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@Wes nice
it's..... intoxicating.... to see features i contributed to get created (even if in very very small part) being lauded by rasmus :B
> PDO::lastInsertId — Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
> Returns the ID of the last inserted row, or the last value from a sequence object, depending on the underlying driver. For example, PDO_PGSQL requires you to specify the name of a sequence object for the name parameter.
What does it mean by "sequence"?
@JBis postgresql.org/docs/9.5/sql-createsequence.html neilconway.org/docs/sequences - my understanding is they're using to avoid problems around locks on primary key generation for inserts.
@JBis sequence objects are used for the creating unique identifiers between the rows in the table.
Similar to MySQL's AUTOINCREMENT feature, but far safer and more advanced.
@Sherif @Danack I use MySQL auto increment for my primary key with the column name "id". Will it work with that? I am not sure if PostgresSQL applies here.
sequence objects are specific to pgsql, yeah
I guess I will try it out and see what happens. thanks!
morning room.
1 hour later…
Good morning
I don't get what's the point of Weakref? Why would anyone want that?
Can't think of a single use case where that'd be useful.
@Sherif don't let that failure of your imagination convince you that there isn't a use case for them ... try checking out the manual for any language that has them, no imagination required :)
@Sherif i just used it to implement memoization. If I call a method (assuming idempotent) with certain args, I store the result $x, so if a method is called again with said args, I can return that very same $x again, without having to recreate it. At the same time i don't my cache of method calls to become huge. So rather than caching $x, i keep a weak reference to $x.
Which means I can return $x as long the $x that was created before is still around. If it was garbage collected meanwhile, I will have to recreate it.
Does that explain it, sort of? :B
morning joe, ekin :B
@Wes That makes sense.
yo wes
@MadaraUchiha Interesting. Thanks for sharing that :)
I haz a naming question... say you're parsing and dealing with this string: (PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7) per function/feature.
You want to extract the lower bound and the upper bound versions, and also keep the operator so that you can at some point generate the range of versions between... and put them in a value object of some sort... Would it be weird to call this a VersionConstraint, I mean the thing that holds two versions and the operator?
I'm also not sure if I should just use $lowerBoundVersion and $upperBoundVersion as property names or come up with something else... doesn't feel that accurate, maybe I'm just doubting myself
VersionConstraint sounds reasonable to me
For the operator... I have an enum that I called VersionConstraintOperator, which kinda feels long tbh :-P
variable names don't matter, when it comes down to it, everything is an offset from the current frame :)
Right :-)
someone should work on those
yes please
I dislike the fact that I have a fake one
@Sherif Another use case is better control over destruction of objects referencing each other. If two objects hold a ref to the other, __destruct will fire at a non-deterministic point in time (i.e. when the cycle collector runs) - if one of them holds a weakref to the other ... it can be destroyed immediately when all the other objects loose a ref to it.
@bwoebi I guess I've never had to deal with code where two objects need to reference each other and a destructor needs to be deterministic.
@Sherif If your object holds a tcp stream, you want to close it immediately, when the external references are discarded (and not hours later). Though, if you pass a read watcher to your event loop ... the event loop read watcher now also holds a reference to your object. (There are other workarounds for this but these may be ugly.)
that's when you run out of fds because all your fds are in close_wait state...
and the cycle collector has not run yet
Couldn't your object just have a ->disconnect() method?
fun times.
@Sherif yes, but you have to take care to call it.
It's one more point of failure
Not if you design it well in the first place
@Sherif hm?
Anyway, I see your point. I just don't agree that that would be my preferred way of going about it.
@Sherif Also the main point is the library boundary. Inside your application you can just take care of it. For users of your app you want to make it safe.
Well, I would make it safe for the users by designing a good architecture. You can achieve the same goals without this layer of indirection.
@Sherif no. you need some layer of indirection for this (weakrefs are not the only possibility there though)
As a golden rule: if you hold any resources (e.g. fds etc.), please release them once you loose all external references.
