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3:32 AM
hey team, is this expected 3v4l.org/qWec5 ?
$methods = $class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC | ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
I expect this to return only static methods that are public
yet it return all static OR public methods
4:10 AM
@zerkms not sure if it's expected but it's a bug
indeed, bitmasks are usually (always?) used to filter items that fit ALL requirements
should be
if ((mptr->common.fn_flags & filter) === filter) {
filing a bug then
i doubt it's intended. seems a poor behavior indeed
problem is it's been like that for very long, maybe they won't fix it
4:15 AM
> maybe they won't fix it

as always, yep. But if somebody relied on this behaviour - they did not understand what they were doing
One day I sent a patch to a boost datetime library, was also rejected as "this behaviour is wrong but was there forever, won't fix"
ReflectionClass::getMethods() filters as ANY not ALL bitmap fields – #78248
4:48 AM
Good morning
2 hours later…
6:41 AM
What should $class->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PRIVATE | ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC) return?
but i see your point :P both behaviors might be ok
assert(0) hit in _zend_is_inconsistent – #78249
^ if anyone has gdb commands for me to type?
@Wes, and docs state "so that all methods with any of the given attributes will be returned"
I have one concern:
This is my HTML
<iframe class=\"elementor-video-iframe\" allowfullscreen src=\"https://player.vimeo.com/video/972057159?autoplay=1&amp;color&amp;autopause=0&amp;loop=0&amp;muted=0&amp;title=0&amp;portrait=0&amp;byline=0#t=\"></iframe>

But i want only this URL https://player.vimeo.com/video/972057159

I have tried this
$regex = "/\b(?:(?:https?|ftp):\/\/|www\.)[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-a-z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i";

