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Please see the PHP manual, it explains this very case pretty well. The manual page is here: php.net/manual/functions.user-defined.php , see Example #3 Functions within functions. - The functions even have the same name in their example! — hakra 1 min ago
@Burning the codeigniter I'm here
@hakra I'm pretty sure I already saw that one earlier today
@Enzino but he is not here
^ got angry ? ;)
go @salathe
@hakra Not at all, just very concise. :)
@hakra stole my manual link!
@salathe He, I said "thank you"! ;)
Can you explain what "executing a definition" means in PHP? — hakra 8 mins ago
^ fair question?
I don't understand him.
@hakra Fair question.
He might wanted to say, when function is done executing... definition = code within function...
@webarto He probably means when the line of code defining the function has been executed.
@salathe maybe so, we'll wait :P
If it's something else, he's definitely away in some magical place with the fairies.
too bad there isn't something like "follow this answer" :P
@salathe He should have left a map that shows the way to that magical place.
@NeelBasu: What's your status?
You found out a bit more?
did a git set-url and worked
@hakra git remote set-url origin worked
@NeelBasu perfect, that's the other way. Very well done.
@hakra Thanks for your help
Someone proposing array_delete on the list... :)
is there a way to pass the password when trying to login to a server using a perl program and function system()?
function array_delete(&$array, $key){unset($array[$key]);}
@rad your question is not clear, or just stupid ... please tell us the context...
I am firing a command using system("sudo .....");
so I believe it would prompt for password
Does this code throw? if (true) ;
@NikiC Kris missed the key point of your last emai.
how do I send the password in this case?
You mean the sudo password?
my program is running as apache
@ŠimeVidas throw wat?
@rad Don't run sudo
@webarto An error
man sudo | grep password
@ŠimeVidas No, it is perfectly fine
@NikiC why? is there an alternative to this?
There's ways to pass it in without the prompt
Just like if (true) { }
@NikiC So, PHP has an empty statement?
@ŠimeVidas if true do nothing.
@rad Make sure that you, or something that you can delegate to, has the permissions to do it
Calling sudo from PHP (or elsewhere) and putting your password in the file is pretty stupid security-wise ;)
@webarto I wanted to check if ; is interpreted as an empty statement...
@rad, it is possible, but due to a script in plaintext sitting on your server with a sudo-able password in it is extremely dangerous
@NikiC the ISO fiel that I am trying to mount, I have set apache as the owner, still it wouldnt work
@ŠimeVidas Fine as: true; or even just ;
@ŠimeVidas it is valid syntax, that is all you need to know.
@ŠimeVidas Try with ;;;;;;;;
So ; is a valid statement ;)
@rad, what does the script do that requires elevated privileges? Could it be done without root?
@NikiC There's no RFC or patch. *ignore email*
hey guys, I am having a small problem, when I try to get a value by passing it to a function, it always give me zero, here's the function
wtf is kris talking about there
@NikiC You made me actually look that up. I hope nobody else is considering stackoverflow for metricing these things.
or wtf am i misunderstanding there
@salathe Also good approach ^^
@mrkmg the script is mounting an ISO in /mnt, for the ISO, I have set apache as the owner, but its not mounting!
@NikiC Yup, that's it. I'm researching which programming languages have a ; empty statement. So far, I got: JavaScript, Java, C#, VB, PHP
@ŠimeVidas I think most languages that use semicolons will have it ;)
Yea, seems so....
@NikiC It's Kris who is misunderstanding your "deleting all values…" line.
here's the function and how I am getting the return value from it -
Ah, I see now. Yeah, that was a bit ambiguous.
`function normalizer($selected){
        if($selected < 0){
            $selected = 0;
            return $selected;
        else if($selected > 10){
            $selected = 10;
            return $selected;
}// end of normalizer function

