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12:45 AM
Invalid tags in DOM prevent attribute manipulation of siblings – #78500
1:00 AM
configure: WARNING: PHP is going to be linked with an external PCRE, --with-pcr – #78501
@peehaa - do you want the honour ^^ ?
This query gives me an empty
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name or email='webdev' AND password='12345678'
But this gives a result
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name  ='webdev' AND password='12345678'
1:15 AM
Well i'll give you a clue... "name or email=" ain't what you want
If you're using PDO, I strongly recommend configuring it to throw exceptions on errors.
I want to say for my site user write your name or your mail
you want... WHERE (name='webdev' OR email='webdev') AND password='12345678'

Then you need to reconsider your choice of password mechanism... quickly
@MarkR thank you
The tl;dr for passwords is you never, ever want to store a password in plain text in your database. Always store the password hashed (lookup: password_hash) and then when it comes time to check your user... you look them up by their name / email, and then use that stored hash, and compare it to what the user sent via password_verify
1:20 AM
tl;dr means...
Too long, didn't read.
2:19 AM
Question for anyone who is still awake... is there any implicit behaviour that would cause a a child class to not recognise typed properties until after the child constructor?
err, parent constructor
2:46 AM
3v4l.org/LECsk Before I submit a bug report, can someone please check this over for me, because so far as I can tell, that absolutely should not be calling __set
3:03 AM
If I initialise it with a default value, behaviour is as expected: 3v4l.org/cEIOe
3:14 AM
3v4l.org/r9DBU there it's seemingly completely skipping the public $example and hitting __get instead, but still enforcing the type on it.
3:44 AM
3v4l.org/0cT8r There we go. Can't set an uninitialized typed property in the presence of a __set method. 5am, will work on it some more later so im not looking like a crazy person talking to himself for 6 hours.
4:06 AM
\o Joe
moin levi
Do you know of a ZEND_API function that tries to convert a zval to a string, and if it can't it just fails silently? That last bit is pretty important right now.
Basically, I'm calling it from my extension, knowing full well that it can fail and if it does I don't want the user's app to see it at all. I'd like to avoid writing my own function, as its conversion semantics may not be the same. But I can't find such a function, so may have to do that anyway.
no, at bottom they all call convert_to_string which unconditionally raises when conversion can't be performed ... however, copying convert_to_string and just not raising the exceptions is simple enough ... convert_to_string has looked more or less like that forever ...
@rtheunissen Good luck!
@JoeWatkins I don't know why the try variant still emits the warnings and exceptions. Seems weird.
4:12 AM
the rules for what can or can't be converted are more or less static, so long as you do exactly as that function does it should be fine
Like... its API seems like it understands it can fail, so why still emit those warnings and exceptions?
@LeviMorrison oh well ... I read "try" not as "attempt", but "called_in_zend_try" or "further_up_the_stack_exceptions_are_handled"
I see.
Early morning
4:17 AM
Morning already. FML. Good morning all.
I'm actually heading to bed but stopped in to see what everyone was up to already.
@LeviMorrison because the point of the try variant is that it won't return a thing you have to free if it raises an exception, so you can allow execution to continue normally (and the exception if raised will be handled further up the stack) ... it's difficult to clean up when using longjmp for exception handling ...
After I get my new PC put together tomorrow I may be out of commission for a few days of gaming... well I do have the celebration of me and the wife's 18 year anniversary... but then- GAMING!
@JoeWatkins I looked at some usages, and it does seem fine. Just not what I expected.
Better set an alarm @StatikStasis otherwise your gaming session might end up with a very-angry-wife session.
4:20 AM
Guess I'll be writing my own silent variant. Oh well.
moin mark
@LeviMorrison seems to be only thing to do
Morning Joe.
@MarkR We've been married 18 happy years... I have got it down to a science. Haven't had a mess up in many years. =p
I could do with getting some sleep soon, but I wonder if anyone would be able to tell me if the typed properties behaviour I linked earlier is intentional or not?
