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I'll have to dig into the mysqli extension and see how it does it when fetching an assoc row, maybe it already does have them shared.
@MarkR they are shared for each row of the same resultset
Interesting. Thank you.
the trick is to make sure that they are interned strings
@beberlei that's what I meant with literal :-)
@DaveRandom I tried to change the skin, but the dark skin required a white font which did not show up on the "Manage Notes" window. So back to the default.
@StatikStasis I like the v8 skin (ships with it), the newer one is a bit too metro-UI-ish
Mine doesn't have that one. I'll need to look it up.
@Tiffany honestly for a "simple" extension (like what I did, ignoring the whole Iterator API which is kinda undocumented) directly writing it in C isn't that complicated
Question: is it possible to create an instance of persistent mutable HashTable and put zvals into it? I want to define a global array registered in Zend module globals with values in it (at least, scalars)
And from what I saw with FFI, it's a half baked solution with massive issues and another set of things to learn which got moved to core with not even a 2/3 majority
@Girgias Yes I agree it's easSIGSEGV
@DaveRandom haha, that does happen, but I managed to write something and I barely understand most C concepts so
@Girgias are there any chances to try ZEngine just for feedback?
I haven't followed it, what does it do?
@Girgias It uses FFI to provide binding to Zend internal structures and manipulates them, so it is possible to write extensions as plain PHP code
@Girgias *(*buf++) = "Yeah it's not too bad until you find some incomprehensible pointer magic sans-comments :-P";
@DaveRandom I've experience that trying to understand the mbstring extension ...
@Girgias here is an example of extension github.com/lisachenko/immutable-object (in case if you want to look at example)
@lisachenko what internal structures? Also why? Isn't it super prone to breakage from one version to another?
I suppose it seems nice for prototyping?
But at that point I'd prefer working on source directly
@Girgias like any other extension - it depends on structures, so it should keep several headers and check API version
@Girgias Almost everything can be controlled, including values in the stack, class tables, function tables, extensions, etc...
@Girgias Ok, it was expected ) You've just made Joe happier )
@lisachenko not all extensions depend on Zend structures, my CSV extension is basically text manipulation, sure it uses some helpers provided by the engine but it doesn't really depend on how stuff works within the engine.
@lisachenko That seems a bit scary to me? But I suppose it's like the extension handlers?
@lisachenko The reason is that I've alredy worked on php-src and have a working setup
Maybe if I didn't and wanted to dab in it for the first time I'd try it
@Girgias But why do you need an extension then? Can it be implemented as simple PHP library?
@lisachenko because my ultimate goal with that is to bundle it in core
Cause the current ones are kinda whack
There are enough PHP libs (e.g. league/csv) which does a good enough job
@Girgias then please, make it object-oriented + support generators + put into namespace Php\Csv for example )
Why should it be OO?
It's just functions on strings/collections
I'm trying to make it work with Iterators/Generators currently
Also the namespace issue is something unrelated to one extension
@Girgias It is a long story ) But it so old-fashioned from PHP3 world, when we have only functions. And now when you press autocomplete in IDE, it pollutes everything with hundreds of functions...
What? I don't see the relevance? What's the point in providing static methods on a dummy object with can't be initialized
Functional programming is a thing
It would be nice to adopt namespaces for PHP extensions as well and provide object-oriented API for PHP8 instead of function list that hard to remember, hard to use in autocomplete...
That's a different topic alltogether
And I'm not opening that can of worms
We were discussing it last night, it's just a question of who wants to jump on that grenade
@Girgias ok, let's agree to disagree ) I don't see really good points nowadays to provide function-only API for PHP developers that mainly prefer to use namespace and classes/objects
and then who wants to go on phpinternals news and have Derick complain at them for an hour about it :P
@lisachenko and I don't see a good reason to provide math functions as an OO API when even in written math you use functional notation for that, and the reason why classes/objects are preferred is because there is autoloading for them.