$headache_intensity = normalizer($headache_intensity);  `
@nitstorm fixed font please (edit + button to the right)
@MikeB how does that work? (sorry I am new to that), where should I be executing "man sudo | grep password" ?
@rad, Yeah, I suppose you would have to elevate to mount. If your goal is just to get the files from the ISO, you could extract them to a folder writeable by apache. That would avoid the need for an elevated command.
@NikiC Thanks :) Done :)
@rad Look at the manual page for sudo ss64.com/bash/sudo.html and ctrl+f for password
@nitstorm why would you do that?
@nitstorm min(10, max(0, $selected));
@nitstorm What isn't working about it?
some moderator is deleting all my comments :D
@NikiC Whenever I get the value returned from the function, it's always 0
@webarto some of mine get deleted, too. I think some users feel upset and report them.
@hakra Could you please explain to me how it works?
@mrkmg the ISO will be updated frequently, so I cant really do that..
54 secs ago, by hakra
@nitstorm min(10, max(0, $selected));
@nitstorm Sure. What do you want to know?
@rad, you could also set your sudoers to allow for no password
@nitstorm I don't see how this would happen
@hakra Total php newbie, so what does that function do? as in, how does it work? Not internal working but just like what it means...
@hakra OP wrote "I'm facing a weird problem", and I wrote "I am facing a weird question" (was a stupid no code question really).
34 secs ago, by orourkek
54 secs ago, by hakra
@nitstorm min(10, max(0, $selected));
@rad. something like this ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/your/script
@nitstorm That are two functions. One is called min and another one is called max and @orourkek just linked the manual pages. ^
@mrkmg should I be executing that in the shell?
They are pretty similar to each other.
@nitstorm Oh, sorry, I now see what's wrong. You are checking for < 0 and > 10, but you don't have a case for in between ;)
So if the value is 0 <= x <= 10 then it will return null which is equivalent to 0
So you'd write something like this instead:
@NikiC Ah....
@MikeB so should it be like "sudo -K mypassword ./test.pl" ?
@nitstorm debug codepad.org/ovc5ndAJ
@rad, No. You need to modify your sudoers file. type visudo in the command line. also man sudoers will give you more info
function normalizer($selected){
        if($selected < 0){
            $selected = 0;
        else if($selected > 10){
            $selected = 10;
 return $selected;
}// end of normalizer function
function normalizer($selected) {
    return min(10, max(0, $selected));
(if you want to keep the same syntax)
function normalize($selected) {
    if ($selected < 0) {
        return 0;
    } else if ($selected > 10) {
        return 10;
    } else {
        return $selected;
@NikiC Cool :)
@orourkek Hey, that's not fair! You were faster than me :(
function normalizer($selected) {
    return max(0, min($selected, 10));
I prefer to make two functions out of it:
function minmax($value, $min, $max) {
    return min($max, max($min, $value));

function normalizer($selected) {
    return minmax($selected, 0, 10);
(this arrangement makes my head not hurt)
@mrkmg I see. Should I add the line "ALL = NOPASSWD: /path/to/your/script" in visudo?
Thanks for the help guys, @NikiC @orourkek @MikeB @hakra @salathe
@rad, add a line like this apache<tab>ALL=NOPASSWD:/path/to/script/ ALL
@hakra Two functions? You should wrap them in a class!
@hakra Thanks a ton :)
Appreciate all the help guys :)
@rad, sorry apache<tab>ALL=NOPASSWD:/path/to/script/<tab>ALL where <tab> is a real tab
@mrkmg That seems like a terrible idea
much worse so than hard-coding your sudo password in a php file
function normalizer($selected)
    $minmax = function($value, $min, $max) {
        return min($max, max($min, $value));
    return $minmax($selected, 0, 10);
@MikeB, As long as your restrict it to that script and that script is not writable, you should be fine.
@salathe Ha! I smell a MinMaxFactoryFactory!
@mrkmg I know :)
@NikiC but your formatting was better :/
@mrkmg is it safe to do this?
@rad There's nothing safe about working with sudo
@rad, I am doing some googling. Hold on.
and how do you save the visudo?
@MikeB you are right
@mrkmg alright
class ProNumbers
     public static function ensureNumberIsInRange($number, $from, $to) {
         $start = min($from, $to);
         $end = max($from, $to);
         return min($end, max($start, $number));
@hakra syntax error - no more
@rad NikiC was giving you good advice when saying that you should run the command under the proper user
class Normalizer
    private function Normalizer($selected)
        return self::minmax($selected, 0, 10);
    public static function minmax($value, $min, $max)
        return min($max, max($min, $value));
Unfortunately expanding on that requires understanding of *nix permission schemas
more globals IMO
@MikeB oops I think I missed his post, I wasnt tagged probably, sorry
@NikiC phew :)
@webarto No abstract class or interfaces? What are we, savages?
function needs to be named normalize
@webarto Why is the constructor private?
And actually, why does the constructor return a value?
@rad, As far as I can tell, sudo with nopasswd to /path/to/script is just as safe as putting the password in the script. If you can find another way I recommend it. Good Luck
@NikiC my program is running as apache and the location where the ISO is to be mounted, I have set apache as the owner, what do you think about this?
\Normalization\Normalizer::normalize() ?
@rad I really have no idea ;) I always hated the Unix rights system :/
@rad, as long as in your sudoers file you restrict to just /path/to/scrupt
@NikiC maybe it's namespaced, and not a constructor.
@mrkmg alright, anyway, how do I save visudo? like ":wq" ?
public static final function minmax($value, $min, $max)
    return min($max, max($min, $value));
@salathe Not namespaced until proven otherwise :P
@NikiC [sarcasm] :P Haha I like that saying.
depends on what editor you are in. ":wq" will work if it is vi
if its nano ctrl-x
@webarto needs scalar type hints!
@webarto Ohh, if one could just add abstract into there I'd already have a really Java-y feeling
Namespace ProNumbers {
    $normalizerFor = function($from, $to) {
        $to < $from || list($from, $to) = array($to, $from);
        return function ($value) use ($from, $to) {
            return min($to, max($from, $value));

