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looking for someone make customize for me on this website
contact me : [email protected]
"seen 12s ago, talked 1691d ago"
I guess I have not been here for a while :-D
2 hours later…
Hey @JoeWatkins =)
Good morning
Good morning.
clang build fails on Travis CI on gmp – #78360
luftmensch an impractical contemplative person having no definite business or income
@Jeeves now you are just making up words
1 hour later…
parse_ini_file converts constants to strings, even with INI_SCANNER_TYPED – #78361
2 hours later…
@Allenph well, maybe
fuck sake
so, if I find a spider at the bottom of the pool, it didn't kill itself, right ? that means they live in the pool, or can live in the pool ?
They're trying to find a connection to your plumbing. One day, you'll be sat on the toilet, and the clever little spiders will have figured out how to navigate the tunnels to get to the u-bend. Your butt will be a bit like the robots tunnelling through into Zion in the matrix.
@DaveRandom oh... dear... god... why... WHY... did... I... click... that...
Eyes burning...
Face melting...
it's not like I didn't give you fair warning
tbh I completely overlooked the tag.
ftr I went to watch Nile Rogers & Chic dressed like that
I was also sporting a rain poncho later on, like the sexy beast that I am
Aren't you afraid of- I dunno. Thorns or anything else out in the open like that.
@DaveRandom hm. :-P
@StatikStasis it's a festival, not a woodland trek :-P
Sounds enforceable
That's like someone trying to ban cookies... Oh wait
Hi anybody knows symfony?
@CaptainPlanet Great guy, always tells funny stories at parties.
I don't like him, I once saw him walking out of a party with 5 bags of Doritos which I'm pretty sure weren't his
@Danack ))
@DaveRandom You're just jelly. I saw you eyeing those Doritos up.
and he's a double-dipper
btw @CaptainPlanet have you managed to get pollution down to zero yet?
Today, Sammy and I are going to play around with AST processing.
huh, never knew that LeVar Burton did a voice in Captain Planet
@LeviMorrison i saw that change you made to get rid of zend_execute_ex, do opcode handlers have no downsides for this scenario? i always was under the impression this is slower for whatever reason
@beberlei It is slower, that is definitely true.
Anyone know of any tricks for getting the return value from inside of a function using finally? I've thought of one way, and I don't look forward to testing it: rewrite all return expr; nodes into return $__apm_retval = (expr); and then using $__apm_retval in finally.
is exexecute_data->return_value not set already at that point?
Internally, sure, but I'm trying to work in user-land here :)
Although I wonder if exposing a function similar to func_get_args() might work... if so it might be WAY less processing.
that won't work, the return instruction will be executed after the finally block ...
you don't really need to
you don't inject the ast for try catch, you inject a call around the return value, so return call($whateverVarOrStatement)
Maybe; what about ref vs non-ref though? For params and retval passthrough?
If it's an internal function can it avoid that distinction?
you can determine if the function returns by reference, and so whether you need to call a function that accepts/returns by reference or not ...
Oh, true.
@JoeWatkins You are sure that won't work? It would be nice if it would because then I can accurately log exceptions at the same time.
zend_throw_exception_hook triggers regardless of being caught, and correlating the exception in zend_error_cb is tricky.
Plus, then I don't have to walk the tree :)
you are setting opcode handlers ?
The goal is to get rid of all that, and just do this + zend_execute_internal.
well I am sure it won't work ...
That's the pie in the sky dream, anyway.
Okay, so take something like this:
function to_iterator(iterable $input): Iterator {
    if (is_array($input))
        return new ArrayIterator($input);
    else if ($input instanceof Iterator)
        return $input;
        return new IteratorIterator($input);
And transform it into this:
function to_iterator(iterable $input): Iterator {
    try {
        if (is_array($input))
            return apm_span_end(new ArrayIterator($input));
        else if ($input instanceof Iterator)
            return apm_span_end($input);
            return apm_span_end(new IteratorIterator($input));
    } catch (Throwable $ex) {
        throw $ex;
Or something like that.
Oops, missed the span_begin() before the try.
I installed pear/Mail but my PHP script seems to stop as soon as it reaches Mail::factory(...).
