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Good morning
@JoeWatkins Stats. Interesting.
@Gordon it is :)
@JoeWatkins i have a questiona bout the paragraph with immutable classes and the function table in opcache / shm. When is this going to happen? i haven't seen any discussion about it
will this affect overwrites happening in MINIT?
in up to 7.3, only a function may be immutable, in 7.4 a class may be immutable ... immutable means it's in the SHM, or that you have to treat it like it's in shared memory ...
@beberlei only overwrites of user code, it's only user code that goes in shm
ah obviously...
maybe coffee before freaking out ;)
to copy a function out of shm is easy actually, if op array fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_IMMUTABLE then memcpy sizeof(zend_op_array) set new op array refcount NULL and fn_flags &~ ZEND_ACC_IMMUTABLE, if new op array has static variables and GC_FLAGS IS_ARRAY_IMMUTABLE, then map new ptr to dup'd table, or else if not immutable addref the table ... then the new op array is not immutable anymore, and because it has no refcount will not try to free that which is in shm when it's eventually destroyed
classes are not so simple, I haven't done it yet, I don't think we're supposed too ...
(oh and handle the rt cache, map new ptr for 7.4 or new arena/heap space before 7.4 and memset 0 cache_size)
thats not really "easy" enough ;-) good that i am not affected
code is simple, I should have shown you that, words made it seem complex ...
@beberlei I was sure we had a conversation about overloading user functions ...
I am pretty sure you did :)
@JoeWatkins yes i think we did, i wrote the AST Tracer poc based on that. I haven't tried the other approach, unless I write it myself I am usually quite lost at first, i have a hard time keeping all the internals in mind
Segmentation fault on zend_check_protected – #78344
addlepated being mixed up : confused
@JoeWatkins is it possible to put an object ZVAL into SHM somehow? Eg. detect an object in the current context and put it into shared memory to survive several requests?
in a narrow set of cases, yes, but before it is inserted into another request, it must be copied into request memory (and the object store)
you can only do it for pure zend_object
and the class type will need to be resolved in subsequent requests also, in case it's address changed (it's not in shm) ...
hm, and for user-defined objects? Mark them as immutable and playing with refcount/memory? I can create a full graph of dependencies, walk all of them and move it into shm?
you can only do it for user defined (pure) objects ... and yes, you need a way to persist every other type of zval ...
you can't use refcounting to leave them in shm across requests, they do need to be copied out
ok, looks promising
dig around in parallel source code, it's implemented there, just without mapped memory (don't need it with threads) ...
@JoeWatkins thanks
OpenSSL tests using workers fail due to missing openssl ext in worker process – #78345
@kelunik I finished my PR with all your suggestions to amphp/dns, could you take a look and merge|release if possible?
@brzuchal might get to it this evening.
@kelunik Thanks, and already solved all new pending comments
any twillio sms integration expert here
@falak Just ask. If someone knows they'll answer.
then shall i ask as well
Don't ask to ask.
strip_tags no longer handling nested php tags – #78346
o.0 People still use strip_tags() dafuq!
btw is there a way to include a php file then inject values to variables inside of that file ?
@CaptainCthulhu Since PHP only has two scopes (global and function), anything you include is automatically merged to the global scope. i.e. if it's a global variable then yes.
PHP has no concept of file scope.
damn, so i have to do it manually then
am trying to make cms
and need to make it available in many languages, i am more specialized in c# c++ than php
Globals is never a good idea.
What exactly are you trying to do?
trying to set the whole cms text to variables (you know like home, contact, articles,title, ...) this text into something like ($tab1,$tab2,$tab3,$tab1-sub1)
after that
i call set a prepared statement to select the activated language set in db->user_info->selected_language
then right a way change the values of the first file
idk if its good
i barely have 4 months experience in php
@CaptainCthulhu What you want is a templating system that lets you include these views inside of a function scope, that way your variables don't affect the global scope. I recommend you take a look at something like Plates which would be super easy to integrate into any project. Also, for translations you should stick with gettext().
The pros of something like gettext() is that you can load large translation tables from a compact binary file into memory once (at startup), and the cost of translation look up becomes O(1).
Whereas the cost of using something like MySQL or some other RDBMS might come with slightly more overhead.
@CaptainCthulhu you can use my answer here as an example: stackoverflow.com/a/8516455/801258
@Sherif but can be emulated with closure scope!
looks interesting, first time i hear about gettext() and plates, maybe i should restart my project
@lisachenko i will try your solution first and see if it "fits"
thanks guys
@lisachenko A closure is still a function. That hardly qualifies as a file scope. You can have multiple functions in the same file.
including within a function scope is the best you can do to isolate included files from the global scope, sure, but I wouldn't go so far as to say that emulates file scoping.