    $normalizer = $normalizerFor(0, 10);

    $usageExample = $normalizer(22);
@NikiC public static new final int32 function GetMinOrMaxIfNumberOutOfRange(…) C# mode: on!
@salathe new?
Also, not void!
class Normalizer
    public function Normalizer($selected)
        return self::minmax($selected, 0, 10);
    public static final function minmax($value, $min, $max)
        return min($max, max($min, $value));

    public static abstract function doNothing(){}

    public __toString()
        return $this; self::doNothing();
@NikiC yep, new.
Guys, you're all amateurs
Reaaaal amateurs
I'm gonna show you how the pros do it
@NikiC In the best sense of the word, jup
teach us master
@NikiC We know, the pros ask a Q on SO.
So show me baby.
ariel.com.au/jokes/The_Evolution_of_a_Programmer.html -> Scroll down to "Master Programmer"
That's a hello world program though, but a minmax would look similar
I think it has thread safety and everything built in ;)
That's how you write software!
epic :D Is Ariel from SO?
our minmax function in brainf*ck
I am going to show you how it is done.
@mrkmg it did not mount that iso :(
chief executive is funny
@mrkmg I had dont only the visudo part though, is that sufficient?
@hakra help me out a little will ya :D
@webarto You could do this:
I must admit, it's somehow not that bad documented the code.
shhhh, someone will make fun of us, VB6 you know :P
Let me pick some vb2 or vb3 sources.
:O I don't think I was born back then.
Just seeing: I once wrote a software a I named "eventextend" - no idea for what it was for.
A: PHP: "!" breaks parse_ini_file

NealYou must have quotes around all non alphanumeric strings in an ini file. this=that other=thisvar var=32 textvar="text with exclaimation\!" See Docs: If a value in the ini file contains any non-alphanumeric characters it needs to be enclosed in double-quotes (").

Help me explain to OP.... :-\
@Neal just flag it as duplicate
your_code_means_nothing_to_us()webarto 9 secs ago
@webarto: PHP fatal error: undefined function on line 1
@Jocelyn just like his :D
@webarto: what is the URL?
wow and self-delete. wtf.
@Jocelyn stackoverflow.com/questions/11977457/… you click on "x something ago" and it takes you there...
"how to create a php search engine" and the next line "I'm new to php"
search engine = search.php
we probably can expect a bunch of interesting questions...
@webarto @hakra - What is that? VB6 or VBA? I used to write programs using VBA in Excel when I still had dial-up and couldn't download VB.NET.
hello everybody! can someone help me with $_POST method and forms?
@RhymeGuy Yes?
hello, just ask :)
thanks :)
Q: PHP/MYSQL - Can't find why this code sends mail more than twice