I do expect that from your library.
What you need is good encapsulation and interface segregation to approach a problem like this. I can see benefits to both approaches.
I just tend to have a very different way of thinking about this kind of problem, I suppose. Then again I'm approaching it purely from a design perspective. If the language can help you overcome design issues, great.
@Ekin SupportedVersionRange or just VersionRange
or VersionSet even
I have a collection similar to the latter for a bunch of versions
and for the range between I have FeatureAvailability... which I'm not that sure about buuut I treat all the functions and other stuff as a 'feature'
@Sherif Yes, this is really where I'm taking advantage of the language. PHP has a very specific destruction behavior and I'm tailoring my code to that (nothing like c# or java where finalizers run in their own thread (goddamn race conditions) and are quite dangerous)
@bwoebi Seems reasonable
@Sherif also: did you ever have some weird bug in PHP which you could not reproduce once you changed a single line of code? ... I had that ... the cycle collector being triggered at a very specific place (by chance) calling a destructor calling a method on some object while said object was not in a stable state.
@bwoebi I've had such bugs, but not due to destructor state.
I generally don't rely too heavily on destructors.
@Sherif Me neither - unless, as said, the objects have internal references and hold external state (like fds etc.)
so, is it possible to use FFI reasonably even if i don't use opcache?
Sure, but why wouldn't you use opcache?
because crashes :B
opcache crashes?
First I'm hearing of this
maybe i should lower the optimization levels. would be great if those were documented
ahh, with the optimization stuff
last time i tried i got strange errors as soon as i enabled it
and disabled it back right away... :B
i think you need the optimizations to be enabled for FFI to work, though. am i wrong?
Do you?
I can't imagine why. All the optimizations do is remove dead/unreachable code, right?
no clue
dearth scarcity that makes dear; specifically : famine2 : an inadequate supply : lack
When you accidentally the production database and don't want anyone to notice before you've restored from backup...
Segfault with soap – #78278
you did what to the production db? :B
@Sherif Did you confuse alter and drop again?
Nah, I just forgot a WHERE clause in a write query.
modified the whole table
libxml_disable_entity_loader settings is shared between requests (cgi-fcgi) – #78279
Why is having one space after ( ! even in PSR? Is there a valid reason.
That's not in PSR.
Do you think a website should be able to write to a DB or all writes should be handed off to a background process? Or is it case dependent. Like only write processes that are > 1s should be handed to a background job.
Well my senior developer / mentor said that I needed to follow psr and add a space, was he wrong?
Look up the PSR and find out :P
He said I should always follow psr-2 its the industry standard
@notatroll Please have them point you to where in PSR it says that, because I don't see it anywhere.
I read it didn't see anything about a space
There's plenty about spaces, alright. Just not what you said.
Perhaps you misunderstood what they said?
Yeah maybe phrase it that way. "Sorry I don't understand, could you link me to the PSR part about spaces so I can read it?"
@Fabor Generally speaking, the only time it makes sense to hand off work to an out of band process is when the service you're providing is stateless.
If the service requires state, however, then it would only make your job more cumbersome to have an asynchronous process handle a part of the state machine.
So if I need to know about the change, nah.
That’s not true, everyone follows PSR, it’s an organisation made up of community members from lots of areas in PHP, frameworks like Zend, Symfony, laravel all have voting power, all frameworks use psr-0, psr-1, psr-2 psr-4, psr-7, psr-15 to some degree. Maybe those who are new to PHP development / or those that only use laravel don’t follow it because they don’t work in teams or don’t care.
There’s a thing called cognitive load, if I have to spend more time having to decode your written code before I can even start making sense of what it’s doing, it’s bad code. PSR code style (psr-1, psr-2) reduce this cognitive load because all code is formatted the same.
Would anyone disagree with the above statement(s)?
What on earth are you on about. No one even hinted that you shouldn't adhere to some coding style.
