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morning all
it's early, so I'll walk you through it ... the first run is a profiler I'm working on, it collected 14k samples in the ~2.4 seconds it takes to run micro_bench.php, the second run is without the profiler, no samples ... the overhead of the profiler is 1.3%
/me is feeling pleased with himself
1 hour later…
morning room.
@JoeWatkins that's somewhat clever to use process_vm_readv(), circumventing all possible out of bounds memory access failures (segfaults)
@JoeWatkins are you intentionally writing absense? :-D
> the absense location and symbol signifies that the executor is not currently executing
@JoeWatkins you mean, that, or it couldn't fetch the data properly?
if it can't fetch the frame, there's no symbol/location, that means current_execute_data is not set, it will also fall back on a memory only profile when it can't read something from the frame
I want to somehow distinguish between a failure to read and inactive executor ...
I fixed the clock, even at 100 and 10 microsecond resolution (which is about the highest the clock remains accurate on my machine), the overhead is still statistically insignificant - there is more difference running the benchmark without stat loaded ... and it can do it for every process in a pool, in realtime ... it's pretty damn cool ...
obviously production machines are loaded unlike my machine, so it's not really a fair benchmark ... but I would hope even on a loaded production machine, you will have the spare cores to run it and it shouldn't interfere too much with ability to continue to scale ...
@JoeWatkins I think this is a totally reasonable overhead. Guess the disk overhead is worse than the CPU overhead...
or whatever thing is collecting these stats
yeah definitely, dumping is very costly at high resolution, although when you connect to the socket, that's handled in yet another thread, so if you have the cores ...
Q: merge two buttons to save two images

vickey colorsWe are displaying box image & mask images by fetching json. User will click on Mask image & upload their own image. Onclick button Save A , User uploaded image will save. Code1 in Jsfiddle Onclick button Save B , Mask + User Uploaded image will save. Code2 in Jsfiddle Requirement ...

Happy Birthday @Ekin
Can someone help me with a problem in php framework laravel?
Error in Parameter Sample, plus Missing Information on Parameters – #78328
Autoloading broken with 7.4.0beta1 – #78329
@AndreiNagy No one can help you unless you ask a question first.
hapless having no luck : unfortunate
G'morning happy chappies
bcscale() modifications persist across requests – #78330
@Sean I see no evidence of that
Q) How can I check whether URL has a protocol or not using filter_var?
google.com = invalid
google.com = valid
google.com = valid
@cmb I think you're right, but didn't work
$url = 'http://google.com
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED) === FALSE ? true : false;
always returns true
+ Besides, PHPStorm says it's deprecated (FILTER_FLAG_SCHEME_REQUIRED).
@X4748-IR, see https://3v4l.org/oEDS4
and yes, it's implied as of PHP 7.4.0
@cmb it returns an error because it's deprecated. So isn't there such this thing in php7.3?
@X4748-IR, ah, actually this flag is implied since ever; it's deprecated as of PHP 7.3.0.
So just omit it: https://3v4l.org/EDI6D
If it omits the host, how is it even a URL?
Possibly when people want to try and validate just the path part of the URL
"validate the path part of the URL"? How exactly does one /validate/ a path?
$path === substr($path, 0, strlen($path))
@mega6382 thanks :)
No idea why you'd want to do it that way but apparently it used to be a thing
I think regex is better than filter_var
@Sean +1
thought url validation regex was a bit longer
@Sean on what planet is /foo/bar a URL?
@Ekin lol
> A URL has two main components: 1) A protocol identifier, 2) A resource name
To do it any other way would just be nonsensical
Anyone using x-debug tool with sublime IDE? I just installed it and it already has ?XDEBUG_SESSION_START=sublime.xdebug in my URL. I had set breakpoint but when I browse my apps to the point of the breakpoint, it didn't stop as if the debug doesn't work. My Xdebug panel in sublime text didn't shows anything also
~2240 Links are stored using the crawler. It seems it works great...
I hope it works fine. I don't know whether a search engine has been created with MySQL or not
@X4748-IR Search engine indexes are typically implemented as hashmaps (due to their O(1) cost of search/insertion).
If you're trying to find 1 word in an index of 100 billion words, you typically don't want a cost greater than O(1) due to the sheer scale of the data.
<3 r11
any mysql expert here.. I need some help in mysql query
I have added 2 queries here 2nd one give expected output but I want to use group_concat() which is not giving an expected output
please suggest..
@Sherif It's part of the URL at least, but yeah, beats me.
@Exception What's an expected row of output?
check 2nd query it gives
likewise I am expecting them to be group_concat()
and first query which is using group_concat giving wrong sequence-
Aar Dou, Gra Dav, Heat Emer, Ph,A Pha, Pur, Queued Cases Enrollment Point, Queued Cases Sabre, Administrator
not at all
sqlfiddle.com/#!9/530711/13 Oh sorry, forgot about nulls
my second query gives output as row wise and I want same in single line that's why I am using group_concat()
Ohhh I see, so you want it all returned on one row for some reason.
yes correct
see my second query please it is showing correct result
and I am expecting that should be present in single line
Tries to save a bit of compute time by not having to create the joined name twice per row in the concat and order, probably a more efficient way of doing it though.
yeah! it is very close but not exactly what is looking for :(
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Without knowing what you're looking for I can't help you
see my second query please it is showing correct result
and I am expecting that should be present in single line
this is exactly what I am expecting
Your second query? The one with the HTML?
please 2nd query in the right side panel
SELECT id,user_name,first_name,last_name,STATUS,is_group
FROM   users
WHERE  STATUS = 'Active'

