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I highly recommend The Dark Night Rises
@ircmaxell The only thing I know about it is that the shooting in Colorado was insane.
that too
but the movie was great...
the Colorado incident was a travesty...
@ircmaxell , have you tried setting up GitLab ?
well .. it's a useful tool , but setting it up on centos 5.x box has been an exercise un frustration
the tutorials are limited (and cover only the best case scenarios) , there is not IRC channel , and it depends on half-dozen other projects
3 hours later…
@tereško I was going to try it out and then it said 'ruby on rails'.
and ?
moved on.
it is a tool , does it matter how it was made ?
Kind of, I like to hack and alter my tools. isn't that what opensource is partially about ?
4 hours later…
@hakre , do you have a Router class with a nice interface ?
morning , btw
hi @tereško, good evening :)
everyone, is there any windows software to pack and unpack .phar files
everyone, is there any windows software to pack and unpack .phar files?
why ?
i want to add one line in goutte.phar]
i just want to curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
in httphandler.php to bypass security
i've already extracted the phar file. using online tool. now i cant pack it :(
i'm readinh php.net manula and using their examples but it's all giving me error (i'm using php 5.4)
i think i'm able to solve myslef :)
@tereško HTTP request based router?
morning btw :)
@NokImchen That software is called PHP afaik. It runs on windows as well.
@hakre Thanks a lot :)
Actually, i've now realised that my wamp has error in php_phar.dll, it says that the dll is not found..!! So, i'm searching for that file :(
@hakre Thaks a lot :)
@hakre afaik =as far as i know? :(
lol did you really search a software named "PHP afaik" or just my imagination ?
ya, i did search :(
i wasted my bandwidth :(
i'm stuck in this prob for the last 24 hrs :(
i've search google in such a way that google think that i'm a bot :(
@NokImchen make a SO question and write your error and your codes?
will help you more than chat i guess.
@draconis ya, u r right
@draconis but i'd like to 1st try frm my side before i ask :)
If you include some codes or at least error messages to your question (even if in chat) will help others to understand. I think most of people read "i'm readinh php.net manula and using their examples but it's all giving me error (i'm using php 5.4)" part in your question and said "wth is your error" and look back to their own works.
error is :
( ! ) Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'UnexpectedValueException' with message 'creating archive "project.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly' in C:\wamp\www\Goutte\b.php on line 12
( ! ) UnexpectedValueException: creating archive "project.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly in C:\wamp\www\Goutte\b.php on line 12
my code is staright from php.net example:
// create with alias "project.phar"
$phar = new Phar('project.phar', 0, 'project.phar');
// add all files in the project
$phar->buildFromDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/project');
$phar->setStub($phar->createDefaultStub('cli/index.php', 'www/index.php'));

$phar2 = new Phar('project2.phar', 0, 'project2.phar');
// add all files in the project, only include php files
$phar2->buildFromDirectory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/project', '/\.php$/');
$phar2->setStub($phar->createDefaultStub('cli/index.php', 'www/index.php'));
and my phar setting in php.ini is:
; http://php.net/phar.readonly
;phar.readonly = On

; http://php.net/phar.require-hash
;phar.require_hash = On

;phar.cache_list =
it worked :)
i never used phar but your problem seems about your ini file(not really sure just guessing). Try to make false readonly config at runtime?
@draconis finally it worked :)
nice :)
@draconis this setting works :) phar.readonly = Off
actually, i tried off, true, false, 0, 1, etc but all failed :(
finally Off worked :)
thanks, you inspired me :)
lol i didn't do anything also i have no idea about phar. but Off part is weird, cause afaik config things usually boolean.
@draconis oh! i think i should have used True (not true) and False (not false)
well, another ptoblem :D
i'm unable to repack the Gouttee into phar :(
i can pack anything but not Goutte :(
i think you need to read document(phar part) from scratch and then start writing.
@draconis i'll try a few more tricks :P
i'll do trails & errors till i get the result :)
because writing codes with examples without reading what they are for usually causes errors and bad knowledge
@NokImchen Yes you need enable phar-write-support (disable phar.readonly ini setting) so that you are able to create phar files. That is for security reasons and only enable write support on development systems where you create the files (specifically for the process to create those files which is normally a build script).
@NokImchen Actually in this case read the error message at least ;)
@hakre ya, i saw in php.net manual that it can inject viruses too!!