preg_match($regex, $post_content, $matches);
7:00 AM
@Dhruv regex101.com/r/j4ebic/1 works fine
@Sjon I want only video url it's return whole other content
@ThW same return whole content i want only video url https://player.vimeo.com/video/972057159
And out put is player.vimeo.com/video/972057159?autoplay=1&color&autopause=0&loop=0&muted=0&title=0&portrait=0&byline=0#t=
That is the URL
You want to remove the query string/fragment?
I wan to the string before "?"
@ThW yes only video url not whole src content
7:07 AM
@ThW great
@ThW Thank you so much
@Dhruv the part after ? is part of the URL, otherwise youtube.com/watch?v=5ca70mCCf2M won't work for example
@Sjon after "?" string is not a part of URL so i want to remove this
@Sjon thank you, you also tried for me
@Dhruv It is part of the URL, but an URL without the query string might still work (using defaults for the possible parameters)
@Dhruv maybe you're not interested in that part - but it definitely is part of the URL. See tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.4
7:13 AM
@Sjon & @ThW yes you are right but i'm working on API so i wants only URL other param is not useful that's why i'm asking you to remove string after "?"
@Dhruv In this case it might be more useful to parse the URL into its parts: 3v4l.org/qBMSA
@ThW you works is incredible thanks for knowledge
@Sjon thank you for your support and useful article link "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.4"
7:57 AM
@Wes I think they're wrong because building things here is about control and protection. Not of the birth variety either although there are several similarities. But the point is being able to protect initialisation to a designed set of entry points, and then only you control what is correct and what is not. Go by default completely ignores the concept of encapsulation because you can initialise a struct with no properties right at the beginning...
...and then run into a null pointer somewhere down the line.
girandole a radiating and showy composition (such as a cluster of skyrockets fired together)
can you fully encapsulate a struct through the method you mentioned earlier?
@Sjon Is that an opcache only issue?
@NikiC it does seem to work with opcache.enable=0
do you need a bt with that patch applied?
@Sjon What about opcache.enable=1 and opcache.optimization_level=0?
8:11 AM
@NikiC that fails
well, that sucks
the debug-build additionally outputs ht=0x7fffd2147c60 is already destroyed btw
Can you run under USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind?
with opt-level=0 ?
without it, valgrind seems to segfault
valgrind itself segfaults?
8:14 AM
wait - nvm. It's PHP and I probably need additional valgrind flags
so USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind php -f ...stuff segfaults without much useful valgrind output
I assumed better output with --tool=memcheck - but valgrind simply halts and adding log-file yields nothing more
@Wes Yep, it's the only way I saw.
Basically you don't allow the struct to be visible, only an interface, and you just have the public api identical to the struct's public methods, boom. And for a long while people were saying they didn't like it UNTIL I found a point in the docs which eludes to it in a roundabout way
@Sjon what's the segfault you get?
if there is a solution then you are complaining non existent things :P
@NikiC Zend/zend_hash.c:67: _zend_is_inconsistent the assert(0)
btw, encapsulation is bs
8:21 AM
Protection is not
Especially when null pointers are so easy to get if you don't do it
encapsulation should be called "making you the courtesy of hiding things you are likely not interested in"... rolls off the tongue......
@Sjon there really should be something before...
so if golang achieves that, you are fine. it's not matter of security or something, like some believe
@NikiC it's Zend/zend_hash.c(2100) : ht=0x7ff4b1942c60 is already destroyed & Zend/zend_hash.c:67: _zend_is_inconsistent
@Sjon I mean, there should be more under valgrind if those messages appear
At leas some kind of use after free
8:25 AM
it seems USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 skips the assert-failure as the script continues to run under valgrind. It then segfaults further along without any useful output
Now please just don't tell me the allocator is broken in some edge case...
running gdb with USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 show it faults later in the testsuite on zend_hash_find_bucket (basically the same location & backtrace)
not sure if it helps - I'll be looking for a repro as well but it might (looking at strace) be related to unserializing from memcached
@Wes And how do you "hide" something? Developers can see the code in front of them in their IDE. This "hiding" needs to be at the language level, hiding from other bits and pieces in the way that you cannot physically get to them without using reflection
They call what I'm doing "not idiomatic go"
Which is entirely down to opinion and as I found out what I do is somewhat supported (although not completely) with examples from the standard lib and docs
This stuff is like law, you have a set of rules but depending on how good you are you can twist what they say and make it what you want it to be
