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@FélixGagnon-Grenier I guess it means, UWF blockes connections that are from SRC to DST on port 8443.
also, I don't know what are "SRC" and "DST".
@JoeWatkins Should have said I can't use it with stream_select() (or the like).
@Shafizadeh partly true. your logs do not show the port 8443.
yes, so isn't it the reason?
reason for what? what's the problem?
for UFW BLOCK error message
it's an error message only if those requests should actually have come true.
everything in a log file does not mean that there is a problem (neither does it mean that there is no problem)
yes I know it
so, what is the problem?
should those requests have gone through? what are the ips that are listed, do you know them?
well I don't know, every 2 hours (almost) I have to reset the server, since the website can't be reached
the provider says, most likely it is because out of Ram
buy I'm monitoring htop, there is still 300mb free Ram in the most concurrent online users
@FélixGagnon-Grenier some of them are spammer, I've searched about them, apparently those IPs are blocked by other people server either
Ohhh i see your problem here
You got free ram but this is already allocated as cache (the yellow thingy).
sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
this will free the yellow stuff again (it doesnt break anything)
but something on your system is heavily allocation memory. Do you use php-fpm without a request limit on the processes?
You're true I guess:
If you got a php-fpm pool then you need to set there a request limit. (should be in php/fpm/pool.conf or php/fpm/pool.d)
it should be commented out
(by default)
the problem is that every php-fpm process is allocation itself the "max memory ever used". So if php-fpm kills the request all 5000 requests it should be go out of memory
The result of your command was nothing:
*kills the process
ok, lemme search how can I limit php-fpm
it should be in /etc/php/fpm/pool.d/conf??? pm.max_requests = 500
there is no "fpm" in "php" directory
@Shafizadeh if you look into htop the yellow thing should be gone
its diffrent on every system but i hope he gets there
@user3655829 it is not gone yet
ok what you said helped, I will search for it, thx buddy
If its not gone something really needs a big cache
I'm currently here, do you know which file is?
youre not using fpm sorry for the wrong thoughts
Aha ok thx
but in the php.ini is also a memory limit
is it like 1gb? :D
lemme check it out
oh I remember, I increased it because of some needs
how can I decrease the "cache" part of it ?
It depends on the php integration. Is it fastcgi?
I don't know TBH
(Sorry for spamming here? I dont finde the "private chat" option). try: ps -e -o pid,vsz,comm= | sort -n -k 2
One thing
when I run this command: sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
the yellow part will be gone
but after a short time will be shown again
@user3655829 sorry for asking, but can you please tell me what does that command?
It frees the cache memory some process allocated but is not using it.
thats the yellow part. Its not in use at all but it blocking new things to allocate some memory to the point where everything is screaming
But there is something wich is making a huge cache... could be ddos but does not have to be
thats basicly nothing. :D Looks good
And the rest:
but still there is a short-yellow-part .. is that normal?
oh now, again, that short-yellow-part increased
a short part is normal. All yellow is a problem
Could be everything now. try to find out whats allocation the yellow stuff. It should not reach the end of the bar :D
is it useful to know the list of running services?
Process. You have to look on the process layer for one thats sucks all your memory out of your hardware.
> since the cached memory will be cleared if a program needs the space from here
Apparently I shouldn't be concern about cached ram
should be
i daily ran into this yellow stuff cache problem on ubuntu servers
like wenn i check the nginx config with nginx -t its screaming "NO MEMORY"
and this should only be a check
but on my side its probably the php-fpm and i can go further
> So, no you can't know which programs or processes are in cache, becasue there are no such items there. From here
could be everything. If youre going the io way this could be you mysql? Do you have a lot of slowqueries? Is it innodb?
The sad part is, you have visitor, and you cannot give them service :-( .. my server goes down for about 50 concurrent user:
@user3655829 yes the most of my table's engine are innodb, but I'm really good at indexing. And I use EXPLAIN for each query to make it optimal ..
Nice stats. Quick and dirty fix: Cronjob the free memory thing every 15 minutes until you got the fix
yes but innodb stores all on the file system
and the system dont want to use the filesystem for the db. So its loading a huge cache i think?