@hakre Warning: include(phar://C:\wamp\www\Goutte\project.phar/index.php): failed to open stream: phar error: &quot;index.php&quot; is not a file in phar &quot;C:/wamp/www/Goutte/project.phar&quot; in C:\wamp\www\Goutte\project.phar on line 9
uuufff...i just wanna add ONE line in goutte.phar, to do that i've to learn phar :(
new stuff is always hard.
But you learn something :)
@hakre ya, i learned "afaik" :P hehehe
Hello all
Hi @Krish
whats up .. @draconis
reading a book, you?
setting up jenkins ..
kinda confused in deciding how much RAM it should have
as its stuck and not responding when it runs composer ...
lol Mem: 240 237 3 0 0 11
3 Mb free
back to book, cya and have fun :)
WOW! Finally, i can open gmail.com from Goutte by removing SSL security :)
i'm so happy!
time to continue with my project! :P
thnak u all :)
Thank you all :)
@NokImchen Are you sure that Goutte did not support that via options?
@hakre which options?
@hakre i dont knw any such options :( can u please eleborate?
Not firm with Goutte but it's common to have an option to disable certificate verification.
@hakre hmmm...i dont knw abt it :(
nways, goutte is so difficult to use. SimpleTest SimpleBrowser is a lot more easier and friendly
hi friends
i have to ask some thing may i ask?
hell nok and hakre
@JitendraPathak ask yaar :)
sorry its hello/hell
its okay, dear :)
@JitendraPathak nways,, it sounds funny :P heheh
How to put administrator log in link in a web site and separate admin view from client view ?
i don't want to put admin login link in navigation of web site but it should be in web site separate from client view
no client can see that link but admin can see
just check the username 'admin' and rediresct it to the desired page na
but dont redirest other usernames :)
or u can asle use if else, if username == admin then show link; else do nothing!
if (username == admin) {show link} else{ do nothing!}
actually i am new in web development and i have some pages in my web site which is retrieving some data from database also having privilege to make changes in data base.
same here, m also new to php :)
what is the idle way of checking our web site database and file directory
checking our web site database and file directory?? i dont understant u. can u please elaborate?
ok nok
as we know any client our website any person can access web site and also able to send document to our website directory example resume etc. also can send information about him self which is store in data base but user can not able to retrieve this information from web site the only administrator can able to see this information so what is the idle way to see this information by administrator
as we know any client or person can access web site and also able to send document to our website directory example resume etc. also can send information about him self which is store in data base but user can not able to retrieve this information from web site the only administrator can able to see this information so what is the idle way to see this information by administrator
if u want the resumee to be seen ONLY by the admin then set a password in that folder :)
u can ask the question to other too
i'm not an expert
create a question
hello working people
hi webarto
are you there?
there where
webarto can you answare above question
as we know any client or person can access web site and also able to send document to our website directory example resume etc. also can send information about him self which is store in data base but user can not able to retrieve this information from web site the only administrator can able to see this information so what is the idle way to see this information by administrator
me likey new paypal website
@JitendraPathak don't look at me, I'm lost too
sorry man, I can't understand the word you are saying
ideals do not exist
easiest way is to prevent directory reading from HTTP
and use FTP or something to look at the files
and move them outside of web root
hey guys, how do u get the raw html in goutte?
require_once 'project.phar';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://facebook.com');
the code above hives only yhr css & text, NOT the raw html
raw html is text...
i want the full html with proper html tag
how to i get it?
I don't care
@webarto i want to do it using goutte only
@webarto lol, ok
I don't know that library so I can't say anything...
@webarto ooh, its okay, thanks for ur concern :)
Checking the source of goute/browserkit/domcrawler, it doesn't seem you can get the raw html out.
@Maerlyn ya, nothing said about raw html :(
@Maerlyn and nothing said about raw html in thwir hrlp symfony.com/doc/current/components/dom_crawler.html
so why the f* do you use it then? :)
@webarto lol, exactly! i f*ing hate all this :(
It doesn't even get stored, that is not the purpose of the component, or of goutte. Check out guzzle.
@webarto but i'm forced* to use this cos its easy for cookies & form submissions etc
@Maerlyn is guzzle purely php?
Yes, it is. guzzlephp.org
@Maerlyn m downloading the pah :)
I've been using it in a few projects, but only for simple get/post requests. Check out the docs, if it fits your use case, try it.
@Maerlyn m downloading the phar file :)
if you want that for facebook, I made something a year ago... it logins via mobile site... it is easier because there is less JS...