I'm quoting.
Quoting what?
What my senior dev sent me
I just want to know if he's speaking correctly or speaking sh*t.
He like Laravel too?
He uses it I guess... not sure about like he loves Zend lol
It makes perfect sense to have a team stick to a particular coding style. Now, WHICH coding style you adhere to doesn't actually matter in the least, as long as you all agree on one specific style.
It's like roads. It doesn't matter which side of the road we drive on, as long as we all drive on the same side. To paraphrase Douglas Crockford
What he said about cognitive load is correct?
Consistency matters.
Especially on a team.
There's even a phpstorm plugin to turn == !== === in to a single character to reduce read/load :P
It is important to think for yourself though. So always question these things so you can understand them.
Anyone that makes the argument "my coding style is better" loses the argument "I understand the utility of a coding style"
What's the best way to get PHP Storm to hard warn me before pushing to git that the code I've edited doesn't comply with PSR?
You could run phpcs in a git hook
no idea about phpstorm
Ideally you should also have a phpcs check as a part of your deploy process (in jenkins for e.g.)
What IDE do you use?
Well, right now I use VSC, but I'm not writing a whole lot of PHP at the moment.
I do prefer phpstorm.
It's a nice editor, wouldn't call it an IDE.
It's what I used before PHP storm.
People abolutly wasting their expensive dev time to setup the correct style the fourth time and after 462hours
@Fabor Not a plugin, just font with ligatures + an option in the editor font settings
Ah yeah
@jjok fakes folder in tests
"fakes" is the actual name of that stuff, btw
@Wes Thanks. Yeah, I get confused by all the different types of test doubles(?). Is that even the right name for that groups things?
@cmb Reminder that ext/recode vote ends today
I'll start on unbundling it
fakes are actual working implementations. they are so "working" that i had to promote them from being fakes to actual code :P
mocks are pre-programmed implementations
spies are real implementations like fakes but the interaction you have with them gets logged, so rather than pre-programming them like mocks, you have to verify them after they have been used
stubs are the stupidest kind of test doubles, the interface is implemented but any interaction with it throws a "not implemented" error
*mocks are programmable objects. they can only respond to stuff you tell them to respond
instead, spies are actual working implementations
hope i haven't made you more confused lol
@NikiC, I would have waited for 1 or 2 hours, but closed it now. Thanks!
are access data from disk is faster or database? i have a table that consist of ~48000 record, and just need read them every time. is reading data from Database ( MySQL With PHP ) faster or just read data with ajax from a JSON file?
Someone on the pecl side will have to register the package -- if we even do that kind of thing?
Feel free to delete the code from php-src now :)
I've registered pecl.php.net/package/recode, and removed the ext from PHP-7.4+
It's a pity to having killed its extensive test suite. ;)
@Jimbo, how long did it take you to reach the first draft of your async php talk?
@Sean time is irrelevant here in the 7th circle of hell
@Sean I'd say a few weeks of near constant work in evenings, 3 hours each evening maybe
How I start: Reason at the beginning, end result at the end, then fill in the whitespace with major topics. Then you drill down into each topic
Hello there!
Looks like "deprecate curly braces array access" RFC is going to pass.
So I have question about provided in patch migration script. How I shall do: left it in patch, or move it to gist and make link in patch description?
is there any precedent for this? I'm sure there was an RFC that had a migration tool once but I can't find it
@rjhdby first instinct: it should be in the manual. somewhere....
Is PHP's Karma not showing at people.php.net/nikic, or just for me?
@GabrielCaruso Looks broken to me too people.php.net/googleguy
@salathe ^
yes mine is too, I noticed that the other day
assumed it was me being dumb
so just heard someone pronouncing laravel as larval
@DaveRandom The Remove alternative PHP tags RFC (wiki.php.net/rfc/remove_alternative_php_tags) has a porting script linked in a gist rather than part of the patch.
gist seems crap though, at least it seems like it should have a proper repo
We have no karma :trool:
@Wes From those early photos it looks like his parents owned an island. What a great view.
there aren't many people in greenland, right? like surely less than 10k? :B
Yeah- low pop compared to land.