I agree with use that the array and string functions may be better served as an OO API but not everything should be OO
That's just going from one extreme to the other
For math functions - it is ok, because math function belongs to functional world
But it is hard to describe csv lines as function of given file.
The thing is I'm not working on files
In our brain it is an object = CSV file, it can be opened, it can be closed, it can be navigated...
I'm working on actual strings or currently arrays
Cause I don't want to have multiple responsabilities
@Girgias do you know that you could reduce memory consumption by defining a class with named properties and perform reading into object instances directly?
If memory is a concern I want to provided a function which returns a generator
It will give completion over field names in existing code. Arrays are flexible and hard to use
Also you are assuming a well defined CSV file which has an actual header where you can pull sensible property names
I just want to put my 5 cents about good API (which I would like to see).
You can have a look at it here: gitlab.com/Girgias/csv-php-extension
@Girgias even if file doesn't contain structure, you still have it and could map yourself as a developer into objects
I mean if you want something that granular write something custom, my objective is to improve the current functions
Which are kinda sub-optimal
@Girgias I don't want to be impolite, but having several more csv_something functions will make things worse IMO
Just following the convention
> well defined CSV file
there's an oxymoron
@DaveRandom *.csv
What it parses as is less well defined.
@Danack yes, indeed. Tab-separated, space-separated, comma-separated, pipe-separated...
@DaveRandom hey if you use the default values it will provide something following a spec at least
Now I do agree CSV files are mostly random
This is why CSV deserves two separate classes in Php\Csv namespace. One of them is Reader and second one is Writer, both constructor accepts options and uses generators/iterators to play well with CSV-streamed formats
I don't see why?
Because functions suxor
An iterable stream is definitely a useful thing there
Well I'm working on supporting iterators
frequently when I'm dealing with CSV they are files in the 100s of mbs
I'm just struggling with the goddamn internal Iterator API
Because it's segfaulting in rando ass places and GDB is less then usefull
@lisachenko it's about performance.
For an advanced CSV userland implementation see github.com/thephpleague/csv
@cmb ah, ok. Now I can understand this. But still, I would like to see useful API in Core, not a list of functions in the place where object with streaming API is expected... And make it leaving in a separate namespace (not a global one)
The global namespace is PHP's namespace
Until an RFC changes that that's how it is
Csv\Reader, Csv\Writer is also ok
@Girgias there's precedent for non-core (incl PECL) extensions with namespacing
pecl/pq and pecl/http are two that immediately come to mind
@DaveRandom not using the PHP namespace tho
23 hours ago, by DaveRandom
use LocalGroup\MilkyWay\Sol\Earth\Net\Php\Dom\Document as DomDocument;
future proof, yo
And if there are objects sure why not, but I don't really see the point of providing an OO API so
@DaveRandom you missed a few levels in between
I know, I didn't specify the galactic spiral arms or star clusters
You also didn't specify which universe simulation we're in :(
Instead LocalGroup vote for Localhost.
@Girgias it's the one with PHP in. Surely there can't be more than of them.
We are truly in the worst timeline if that's the case :p
@Girgias well, there is already the fine SplFileObject :p
Undocumented behavior: Pass-by-ref arguments do not have to be initialized ・ Documentation problem ・ #79367
@cmb truly a work of art that is SPL
nicely worded :)
I think he meant wart of ork
Nah, it's an abstract work of art
Only if you have the knowledge required can you understand why SPL is magnificiant
@cmb how I forgot about SplFileObject::fgetcsv() method )))
SplFileObject::fgetcsv ([ string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = "\"" [, string $escape = "\\" ]]] ) : array
lucky you for forgetting about that method :p
Now it is question to @Girgias what to do with this method ))
It's as broken as the normal ones
!!xkcd 927
Fortunately, the charging one has been solved now that we've all standardized on mini-USB. Or is it micro-USB? Shit.