8:42 AM
what's the "idiomatic go" way of constructing objects?
That's the thing that's open to interpretation. The widely accepted way is to use New (factory method) but leave the struct exposed, which breaks encapsulation.
The other way was the one I proposed and had a lot of pushback on. After researching it turns out other people have had the same idea in the past too. And in some places, although not explicitly, it could be construed as supported by the language. But it's not considered "idiomatic" simply because not everyone does it
Idiomatic Go is groupthink, there's little thought to the technosocial aspects
the reason it's exposed is?
can't be religious
It's religious, I promise
how drunk you were when you decided to learn a new language :B
trying to debug this from userspace feels futile. If I add var_dump($return); die(print_r(debug_backtrace()))) the method gets called in some sort of loop ( I see the first var_dump repeatedly) until I get memory exhaustion. The backtrace never shows
8:48 AM
@Wes Well I already learned Swift and really got into it for a while, now Go, I think I'll do Rust next. It is enjoyable, but a lot of the people who write Go are site relability engineers, many of which just came from operations and weren't software engineers before, so they're completely susceptible to this groupthink as they've not been exposed to a variety of other languages and viewpoints
@Sjon omit args from backtrace?
this is why i never trust new things @Jimbo
@NikiC thanks - that works
java is shit, but there's a reason it's been around for 3 decades
\o Finally bit the bullet and opted in for a developer talk next month, any tips for new speakers?
8:51 AM
golang, we'll talk again in 30 years :B
@Sean Don't get drunk before, don't drink 5 espressos before. Been there, didn't work as I wanted it to
Always ensure you're facing your audience, try not to turn away from them
I mean.. five?!
And if you can avoid it don't try and have a big box with your laptop on "protecting you from" the people. Its important you move a bit, smile, be enthusiastic, wave your hands overexagerratedly
Point. Basically don't just stay still as a statue
And don't keep turning around and looking at your slides unless you're briefly pointing at them
Know your slides pretty much off by heart, which yes means weeks of practice, sometimes only practicing how you'll enunciate on something
@Sean Are you one of those people where sometimes your mouth runs off in you saying stuff without thinking about it properly? In this case, it's actually valuable. I am, it's not valuable in any other topic but in tech I can speak enthusiastically about something that I've practiced without thinking too much sometimes
If not, just practice enthusiasm :)
Cheers! Yeah, I am a bit of a rambler, I do tend to digress a fair bit :P I'm concerned my voice is actually just super boring, so I'll have to work on that. Love the new license plate by the way!
9:12 AM
under which circumstance would PHP_EXTENSION_DIR not correspond to extension_dir in phpinfo()? is that even possible?
@Gordon php -dextension_dir=/tmp -r 'var_dump(PHP_EXTENSION_DIR); var_dump(ini_get("extension_dir"));'
@Sean Thanks :D Allow yourself to digress a little bit, you want this to come across more as a conversation where you're enthusiastic about the knowledge you're sharing, not just talking with a monotonous voice
@beberlei thanks
10:11 AM
other way of adding this array value without using `array_sum`
$this_array = array(14,23,264,654,4,34,34);
@Sean practice your talk by standing up and talking as if you're talking to an audience. Just going through it sitting down and just saying the words in your head doesn't really prepare you for actually speaking.
It can be worth practicing using one of your hands as a metronome.....i.e. move one of your hands back and forth in approximately the same pattern as you speak words.....and match your words to the speed of your hand.
That might sound stupid, but it's really difficult to accidentally move your hand way too fast.....and if your speech is tied to your hand, that means it becomes a lot harder to accidentally talk too fast.
if you're going to show code, don't use a colour scheme from an IDE. Use one that has way more contrast. I have a strong preference for the one I use docs.basereality.com/InterfaceSegregationDPC/#/19 . Also, don't use a laser pointer, if you need to draw attention to something on a slide, put the markings on the slide, e.g.
that same slide again, focussed on which bit of code we're looking at: docs.basereality.com/InterfaceSegregationDPC/#/20
Feel free to give me a shout when you have a draft of the slides, and I can give you advice on any problems they might have.
10:48 AM
@PeeHaa codez?
it may be that ptr lookups are just broken somehow
but it seems to be generating a sensibleish question
oh wait
what are you actually trying to do (in English rather than as a command)?
you seem to be doing a PTR lookup for
which doesn't make loads of sense in any circumstances
and yeh if there's broken shit then just PR it
iirc Bob has commit access if I am not around
11:04 AM
posted on July 04, 2019

