If you got a php-fpm pool then you need to set there a request limit. (should be in php/fpm/pool.conf or php/fpm/pool.d)
it should be commented out
(by default)
the problem is that every php-fpm process is allocation itself the "max memory ever used". So if php-fpm kills the request all 5000 requests it should be go out of memory
I think ms is making its bucks from b2b and other "enterprise" solutions. Home Windows installs are only the way to get big in the market. If everyone would use a free system like linux there would be no need for ms to sell their os to b2b customers
So, my question is how to configure PHP to use HTTPS. I've looked at several qs here, but nothing seems to work. I've updated all the .conf files, checked that OpenSSL is installed, and restarted my server a million times.
I dont wanna talk bs about windows. But i think youre gonna running into a ton of problems with a apache alone on your windows. Thats not the biggest php community out there.
The problem is that you wont finde any basic tutorial how to do that. Its hard for a beginner if you cant google your problems very well. With xampp as server i would simply send you this tutorial: kimsufi.com/en/servers.xml
@user3655829 easiest is hard to say. What interests you? There are some tests that need writing, there are some things that need documenting, extensions that need writing...