1gb is not huge for a full stack server
You could try out MyISAM instead of InnoDB
yeah, I probably have to start making a cronjobs to clear the cache. Noted that it is mentioned here either: tecmint.com/…
@user3655829 MyISAM doesn't support Fulltext index
I guess I really need to hire a sysadmin!
MyISAM has indeed a faster fulltext search. But i think on some point you will habe to scale the whole application up and then the db will fall :D
Your page looks like a search engine?
yes, kinda
btw, what you mean by "your page"? you mean my website?
Then go and look up apache lucene. Thats the thing you want for the "fulltext search"
@user3655829 did you visit it? hod did you know my website domain name?
You posted a ton of screenshorts of your server :DDDD
its lamtakam.com or?
yes, but I don't see "lamtakam.com" in my screenshots :-)
but the .com would be easy
oh right .. got it :-)
(But dont expect that i understand anything on your page :D)
yeah I know .. it's all in Persian and doesn't support multi-languages yet :-)
i hit all my customers which are uploading video files...
someday a customer uploaded 2gb and put the video an the frontpage with autoplay and was advertising it on a big conference
oh boy
weeks after that they decided the server was their new dropbox account ;_;
@user3655829 Nice ripped version of Windows :P
its not my screenshot but i can provide the same
@Alesana it's not ripped microsoft basically said they prefer that over maintaining windows vista for 10 more years :B
So there's just no way to activate windows vista and that message is always there??
it's basically kinda like the winrar license now
they just actually want companies to pay
do i win with my not activated win 7
Why don't you upgrade?
but i basically dont care to activate it. I got a license key somewhere... probably on the back of some notebook?
i dont use windows much... im a linux user and this is the shitty gaming windows i boot up
IDK I thought activation was necessary unless it was ripped in that case it just yelled at you lol
no you can use it endless
ms offered non activated windows users a free upgrade some time ago.
they do not care at all
Is this a place to get help with PHP, or to bs about it?
@user3655829 they still do
I think ms is making its bucks from b2b and other "enterprise" solutions. Home Windows installs are only the way to get big in the market. If everyone would use a free system like linux there would be no need for ms to sell their os to b2b customers
i upgraded a 7 to a 10 past month for free
@DCOPTimDowd there is no bs about php. Sorry
Then I'd like to ask for help
Go for it. Its against the rules to ask for help without the question
Getting there.
So, my question is how to configure PHP to use HTTPS. I've looked at several qs here, but nothing seems to work. I've updated all the .conf files, checked that OpenSSL is installed, and restarted my server a million times.
You normally shouldn't have to do PHP configuration for HTTPS
@Wes Im going to do that to clean up my system if i will find a usb stick in my reach
https is configured in you http server like nginx or apache
probably in the sites-enabled config
It's on Apache as well. Http works fine, but when I switch to https, it fails.
What fails?
I mean, what happens?
"it fails" is quite vague
post you sitesenabled config please
It says "webpage cannot be found"
Apache must not be listening on the correct port
And then if you get that sorted, do you have an SSL certificate installed?
I'm pretty new to PHP and server stuff.
Where's that config file?
I have OpenSSL installed
cat /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*
I'm on Windows if that helps
it prints the content of the files
then im out :P
expect you have a docker stack :3
A what?
docker is a software for containers... uhm some advanced shit? Youre using xampp? this is not very compatible to the outside linux server world
this should work on windows fine
No xampp. Apache stand-alone.
I'm wanting to avoid advanced shit for this particular project.
I dont wanna talk bs about windows. But i think youre gonna running into a ton of problems with a apache alone on your windows. Thats not the biggest php community out there.
What benefits does xampp offer?
a standard configuration and a solution which probably all windows users are using? (expect IIS)
but kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml ... the cheapest dedicated server cost 4$/month
When did IIS come into play
And more importantly why?
i dont want to talk about windows people who wants to use iis for php stuff
Are you hosting a domain on your personal machine
@Alesana I only said that this is beside the xampp windows webserver this is the next "big" community for php on windows?
i think...
