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3:01 PM
@Derick Any demonstration that doesn't use 3v4l is by definition cheating (for the record, they strip the character)
They stripped it how? I copied and pasted into vim and it showed the <200b>
Copy/paste the code into 3v4l. In the editor, they flag the character, and when you hit run, they remove it
Oh, you didn't use ev4l here of course
3:48 PM
I'd love for somebody to rewrite en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xdebug
i know this is more of a css questions
but does anyone know why my pictures are weirdly left indented
@Derick I could make shit up…like "As of 2020, XDebug is no longer available in the EU for legal reasons and the project was subsequently renamed to Brexdebug."
hmm.. I think I'll just fork and rename it just for shits and giggles
@Gordon You in Berlin?
3:52 PM
@Jimbo You drunk?
why would I be in Berlin? Oo
Forgot where you lived
Yeah, please don't.
@Jimbo Near to your former employer's HQ
you know… where we had burgers
Ah fair enough. I still think they're the BEST burgers I've ever had btw
@Jimbo did you try hamburgerei.de yet?
that was one of my favs when I was still in Munich
4:08 PM
@ircmaxell works fine for me: 3v4l.org/lKEnG
@SamuelWakeman which of the 5 images? non of them seem big enough to fill their container
@Sjon alittle late i just fixed try refreshing the page with the cache
it would've been obvious which images were weirdly left indented
the bottom 3 were
@PeeHaa Sounds awesome so far! When are you going to finish it?
@Gordon munchin' in munchen
1 hour later…
5:24 PM
@StatikStasis In due time :D
@DaveRandom yo. Still here? I need you for some bit magic
5:35 PM
This is a little presumptuous LinkedIn request: "Hi Derick, Noticed, you will speaking at phpbenelux.Zend is also exhibiting. Hence, it will be great to connect. Looking forward." — maybe let's meet first?
I have trouble "getting" LinkedIn
Also it always pushing the add new people randomly I'm like I don't know these people nor care >.>
5:56 PM
@Sjon "fine"
@PeeHaa Driving, post and will look in half an hour
@DaveRandom k <3
Is this the correct / proper way to get the available pieces from a peer ?
whenever you have time @DaveRandom
6:31 PM
@PeeHaa be careful with presidence. When using binary operators, I always wrap in (), so ($byte & 0b10000000) !== 0
@PeeHaa did you just press and hold the f key for awhile?
@ircmaxell k
Anything besides that?
@Tiffany neh it's just the hex presentation of an actual response :)
@PeeHaa that's too bad 😛
7:26 PM
It's hard to get back into the groove at work after a long and wonderful vacation away.
@StatikStasis How was your week?
is there a database online checker?
@PeeHaa as a sanity check, that's quite broken, as you'd expect the majority of bits to be true
I have remade my DB twice and I keep getting the same error...
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails
@PeeHaa wait a minute, str_split? On an integer?
7:37 PM
is there some tool who can check it? or someone who can do some magic?
@ircmaxell Oh rite :|
Not idea how to get what I am trying to do :(
@DarkSoul Is it on insert?
You probably didn't set the id field to auto increment
and you're missing 2 F's
I am?
7:39 PM
is set..
Great. So my parser fails in several places :P
int(11) No None AUTO_INCREMENT
Well, either that, or you're using pack when you shouldn't
7:40 PM
(pack expects a multiple of 4 bytes, so 8 hex characters, and will silently drop the ending ones, for "N" at least)
Are you just looking to translate a string into individual bits?
Not sure now :P
> The bitfield message is variable length, where X is the length of the bitfield. The payload is a bitfield representing the pieces that have been successfully downloaded. The high bit in the first byte corresponds to piece index 0. Bits that are cleared indicated a missing piece, and set bits indicate a valid and available piece. Spare bits at the end are set to zero.
I assumed I have to unpack it as I have to unpack everything else in all responses
I can check it with a torrent and compare the number of pieces with the result
3v4l.org/JVV45 is how I'd do it
assuming performance wasn't hyper sensitive
Not at this moment no
That looks much better tnx
(though, not sure you'd get it hugely faster, but definitely some room for improvement anyway)
7:45 PM
Yeap that seems to be what I was looking for
have someone a couple of minutes to check my db?
@DarkSoul Put it here so that if somebody wants to look at least it's clear what is going on sqlfiddle.com
Oh, and you're not missing 2 F's then, it was a faulty assumption based on the use of "N" in unpack
Request content too large (>8000)
Totes my fault
7:49 PM
No worries, just wanted to clear that up :)
Much appreciated getting me unstuck
Definitely. And we've all been there. Glad it's moving forward then :)
@DarkSoul What are the insert queries you try to run?
As a general hint: don't use italian? identifers when you can at all prevent it
INSERT INTO dosare (id_dosar, id_client, numar_dosar, data_inregistrarii, id_obiect, id_stadiu_proc, id_instanta, id_parte, id_calitate, id_sedinta, id_fisier) VALUES
"$idclient", "$numar_dosar", "$data_inregistrarii", "$idobiect", "$idstadiuprocesual", "$idinstanta", "$idparte", "$nume_calitate", "", "")
Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (db_ruleoflaw.dosare, CONSTRAINT dosare_ibfk_1 FOREIGN KEY (id_client) REFERENCES clienti (idclient))
7:55 PM
You are trying to refer to a row that does not exist
which one?
in phpmyadmin it appears.. as foreign key
8:10 PM
any ideas?
8:47 PM
I have a problem. MySQL returns date as '2020-01-22 01:58:26' while PHP create new date as '2020-01-21 20:37:42.255420' in UTC. PHP datetime is correct, but MySQL doesn't returns the timezone so PHP assumes it's in UTC, which is wrong. How do I compare second difference between these two?
8:59 PM
Hi, I'm looking for anyone using Phpspreadsheet
9:44 PM
@myk just ask what the question you have, otherwise you'll likely not garner interest
10:24 PM
@PeeHaa It was AWESOME! Had a great time.
Dreaming of being back on the island every moment today. =D
1 hour later…
11:46 PM
@VarunAgw Never use MySQL's timezones :-)
@VarunAgw You can convert the PHP's one by doing ->setTimeZone(new DateTimeZone("Asia/Calcutta")), or parse the MySQL returned one with new DateTimeImmutable("2010-01-22 01:58:25 Asia/Calcutta")), and then it should be the same
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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