55,877 inhabitants
Hey guys how do you deal with storing system messages in database
E.g. An action is executed that could have been triggered by either a user or the system. Let's say I want to store a system message. In order to support i18n/translations I could store the key for the the message and then translate it whenever it's retrieved - e.g. $model->message = 'system.actions.message'; instead of the actual text
Or do you instead have a separate DB table for system messages and a translation table use a FK?
@Wes lol- camera guy is going crazy with the strafing between 14 and 15 minutes.
@NikiC Rasmus said he is going to kick you at 22 minutes into his keynote the first time a bug appears because of auto capturing using arrow functions.
But he voted yes on that RFC so... =D
@Jeeves dearth dplanet dat all dpeople livin on
@GabrielCaruso it has been broken for a while, IIRC since around the time we starting putting the CDN in front of everything
@MadaraUchiha turns out the averaged candlesticks kinda existed already, it's called heikin ashi
@Wes gesundheit
i have this mini app runing on lumen but i think the log count is limited. is there a way to remove this? i think it can only keep 14 log files.
Real programmers use syslog
@Ghostff why do you think it will only keep 14 log lines?
@Sherif real programmers use observability tools and not logs...
@Danack log files?
I just tail -f and pipe to /dev/null
@StatikStasis :P
@Ghostff long story....why do you think it's limited?
@Danack am with u, it doesn't make any sense but then i saw this github.com/laravel/framework/pull/13776/files
> “When you hear hoofbeats in the night, look for horses — not zebras.”
more like i have to do something like 'log_max_files' => 0 in my config but am using lumen and i dont really knw my way around laravel/lumen
4 mins ago, by Danack
@Ghostff why do you think it will only keep 14 log lines?
That setting is much more likely to be for log rotation than log lines.
@Danack it kept delete old logs on my server (so i guessed).
can i use the <div id="resultquery"></div> to return the collun rows?
It probably does log rotation to make new logs daily, or maybe for other reasons.
i think so, but trying to stop(or increase) it.
@NoobDEV-GBL are you aware you're in a PHP room?
Also "collun".
well..show i go to other room?
are you aware people can write wrong ?
either that, or at least make your question clear rather making it really hard to tell what the heck you're even talking about. Or maybe just try it and see if it works, and come back with a specific question rather than "can i do this?"
@NoobDEV-GBL yeah, but if you don't write clear questions without typos, that really decreases the chances that people will help you.
ok i will try again
Ok I'm trying to do a custom search bar,
I want to show a table where my pagination works as in the other tables all ... I want to know if it is possible to do as I just showed because for me it is not returning the table rows
if i make my table like normal (here is the working table: https://paste.ofcode.org/GXXz2Gp8TKVaij6RMaBypu)
and here you have the custom search bar: https://paste.ofcode.org/xTkYjQWfUkb5qUKTukfwMH

the file thade make the work:
i try to use like
<div class="col-sm-12">
    <div class="form-group">
        <div id="resultquery"></div>
@Danack did you understand?
can any of you guys help here
Has anyone here made a search engine? (Using Laravel)

I've made a job that stores meta tags and the page title, then I extract links from the page then I call the job inside the job again, recursion. When I call it I add a delay for 15s. It goes on for the rest of links. Everything seems to work fine but I don't know why only 2 or 3 links are being stored.
I'm using Supervisor. I thought delay doesn't work. So I wrote this one. It stores links for 2 minutes since it's started. But this one stores 2 or 3 links per call too!
@X4748-IR you should write tests for your code......and also use dependency injection, and not just bung everything in the handler.
_emalloc causes segfaults – #78280
@Danack Hmmm. I'm not familiar with tests. You're right, it's a little messy. I ran this job without any time condition. My computer died lol But it stored 10^2 links.