Any idea what could be wrong?
No error is outputted even though I called error_reporting(E_ALL);.
Here's a silly question: Should cookie be a part of the model? Who should be responsible for creating it - the service layer or the controller? Since it has to be set along with a response, shouldn't the cookie be stored by the "View"?
@LeviMorrison looks about right
@LeviMorrison BTW, in terms of AOP, it's called "around" type of advice and it's available in Go! AOP framework. But it uses inheritance to capture the return value from original method.
> Subproject commit e19605846fa3c19acbb09b5ed8d2cadc67b4ba0e
.....how can I tell either git or composer I never want it to generate whatever the heck that is instead of a normal file commit.
Days Gone is climbing my list of favorite games ever. I think I am close to finishing it.
@Danack it's a git submodule (I think?), if you want it to contain the actual tree instead of an external ref you need to remove the submodule and copypasta the tree from the other repo
@DaveRandom yeah....but do you know how to tell either git or composer "if you ever interpret a command from me to use a git submodule, please tell me to go forth and multiply instead of actually doing that"?
as it was created by something, but I have no idea what.
wait wat?
yeah.....I dunno. I was creating a new library for some coding-standard stuff as well, and I also edited a package inside the app it was being used in.....but I didn't tell the computer "please add these files as a submodule". Perhaps I said "add these files" and something decided "Aha, he means he wants a submodule!!1!", but I really never will want that.
offtopic - bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-derbyshire-49189955 - crickey, that was close to disaster. And still is tbh.
Oh, so Levi wasn't a cat after all?
Nope :)
@NikiC A tiny suggestion at the very first look - "name" is required, always - so why not just make it the first arg? and everything else into the array then (second arg)
Out of curiosity, are you @LeviMorrison the one who had a gray-cat avatar?
@Shafizadeh you mean this? i.imgur.com/DsJieX1.jpg
that's levi strauss i reckon
Come on Levi light my fire.
nope .. if I recall correctly, the avatar was a cat, and the whole image was black&white
@Shafizadeh It was a greyscale kitten with its head slightly tilted.
that's it!
omg @LeviMorrison! You're a human now!
And in color, too!
1:30 pm new york time every day stocks drop @MadaraUchiha wth does that mean
i mean.. lunch time, literally?
That sounds like an entirely reasonable explanation.
totally exploitable lol
how can i check if a digit is present in digit in php?
for example var_dump(6 present_in 67);
return true
I know this but is there any other way without typecast
well not one that a sane person would use
cURL doesn't respect CURLOPT_SSLVERSION – #78362
ohh god
I am trying to write a script which will give number divisible by 3 and that number must be present in long int

for example
input 33
Now 33 is big number which will be divisible by 3 and present in long int input 33
now output is 33
@Exception You can use regular expression for it
@Exception if(preg_match("/[0-9]/", $variable))
For my Laravel site, I was to generate a unique identifier and save in the database for when the user lands on the website, so that even if he refreshes the page that token remains.

How can I generate this identifier in my database and ensure that it won't be generated by any other user?
are you trying to reinvent the concept of session here @deSousa?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yes, but for web sockets I think.
@deSousa Just generate a uuid4
evening, bitches
@JoeWatkins who are you addressing :-P
Buffer overflow in zendparse – #78363
@Danack I guess you didn't ignore the vendor directory and Composer installed the dependency via Git instead of using a ZIP?
@kelunik I initialised it as a git directory myself....I think I must have also told PHPstorm to add that directory to git, and it initialised it as a submodule, rather than adding the files individually.
stupid computers.....doing what I tell them to do.....
If you have a Git repository inside another Git repository, it's automatically treated as submodule, I think.
yeah, I was wondering if there was a config setting to say "never use git submodules, and give an error if I run a command that would result in one being used".
@Danack You can probably use a global Git pre-commit hook and check for it there.
thanks. Good idea.
strip_tags removes \x00 – #78364

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