Especially if you come from a C++ world.
@Sherif they are just some local variables in any scope, you can use function-level static variables to store them (from PHP side)
static variables
I vomited in my mouth a little.
For your knowledge - it's most secured place in whole PHP: it cant be changed outside with reflection/anything else. It's just a language feature and you can use it tricky or abuse it if you want
I'm really not sure what it is you're trying to say there.
@Sherif there was a discussion during PhpRussia conference about where to store some value in the PHP without ability to change it from the outside. And only function-level static variables are secured in PHP: they can be changed only within function block.
Not sure how you define "secure" in this context. What I can tell you is that static function variables have limitations in PHP (they must be compile-time constants). You get the same benefit from Class private variables but without the limitation.
If immutability is what you're after than class variables actually offer more versatility in that sense.
@Sherif private class variables can be changed via reflection/closure binding. So it's possible to hijack your class
Anything can be hijacked in PHP. What's your point?
I'm trying to show you that it's possible to emulate function-level scopes in PHP with closures and store them as function-level variables to prevent external modification. Add Weakref to that list - and you will get some working library
Right, because I can't overwrite functions the same way Reflection can overwrite classes?
Sounds like an argument for argument's sake.
oi oi oi guys, no fights, its just a discussion not a war or presidential debate, i am grateful that you both answered my questions and each solution fixes my problem from a different angle, but plates is soo tempting i am restarting my whole project thanks again
@Sherif ) ok, let's agree with difference then
I hardly consider that fighting.
I was just trying to understand the point.
We both know that PHP doesn't have native scopes, so all variables will live more than required. This is why I decided to think about possible way to emulate this. Closures can be used as replacement for local scopes.
So, no fights here )
what if i load the values from mysql directly?
What if caterpillars grew wings?
using prepaed statment to check which language is set to "active" or "1" then load it after login
@Sherif i suppose thats would be doomsday knocking on the balcony
@CaptainCthulhu You could do that, sure. Though what you have to consider is that there is already a better solution to your internationalize problem. Why choose the inferior over the superior?
well am newbie in php i am still exploring it after all
The cost of building up a TCP/IP connection alone is enough to drive me away from the idea of relying on the database for translations. Compare that to the nanosecond sub calls of memory lookup and you can see why they don't even compete.
Now imagine you have a site that loads 80 languages with tens of thousands of translations per language. Not only are you losing on the computational complexity, but you're also losing on the memory complexity as indexing that in a database has a substantially higher cost than some compact binary format like MO files.
Remove -lrt from pdo_sqlite.so because fdatasync removed in 5.3 – #78348
wrong socket path when host field is empty – #78347
@NikiC you around?
Guys, I have two offsets (ints) that represent that start character and end character offsets for some code in a file. Any easy way to, given these offsets, figure out which line in the file it is? Or is this a manual algorithm
Anyway, a question about FastRoute, whoever can answer please answer. Is there a way to skip a part of the url? Like if I have my index.php in /project/public/ and I am running it like http://localhost/project/public can I skip the project/public part for fast route?
Cause otherwise it just gives me 404 every time
@Jimbo Nope, you still have to read the file up to the given character to find the number of LF characters between.
@Jimbo Get the last cr/lfcharacter
Generally speaking, if you're storing offset ranges it's an indication that you don't care about line numbers.
One API gives me offsets and I need to convert to another API that cares about line numbers ;)
Ahh, the good ol' two APIs conflict conundrum
So algo: Given offsets X, Y, get all chars between offsets to get expectedLine, loop line by line and increment line counter; until line matches expectedLine
Not between X and Y, but between 0 and Y
X and Y would not tell you which line X is on, because it has no starting point.
X is the starting point?
And how many lines are above X?
I find that out when looping line by line
Why would you loop line by line? You only need to find the number of LF characters between 0 and X
Your question is the answer I want anyway :)
Ah, well depending on the language parsing the file will loop line-by-line
So that's internal anyway
I'm using Go, but PHP does this too when you read in line by line
You have to think of the smallest edge case: X is on line 0 and the first line is 1MB long. Why go for inefficiency?
Don't read in line by line, is what I'm saying.
Read up to X
Ah, then count number of LFs before
I got ya
Nice, thanks
Because, again, imagine the smallest edge case (X = 0).