RhymeGuyAlright, I'm starting to pull my hair and I need some help :) Here is my file which is used to select activated emails from users and send them some sort of newsletter. Content of the newsletter.php <?php //Include configuration file include 'config/config.php'; $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=...

but i cant figure out what wrong with my logic
there is an accepted answer to this question. Isn't you issue already solved then?
yes it is, i accepted it :) but i dont know whats problem with my logic
and why it fails :D
mail function should never be executed if there is $errorFlag set. and errorGlag cen be set only if there is post method
a small victory for proper MVC!
@ShaquinTrifonoff VB.NET? I think your dial-up has preserved you for some failures. That is good old VB classic aka VB6.
@RhymeGuy - Okay, I figured it out. Your code sets $errorFlag = false;. Later, for the mailing part, it checks if(!$errorFlag) {. ! means 'not', so it changes true to false and vice versa. So, it gets interpreted as if(!false) { or, if(true) {, which is always true. To fix this, change it to $errorFlag = true; and when you check for POST, change it false.
@webarto - No, I think that is a valid question.
Please review this answer: stackoverflow.com/a/11977706/367456
@webarto @ShaquinTrifonoff it is a duplicate
Q: Call to a member function fetchObject() on a non-object

jessicaldalebreaks at my while loop. have been reading the php manual but can't figure out what im doing wrong here... $pdo is call to my db connection function getSelectedPhoto($the_selected_id) { global $pdo; $id = $the_selected_id; $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT handle, src FROM images WHERE id = :i...

global detected
@ShaquinTrifonoff valid but already answered in some shape or form
^ and after it's closed please delete it.
aaaand it's gone
Yay the system works
"Call to a member function fetchObject() on a non-object" there are at least 1000 questions with this same title
@hakra can you give me link with good answer on that?
@hakra I see what you did there :D
yeah yeah, dat @PeeHaa
nvm :)
@ShaquinTrifonoff - okay, but i tried also with if ($errorFlag == false ) and it is same.
Q: Best way to prevent SQL Injection in PHP

Andrew G. JohnsonIf user input is inserted into an SQL query directly, the application becomes vulnerable to SQL injection, like in the following example: $unsafe_variable = $_POST['user_input']; mysql_query("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES ('" . $unsafe_variable . "')"); That's because the user can input s...

@RhymeGuy Use if($errorFlag) {.
//Define variables
$errorFlag = true;
$to = array();

//Grab variables
    $newsletterSubject = check_input($_POST['newsletterSubject']);
    $newsletterContent = $_POST['newsletterContent'];

    if(!$newsletterSubject) {
        $errorSubject = ERROR_MESSAGE_SUBJECT;
        $errorFlag = false;
    if(!$newsletterContent) {
        $errorContent = ERROR_MESSAGE_CONTENT;
        $errorFlag = false;
@NikiC The automatic CAPS catching sytem deleted three of my comments. :/
okay, but errorFlag should be false
^-- With that code
@PeeHaa but hopefully it will be deleted
@hakra What is CAPS?
"function sanitize($data) " the accepted answer is stupid
night everyone
@NikiC gn8
@hakra - The automatic CAPS catching sytem - so... you typed three comments in capital letters??
@NikiC later
@hakra I know that CAPS stands for Capital Letters, but I thought you might be talking about something else...
okay, well the first time the whole comment was in CAPS.
The second and third time I naturally did some variation. It was sad to realize that caps are that much banned.
@ShaquinTrifonoff - still i cant figure out why my logic fails :D
Look. $errorFlag is false, and can be set only if there are mistakes in $_POST. So condition if($errorFlag == false) is only true if there are no mistakes and only then is able to send emails.
> Here, learn the basics first php.net/manual/en/function.htmlentities.php ENT_QUOTES to convert. Read the QUESTION HERE... he wants top PREVENT SQL injection nothing else is asked... Keep your HUGE EGO with urself or prove your point. – KarmicDice 5 mins ago
yeah @hakra RTFM! :P
And keep your ego were it belongs. In Germany! ;-)
@RhymeGuy - You set $errorFlag to false at the start of your script. So $errorflag == false will resolve to true.

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