When I was growing up, I had a friend named Mark. He showed up in my class somewhere around second grade. Before his arrival, I was the best artist I knew. No one drew Transformers like me. No one. But Mark… he could draw better. This was a tremendous blow to my ego. No matter how hard I tried, I could not compete with the shading, the line work, or the technical skill of that 8-year

okay - I'm being dumb. Using packages.sury.org how the heck do I install pecl, to be able to install extensions that aren't packaged by Mr Sury?
11:19 AM
@Danack Thanks for the advice and offer! Really appreciate it
11:57 AM
@DaveRandom yeah - I can review / merge it if Chris has no time @PeeHaa
@winresh24 3v4l.org/t2ZRh
12:08 PM
@Danack apt-get install php*-pecl i think?
@beberlei that's what I was expecting, but it seems pecl isn't available as a package. The only ones matching pecl are php-pecl-http and php-pecl-http-dev
@Danack then maybe it is part of the php-dev package family?
Good Morning! Happy Independence Day from our British Overlords!
@beberlei ty - yes that was it
@wes (and everyone else) userinyerface.com/game.html
12:24 PM
@StatikStasis how's donnie's parade coming along?
Not sure, I'm working for my American Overlords right now.
@Gordon thunderstorms predicted for most of the day.....
what a shame.
Actually it is quiet at work on holidays so I enjoy it.
I get a lot done.
shouldn't.....you be on holiday though?
@Danack indeed. gotta show all the other little rocketmen what you got, right
12:30 PM
@Danack I usually work on the holidays so that my staff can be off.
I'll get another day off in lieu of today.
make faild fpr pdo_mysql due to undeclared constants – #78250
why would you not proof read at least the title of a bug report...
12:49 PM
@DaveRandom people are lazy - see also chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/46665246#46665246 (from #78243)
2 hours later…
2:36 PM
anyone know if it's possible to exclude class methods by a wildcard string in PHPUnit?
hi, just need some advice. I have a site where a user logs in and they can view a products barcode (this is based on products they have purchased). Now I can either:
1. generate a barcode and save this within the application as a png (non public directory)
2. save the barcode image in a database (mysql blob)
3. generate the barcode maybe using TCPDF on the fly for the user.