Makes the optimization very obvious very fast.
@mega6382 yah
52 mins ago, by mega6382
Anyway, a question about FastRoute, whoever can answer please answer. Is there a way to skip a part of the url? Like if I have my index.php in /project/public/ and I am running it like http://localhost/project/public can I skip the project/public part for fast route?
@mega6382 uh manually
hmmm, is there some third party integration that works with fast route?
git.php.net is down :(
time for you to slack off :-P
@bwoebi Time to start writing mails ... but I so don't want to reply to Stas usual crap...
@NikiC you mean that crap with "2^n variats of the language"?
@bwoebi Not specifically, more like abstract crap
That in particular is a valid concern to have, but I've learned a long time ago that while Stas may have some seemingly valid concerns, arguing with him is extremely mentally exhausting and rarely results in any perceived benefit to the proposal.
@NikiC I was able to use that solution like $prefix = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);, I hope this is not a bad practice.
@NikiC My feelings as well.
He's not like Zeev - but his concerns tend to not be problematic often enough in real world
I'll say it. He sounds old, and he sounds like the old guy who wants to keep doing stuff the way it was done 15 years ago.
/takes one to know one.
In particular, the attitude of wanting to be 'in charge' of all the library code used in a system and not just accepting that there are too many libraries in use to know the full details of what each of them is doing, is a legacy from when it was possible to know in full detail what each of your libraries was doing.
@NikiC some thought: so, if we were to disallow (via declare) &-less passing, will php -r '$a = ["(a)", "a", null]; preg_match(...$a); var_dump($a);' still work?
@bwoebi yes
so still implicit reference creation there - okay.
@NikiC nothing like preg_match(&...$a)?
@bwoebi yeah, but more limited in scope. ... is somewhat broken by design because it does not fetch $a for write
@bwoebi That looks like all the args would be passed by ref
@NikiC yes. (just that the callee is dereferencing everything he did not specify as a ref param)
"&$var" is packing as a ref when used as passed arg and "$var" is unpacking if ref (otherwise "&$var" is not unpacking if not ref) when used as recevied arg
that's how I perceive by-ref semantics
without & it is never a ref for me
with & it may be changed
@bwoebi That's not what I want to go for though. If & is used at the call-site it must actually be a by-reference pass, not only potentially be one
@NikiC yes, I agree, that's good as a sanity check if directly used as positional arg
but if & is not used at the call-site it should never be a by-ref pass
@bwoebi Hm, maybe...
We could fix the current fetching behavior with that
and that too
@Derick Xdebug does not forward to the previous zend_error_cb inside of xdebug_error_cb, which causes compatibility issues with other extensions also using zend_error_cb.
It looks like you reimplement the regular error handler and add more on top of it, so calling the previous handler would essentially duplicate things in the basic case.
I'm thinking that it might be a good time in PHP 8 to somehow fix this situation.
Guess that's a general issue when some extensions start replacing the hooks instead of just wrapping and calling the previous hook again... But not sure how you would solve that
@bwoebi Thinking about this right now -- shouldn't we be able to get always correct behavior by using an RW fetch?
@NikiC RW fetches DO emit an undefined index notice though
so, do we want that?
if yes, then it would solve it...
@bwoebi I think that's the right behavior in this case
@NikiC yeah I agree
yes then use a RW fetch please
Does 3v4l.org have some way to enable ext-openssl?
/cc @Sjon
@2dsharp I think I didn't enable that because of the big variation between openssl releases
@LeviMorrison i talked to Derick about exactly this and he agrees that we should split the callbacks into a render callback (zend_error_cb) and a notification callback (zent_error_notify_cb) that gets called outside zend_error_cb. there was an rfc for php 7 that got accepted, but never implemented, it had a very complicated proposal though: wiki.php.net/rfc/improved_error_callback_mechanism
also - I'd have to pick a 'random' openssl version to compile against - preferably a version that is widely used with that PHP version
@beberlei I was actually reading that. I think perhaps something simpler might be better?
@LeviMorrison can i take a stab at it first? I was happy to have something meaningful i can contribute that is reasonably easy for me ;)
@Sjon Understandable, the HHVM implementation seems to support openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() by default, that should do for now.
zend_error_cb is only called from zend_error_va_list in Zend/zend.c - i was thinking of just adding a new callback there that is supposed to be always chained and used for notifications only, and zend_error_cb is defined as render callback, where calling the previous handler is not required
@LeviMorrison i agree somtething much simpler is better
Bundled pcre2 library missing LICENCE file – #78349
"supposed to be always chained"
it would be better to provide an API to register the cb in a zend_llist, and apply (if count>0) in zend_error, that way nothing can break the contract that it's meant to be chained ...