PHP's implementation is the least standard of all
usb-c now
My extension actually follows a spec
the problem is that nobody else does ;-)
Big problem with php_fgetcsv() and friends is that escaping; I don't think anybody can explain what that is supposed to do. Would make sense if that would disable the CSV quoting, but it doesn't.
@pmmaga oh correct - we're super busy but AnneSophie tells me we're gonna publish the videos once the coronavirus storm is over (we just postponed the SFLive Paris conference, hard times)
@NicolasGrekas Do you happen to know if anyone has been testing Symfony against the JIT and been able to report any performance gains/losses ?
@NicolasGrekas All right, thanks for the update
Reviewing typical PHP developer resume. And guess what? His name is Nikita Popov )) /cc @NikiC
Guess that we should accept him immediately to promote company by saying that we have Nikita in our team ))
It is developer somewhere from Belarus with same name/last name/
Or just somebody with the same name!
an impostor :P
Despite being someone who enjoys a good debate, I really, really hate it when someone seems to be arguing on the list just for the sake of arguing.
@Crell let me guess, Mike?
I wasn't going to name names, but yes. :-)
Mike who?
Oh hai @Crell
/me waves
Mike Schinkel, on internals.
@Derick he sends super long emails
It's not the length. It's the self-righteous nitpickiness.
@Crell he consistently makes about 25% of the posts to RFC discussion threads
I mean when you start your first message to the thread with "<< >> syntax is making my eyes bleed" it like what
Which wouldn't be an issue if they were constructive. But then he gets offended that someone disagrees with him. And then sends them a private email, too.
I need to read that thread again then
I got a few direct emails from him on earlier threads.
I would do what Danack does and just reply to it back onto the normal thread, cause there shouldn't be any need for direct communication
using words in the way he suggests isn't very PHP-like syntax, that's something I'd expect to see in classic ASP, maybe even ASP.NET, not PHP...
I reached out to Rowan for the podcast, he said he had received a fair amount of rude emails off-list about the RFC :-/
as for "newbies thinking angle brackets are too hard" what about HTML...?
I'm surprised I didn't receive any with my short tag one then rofl
@Tiffany It only has one to start and one to finish, not two!
Also I don't think newbies would use annotations
@Tiffany a proper(tm) backend php developer has his frontend minions doing the html!
Now, could we use « instead of << ?
yeah, it wasn't until a year or two hanging out in here that I even knew what annotations were, at least... heard the word... but I didn't know how to use them... that took another year or two
In their own code, likely not. But if they're using a framework that uses annotations, they'll have to.
Also I still have trouble understanding the use cases cause it's pretty magical to me
@beberlei You got an email btw :-)
@Derick yes saw it :)
btw i love how 50% of people invoke how the syntax looks ugly, which confuses me as an argument from someone doing PHP in the first place
@Derick ⦕MyAttribute⦖
@Girgias Did you see the second email I sent, with a link to my POC for Tukio?
@beberlei what do you mean, having the $ in front of every variable is lovely
@Crell The amount of back-and-forth that is largely between two people but sent to the whole list bothers me.
@beberlei am I incorrect in thinking that backend web devs cut their teeth on HTML/CSS?
@Crell I possibly saw it but well it got drowned so if you don't mind resending it?
Such is how open lists work. Every open list I've been on has had this issue.
I take discussions off-list, and I know others do because sometimes they say "off list" but forgot to remove the list ahaha.
@Derick well, only few days ago one of the core devs replied to Jordi who suggested to use Unicode characters with "N O" ;)
@cmb yes! i remember that rude reply vividly :p
I'm still torn on the specific sigils used. But I think that ties into the question of how to make named-parameter-type cases easier, what we want to reserve for generics, etc. It's not a simple "this is ugly" type question. You also want something that doesn't take 20 seconds to type because the characters are all in funky places.
@Attribute() is The Thing™ that makes sense
But hard to distinguish from normal @.
no, @ error suppression needs to go away
Also parser stuff from what I've understood
I suppose something beginning with # would be possible, since it then becomes a "fancy comment" as far as the engine is concerned?
and, if you must, be replaced with @suppress
Like, #!Foo('bar', 5)
(No idea if the engine would actually be OK with that.