@MarkR I do remember the last time I let my gaming get me in trouble. I was heavily into WoW and my wife came into my back room with a Victoria Secret lingerie and said "ahem!" She wasn't happy when I responded with "...baby... we just started a raid..."
She's not let me live that down yet.
However, I did put the raid down for a while and rejoined the party a bit later. All was well.
4:26 AM
Youch. I spent more than a few nights playing eve online when I should have been asleep next to my now ex girlfriend. That oft did not go down too well when I tried getting in bed at 3am and she had to be up early for work
LOL- I've done that too. We have a 42" screen on the wall in bedroom where I have done some gaming many times. I always feel ashamed when she wakes up at 5am and sees me still playing. I don't get to play like that very often.
Well... nn all.
I think I'm a bout to collapse too. G'nite gents.
@MarkR it's expected
__set is called for uninitialized properties by design, and the property is not initialized ... no bug
heard a ding.
That means class types are impossible to use with __set present then Joe
4:42 AM
what ?
A class type by itself cannot be initialized as part of the property declaration, as far as I know, right?

class A {
public SomeClassType $prop;

public function __set($x, $y) { ... }

Is impossible
@NikiC could we see some labels on right side of RFC PR#1 like "Targets: PHP 8.0", "Under discussion", "BC safe" etc.?
@MarkR I don't understand what you're trying to say ... maybe sleep ;)
if there's a bug, it's not going anywhere overnight ... but I'm struggling to see what the problem is ... but that could be me just misunderstanding ...
You can't initialize $prop because it's only valid type is SomeClassType. Every attempt to access it will hit __set instead. The only way around it is to use ?SomeClassType as the property type and initialise it to null
@MarkR no, typed (class) property cannot be initialized without implicit assign
$prop in your example is public so it is visible from everywhere so __set won't be called
4:53 AM
set will be called
__set is called for undeclared and for non-visible properties only
3v4l.org/0cT8r @brzuchal
AFAIR was reading about __set yesterday or one day earlier
Im using 'int' in that example, because at least int can have an initializer value included in the property definition. A type of a class cannot
if you want to blame someone for the strange way magic interacts with typed properties, blame marcus, but I don't see anything going on that isn't by design ...
4:56 AM
I don't want to blame anyone. It just seems like a gigantic hole in the design, it's not an uncommon pattern. Dependency injection + a setter, especially for ORM
but without a doubt it is strange, but we knew that when we were writing it ... we have to invoke magic for IS_UNDEF property because that's the state the property is in after the engine unsets a declared property ...
Weird, I wouldn't expect __set to be called on typed uninitialized property
here is the exact line that leads to this behaviour, and it's correct ...
And why the hect it is still uninitialized after assign inside constructor? 3v4l.org/r5CBW
I don't understand it at all
that's the branch it hits when the property is undef/uninitialized/undeclared ...
5:00 AM
Ahhh, I'm dumb __set didn't assign any value
and that's why it is still uninitialized
that scarry me
if you set in __set I assume it just calls __Set again and you blow the stack, perhaps im wrong
yeah wrong, there are guards
does it actually initialize at instance level then?
No it won't blow up
interesting is calling dynamic property assign to undeclared property inside __set calls __set again :P
I link to these things so you can read them ... by the way :)
5:04 AM
@JoeWatkins I'll go through them, thanks
Am gonna hit the road to work nwo
So in order to use class based property types in 7.4 with a __set present... each time __set is called we have to invoke reflection, find all the properties, and take different action if it's actually a real property?
why do you say that ?
How else are you meant to initialize it?
what's the problem ?
5:11 AM
Kinda ignores the purpose of using __set in the first place, which is to handle dynamic fields.