Yeah, that would be great.
it's easy for us to introduce a thing and talk today about how it's meant to be chained, and even comment in the header that it's meant to be chained, but if users are free to do whatever they want, they will, and you'll be in the same position in a few years with extensions doing whatever they want
i am fine with that :)
okay now think about whether you want to register the notification callbacks per request, or per instance ?
(they require different implementations)
per instance (process or thread). the idea is to register them at MINIT. this should be purely internal API, not exposed to users
okay agree, then the list needs to be a global (not in module globals, should be static in compilation unit probably) persistently allocated symbol, and you're implicitly enforcing that you must not register a notification callback at runtime, ever ...
are you really sure you want to use minit ? I mean, a lot of tooling is only going to want to instrument some requests, for those that want to instrument all requests they can just use an unconditional call in rinit, for those that only want to instrument some requests, you are leaving them no option but to unconditionally register the callback in minit and choose whether to act in their callback ... it's not so terrible, but worth a little more thought perhaps ?
all tooling i know tha tis open source overwrites zend_error_cb in MINIT afair.
they have too
anyway I agree, that's simpler, I was just thinking out loud :)
do you have a use case for request based instrumentation only?
I can't point at any code, but given the option of being able to instrument everything, or only specific requests, I would suppose some might choose only to instrument specific requests ... but this is all just words, we can't actually instrument only specific requests because of execute_ex hook and others ... so you can just ignore everything I just said, go with the global minit thing ...
How much overhead to you estimate this to have compared to what we do now?
I suspect not much, just asking to be sure.
the overhead in the case where there are no registered callbacks is insignificant (one branch, load of count), the overhead in the case where there are registered callbacks is precisely the cost of correctness ...
i agree on instrumentation with the goal of profiling, but for error instrumentation I believe you'd like to get notified of all of them
Does every zend_error_cb handler really have to detect repeat errors?
Permissions with relative paths – #78350
more problematic in my opinion is the fact that for E_WARNING, E_NOTICE and some user error callbacks can prevent that zend_error_cb gets actually called.
but yes, php_error_cb implements the repeat handling, if you want to replace that you need to reimplement :)
overwriting also breaks php.net/manual/de/function.error-get-last.php handling if you don't impelement that.
what a messy thing this is
Oh boy, facebook wants to schedule another call. I don't know if that's good or bad.
I'm pretty sure if they wanted to tell me to buzz off they'd just email me rather than schedule a call, right?
I can't tell ... are you going for a dev position at fb or something more managerial ?
Not managerial no. Just a senior engineer.
working on what in particular ? core product or something interesting ?
I dunno yet. They just throw you into a general team for the first 6 weeks and then you get to pick which team you wanna work on after that.
could be cool I suppose, they have some challenges ...
Yea, you gotta go to Menlo Park for the first 6 weeks apparently. But I'll be based out of the NY office if I get it.
nvm... I see :P
I'm fine anyway, thanks for caring ...
I interviewed for fb once, I totally flunked the first video phone interview, utterly failing to get words out and stuttering all the way through, but off the back of github activity (I suppose) I got a call back anyway ... I backed out when they started talking about relocation ... it seemed really drastic at the time, and they weren't offering much in the way of incentive to actually move, they were just looking to cover the costs, and the incentive was the job I suppose ...
but to uproot my young family, when they just started school and whatever, it didn't feel like enough incentive ... and I wasn't really excited about working there anyway ... I hate offices ...
@beberlei any particular reason why not exposed to users?
@JoeWatkins Yea, technical interviews can be nerve racking. I had spent a couple of weeks reviewing and practicing algorithms and data structure problems to prep for the interview, but it went pretty well actually. I kinda got stump on one little detail, but the interviewer helped me out and I regained my composure.
because solving an internal problem, not looking to create a new set of user space ones ...
@Danack honestly? not my use case.
@JoeWatkins I know what you mean. I used to work remote for the longest time before I set foot in an office, but I must say the collaborative environment is exhilarating. Definitely learned a lot from my peers.
@Sherif I totally went to pieces, the recruiter said it would be a skype chat, from the first second of what turned out to be a video call interview, I was thrown off guard and extremely uncomfortable
@JoeWatkins Was that your first technical interview? I can imagine that'd be hard.
Especially if you weren't fully prepared.