@webarto do you have to code now?
it is actually quite easy...
only thing you need to scrape is CSRF token
@webarto i'm unable to open even facebook.com :(
@NokImchen pokit.org/get/img/4ea2b04587dc99e90b6c5e91b3d22d4c.png dunno what I was trying to do
it worked though
@webarto oh, u r using plain cURL,
wait a min
require_once 'Goutte.phar';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://gmail.com');
$form = $crawler ->selectButton('Sign in')->form();
$form['Email'] = 'anokimchen';
$form['Passwd'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxx';
$crawler = $client->submit($form);
echo $crawler;
The above code also works, well, i works for gmail. and i can work for facebook too just by changing 'Email' and 'Passwd' into the right one.
The ONLY reason i am sticking to headless browser is that i can use the script with just a little bit of modification for ANY website. The headless browser takes care of referrer, hidden fields, etc.
oh, the prob with the above code is, echo $crawler; prints onlt the html tags stripped off. i want to get raw html.
oops!, echo $crawler; is actually print_r($crawler);
I am trying to create search form with multiple criteria fields. What is the best way to prevent searching by empty fields? Is using the error control operator a good idea? I heard that it is very slow...
is best way tm XD answer to my question? :D
morning folks
i finally DID it :)
@NikiC good morning to u :)
this is the code to get raw url :)
require_once 'project.phar';
use Goutte\Client;
$client = new Client();
$crawler = $client->request('GET', 'http://m.facebook.com');
$response = $client->getResponse();
$content = $response->getContent();
print_r($content); ?>
ah, so you got goutte to work?
nice :)
@NikiC ya, finallyy goutte is workin glike the way i wanted :)
@ircmaxell I think I'll write something up on how to extend the core language in PHP ;) Like take some simple feature and show how to implement it.
@NikiC cool, from what angle? like a pre-processor?
@ircmaxell No, I mean like add some new syntax to the ZE ;)
misphrased that ^^
people have been asking recently whether there are any resources on that topic, but I don't really now any ^^
ah cool
hey, how to get all the links withing a page in goutte?
@NikiC: just crossed 100k page views for this month (July 1 to today)
good afternoon
@Krish checking
use can use the same syntax in Goutte
as it uses the same component
thats one more reason I love symfony ..they reuse their components in any code they write
@Krish @Krish i'm googling for a xpath to extract links :)
is necessary to make hosting server where mobile connect to sent sms from website ?
@Krish $crawler = $crawler->filterXPath('//a/@href'); to get all links :)
do we need a web server to sent sms from own website ?
actually i want to send sms using my website which is connected with my computer
I'm rolling around an idea in my head of translating namespaced types to some form of URI for event brokering... Anyone done anything like this?
More or less, for a uniform addressing approach to events and their subscribers/publishers.
which is the best way to HARSH password. i'm also using salts.
so is more secure sha* md5* or crypt.
i have read lot's of question on stackoverflow some says this and some says that
@BasicBridge check this out github.com/ircmaxell/PHP-PasswordLib
@DanishIqbal you cannot send SMS without SMS provider (i.e. mobile phone operator)
@BasicBridge , please , don't troll
@tereško then where to ask it.?
what i meant with it is : it is common knowledge that both sha1 and md5 are insecure
and using just simple hashing function alone won't guarantee any protection
the best option for you would be to use crypt() with CRYPT_BLOWFISH
@tereško ok thanks
either SO mvc-related questions are getting better , or my expectations have significantly lowered
finally got a license for sublime2 , its grate not to have those annoying popups which ask the user to buy ...
@tereško : why sha1 is insecure ?
what exactly are you asking ?
lets say in storing passwords scenario
and how do you store them ?
I dont use sha1..any how.. but wanted to know why its insecure
I know about md5 .. but wanted to know about sha1 being insecure
SHA1 has a know weakness (since 2008) , and, when using it for hashing passwords, all the same problems as with MD5 are applicable
because it is breakable just like MD5
Is it possible to use an if statement to check media queries?
bottom line is this : neither MD5 nor SHA algorithms have been designed for hashing password. If for no other reason , then because they are too fast.
@PolluxKhafra , how is it related to PHP ?
I want to use php to check browser width with media queries. So if media screen is max-width say 720 than I want to execute php.
I am still with SHA512 + salt
need to start using bcrypt in future projects
@Krish @tereško The collision vulnerabilities in md5/sha1 don't affect the password hashing case. And in theory you can also use md5/sha1 for password hashing. But only if you properly salt and stretch them. E.g. if you run them through PBKDF2.