You can use xampp on Windows but I'm wondering if you have a domain and want that to be HTTPS or if you are self signing a certificate
xampp is mainly used for testing and development, not so much for production servers
@Alesana I'm not sure what I'm doing anymore
And after that you got routing issues and ... and .... and...
I'm developing something to read in RSS feeds
do you need local ssl?
And you need it to be HTTPS because the feeds are HTTPS?
These need to be accessed through https
And yes
for dev look at Laragon as a replacement to xampp, and do NOT use any of these tools in production you silly bear
The problem is that you wont finde any basic tutorial how to do that. Its hard for a beginner if you cant google your problems very well. With xampp as server i would simply send you this tutorial: kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml
@benjivm I second that
Using HTTPS is very easy with Laragon
but if you have your apache configured otherwise you have to adapt to the tutorial
You do not need any further configuration, you just enable it with a couple clicks
You could invest 1 hour to learn "laragon" or you learn 1 hour how to fix the problem.
And how do I enable it?
@user3655829 If they're using xampp anyways....
he isnt. He has installed apache standalone
I mean, if you're suggesting xampp anyways, it's going to be harder to set up than laragon either way
@user3655829 I'm not a "he"
I'm sorry :|
Sorry i just assumed your gender
@user3655829 It's cool
I usually am good about that but for some reason I read your name as Tim Dowd :P
Only wanted to clarify. :)
That's my username, yeah
using "they" is a way to solve that.
I don't have lots of time to learn new things and download a bunch of stuff
@DCOPTimDowd Laragon is your best solution then
I'm in super crunch mode right now
Sorry im really bad at gender things we dont have that here in our language
What is that?
I've never come across it
It's a new type of webserver
You install it, it installs everything for you
The way you're doing it, it is going to take a while to get HTTPS set up
What exactly is "everything"?
yeah but don't use this shit in production for real...
Installs Apache, PHP, SSL certificates (needed for HTTPS), MySQL, and some other tools
I'm not. I'm handing over after my dev is complete.
Everything like http php sql ssl
you can remove or add any other tools you need as well
its the better way than just installing apache standalone without windows server knowledge
i download the light version since i have php, git, and a bunch of that stuff already installed
you will be happy with it
thrust us
thrust us real good
Downloading it now. Went with the full package.
speaking of thrusting
thrusting people is the foundation of a loving relationship
Now how do I link Eclipse to this thing?
lol wtf
are you from 1996
What just happened
Are you using PHP or Java??
Don't get me started
Eclipse was "recommended" for this project
No hate here :D
But in the folder of the installation there should be a htdocs?
'86, actually
@user3655829 In Laragon or Apache?
it has a fresh new apache installation for you
It's still installing
each app has its own document root, typically "public" but you can make it however you want
@DCOPTimDowd VSCode??
you have to kill your other server. otherwise laragon wont start on port 80 and 443
@benjivm you wanted to write atom
im a phpstorm guy unless im doing quick stuff, then it's sublimetext all the way
but vscode is good too
I need to learn phpstorm
yes phpstorm is your way to go
What's that?
Well quite literally I need to learn it
probably with the unlimeted free trail mode?
its an ide
you can't beat the intellij ides, i use rider over visual studio when writing c# as well
I use it for my new job I start in a week
like eclipse only faster
jetbrains in making the professional IDEs and theyre worth it
if you have a .edu email address they'll give it to you for free
or orther education purposes.