I hit this problem because I was surprised to find my DB statements exploding because it was trying to use the service properties as field names, because even though the service was explicitly declared with a typed property, the engine was calling __set
Yes. Literally the second paragraph of the docs: "The overloading methods are invoked when interacting with properties or methods that have not been declared or are not visible in the current scope"
this is the behaviour typed properties has to be compatible with, behaviour relied upon by the ORM and other software you mentioned, we made typed properties compatible with it, how those ORM or whatever authors use the magic I don't really care (or know) about, but the implementation is consistent ...
look at the code ...
I've looked at the code, looking at the code isn't going to change the giant flaw :-)
5:38 AM
3v4l.org/DQqak oops :) anyway now I really am off to bed as it's almost 7am
6:15 AM
Segmentation Fault in array_map – #78502
6:27 AM
I think I've found another type which should be excluded in union types the same way as void union is - union type with object|Foo IMO should be illegal, right?
I'll add it to pr when got to the office
6:45 AM
@Derick did you check with anyone else before releasing rc1 without 5dc37cc306717998cf9f4bc8283a735d34c66cef ?
7:25 AM
I still can't believe the arrow functions rfc was accepted. The syntax is so bad. Kinda wished I'd been more vocal about it, but I thought it would fail anyway. :-(
7:50 AM
@NikiC He just can't stop commenting on bugs huh? xD
skulk to move in a stealthy or furtive manner
good moanings
Garbage collection cycles documentation needs update – #78503
8:07 AM
@JoeWatkins @MarkR bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=78226
The __set thing is a known issue. We'll have to change __set semantics.
your last suggestion seems reasonable, it is surprising, but expected right now ...
I hate magic, and I hate that we had to support unsetting in exactly the same way as untyped properties, it doesn't really make sense to do that - if unsetting an untyped property were disallowed there would be no way we would allow you to unset a typed property ...
> I think we'll have to change the semantics of __set to not be called for properties that are declared but unset (or uninitialized).
do you mean specifically typed properties
@JoeWatkins no, i mean all properties
is that a bit ... breaky ...
8:18 AM
I'd say the fact that this is considered "a bug" for typed properties can be extended to it being "a bug" for non-typed properties ;)
Just that that case is a lot rarer, so nobody bothered to complain yet
yeah, the alternative (changing semantics of __set for typed properties only) isn't any nicer ... just breaking 7.4 seems ... not very nice ...
nor does delaying until 8 and leaving this annoyance in place ,,, messy ...
maybe it could be fixed for typed properties in 7.4 and both in 8, to ease the pain ?
no, that's awful too ...
8:39 AM
@NikiC so, it should still trigger on __get(), just not on __set(), right?
@bwoebi yes
seems reasonable
8:52 AM
I also have an issue with __set, but not due to uninitialized properties but in general in the context of object initializer. The thing is if we allow ctor after initializer then __set method could operate on $this which would be what? Then IMO allowing zero args constructor could be alllowed only before initializer - but thatcould lead to initialize properties before their initialization through initializer
for eg. LoggerInterface in most ctors if not passed through constructor then set to NullLogger which would be then immediately overwritten by initializer
How to solve that, which way to go?
no ctors...
DateTime can quietly produce unexpected results – #78504
@NikiC that would be a most safe solution, but I doubt lack of any ctor would be accepted
@brzuchal imho there no chance this will be accepted with ctor
ctor xor initializer
@NikiC can this be solved due to discussion?
or needs to be solved before discussion starts?
Maybe I'll drop ctor as you say and add a note about that in the RFC that it was considered but leads to drawback if used at all
@NikiC BTW what you think about union type T|object ?
9:04 AM
@brzuchal should error
Yes, fought so added in PR a comment that is should be illegal
*thought so
"fought" is something else (past tense of "fight"), despite the fact that many people mis-pronounce it that way
P.P.P.S. As you and others may not know me I'll mention I've been programming professionally in PHP since 2006. I've also been a PhpStorm user since < 1.0 and submitted over 150+ bug reports and feature requests too. I say this so that anyone who replies to me can assume I am indeed familiar with programming in PHP.
^-- If that isn't the best way to immediately make people think that you're incompetent.
