I'm assuming there's 3 parts here I need to do:
1) Extract type information from the function that is being partialed.
2) Create an array of opcodes that correspond to calling said function.
3) Call zend_create_closure() to make a closure that calls said function.
Yes, I found it in the code. But it doesn't do a great deal to tell me what those arguments actually mean.
(I'm a documentation guy. This codebase hurts me.)
10:33 PM
@Crell in particular scope and called_scope … sigh
I always have to figure out what these mean as well
At least it's not just me...
Why isn't any of this documented inline?
Something something the code is obvious if you know the VM?
But I do agree with you php-src is at times pretty painful to read
"At times". :-)
One of the reasons I haven't looked much in the VM yet
Well the zend_string API is mostly alright because there is documentation in phpinternalsbook.com
However the Hash API doesn't have any docs, should be easier in master as Nikita added some similar helper for HashTable like for zend_string
Sometimes the naming is confusing with STR because well it can mean 1 of 3 things, a char*, zend_string, smart_string
I have no idea what you just said... :-)
Trying to work on Zend Engine is a great way to cut down any sense of ego someone has. I haven't felt this dumb in a while.
10:43 PM
Well... I know stuff that I need to deal with
Oh for sure
I got a PR breaking the JIT, I have no clue why, nor how to fix it
And Nikita doesn't have a good idea either
So I'm waiting for Dmitry to respond to my ping on the PR :|
I was looking at the patch Nikita made for short lambdas, which are very similar to what I'm trying to do in concept, but I couldn't make out what was going on.
It wasn't implemented in one place; it was kind of all over.
10:49 PM
@Crell well, scope is the scope where the closure is defined, called_scope is the scope in which the closure gets executed
i.e. when you do class foo { static function bar() { return function() { ... }; } } foo::bar()->call(new stdClass); the scope is foo, but the called_scope becomes the scope of new stdClass (i.e. stdclass)
@Crell a bunch of the patch seems to be some cleanup because fn captures variables from the previous scope, which is kinda irrelevant for what you want to do, and that seems to be the majority of what the compile modifications do
Mm, actually it is relevant. I do want to have scope capture.
Well then you've got the work already laid out in some sense
It's figuring out that sense that still escapes me. :-/
Can't help you here :-/ I kinda "get" the code, but I can't tell you how it works nor how to add what you want to do :(
10:54 PM
In concept, if I could literally translate foo(5, ?); into fn(string $x) => foo(5, $x); that would be ideal. The functionality I'm going for is literally that. But the need to extract the types so that the created closure is type-correct is what prevents me from just doing everything at the AST level the way I did for function compose.
and the scope is in general immutable, it's relevant for class constant resolution etc. (what is self::class going to be?) - the called_scope however is for the scope of the $this, i.e. whose class' private methods are accessible
in general you just want to 1:1 copy the scope (it's closure->func->op_array.scope) and called_scope (closure->called_scope) from an existing closure
and for new closure creations,scope is still func->op_array.scope, and called_scope should be Z_OBJCE(EX(This))
OK.... let's take a step back, because I'm clearly not at a level where the words you're saying are useful for me. :-(
Inside that pseudo-function... what actual values do I even have to work with?
@Crell you have EX(call) - which is the assembled function call you are going to transform
hi, I need help installing prestashop. Can someone help me?
So in the example of foo(5, ?), EX(call) refers to what?
If the other code I have in here is correct, it should get called in place of calling foo(). (That's what I'm intercepting.)
11:05 PM
it's a _zend_execute_data struct, which contains info like num of args, This($this) and func (the zend_function)
the actual passed args are trailing that struct in memory
So I want: _zend_execute_data* info = EX(call);

followed by digging through info for the information I want?
The called_scope is going to be Z_OBJCE(info->This) and scope is info->func->common.scope
(for the purposes of zend_create_closure)
heap.space/xref/php-src/Zend/zend_compile.h?r=064b4644#492 - So, that looks like it's the result of calling a function, not of about to call a function? Or am I misreading it?
@Crell it's the state that exists for the duration of the function call, so sort of both
Oh good.
I have to keep reminding myself this is C, the least functional-programming, immutable data language in widespread use. :-)
11:12 PM
global $allTheThings;
/me twitches.
also potentially relevant is heap.space/xref/php-src/Zend/zend_API.h?r=a7908c2d#43-58 @Crell, although full disclosure I haven't bothered to read up and see what you are actually talking about :-P
Deprecated: Function mcrypt_decrypt() is deprecated in /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Rijndael.php on line 70

Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): Key of size 14 not supported by this algorithm. Only keys of sizes 16, 24 or 32 supported in /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Rijndael.php on line 70

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/modules/blockcart/blockcart.php on line 120
this is happening to me when i access my prestashop website
I'm trying to implement partial function application. If I could do it as a pure AST transform, I would mutate this:

function foo(int $i, string $s): float { }
$f = foo(5, ?);

into this:

$f - fn(string $s): float => foo(5, $s);
i am not able to access the store or the admin panel
11:16 PM
@ignacioSpisso then you need to update prestashop, or they need to fix their shit
@ignacioSpisso mcrypt is long deprecated and shouldn't be used. Sounds like you're using a newer PHP version than Prestashop supports.
it might want to be running on an older PHP version
I don't know anything about prestashop though
so should i unselect mcrypt
mcrypt was deprecated years ago, so yes
the last error may be a result of the first two
if you fix the mcrypt issue the last error will likely go away as well
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_decrypt() in /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Rijndael.php:70 Stack trace: #0 /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Cookie.php(269): RijndaelCore->decrypt('') #1 /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Cookie.php(81): CookieCore->update() #2 /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/config/config.inc.php(151): CookieCore->__construct('ps-s1', '', 1593213512, NULL) #3 /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/index.php(27): require('/home/hkv4puyyk...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/hkv4puyykily/public_html/classes/Rijndael.php on line 70
now this
11:19 PM
The website says Prestashop requires PHP 5.6+, which means it's highly likely that it doesn't work with the latest PHP versions or they'd be requiring something newer.
(There are exceptions to that, but a PHP version that old means they're likely not keeping up with language changes.)
@Crell OK I am definitely not the best man to talk to about that, I could probably do it in maybe 6 months where Niki or Bob could do it in a day :-P

"Must-have PHP extensions: Mcrypt, OpenSSL, Zip, Curl, GD, PDO"

That means Prestashop should be viewed as abandoned. :-(
what do you recommend?
@DaveRandom Yeah... That's kinda where I am. I wouldn't be trying to tackle this except it seems like a blocker for a number of people for approving function composition (I disagree), so I figured I'd try. It's definitely more than my skillset can handle at the moment, though.
@ignacioSpisso All ecommerce tools are terrible; it's just a matter of which one sucks least for your use case.
I have no recommendation ftr, I have never used one of those off-the-shelf things
11:22 PM
My company hosts a huge amount of Magento, but Magento is also a massive behemoth of a program.
Shopware I have been able to install on modern PHP without much trouble, I think.
There's also SaaS ecommerce offerings instead, which are probably better for most people who just want to sell one or two things.
@Crell s/Magento/<any generic CMS>/g
i need something free
@DaveRandom You're not wrong. (Although I've been impressed to realize just how lightweight Drupal is compared to much of the market, which is really depressing. :-) )
I was going to say before, if I had a gun to my head I'd probably start with Drupal and find the most popular/well supported thing in that ecosystem
11:24 PM
Drupal's commerce suite can get the job done, but it's also a complex beast with 50 moving parts.
because at least it's built approximately like a modern application
so its complicated
WooCommerce is the Wordpress ecommerce suite. That's the entirely of my knowledge there.
If you're running your own store, it will be a complicated, inscrutable, overly complex beast that will make you question why the developers chose to over-engineer things 10x more than they need to.
Or it won't work at all.
Those are the only two options on the market.
Ecommerce is like that.
@Crell it strikes me that @pmmaga might be interested in that sort of thing and has touched stuff in that general area before I think
woocommerce vs drupal?
11:26 PM
/me sleep, nn @all
I cannot in good conscience endorse Drupal for anything (for social reasons, not technical). And my knowledge of WooCommerce doesn't extend beyond the name itself. It really depends on what kind of store you're even trying to set up, and if you don't have the budget for an expert in whatever system you're using, you probably are better off with a low-end SaaS thing like Squarespace or whatever. Some of them have ecommerce add-ons.
I don't think I've spoken to @pmmaga. If he's around, have you any interest in partial function application? :-)
I was going to use ecwid but the client told me she wanted a login for their customers
@Crell Not accurate that info, some mismatch with GitHub's.
Hm. They need to update their website then.
11:38 PM
moin moin

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