ORDER  BY TRIM(first_name), TRIM(last_name) ASC;
this query is giving expected output
I'm confused. You're showing me a multi row result, but you're asking me to pull down all the names on one line using GROUP_CONCAT.
very correct..
Honestly if you could just write out an example returned row with expected columns + values, that's going to be what I need to see, otherwise I won't spend more time on this.
I have above simple query and now using group_concat() I would like to get first_name and last_name concatenated from each row in such a way that all the first_name and last_name will come in single line
okay let me give you single line of output which is I am expecting
 Administrator,Ph,Pur,Queued Cases Enrollment Point,Queued Cases Sabre,Gra Dav,Heat Emer, A aPha, Aar Dou
like this
Hope you get it..
!!blame God
So what's the problem with sqlfiddle.com/#!9/530711/59 ? It's ordered alphabetically, on one line, separated by commas
It can be written without the subquery if that's the issue.
ugh group concat
what a miserable thing to do
@JoeWatkins From a team member it sounds like we've hit the issue mentioned here: github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/sapi/phpdbg/…
@DaveRandom You're blaming God for @PeeHaa existence? I guess that's justified...
@Sherif as long as mysql has no proper arrays... In the meanwhile mysql got the json type, but this is still don't know, feels unwieldy
it's mysql. unwieldy is part of the design aesthetic
Well, you got a point there.
@bwoebi but does he also have a tip?
no, just the point.
Also let me boo at mysql for not following the mariadb precedent and simply using PCRE ... but no, it's "ICU regex" ..
@bwoebi Well, that's a bit of a controversy in itself. SQL doesn't support RVAs, but it does support columns whose values are arrays, and columns whose values are rows. Though such values can’t be operated upon by means of SQL’s regular table operators and thus aren’t regular SQL table values, by definition.
Int in JSON message formatted as string – #78332
mysql_xdevapi\CollectionFind::fields() path fails when ends in number – #78331
@PeeHaa Posting to Twitter failed :-( Unknown error
booo @DaveRandom
or boo twitter
@NikiC I have a Mac now, so if there's anything in particular you want me to test, let me know.
I just can't seem to build with iconv for some reason. Only known issue atm, and not sure if it's a Mac thing or iconv version thing.
Setting the CLI process title fails on Mac OS. IIRC it's failed for years. I'll look into fixing those or maybe skipping them on mac. Aside from that, most of the other failures seem ASAN related in phpdbg.
Not sure on how to fix this one either:
$ cat $srcdir/ext/opcache/tests/blacklist.diff
008+     [5] => /private/tmp/path/?nocache.inc
009+     [6] => /private/tmp/path/*/somedir
008-     [5] => /tmp/path/?nocache.inc
009-     [6] => /tmp/path/*/somedir
@LeviMorrison They should already get skipped ...
@LeviMorrison And that one is fixed as well
I don't think you're using PHP 7.4...
Oh, didn't realize the Mac fixes were for 7.4 only.
I figured ASAN stuff would be backported.
Woah. Levi did a face reveal when I was gone.
Your turn Panda.
@PeeHaa ahhh!
@Allenph I haven't got many places to go with that... I will do a foot reveal if you want
@bwoebi I would like to be able to detect the following in hpack with huffman decode: padding longer than 7 bits; padded by 0; and an encoding containing the EOS symbol. Those 3 conditions should make huffmanDecode() fail. Since you're more familiar with the code, I was hoping you could point me in a direction to do that.
@LeviMorrison some of the fixes are backported, but test changes aren't
Currently I'm getting a build issue on 7.4:
$srcdir/ext/libxml/libxml.c:34:10: fatal error: 'libxml/parser.h' file not found
#include <libxml/parser.h>
1 error generated.
I have bison and re2c; any ideas?
@LeviMorrison If you specify any custom paths (which on macos is likely) you'll have to replace them with PKG_CONFIG_PATH
@LeviMorrison I had to brew install libxml2 and do --with-libxml-dir=/usr/local/opt/libxml2
@LeviMorrison Oh! And I forgot to mention I did a brew install pkg-config as well which might fix your iconv issue :)
\o Because I missed the wave earlier.
@NikiC PKG_CONFIG_PATH is what I needed. I'm curious why the configure succeeded but the build failed, though.
@DaveRandom I'm pretty sure you've revealed everything but that which might land you in trouble.
I spent an entire day to try understand why my local apache on macOS is appending the folder of a website to the request uri. Anyone has managed the same issue here?