@DaveRandom Thank you
@NikiC is that in a reply to you? :-D
9:19 AM
@NikiC I usually stop listening to that kind of people
I would answer and was holding my cursor on a button to send a response like that:
> You just proved your incompetence by bragging about your competences.
But that would be off-topic
Would that be offensive? If not then I'm gonna post it
Well don't I feel like a clown for missing the existing bug. Heh. Thanks @nikic, I'm at least glad it's on the radar.
@brzuchal That would be pretty offensive, yes :)
> almost all contributors may lose access to github (or other US based) companies based on the US government policies or directives
9:34 AM
There should be more emoji not just confused on GH like (´ΰ½€`」 ∠)
just sounds so paranoid ...
@JoeWatkins not paranoid, just political
well why isn't he already worried about php systems going down for the same reason, why is it only a risk if we use github, but not if we use cloudflare or other providers ?
The technical mismanagement of the internals list is keeping more people out than Trump could with his best efforts ;)
there is self-hosted | cloud-hosted enterprise GH version but doubt that's in range
9:38 AM
Anyone has a clue why psalm "autoconfig" detects all folders as file and lists all folders multiple times? "<file name="classes" />"
Has it something todo with filerights?
@NikiC Should have posted "Sleep tight!" then (and go away) :)
In the absense of a direct fix, would it make sense to turn the __set thing in to a link time error to explain why? I don't mind saying I lost 6 hours to that one last night with a combination of exploding code, trying to narrow down its behaviour, and having a spirited argument with Joe
I'm not really sure why you were arguing with me, I said it was expected behaviour, but strange (and told you who/what to blame) ... which is exactly what nikita said in the bug report ...
I believe it would be best summarised as saying that your argument was "This is as it's meant to be" and my argument was "Well it shouldn't be" :-)
@MarkR hmm, rereading, I think maybe you thought I was saying "this is okay", I was actually saying "this is expected, here's why" with examples and links to source code, I said right at the start "without a doubt it's strange" ...
9:57 AM
No harm done, and I've gone ahead and changed my type properties for my ORM controllers back to docblocks
@MarkR noooo
that is pretty horribad ...
I was going to go for darth vaders "noooo" but it's a bit morbid
But memes aside, was the noooo to suggest something other than docblocks, Nikic?
10:22 AM
probably the sadness of having to go back to docblocks
10:32 AM
Aye. I might be able to get away with using ?Type = null and a // todo . Looks like PHPStorm inspections aren't showing it as a possible null-pointer.
10:50 AM
@JoeWatkins Only with the people here. Peter isn't easy to reach :-/
Hi, anyone here actively using event sourcing?
@2dsharp don't ask to ask, just ask
Ahh, okay. So, I was looking into event sourcing and CQRS recently, and I was wondering in what cases would event sourcing be very beneficial and what cases it would be more pain than useful to implement event sourcing in the web context.
11:06 AM
Are you really from india or my coworker? I talked about that with somebody 30minutes ago...
@user3655829 Are you referring to me?
But it was because they implemented CQRS with eventsourcing right into their monolith application. And they are using it only inside the monolith. Then its useless...
I see. I believe some service-oriented architectures would benefit the most out of having event sourcing and separate reads and writes. I'm just not sure if I would be exactly able to tell which ones.
11:29 AM
@2dsharp it's useless for CRUD
I played about with CQRS a bit but requiring a known unique key to read back really sucked for me
11:49 AM
@2dsharp when knowing the history of something provides a lot of value. youtube.com/watch?v=JHGkaShoyNs
@Gordon in a nut shell, yes
@brzuchal possibly, writing just "your feedback is noted". is far more effective at dismissing someone than trying to argue with them.
@Danack Thanks, I just watched that video a few minutes back.