@beberlei But even if you just want to log stuff, don't you want to filter out the repeats or something?
Seems like the whole system is flawed if that's true.
We need an Exactly Once delivery for logging or something.
@Sherif I think it wasn't the first, I've only interviewed for a few big corps, and they were all around the same time, I wasn't exactly unprepared because of that - I was interviewing so was well read at the time and such ...
@LeviMorrison i am mostly concered with fatals at the moment, they don't repeat. I would potentially agree with you that i wouldn't want to log repeat notices/warnings/deprecations
but you see how long it just took me to words ... that happens all the time, and I can edit this, I can't edit urm, erh, ah, and stuttering away from speech ...
however, i could myself logging the amount of repeats, so that would need access to the errors again and again
@JoeWatkins I see
also repeats is tricky, straight repeats of the same vs interleaved with other. i often see a piece of code emitting 3 errors consecutively and then that gets repeated
@beberlei My handler only deals with the "error" errors at the moment, and I don't see that changing.
So I don't need to deal with repeats, right?
@LeviMorrison at least i have never seen something more happening after E_ERROR
wondering if you can produce an infintite loop by a fatal error raised in register shutdown function :p
This is for Tideways APM, I assume?
spying on php chatroom members
I just got hired to work on Datadog's PHP APM.
@LeviMorrison hah congrats :)
Your PR on the PHP internals book on hooks has helped me get up to speed; I'd never touched these parts of the engine before.
@LeviMorrison congratulations ^^
its quite brave that the datadog extensoin is open source, apm is such a secretive industry, i had to close source my extension from the original xhprof fork to our new rewrite, because i felt we are to small to allow all the closed source competition to read with ;)
had to as in felt i had to
I think it's because they believe the real value is in their polygot monitoring and their ability to intake so much more data than their competitors.
But I'm new, so I could be wrong on that :)
hehe :)
i believe in our case its actually the profiler allowing developers to trigger traces and getting exactly what they want when they want. plus the extremely detailed instrumentation for so many php frameworks (obviously since the competition is more about generic languages support).
What PHP versions do you support? We have had multiple people who want PHP 5.3 support. I don't understand that. You want to spend money on profiling and logging and all this stuff, but you won't move off PHP 5.3? Wha...?
we still support php 5.3 but the customers using that are usually on very old versoins of tideways. I don't have a 5.3 customer that is running on the Tideways version 5+ (which is released for about a year now)
2 of 400 customers on 5.3, 3 on 5.4 ;-)
9 on 5.5 and then its almost equally distributed across 5.6 to 7.3
We have a handful of 5.4 customers; it's still Red Hat supported.
I haven't even looked to see how much harder PHP 5.3 would be to support.
If we have at least 3 customers of a certain size it'd probably be worth it financially, if it's not too hard.
its not that much harder if you have 5.4 already, at least from the way we did the instrumentation
glad that the phpinternalsbook docs helped, that was exactly what i wanted to achieve, since its probably hard to find everything just from looking at the code
@NikiC that PR is ready to merge btw i just realized :) unless you have further comments
@beberlei Did you use opcode handlers at all? The issue we're having with zend_execute_ex is that if it is set then recursive calls are different at the VM level, and some customers are hitting overflows.
It might just be how we're doing it; it's currently not pretty.
the original xhprof always used zend_execute_ex, up until version 4 our extension was a fork and adapt from that so i never looked at other hooks. our new extension also uses execute_ex and individual function pointer overwrites for internal functions. never tried opcodes, honestly they are one level below my comfort level of understanding the engine
with php 8 if you overwrite opcodes JIT will never work anymore, so that hook becomes a problem for production
I assume that means you aren't hitting overflow issues, then?
@LeviMorrison i haven't had a customer report it though
Will zend_execute_ex work for PHP 8 + JIT? I haven't even looked at it, though I have checked 7.4.
so my answer is a weak no
for generic profilers it will be "okish" for profilers like tideways and datadog that absoultely need to instrument certain calls, if they get optimized into JIT, then no luck
dmitry sort of promised to think of something
how do you even get to the limit? the recursions must be crazy
guys this ip is crawling me .. any idea???
Possible to check for invalid class – #78351
@Shafizadeh Have you tried swatting it with a newspaper?
can you please rephrase the word "swatting" ?
well .. I can understand what you said .. but I sadly couldn't understand what you mean by that
@Shafizadeh So one of millions of web crawlers has found your web site. Welcome to the World Wide Web!
Would like cream with that?