What solution would y'all recommend? Things to consider users should only have access to thier own barcode images, and not other users. Also performance, the site is built using PHP.
@RickinRathatha how much info is used to generate the barcode?
well mostly just going to be upc-a (which i think is 12 /13 digits)
actually doesn't really matter......I'd use some system of generating a filename consistently for that data, and then check to see if it's available in the local file system. If not, generate it on the fly and then also store it locally.
that avoids needing to store binaries in the DB, and gives adequate performance, unless your server is constantly being recreated and destroyed, in which case using a more persistent filesystem would be appropriate.
ok, do you happen to know what performance is like for tcpdf (I was trying to find some perfomance stats + memory usage to generate)
2:51 PM
@RickinRathatha none, but I personally wouldn't recommend using it.
I think there are more specific barcode generating libraries out there, or if you just want a pdf, using chrome headless is much easier to navigate (if more difficult to setup).
ok, thanks. i'll look into it. don't really need pdf, just png files
Hi guys, i need an help about openssl by php , anyone have some experience about it?
> Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask.
ok sorry, i'm using openssl and php (David Muller script) to generate a timestamp token.It works correctly (i can verify it in the tsa owner verify page) but i have a problem when i try to verify the timestamp programmatically. I get this error: TS_VERIFY_CERT:certificate verify error:unable to get local issuer certificate,
Someone have worked with this script? d-mueller.de/blog/…
3:17 PM
@user31929 googling that message seems to lead to lots of people saying you need to make sure a certificate bundle available: stackoverflow.com/a/32095378/778719 have you tried that?
yes, my pem certificate is in the same folder of the script. Anyway to check if it is available i have changed the name in a wrong name and the result error was: The TSA-Certificate could not be found
3:33 PM
@DaveRandom I want to get the domain for which I do the request (in this case example.com): nslookup example.com (which should ask for an A record by default)
@DaveRandom awesome @bwoebi
So I expect to find example.com somewhere in that ^^ result? @DaveRandom
3:53 PM
nvm I just realized I misinterpreted udp packets @DaveRandom :)
4:29 PM
@PeeHaa I added a comment to that gist when you have time.
Also morngins
\o/ - Morning! =)
> I don't see a namespace with the additional \User appended
I missed the use statement in the repository. Should have added use Project\Entity\User; at the top of the repository
Was that the confusion?
Ah! So use Project\Entity\User; below namespace Project\Storage;
Sorry missed some things like that
Basically what I did different from you there is split up the representation of a user and the storage of users into two separate things
4:39 PM
Not your fault- it's a gist. More experienced programmers would have probably known what you intended. Unfortunately... I don't have much experience using namespaces and aliases in PHP yet (sigh...) among other things that I need to force myself to use.
I see.
To anybody else I would say start writing a fun leisure project and ask me to review every step, but I imagine you already have enough to do as it is right now :-)
Hello. I try to implement dynamic routing. I have 'post/'.$_GET['id'], function() {// load view} in my routes file and <a href="post?id=<?php echo $post['id']; ?>">...</a> in my view. That url doesn't match the route and invalid route error thrown. But if I change url to mutch route I can't use $_GET['id'] so everything blows up (I use id from url to get correct data from db). Any ideas about dynamic routing and urls?
@BlackB0ne Having dynamic variables in your routes seems you are doing it wrong to me
The entire point of it is to write the routes you support and the routing library should match it if available
And get superglobals should just be available
What routing library are you using?
I'm still unsure what is occurring when $userRepository = new \Project\Storage\User($db); is executed. Does it refer to the \Project\Storage namespace and then since there isn't a namespace with the full qualifier of \User, does it execute the use Project\Entity\User; And then begins creating a new User object?
@PeeHaa I try to use routing from this post: codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/136452/…
4:47 PM
@StatikStasis Again a typo :)
That should read $userRepository = new \Project\Storage\UserRepository($db);
Now it's making sense to me. I thought there was some pseudo way of creating an object I wasn't aware of that you used or something.
Neh. When in doubt always assume I am stupid
@BlackB0ne I would suggest to use a nicer routing library instead of something half arsed plucked from codereview.se
Also regardless the get superglobal should always be available under nprmal circumstances
I'm excited to get this implemented!
shoots fireworks off in @PeeHaa 's honor!
By the way- I finished Calc. Remainder of my classes should be easy and will allow me the time to work on some music soon. Will send you a sound cloud once I have something ready.
4:55 PM
@StatikStasis /me shouts like an idiot: USA! USA! USA!
5:39 PM
I have the following code:
$file_path ='avatar.jpg';
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
How can I use this with laravel, I need to display the image within the view (it will be a complete webpage and not just the image). I need to do it in a way so that the image is being called via the php as I will need to authenticate the user has access to the image. Thanks
@Danack lol
5:58 PM
@NikiC while writing the hook docs i realized zend_error_cb is extremely unreliable for extensions, i was wondering if we can add a hook in zend_error_va_list() that acts as an optional notification channel for extensions only, called regardless of user error handler definition or return value. call it zend_error_notify
the assumption would be that extensions chain it and always call the original handler, and they'd have no sideffects (no rendering of information or something)
6:26 PM
@beberlei What is the use case?
@NikiC external exception tracking, sending the error of process
i always assumed zend_error_cb is always called, but if a userland handler doesn't return false its not, weid
also some handlers overwrite error handling without calling original ones (xdebug for example) and soap itself breaks error handling in many weird ways. thats all fine, because they are responsible for rendering errors
@beberlei if the userland handler returns false, shouldn't that suppress the call though?
That means that userland already handled the error
That's like throwing and catching an exception
@beberlei Anyway, I'm fine with something like that. wiki.php.net/rfc/improved_error_callback_mechanism might also interest you. I don't think it went anywhere
yes i remembe rthat one it was too compliicated
uhm what, it was voted in?
1 hour later…
7:45 PM
8:14 PM
guys which one is correct?
- The deadline would be Sunday
- The deadline would be on Sunday
- The deadline would be at Sunday
Either the first or second one. Typically I'd say "The deadline is Sunday" unless it's not finalized.
I see, thx
8:53 PM
I would like to create a very simple website just for myself. I am looking for a very simple and lightweight PHP framework to bootstrap me. What do you recommend?
9:24 PM
@Dharman either symfony or Laravel, probably.
I am giving Fat-Free Framework a go now. I am stuck on routes.
If nothing else:
> Fat-Free Framework is free and released as open source software covered by the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL v3).
9:38 PM
Hallo roomanitarians o/
bonjour felíx
yesterday, a fucktard tried to break my feet fingers toes playing hockey. he didn't like me removing the ball from his stick. I hate players like that. don't be that player.
meh feet fingers is much better
9:52 PM
Is ball a synonym of puck here?
er somewhat
very much not the hairy thing between his legs, if you will
but in cosom hockey, it really is a ball :P
TIL about cosom hockey
I might have asked before but now i am back working on it and haven't taken a decision yet. i wrote some testing tools that relieve the programmer from the task of deciding what to test. You provide the tool a function or class name, and tells you "you should write those tests".
Makes sure that you don't forget to write some tests, keeps them ordered and semantic, and makes sure you follow the testing patterns consistently. Ever happened to you to test the same thing twice just because you are dealing with too many tests to remember them? That would solve it.
@PeeHaa we have all declinations of hockey
Which is what everybody else calls hockey, but indoors apparently
9:54 PM
hahaha, yeah
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Do you people actually do proper field hockey?
like, on the grass? not really.
yeah the proper one
on grass :D
Now the problem I have is the integration with PHPUnit. How do you imagine such tool would work? I imagine it would generate automatically a FooBarTest.php file, which extends TestCase, and prefills all the test* methods. Any suggestion?
I can do anything. Like, can manipulate PHP code, use data providers, whatever.
9:55 PM
how can you even shot? the puck will always be stuck on the ground.
but yeah, we mostly play ice and cosom hockey. the real ones.
I like how they (from the google results look of it) they simply replaced their skates with shoes
oh, we put on the whole armor equipment when on ice (to protect from breaking bones when blocking shots). Well, when playing in the park with strangers, we generally won't shoot like crazy or lift the puck, but serious games need equipment.
that's a minimal ice hockey equipment. when playing cosom we'll keep the gloves and thing for the legs, and sometimes the helmet.
> Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/wcsstore/DicksSportingGoods/Attachment/Asset/CategoryImages/ShopBySport/Hockey/YouthHockeyPackages/YouthHockeyPackages.jpg" on this server.