if my project root is myapp and i navigate to localhost/myapp/ the routing will not work correctly if I don't set also the /mypath/ before the route. I hate this way because I need to change the code for the production
that sounds like you run production with the default apache configuration?
oh no its else
you have to configure your local apache like the prod webserver is configured
There is a vhost extra for myapp and not only the localhost default stuff
1 hour later…
In what cases would you record the current logged-in session of a user in db? I already have a cookies table to identify users based on cookies. There must be some good reasons to store the session data (for authorization purposes, not analytics).
@2dsharp when you want to store some data about that session securely on the server. But I'd use Redis not a db for speed.
@2dsharp Almost all cases
Also yes to redis
@Danack Yes, I was considering Redis to be more fit for such a use case.
@PeeHaa You looking at my girl?
Oct 29 '14 at 17:17, by DaveRandom
@Danack and Redis, sitting in a tree, c-a-c-h-i-n-g
lol :D
@PeeHaa I guess the day has been too long and my brain has been blocking out most things.Thanks though
The thing is @2dsharp php's default file session management is kinda a big meh
Both in terms of session management as well as in speed
@PeeHaa I was looking to use the php session id and uids to find sessions, I hope that shouldn't be much of a problem
Because I fear just the session id by itself wouldn't be a good unique identifier
What is an uid?
Or more specific how does it relate to php sessions?
@2dsharp It does
You can even tweak it if it is needed
@PeeHaa User ID, apologies.
user id would part of be the session data
Not the id
Yes, I was talking about storing the Session ID and the User ID (stored in the session data) as a way to identify a particular session.
To identify a specific session you just use the session id
That's what it is there for
Using both for identifying a session makes no sense
The client only sends you the session id anyway
Ah cool, maybe I was overthinking then
Basically there are two important things to prevent collisions: length and randomness
Both should be fine with the suggested configuration as defined in the default ini for most cases
Guess that's something I don't need to worry about yet then.
What you probably should do though is makes sure you use strict mode for sessions
How many users do you have @2dsharp?
@PeeHaa ooh, I didn't know about this. :/
@PeeHaa A few thousands right now, the default session id should work just fine.
Where is teresko by the way? Haven't seen him around in a while.
Q) What is the best way to store links? Percent-encoded or plain?
filter_var($link, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) Doesn't work with non-ASCII strings.
@X4748-IR The general idea is to store stuff exactly as received, using correct character sets in the database.
Isn't that dangerous or something?
Because of FILTER_VALIDATE_URL I do percent-encode URLs and then I decode them to store.
/me waves
@X4748-IR Storing an url is not dangerous, no what do you want it to do? Sure, you must protect against sql injection by using parameterized queries, and sanitize the urls before displaying them on someone's screen, but storing an url per so is not dangerous
waves back
well, unless you consider the tracking information facebook put into that url that will inform them you stored it next time it's used
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I just want to show them in my HTML page.
what do you mean by "retrieve"? display them?
retrieve means recovery
Can't you put some javascript in URLs like example.com/<script>alert("You're hacked lol");</scirpt>
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Sry!
> and sanitize the urls before displaying them on someone's screen
@Shafizadeh yes, I know, it did not make sense in the context however.
ah I see, ok
@X4748-IR yeah, the idea is to store the urls using parameterized queries, and display them after sanitizing them. If you are unfamiliar with these, I suggest you google for "pdo parameterized queries" and "xss"
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Right, thanks. I thought maybe it's better to encode them in the first place
@X4748-IR I can't find an ideal link, but "filter on input, escape on output" is the law to follow: lukeplant.me.uk/blog/posts/why-escape-on-input-is-a-bad-idea
@2dsharp he behaved inappropriately and then decided he didn't want to participate in a place where he was told to behave.
@Danack +1
By the way, one more question, can't I update/insert indexed columns? I made a column using Laravel's index method but I can't update/insert that field. It's always empty.