Well for that to happen we would need a new/better I/O API which throws instead of warning and returning false :(
Or #[Foo] like Rust
@Crell I feel like that's liable to create accidents with shebangs
@Crell that's not a bad shout though
#[] is better than <<>> imo.
Valid point on #!. That would get confusing.
If the engine can handle it, then #[Foo('bar')] would be pretty easy to read, and type, and it looks like Rust so there's that. :-)
I have no idea if the parser would be angry at that, however.
I honestly don't care how it looks - I think << >> is just fine
/me stabs @DaveRandom
you can't, I'm hidden
/me Joins @Crell
#DaveRandom { display: none }
@Derick I think the only really strong argument against << >> is that it might get confusing if/when we ever get generics going, which everyone assumes will use <>.
@LeviMorrison but # is a comment, %[] would work
I assume there is no case where there's a potential ambiguity between attr decl and bitwise shift?
@Crell I'm going to be honest, I've got trouble understanding the anotation usage :|
@Girgias Have you used Symfony or Drupal at all?
@beberlei it is, but what is a comment if not metadata attached to code?
@Crell no, so that maybe explains it
The existing instances of #[some comment text] cannot be many, if any
@beberlei Didn't we already remove that?
@DaveRandom but it needs to be in a machine readable, verifiable way
I distinctly remember deprecating # comments.
@LeviMorrison in INI files
So in Symfony, the most common way to register a method as a controller action is

* @route(path='/foo', name='bar')
public function doThing(Request $r) { ... }
Huuu, okay
i still use xml to do routes :) that comes from me doing the attributes rfc :p
That requires string parsing the string comment to figure out what the route definition is, turning that into a RouteDef object, and then sticking that data into the routing system.
Native attributes/annotations would change that to:

<<Route('/foo', 'bar')>>
public function doThing(Request $r) { ... }

(Or something vaguely along those lines.)
That removes the hardest 3 of the 5 steps involved in getting that data out so that it can be shoved into the router.
Okay that one kinda makes sense, I don't know why you would want to do something like that
@Girgias the gneral idea is to have configuration directly at the source of declarations.
so that you don't need to look in two places
configuration as in "static configuration", not something you change between installations of the application
Drupal 8 makes much heavier use of annotations for much larger structures (rightly or wrongly).
I find "registration" to be the biggest use case.
But so you would be able to modify someother class from the attribute, that seems a bit weird to me
no, the attribute is only on the declaration it belongs to, its not set somewhere else
@beberlei oh so you can build a static map with the routes (following from this example)?
So if you provide a plugin, you also provide a large annotation that also defines a whole bunch of declarative ways it ties into the system.
yes the idea is, the framework grabs all routing attributes fro all controllers, and then builds a routing map into a cache
That COULD technically be provided by a static method, strictly speaking, but that only works on classes, and requires loading the class in the first place to call the method. Annotations give you a sideband way to do that.
its essentially a machine readable way to describe code better, so that other parts of the code can automatically use them in some desired way
I'm still not 100% sold on the specific details (all of the test implementations I did felt a little bit clunky in one place or another), but it definitely makes registration metadata easier to deal with.
i have a simpler userland example now for the RFC, let me preview
I really don't know how I feel about them, but I suppose if some people are alredy doing it better providing a decent way of doing it in language :|
@Girgias gist.github.com/beberlei/… - that is from crells post
@beberlei BTW, let me know if you want to change the "script"?
@Derick oh wow, what timeframe do you expect to talk about this? ;)
it looks fine to me
@beberlei btw, hypothetically, you could choose to not respond to comments that you don't think are going to move your RFC forward.... Also I like the <<>> It clearly differentiates meta data from code.
60 minutes! :D
@Danack I am staying pretty much across the street from The Apple
must remember to get some cash...
pretty sure apple has contactless...