@Danack Agree, but it's hard to not to be offensive if cannot express with an irony that someone or is dump enought to earn that or can't see that he is tiring
and after all it's Friday, so probably everyone has enough
@Danack You always do it perfectly, when I see you're writing in response to someone arguing it's always a pleasure to read that and learn, thanks
I dread to think how many people consider arguing / debating with me tiring, all of them, I assume
12:05 PM
casting stdClass to string now unrecoverable fatal error – #78505
It's like ASMR, but with more code examples, and nails down the chalk board
what are people always doing for crazy stuff with their error handlers (re 78505)
- catch (ErrorException $e)
+ catch (Error $e)
Why do you consider that crazy?
...there's a bug in the code, and they're 'fixing' it by trying to catch a quite generic exception, and that hack is now failing because the exception type has changed, rather than just fixing their code.
the claim "fatal errors are hard to catch" is also wrong, just wrap toplevel code in try catch Error
12:16 PM
Probably confusion between \Throwable, \ErrorException and \Error. Personally I use \Error for mine.
it looks like this code was migrated from php 5 to 7 and not adjusted to the new error possibilities
especifically the use of ErrorException was widespread in php 5 error handling examples
The \Throwable stuff confused me for a while once it first came out. Even now the docs say that "PHP classes cannot implement throwable... and must extend Exception"
12:35 PM
> That and I'm now 5 hours past when I should have been in bed. :-( Night.
!!xkcd 386
@MarkR that just needs "... or Error" appended, a while back we didn't want people extending Error (citation needed) or child classes but maybe times have changed.
anyone want to tell me to not go nuclear on rhsoft?
doesn't appear so :-)
12:46 PM
@brzuchal I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
@Jeeves You should do that
BTW why Dave?
youtube.com/watch?v=ARJ8cAGm6JE because that @brzuchal (I assume you were asking why "Dave")
ahoy hoy
@MarkR awesome :D
12:53 PM
@ircmaxell have you been watching the UK parliament: youtube.com/watch?v=TF_bL6WW47A ?
@Danack no, she was watching me
> As a code collaboration platform, GitHub is pretty good, but it's not built as a discussion forum, and there are plenty of limitations to using it as one.
except the same could be said about email, which IMHO is way worse as evidenced by how well the discussion is actually touching on meaningful technical questions in GH, where normally it doesn't much on the ml
@MarkR that movie is boring like watching paint dry
@Jeeves you're boring like watching paint dry
My 3900X has arrived! I want to leave work...
1:05 PM
@ircmaxell I think having the github discussion first, before then formally announcing the RFC on the mailing list (and starting the two week discussion time then) would be not to much extra work, and allow the benefits of both mediums. And also not give people a justifiable reason to try to resist change.
honestly, I would even take it a step further. Do all primary discussion on GH, formalize all feedback into the RFC on the wiki, and then announce an "intent to vote" which isn't intended to have discussion, it's intended to be the time for people to say "this idea isn't reflected adequately" or "I think this is still a bad idea" or "please go back to discussion so we can talk about this part more". If it's all settled, then the vote makes it formal.
> formalize all feedback into the RFC on the wiki
meaning, no technical discussion happens on-list, but it should all be effectively summarized in the RFC by the author when they take it to the wiki (after it's been iterated on)
I agree, but I think that needs a paid person to do it. Trying to neutrally summarise other people's point of view is time consuming and takes a lot of mental effort.
but I would argue that's the job of the RFC author
1:10 PM
Also, some people can do it, but it's going to be beyond the skill level of some people.
to collect and summarize the feedback
For what it's worth, I think the GH RFC has already paid dividends. It's demonstrated the RFC itself to have overwhelming positive feedback (based on text responses and top-level emoticons) and it's also demonstrated the ability to influence the RFC itself through consensus and discussion (using |null)
1:21 PM
morns o/
1:36 PM
!!should I go home and build my new PC or stay at work
1:42 PM
You should go home and build your new PC.
The great Jeeves has spoken!
@ircmaxell I am hearing her sing that in my head now. =D
@StatikStasis gahh! you ruined it, we were almost there :(
@mega6382 Nah... it was already ruined.
@StatikStasis well a certain amount of chaos is expected, and can be tolerated
1:53 PM
@mega6382 almost where?