I'll stick with Eclipse for now
I'm already used to it
@Alesana You will never learn everything
*better in every way
not just faster lol
yes but the first thing a newbie will notice is the speed :D because the features arent used
Why haven't I heard of Laragon until now? Is it some hidden secret in the PHP world?
well it was made by a laravel dev for laravel doods, but it works for a lot more than that
Not really
No its the new XAMP. XAMP is the hidden thing you havent read about before installing apache standalone
xampp is pretty widely known though
I've heard of xamp, but I already had my own Apache installed
i went local installs of everything -> xamp -> vagrant -> docker -> laragon and laragon is by far the simplest and fastest in my experience
dont go the complete fancy way when setting up a server. Go with the default stuff
@benjivm I can second this
default is win
Vagrant and docker are actually useful for other things though
I wouldn't put it on the same page as xamp and laragon
yeah my staging boxes all run vagrant to mimic production 1:1
I need to do that too
I don't even see a way to configure anything. The button only says "start all".
but the performance hit is enough to make it useless for local dev
@DCOPTimDowd You mainly don't have to
Make a new folder there ^
Then start it
were now gonna go into "local" dev on docker stack with nfs mounts
its beautiful
Then, for example if I have the folder C:/laragon/www/website/
nobody has to care about the server stuff anymore
I can see those files by going to website.test
off topic but i miss .dev =[
google had to ruin that for everyone
And that's where I put my PHP project, correct?
.local is the new .dev
Or in Laragon's case, .test
the dev domains were quiet expensive.
Maybe as a way to point out Laragon is for testing only lol
I didn't realize .dev was publicly available
How do I only start with the stuff I need?
well it wasn't for a long time, but google owned the tld and decided to use it and it broke all the local stuff because of their ssl enforcement
or something like that...
@Alesana They tried a lot to call all people who using .dev infront. Are u using chrome?
@DCOPTimDowd What is only the stuff you need?
It starts with mainly only the things you need
Nowadays if youre running a phpmyadmin behind a cloudflare dns and using .dev they show you a nice message :D
I think it runs a MySQL server but you don't need to use it
Apache and SSL
For SSL you go in the icon tray
Right click on the Laragon icon
Found it
Apache > SSL > Enabled
Make sure it's checked
Then it should make some changes
and then you'll be able to go to https://website.test/
And what should happen?
The page stays white
The url turned to "about:blank#blocked"
Not the actual URL
Replace the word website with the folder you created
So for example if I created the folder example in my www folder like that ^^
I would go to example.test
And it would show that index.html file
Running out for food
I think I'm set with Laragon. I'll give a whirl and see how it works. Thanks for your help! :)
@PeeHaa do you know how i can find the bpm of some existing music in FL studio?
@ircmaxell what is the easiest issue i can attack to get into this huge topic?
@bwoebi The vote on wiki.php.net/rfc/ternary_associativity turned out to be a lot more controversial than I expected...
That makes me think that the precedence change for concat might not be possible :/
@user3655829 easiest is hard to say. What interests you? There are some tests that need writing, there are some things that need documenting, extensions that need writing...
I would write tests if their are going to work but this would be writing in the void? (No nope no basic compiler unit tests ;_; sorry).
@NikiC yeah completely split right now… hm
Im the guy who proposed the extensions writings... i got a lot of free time now. like 2-3 days in the week and want getting to work now.
i saw your interface issue
is that a thing i can tackle?
Interface issue? Which is that?
Ah. That I mean documenting the mechanisms for extensions
you should do it fast. Youre missing out my free time
or should i do start working on that? the changes wouldnt be so much i think?
If you feel you want to give it a try go for it! I am here to explain anything if you'd like, and feel free to bug me :)
Yes yes. I started already but are "ashamed" of what i will do. But i will make the basic basic thing and get started.
Eventually u see my pullrequest tomorrow.
Don't be ashamed. This is complicated garbage code created by one person.
this garbage looks so good....
i dont want do do a inperformant strpos or something like this.
but i see the need for even inperformant solutions
if the compiler is able to compile a good subset it will accelerate it self
An inprtformant working solution is far better than a fast one that doesn't exist...
We can optimize later
I'm here to get in (and getting a really good github profile beside (will need that :P))
Totally :)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier eh, thanks but i don't think i have enough alcoholics at home :B
Or is it time for webassembly now and early? An early start to this architecture would boost the project even more.
is it "simply change opcodes and runtime" or more?
Web assembly is just an LLVM target. Once I can figure out how to swap the backend, should have native support ;)
Now i got a topic "switch llvm target"
gonna going to work tomorrow
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