@DaveRandom A full repo seems overkill for a single file script, though.
i think i was crystal clear
@X4748-IR Not using Laravel, no. But I have written a scalable crawler in PHP before.
Tested it on AWS over a 64 node cluster and managed to get it to ~4K req/sec
Which isn't bad considering most of the writes were being stored in S3.
@Sherif How did you manage to control server presser? I mean if you want to get the whole links there are endless links to store
@X4748-IR Simple really. You use a distributed queue.
@Sherif It' great
Was that written in PHP?
The architecture is rather simple: imgur.com/a/btzxVYy
Basically you have 3 independent programs running: one to pull links from the broker and download the page then push the result back to the link extractor, another to extract links from the newly downloaded pages, and the broker to manage it all.
That way you can scale the crawler as wide as you want.
I tested it on a single node running the centralized broker, and 64 t2.micros running the crawler (4 concurrent per node).
Scales quite nicely. The only trouble is that site rate limiting only has eventual consistency since the queue used a round-robin push/pull topology.
So it ends up looking something like that.
The crawler pulls in a new link from the broker, downloads the page, and pushes the result back to the broker. The extract program pulls downloaded pages from the broker, extracts new links, and pushes them back out to the broker.
Hmmm. Everything seems quite simple. But as I said in my case I don't know why only 2 links are being stored. Laravel's queue is a nice lib/pack/module/etc to queue your jobs
No idea since I haven't seen your code.
The main issue here is the queue.
I mean if I had to take a wild guess it'd probably be that you aren't resolving relative links properly.
That's probably step 1 of learning to write a crawler
@Sherif I sent it, but unfortunately you're not familiar with Laravel I think
@Sherif Hmm..
Sorry, I don't see where you shared any code.
All I see is an image, which is more than useless here.
Please provide a gist of the code in question, otherwise I won't even bother.
This is step #1 in asking for help, BTW.
Yea, see there's your trouble right there. You're using a regular expression to try and extract links from HTML.
Fail #1.
Use a DOM parser instead.
Here's a simple single-threaded crawler example to get you started: gist.github.com/srgoogleguy/8fa15452288c9561ed16dc413dbf61f2
Take that as a reference point and work from there.
Forget your laravel fancy shmancy queue crap for now. You need to learn the very basics of writing a simple crawler first.
@Sherif he isnt. Its just a complicated http/s check
@Sherif no actually I'm using "HtmlDomParser" lib. The regex checks if the link has HTTP/HTTPS or not. HtmlDomParser needs a link with the protocol
@X4748-IR You're assuming all the links found on the page are absolute.
That's hardly true.
probably there were http is missing you missing the baseurl infront of the relative url but i dont know anything
@Sherif Yes exactly.
In fact, in practice it's rarely true.
80% of all links found on the web are relative.
I change /link/link to http://example.com/link/link
$URL = preg_match('/https?:\/\//', $data['link']) ? $data['link'] : 'http://' . $THEURL_YOU_GOT_THE_DATA_FROM.$data['link'];
@X4748-IR No, you don't.
@Sherif It's another function lol
StringHelper::ExtractLinks the second parameter is the domain name
@X4748-IR you are doing http:///link/link
Refer to the method used in my gist for resolving the link. It's a MUCH saner abstraction than what you're doing.
@user3655829 That's right. I add a protocol to the link
and where is the part with example?
I explained it in a bad way
fwiw, I didn't take any of your explanations into account here. Only what your code is doing.
you dont understand what sherif was explaining to you and now me. I change /link/link to http://example.com/link/link
that is not how your code works
the domain part is completely missing.
I exampled a little more in my gist
You're still not getting it.
See what you're actually doing before you proceed any further.
@Sherif 1sec
do more var_dumps everywhere to get the dataflow correct
The output of $URL using my logger class
Who said anything about $URL?
The first url was google .com
Where do you see me using the variable $URL?