Anyone know if this can be broken without ext-reflection/Closure::bind()? 3v4l.org/5aK01
broken = can create an instantiable subtype of Result
@Sherif ah :-) .. buddy .. my website has lots of rivals .. since my website is in a good state, they're trying to use my updated content to get some authority in their own websites ..
@Shafizadeh You mean your website is available to the whole world?
I wonder if anyone else has caught on to this?
what you mean by caught?
figured it out
if you mean involved, then yes, Teresko has helped me too much for launching my website
Maybe consider burying your server in the ground and then pour cement over it? I doubt anyone will find your website then.
buddy your English is really advanced .. I cannot simply understand what you mean .. thanks anyway
@Shafizadeh It's a joke. It is to say: "What do you want us to do about it?"
Is anyone here savvy with shell scripting?
@Sherif I want to know, is there any approach to stop a bot which is crawling me without making a website down even for 1 sec?
@Shafizadeh You could ban their IP.
in the apache layer ?
Q: Apache block an ip address from accessing the website

Arshdeepsomeone trying to access pages like //mysqladmin//scripts/setup.php Is it some hack attempt or .. ? If yes then how i can block its ip from accessing mine website ? Via htaccess or something else ?

oh thx
@Wes :-)
@Ocramius you could create an instance of your subtype via unserialize (e. g. 3v4l.org/ca5gE), but I don't know if that's the direction you are looking for.
@Shafizadeh just FYI, this IP looks like a legitimate crawler. You should probably just consider putting a deny rule in your robots.txt if you don't want that particular crawler crawling your site.
@jh1711 yeah, unserialization can be handled by disabling it, but I'm indeed thinking of someone willingly adding a subtype somehow
@Sherif Ah I see, ok thx
@brzuchal Added another few comments, some are nitpicks, but looks pretty fine, thanks!
@LucasBustamante please don't ask to ask, or try to get someone to commit to helping you. Just ask.
@Ocramius, I can't think of anything else, unless your code runs on hhvm. It seems there you can overwrite a final __construct with an old style constructor. 3v4l.org/HdA1u#vhhvm-3101
oh wow, php4 ctors @_@
@jh1711 thanks for helping out - that's a neat edge case!
@NikiC I did an analysis of by-ref in the top 1000 OSS repos: over 9000 instances of & BTW. Didn't group by type of AST node.
@Ocramius Would that include binary AND or does that fall under a different node?
Q Laravel) Is it safe to use user inputs in the SQL queries with 'LIKE'? I mean something like this: Model::where ('field' , 'LIKE' , $request->input);
I'm not that familiar with SQL; I don't know what things users can do after WHERE LIKE statement.
The weirdest thing just started happening o.o
We were using http\Exception\BadHeaderException in a file, and everything was working fine
But without changing anything, on multiple of my coworker's computers, it started throwing an error saying the class is not found
Nobody did composer install or anything, or changed any files
And PHPUnit is saying "ext-http is not in composer.json"
It seems you need a priest...
Probably need a priest for a lot of things but not for this one lol
@X4748-IR there are two special characters that need to be escaped. _ and % which need to be escaped/replaced to _ and \%. Other than I believe it's safe.
@Alesana trying disabling opcache. and get a priest.
@Danack That's exactly why I need user inputs in my SQL queries! Because I want the user to chose whether they mean &input or input% or even %input%!
okay. if you want them at the start and/or the end, you still might want to prevent them being elsewhere as search for %a%e%a%a% would be really slow.
btw there's a trick for sql storage, to reverse the string and store it both forward and backwards, which allows the indexing to work when the wildcard is at the end.
@Danack I didn't pay attention to this case! I have to use some regex
schemaValidate ignores namespaces dynamically added to a DOMDocument – #78352
Or just replace any % with '' and re-add the ones at the start and end if they exist.
@Danack This one seems better and easier, thanks :)
@Danack Will try that
Seems that it was never used in the container anyways
IDK it's pretty weird, we just stopped using http\ exceptions
It was just one place that used it anyways lol
The Jenkins build passed all the tests too (which were throwing the error), which is really weird that it would just be our local computers
Hey you PHPeople! I wanted to take a moment to thank you, give it to me doing vodka shots (but I do mean these). Thank you for all of your contributions. Thank you for all you taught me directly or indirectly. Thank you for all the fun and giggles. Thank you also for igniting my curiosity as well as many others. And here's another thank you, this one specially for @Jeeves <3
Here's another one, thank you too @PeeHaa \o/ Yep, that's about it I think. My day is made now :)

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