@ircmaxell screen full of waves
1:56 PM
2:16 PM
In PHP 5, how are references represented?
@LeviMorrison in what sense? Internally? Or...
Internally. Like, what fields are set to what values?
well, only one field is set
the rest is just shared pointers
static zend_always_inline zend_bool zval_isref_p(zval* pz) {
	return pz->is_ref__gc;
2:37 PM
Saw this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/d0dkd8/so_true/

Thought of this: https://i.imgur.com/ERSmPhal.jpg
3:00 PM
Anyone happen to know why Zend-code doesn't support generating functions? It's obviously quite trivial....but still quite odd for it to be missing.
generating functions?
yes. It has useful stuff for generating classes and methods...but not functions.
ah, I thought you meant /Zend in php-src
and was like huh?
@MarkR I see Z in that photo. Sometimes I think he reads each post and ponders "How can I disagree with this.... ohhh I know!"
6 months i've had to work on WP now and I genuinely think i've lost brain cells.
I'm so concerned about the habits i've picked up from working around this pile of ..
3:13 PM
That won't stop you from commenting on and suggesting alternatives for type system RFCs. Apparently.
Just went from PHP 5.4 to 7.3 in a month here at work. I deserve a raise.
@salathe well that's dangerous
3:31 PM
@salathe tzk.
We're creating new services while still having to support various legacy services.. There are 4 different user tables (across different databases/applications) that need to be in sync until we can kill off the legacy services. The amount of hoops I'm having to jump through is ridiculous
It's such a mess, I feel so dirty for doing what I'm doing
@JayIsTooCommon only on a Friday :)
@salathe :3
3:47 PM
@Alesana I feel your pain. I'm doing the same thing.
A dithered JPEG.Ugh!
I first thought you meant high compressed JPEG, and I was going to explain that dithering is the approximation of colours in lower-than-necesary colour spaces. However, this freaking thing does look dithered!
4:05 PM
It's a screenshot of a youtube clip. I'm reasonably sure VP9 embeds some support for stable dithering in the playback.
/as if that's the problem with the image.
4:21 PM
Is there some trick to using zend_vspprintf in extensions for PHP < 7.2? I keep getting a linker error.
I can find the php extension folder using this command php -i | grep extension_dir. Does php-fpm also use this folder? I mean, i tried to add a extension to the php.ini of the php-fpm and it did not worked.
4:53 PM
@DerpDeeDerp fpm has it's own binary
1 hour later…
5:55 PM
Just catching up on the ML. Re: Engine Warnings RFC, can we expect to see that also copied to Github for line-by-line discussion?
@Derick Did you try out the package.xml build script?
What would you like to change about it?
6:12 PM
I'm using Traefik with Docker, and every time I send a request to the docker container - it will work for a request or two then it will randomly start returning 404. I have to restart the docker container, then it happens all over again. I'm seeing the request in the apache log entry when watching the container and the container is getting the request, it's just returning 404 even though it's a completely valid route. Anyone have any tips on how to debug this?
6:26 PM
@Gordon how do i find the folder?
1 hour later…
7:30 PM
Error in a php_user_filter::filter() is not reported – #78506
8:28 PM
@JoeWatkins What about zend_strpprintf? It's such a bother these weren't exported in 7.1/7.2 >.<
@LeviMorrison iirc you need to use strpprintf
9:25 PM
@pmmaga I've watched your container talk but there is a cut when you started doing the demo :(
@Jasny-ArnoldDaniels Hadn't had anything to release yet :-)
@Derick was nice seeing you yesterday :D
9:45 PM
Segmentation Fault at zend_strtod – #78507
10:36 PM
@PeeHaa have you changed numbers?
10:55 PM
I tried using ReactPHP HTTP, but i cant get firefox to connect to it. am getting an error like Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ws://localhost:4000
11:31 PM
And chrome WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:4000/' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 200
11:43 PM
@Girgias It was indeed!

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