@ShaquinTrifonoff IE will be alive only because they put IE instead of Start button in Windows 8, which resembles to Start button... so users will be tricked...
Finally, New Zealand (where I am) has dropped to below 1% usage (now 0.6%, used to be 2%), and most of the world is below 1%, so I can stop coding for IE6. Now I just have to worry about IE10 :-)
@hakra yes, probably because I don't use their products, but often I do hear people actually agree to be chained... and it makes me sad and I want to cry...
thanks wbarto but thats another typing mistake i just put that in as an example as the ip is automatically retrieved using $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
when i was normal, i tried to bear up with people, i felt like crying to the world why no one in the helps me.... there s something wrong in me.... then i turned a psyco today... and now i want to be the worst member of this room.....
well, today i wanted to get heavily downvoted and get my accont deleted, i succeded from 31 to 21 then 1 made a mistake by answering a question the right way and then i ended up in 79, shit
@everyone, excuse me, i have to dwld a movie The Raven, so i dont have time to waste here, and the ignore list users, your fucking time's up......... :D :D
@Troy I am setting up a new dev in my office: in doing so I have done the following - Downloaded the php.5.4+ mongo.so (however the 5.3 version should work) and dropped it into the /Applications/MAMP/.. ../debug-*timestamp*/
also I have modded the PHP.ini to include the extension for mongo.so
The PHP 5.4 CLI webserver is being used more and more to identify and resolve PHP bugs. Following on from the CLI webserver tests that Xinchen Hui (aka "laruence") instigated for the PHP 5.4 release, Anatoliy Belsky (aka "weltling") begain adding CLI webserver tests for the APC package, which is currently undergoing some much needed fixups for PHP 5.4. Rasmus Lerdorf has also been running s…
@CAM - I don't think I can help you anymore, I don't have a UNIX-based system. P.S. ls -l lists permissions, but I don't think you have that problem anymore.