@Crell dumb question, what's the purpose behind assigning a name to a route?
@beberlei let me just make sure I get this, cause I still feel confused.

So the annotation "creates" an Event object with the corresponding class name that is only created/used when the onKernalRequest method is called.
@Danack Only for > £5 and I like buy halfs/thirds
oh god why are you talking about creating a new API for sorting arrays
@Tiffany So you can refer to it later, say when creating URLs. $url = $generator->forRoute('route_name', 5) => returns "/foo/5/edit"
@Girgias each attribute maps directly to a class, so that we can validate no typos exist. Thats why class Event implements PhpAttribute.
@beberlei @Girgias There's 2 different event objects there. You may want to change the name of the attribute one to avoid confusion.
the writer of this code said "each method having an Event attribute with the name of the event to listen to will be registered as listener method to that event in the attribute"
@Crell thanks
@beberlei does it need to match the constructor for the argument code?
@Girgias yes, during ReflectionAttribute#getAsObject() the event object is actually created
if its invalid, it throws the usual errors
I think only then should it autoload
so that you can chose not to have to deal with these objects at all, and instead use simpe arrays.
Or, only give the API without simple arrays
i begin to agree, but also don't know how we can make extension provided attributes more strict then
strict in what sense?
one benefit of attributes over docblocks is that we can validate they actually exist, and no typos are in them
Okay, I still don't really get it, I know that you had also some engine only attributes supported, but does seems to make more sense to me as <<deprecated>>, or <<final>>, or <<jit>>. But yeah I'm having a hard time grasping it
if you have a typo in an attribute, then your code will not work. very subtle bugs
@Girgias attributes itself do nothing, its the code you build on top that combines them with the decalarations to do something.
so <<Deprecated>> has "something" built into core to look for them, and based on that change the code. the same is true for any userland attribute
Right, but the Event one seems highly magical, but that's maybe because I don't understand it really
its not more magic than a configuration file that contains a list of events and a list of class/methods that should be triggered
its an indirection for sure
The event one is confusing because the word Event is used twice. I'd suggest renaming one of them, @beberlei.
@Girgias That's the "register this thing with this metadata, and then use that metadata later" use case. Like the route registration.
@Crell where is Event used twice though?
@beberlei as much as it pains me a little to say this, I think an ini option for attributes.autoload_mode = eager|lazy might be the way to deal with that, where eager autoloads at decl time and lazy waits until instantiation, with the latter being recommended for production
RequestEvent maybe
public function dispatch($event, $args...) // Makes it seem like it's the Event attribute, which is not the intent.
at the end of the day, typos are primarily going to be caught by static analysers in IDEs
aah yeah
i could name the attribute <<Listener>>
Changing the event attribute name to EventDefinition or something (just for the example) may help.
Or that would be even better.
No More Ini Settings Please.
@beberlei See that maybe the thing, I don't really use that many config files, mostly because I haven't done any big projects, and the only thing which needs config is basically my DB
™, indeed
You probably won't need annotations/attributes that often then. :-)
But high-configuration pluggable systems would benefit from them greatly.
(Symfony, Doctrine, Drupal, etc.)
@Girgias Typical use case is mapping database field names to class attributes
@Derick oh boi I did something whack with PDO and __set() :')
@Girgias ok, so what about an attribute based configuration to map database field names to class properties? class User { <<Column("user_id")>> public $id; } and then you have a mapper object that gets the $row and the property attributes from User and wobbles them together correctly
a question I have regarding annotations with frameworks like Symfony, does the framework parse annotations to where they affect code?
Let me try to find that code I wrote I while ago
Cause it was doing that
But in a pretty whack way
or are they just metadata for the IDE to pick up?
@Tiffany symfony parses the docblocks using the doctrine/annotations composer library, it maps those annotations to objects
I see
its like reading a configuration file
but keeping the configurations where they're most useful :)
There's nothing annotations can do that you couldn't do with a specially named YAML file.