@bwoebi I think I figured out how to fail on the EOS symbol and padding longer than 7-bits, but I'm not sure how to check for padding with zeros.
Im getting this error in this soap DOMDocument::loadXML(): Opening and ending tag mismatch: HR line 4 and body in Entity, line: 4
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:adin="http://3e.pl/ADInterface">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<adin:field column="Value">
It's finally happened. I've lost track of days. I thought today was Thursday. It's Wednesday.
@MoteCL ARe you really sure that you get this SOAP and not an HTML error message?
But better I think it's a future day than a previous day, I suppose. It means I've gained a day.
@ThW here the error ibb.co/HnM6yxZ
@MoteCL Still the same question, check what PHP receives from the server. The error message matches loading a small HTML page - most likely an error.
@ThW here my function

public function web_service($soapMethod, $soap)
$endpoint = '';

$soapUser = '';
$soapPassword = '';

$headers = array(
'Content-type: text/xml;charset="utf-8"',
'Accept: text/xml',
'Cache-Control: no-cache',
'Pragma: no-cache',
'SOAPAction: ' . $endpoint . '/' . $soapMethod,
'Content-length: ' . strlen($soap)

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $endpoint);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
@MoteCL debug the $soap variable
i know i will regret it but i am out of amd
managed to earn about 120$
i might rebuy tomorrow if it goes down
stock market is fascinating
the stock market experts are as expert as people that claim to be seo experts :B
are you in alibaba too?
nope. know nothing about it
Where is array's behaviour for empty defined?
ie. equivalent of the has_dimension handler.
Exif crash (bus error) due to wrong alignment and invalid cast – #78333
@Wes Well, when you pay someone $600K/year and tell them they're worth it they tend to believe they're experts ...
of course i meant the people on the internet, not professionals :B
I don't think either of them have an advantage over the other, really. Wall street is filled with as much trolls as the Internet.
And I work just around the corner from wall street so...
But if there's one thing I've learned about the stock market it's that unless you have tens of millions to gamble with, short term positions don't pay off at all.
Too much risk; not enough upside.
2 hours later…
Digging through C++ 14 for the new job, and man it really looks quite nice. Looking forward to diving in
C++ keeps getting better... and worse. It's an interesting ecosystem.

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