Reference #18.4c895c4d.1562277665.648a54a
ugh... lol
Probably expects canadian IP because of racism
10:01 PM
lmao the name is freaking dicks sporting goods
employer gonna employer
I was about to say something smart like "picture the hockey players in the NHL" then realized we're not all Canadians
that oneworks
10:20 PM
Happy Fourth! Anyone here familiar with Symfony?
10:35 PM
If I propose this for 8, how much do y'all hate it/me?
interface ReadOnlyArrayAccess
    function offsetGet(mixed $offset): mixed;
    function offsetExists(mixed $offset): bool;

interface ArrayAccess extends ReadOnlyArrayAccess
    function offsetSet(mixed $offset, mixed $value): void;
    function offsetUnset(mixed $offset): void;
i.e. split ArrayAccess up so it's based on a read-only, with mutability as an extension
afaict it's not actually a breaking change
Feb 5 '17 at 15:17, by Wes
@NikiC i've asked this once i think. not sure if you answered me already :B what you'd think about splitting ArrayAccess like the following, so that we won't be forced to implement methods not needed (ie, immutable stuff)
interface ReadOnlyArrayAccess<out C>{ // this is nice to have
    function offsetExists(/*mixed*/ $key): bool;
    function offsetGet(/*mixed*/ $key): C;
interface ArrayAccess<K, C> extends ReadOnlyArrayAccess<C>{ // notice invariant
    function offsetSet(K $key, C $content): void;
yeh I'm not surprised I'm not the first, nor am I surprised that it's you who already suggested it :-P
are you implying i suggest too much
generics would be lovely also ofc but it's not actually required
no but you do suggest a lot of (largely sensible) collection/generics related stuff :-P
nobody has ever said "largely sensible" to me before
im gonna cry
10:41 PM
ftr with ArrayAccess specifically I think it should have 2 generic args, it's effectively the same as IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
however it should also be possible to implement both IDictionary<int, TValue> and IList<TValue>, it's not easy in C# but that's due to legacy shit rather than logical conflicts

nedz advicez

49 mins ago, 1 minute total – 12 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 10 secs ago by Wes