They're the same...
Please... point me to part where I ever mentioned that variable.
no, they're not
not even close
        # Iterate through links and dispatch them again | Recursion
        foreach ($links as $l) {
            $data['link'] = $l;
$data['link'] Is being sent to this job again!
And it's equal to
$URL = preg_match('/https?:\/\//', $data['link']) ? $data['link'] : 'http://' . $data['link'];
Now if only you bothered to see what's in $data['link']
Perhaps you'd be enlightened
I say to the people every time: More var_dumps;exits; everywhere still they want to use xdebug and failing because they cant use it properly. But its better .___.
"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan
Anyway to check if object is an Anonymous class?
@Ghostff Several ways
Why would you need it though?
I guess you mean stdclass? $blubb instanceof stdClass
or real anonymous?
real anonymous
why did you use it then
@Sherif ok..
I might be wrong, but my spidey sense you are either doing something wrong or some insane @Ghostff
Or both :)
@Sherif You mean the lnik inside the loop or the other one?
Could be a framework component but if a class is anonymous it should be anonymous? Dont look at it?
@Sherif +1
@PeeHaa is not a serious code. am jst messing around with it.
@Ghostff Either get_class or better use reflection
Then just use ReflectionClass on it. But sound good
what does get_class return?
But I really cannot think of a reason why one would do that
@user3655829 class@anon
if (get_class(anonymous_class()) === get_class(anonymous_class())) beautiful
public function handle()
$data = $this->data;
Wont Reflection be an overkill. I mean to compare with get_class or they are same
I told you it's the same
@Ghostff No it would not
It's the correct tool for the job
Everytime that I call my job it stores 2 links. 2 links/req!
another fun fact: The function keeps executing! Every time that I delete the log file it's being recreated filled with logs.
2 hours later…
@Sherif https://gist.github.com/srgoogleguy/8fa15452288c9561ed16dc413dbf61f2
This is great. Well done
What are your favorite tutorial or suggested learning plugins to develop when starting out learning how to make wordpress plugins?
Problem solved!
The problem was my queue driver lol
It's working great...
output mismatch – #78281
atime and mtime mismatch – #78282
no output for explicit environment – #78283
Wow... I feel dumb. I didn't realize PHP came out before Javascript. They were only a year~ apart but did not realize the advantage PHP had in the beginning with the feature of field names becoming variable names and how big of a deal it was in the absence of Javascript.
It's funny how Rasmus just sort of accidentally created a programming language.
i.imgur.com/Yw9NXk4.png Apparently there hasn't been a stable release of PHP for almost 5 years...
he's going to stick to a newer version of JQuery?
Is there a way to make PDO fetch into different classes when using union fetchType(PDO::FETCH_CLASS?
@ircmaxell Skinner meme "Is it my code that is wrong? No, it's the language."
Time to head home. Later.
does anyone know if you can use a relative path for the --with-config-file-scan-dir configure option? I mean so the resulting binary looks in a path relative to itself at run time rather than the configure script resolving it
1 hour later…
@NikiC How much will amphp/mysql be able to profit from JIT? In particular github.com/amphp/mysql/blob/master/src/Internal/Processor.php - parseMysql(), parseColumnDefinition(), onWrite(), parsePayload(), handleQuery(), onRead(), handleTextResultSetRow(), handleResultSetRow(), handleTextColumnDefinition() … and the DataTypes:: invocations inside these functions. It's a lot of string processing - (I have no problem with rewriting parts of the code in a JIT friendly way) … what's doable?
but I'm really at that point where more than 50% (actually 60-70%) of the whole application runtime is just some string processing for the mysql protocol; it's quite a bottleneck…
in particular the DataTypes decoding primitives could really benefit from being inlined
@bwoebi Are there any standalone benchmarks for this code?
Btw, github.com/amphp/mysql/blob/master/src/DataTypes.php#L348 etc should use fully qualified const to optimize away the check

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