Except keep the metadata right next to the thing it describes rather than in a separate YAML file elsewhere.
legacy code base I used to work in code have possibly benefited from annotations in a massive way, because I had to have about three or four class files open to make sense of one method, and it was frustrating
it wasn't built on a framework
this was extremely helpful discussion, i need to update the RFC to explain this much better
according to: https://markmail.org/search/?q=list%3Anet.php.lists.internals+date%3A202001-202003+
I didn't realize was I so verbose.... I'm not even a C developer. :-)
Oh boi I got the relevant code examples with my custom DB -> Entity code
I don't subscribe to internals mailing list, I check externals.io if I'm curious about something, but I don't want to get involved with it. I would add noise anyway.
(I hope my repo is public because otherwise it's gonna be confusing)
So using PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE as PDO::FETCH_OBJ you can get some fun behaviour
As it will try to map the column name to a property name
did you link it? not seeing
Now this fails pretty badly because if you use camelCase for e.g. userName in DB it will be stored in a column named user_name
@beberlei I did not yet
@Danack I see @NikiC is most active - maybe we should nominate him mailing list moderator. His tasks include calling out not so nice people ...
__set to the rescue
As PDO if it can't find the relevant property will run __set before dropping it
@bwoebi or just clone his filter list to the email server.
Only issue, is that depending on how the DB stores types that can south soooo, more logic to typecast in specific cases
@Danack Damn, I spammed the list again :P
@Girgias that is some nice practical code :)
minus the haha
Oh fun thing you can even then do some logic in the __constructor
As it's going to call it after it populated the properties
I'm not sure if I should be proud of this code
let me rewrite that to use attributes
Cause it's kind of genius
so that you can see
But also a big WTF
@NikiC I would make a sarcastic comment about you really need to contribute more if you're going to be sending that many emails......but I won't. Instead, thanks for getting the union types passed.
@beberlei greatly appreciated
btw, anyone know if anonymous classes extending instances directly instead of classes was considered? e.g. something like:
$foo = new StdClass();
$bar = new class() extends $foo {
    function someAddedMethod() { }
That would be lovely, but I don't know if the engine would be happy with it.
@Girgias though in fairness, your code is based on so much convention that typed properties would be enough
@beberlei I wrote that at least a year ago, maybe even 2
So sadly no typed properties yet :(
Also I don't know how typed properties behave if directly assigned to by PDO
I suppose that's something to try and see how bad it fails
it fails badly, pdo didnd't get an upgrade to typed propreties
@bwoebi Careful with that logic, because the second in line to the "throne"... :P
@pmmaga This logic obviously only applies because Nikita is in top of list ... if it were someone else, then obviously, depending on the person, not.
@cmb (Re: Windows snapshot builds)[https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/108971]. If I use a snapshot build, it is usually for the new features in master. I can try out union types, or get a php.exe that allows `php.exe --rf preg_replace` to show return types.
I also occasionally run-tests.php, and sometimes do it on master where there are no RC/release builds. I am just a userland PHP developer, so I don't even know what a debug build would add for me.
@ThomasF thanks, quite helpful info for me. :) Frankly, the debug builds would give you (almost) nothing (maybe you would find a memory leak or an assertion violation, but that's about it).
uhhhhhh so people can send "money requests" to the mailing lists to bypass spam filters?
I've said it before and I'll say it again, email is not fit for purpose and has not been so since the 1990s
@Danack oh god don't give people ideas
@Danack \o/ I didn't make the list. I'm successfully largely ignoring the list.
@Girgias took a while longer :) i hope its not to convuluted: gist.github.com/beberlei/d9fac02e7309e692b0467ae89cda9e64
@Danack so … you want runtime trait (essentially: collection of methods) monkey patching into object instances? :-D
"Unexpected end of file" is not an acceptable error message ・ *General Issues ・ #79368
@beberlei that makes sense :)

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