@John ftr I would offer opinions if I had any useful ones but I just don't, front end (i.e. web stuff) isn't really my area
I know more about symfony than most frameworks but not enough to be useful to you
sorry :-/
10:45 PM
@DaveRandom Actually it's backend stuff and all third party (I code everything directly) so I'm not sure how to recreate their database and I'm not sure what I have to do since the software hits a silent error. :-\
> Now the example-master/public_html/app.php simply returns no errors to the client
I have their configuration files (e.g. running a DB on an Xbox) though my friend doesn't have a copy of the DB and there are two missing files.
start with error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); at the very top of app.php
Duh, okay one mo..
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function init_set()
ftr that's step 0 with any unknown PHP problem
@John typo on my part, I fixed it
10:47 PM
Yeah, it was throwing errors and then just went silent.
should be ini_set()
@DaveRandom Yeah, got it...and no more errors! :-\
@John is it wsod?
That moment...when you want errors.
(too lazy to read question properly :-P)
wsod = "white screen of death" i.e. no output
10:49 PM
@DaveRandom ha, yeah I know... I dread using fifty copies of anyone elses's software...or like...one.
Yeah, I call a WSOD a silent error.
I've learned to program BACKWARDS until I can find the issue...not familiar with this code at all...I get the general infrastructure though not the intention of what is used for what and why...
yeh so wsod is typically either a swallowed parse error or an exit/die
do you have access to the log files from the web server?
Let me check...
@John actually the fact that you got that error says that error messages aren't being eaten completely
make a deliberate syntax error and check that you get an error message from that
that will eliminate that as a possibility
@DaveRandom I don't think there are any log files...because you know...not like that would be useful right? -_-
My friend split with her ex who literally use the name "fatguy" for his SQL username.
@John omg in a bit I will tell you about my day, I came across the most ridiculously egregious "useless logging" I think I have ever seen today :-P
10:54 PM
I'm actually thinking it might have been smarter to have the DB instead of the software... let me see if any of the assets on Wayback can be found in the templates at least...
ugh let me actually read the question :-P
@DaveRandom Nice! Yeah, I love log files and I love crazy stories.
To cut a few corners, do you have the project code in a public place that I can look at it/try and get a local install working?
i.e. github/bitbucket/whatever
also, what web server/PHP SAPI/PHP version/OS are you using?
public_html feels very Apache-ish
@DaveRandom So I found the template/content here: src\AppBundle\Resources\views\Default\front.html.twig so I don't think it REQUIRES a DB to run though I could be mistaken... my own software requires the DB but that could just be me.
I could throw it up...
My local WAMP: Apache 2.4.26, HTTP 200, XML Parser
PHP 7.2.9, MySQL 5.5.5-10.2.6-MariaDB-log
if you wanna do it private and give me read-only access or whatever that's cool, I'm DaveRandom basically everywhere
10:59 PM
I'm JAB Creations everywhere else. lol
Yeah sure, I could throw it up on my live server.
If I run it off of an existing domain would that break? I don't have a domain setup for this.
I have everything in a ZIP.
cool, but tbh I want code more than I want an actually deployment, basically I can debug locally in 5 mins or take an hour to get nowhere if I can only see output :-P
obv if it's private that's cool, just if I can see it we will get much further much quicker
@John oh if you wanna just dropbox that or whatever I can cope with that as well
@DaveRandom Okay, let me remove my local DB pw information and ZIP it up. How do I send a PM? I very rarely chat on here.
you can DM me on twitter if you want, @_DaveRandom
(that underscore kills me, yo)
or email <whatever you want>@<my screen name>.com
@John possibly, although it's unlikely that would be a wsod in and of itself
it's possible but very unlikely, esp if they used any sort of vaguely competent framework
i did some trading today. i lost 5 dollars already :B
ditto DB-related issues, I would expect either of those to at least produce an error page of some variety
11:07 PM
@DaveRandom Hm, Twitter won't let me DM you. I'll follow, my URL twitter.com/johnbilicki
@Wes ...where "trading" == "standing in the street shouting at randomers"? :-P
@John followed, if you follow me you should deffo be able to DM (never been clear on how that works)
i bought 300 dollars in stocks. 2 did pretty badly, gold went up and balanced things out
so i only lost 5 dollars
@DaveRandom Got it! Sent you the DM.
11:09 PM
open DMs is clearly a bad plan, don't understand how it works after that but I know I can usually DM people who follow me
@Wes Gold is the best at keeping it's value especially since it's general production isn't increasing (slowly decreasing) and unlike fiat currency one can't simply print more gold.
@DaveRandom Yeah Twitter is one of those: "Let's make an API and never make any improvements on our own system and just always respond: dude just use the API, you think we hire our devs to do anything useful?"
yep, also it's always very important for electronics production
@Wes The videos for reclaiming gold on old electronics are pretty interesting...think you'd need a LOT of scrap parts to make it economically viable though.
was talking about manufacturing new electronics :B
> since (gold)'s general production isn't increasing
that's not true btw.
11:14 PM
but a gram of gold is something like 50$, it doesn't take a lot of old cpus to make it economically viable to extract it. but i know nothing
@Danack Got any good sauce on production levels by chance? It's not development or computer hardware directly so I don't follow as closely.
@John en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_gold - markdown fail. ignore the title.
@wes Hm, I figure they only "spray" a minimal amount for the purposes of contacts...I could be wrong though...not my area of expertise! :D
@Danack Ah! Yeah it was SA's decline in production ...think it was a video.
that sounds about right......going how deep they go to get their gold is.......difficult.
it's called gold plating yes. but it's still a lot of gold. for example i'm sure a cpu contains at least half a gram of gold
although a mobo these days probably has more
11:21 PM
@Danack Literally boiling walls of rock! It's insane. I know the video covered how they scoop up huge swaths of land in...Nevada I think or maybe Utah? You can't see it but there is enough of it to somehow make production like that viable.
maybe i am wrong about half a gram, it's probably less
@wes so at $50 a gram I probably have $600 of gold sitting in my "old CPU collection" box. Definitely work more than the parts themselves combined.
@wes $1,421 per ounce / 28 grams in an ounce = 50.75 so pretty darn close actually!
maybe rams and motherboards have more, due to the larger pins and sockets
    "psr-0": {
        "": "src/",
        "SymfonyStandard": "app/"
thats bad :B
11:28 PM
can't figure out if that's just some legacy symfony stuff or not though
but still... why...
surely when you have the empty string as a hash key that should ring alarm bells, no matter who you are
@DaveRandom No idea, I write all my own code. lol I have to go pick up food for the family though I'll be back in ~hour. I DO know that the website content is in the template files...I'll link you on TW to the Wayback Machine page that half works.
not productive but hard not to randly critique :-P
@John yeh that would be good
Going AFK here in general for ~hour. Good conversation, bbl!
@John I assume that public_html/app.php is the entry point?
I will just assume, only got a choice of 3 anyway :-P
11:45 PM
ffs I though symfony was supposed to be lightweight :-/
> PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in /usr/share/php/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleWatchGraph.php on line 52
well, the core anyway
@DaveRandom if you know which versions were actually being used, you can reduce that a lot by restricting the version ranges to be just the version that was used before, or at least excluding a whole load of versions.

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