But if you're using md5/sha1 without PBKDF2, then you're basically screwed ;)
@Krish and is the salt different for each user ?
well .. at least you would not be hacked by a 12-year-old
@Krish Do you use key stretching?
another bug! in guette, we cant set the number of redirects, so certain sites which has redirect loops can crash guetto :( turning off guetto is not the solution cos gmail, yahoo mail, etc uses redirects
@NikiC : Not really good in Cryptographic terminology
@Krish Do you apply sha512 in a loop with many iterations?
that's the problem ;)
so if some one get my db .. can they really read the passwords ? ( in how much time ? and what sort of hardware is needed ? )
*turning off ^redirects in^ guetto is not the solution cos gmail, yahoo mail, etc uses redirects
yes, they will be able to read the weaker passwords ;)
and main hardware requirement is a nice and fast graphics card
I.e. something nearly everybody has ;)
your main enemy in any case is time
in one more project ( symfony2 based ) I just use a bundle github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSUserBundle
Dont even know if they do "key stretching"
this is why cryptography break out in cold sweat , every time someone says "quantum computing"
@Krish what are Bundles yaar? is it like addons in firefox?
just a directory with some classes in an organized fashion
@Krish oops! sorry, i thought u were talking about guetto :D
one of my friends is learning php and mysql :P what else one will start with ... User Registration System.. he had this idea to check if some one else is using same password and give message to use different password :| don't know what to say to him
@Krish Shoot him
@Krish , tell him to pick up a different hobby
I already told him that its not for him , as he had confusion between css class and PHP class
checking if somebody else is using same password would cause the process to be either extremely insecure or extremely slow
@Krish hahahaha
donno why it even came to his mind ..
guess he read that on Jeff's blog...
@Krish How would one know whether the password is already in the system when it it hashed?
@PeeHaa : he doesn't use any hashing yet.. ( just plain text ) ... still very much beginner.
@Krish WTF. Why is he programming? He shouldn't be allowed to do anything
@webarto : That every one should code ? or about passwords ?
@PeeHaa : its not his job..hes completed degree in Architecture ..
@Krish Does he build stuff? Does it contain data of people in some way?
@PeeHaa , when was the last time you tried to teach a complete beginner ?
@tereško why?
@PeeHaa : No.. how will any one new to programming know about hashing ? etc
@Krish common sense and read in to stuff before doing anything with a storage.
people like that do not understand computer security .. as you might imagine , this person has no background in any computer related stuff (like server adminstration or building hardware )
there is no context for him/her
@tereško He/she doesn't have internet or tv where dataleaks are disclosed on several big sites?
yeah.. although to some extent I have seen people who have some knowledge in programming ( mainly "C" taught in class ) doing things like this
where are those HTTP headers guys
@PeeHaa , when your grandma hears "dataleak" , what does she imagine ?
@tereško i also dont know dataleaks :'(
any sublimetext2 user here ?
@NokImchen , thats because you have poor english vocabulary
you do not know the term
@tereško ya :(
@PeeHaa Imho it's okay to not hash passwords if you're just starting out
Because nobody is using your software anyways ^^
HTTP: 301 Moved Permanently , Length: 0 , Redirected to: facebook.com HTTP: 400 Bad Request , Length: 44
That's the most stupid thing I've heard
@tereško i have to work hard on english cos every competitive exam has one english paper complulsory
is this because user-agent is not sent and stuff like that
@PeeHaa :(
Ego = k/(Knowledge)
Q: PHP getting local date and time

Jinu J DHow to get the local date and time in PHP.For example my timezone is Asia/Kolkata. My application has to add the date in my time zone to the database.I know the time can be found by adding 5.30 hrs to UTC time.But what about the date.After some googling I found that there is a DateTime object and...

@tereško When my grandma starts coding I expect her to read into stuff. Let's say I am starting a car mechanics shop and someone wants me to fix their brakes on their car.
I have no idea what I am doing, but I'll just go ahead and try to fix the brakes. And you know what the brakes don't work when the person drives away and gets into a accident.
Don't you think the police should stop at my shop te check out why the brakes (which I tried to "fix") didn't work?
it has been too long since you last time had to learn something without any background on the subject
@PeeHaa You're at the wrong scale. The right comparison would be "you are building a small toy car out of wood. It doesn't have breaks (obviously). Everything good."
@NikiC k, but there is a loose part of it which is being eaten by a child
@NokImchen , well .. chat might help with written english ( if you turn on spellchecker ). Also reading books in english , or listening to audiobooks ( you can listen to them while doing some other daily task , like walking to shop or making food )
@PeeHaa heh ^^
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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